Untitled III

Off-Topic Discussions

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*rolls in the mud of the pig sty*

Silver Crusade

Jes washim up bafore yeh cookim.

Scarab Sages

We gotta pig sty?

Silver Crusade

Aberzombie wrote:
We gotta pig sty?

This place is a pig sty. Mammeh ain't pushed a broom in three winters.

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Celestial Healer wrote:
This place is a pig sty. Mammeh ain't pushed a broom in three winters.

Hey now Wingding, this here ain't the Dark Ages. I should know, I went through 'em. Ain't nuffin' stoppin' you porch loafers from grabbing that cornbroom in the cormer and sweepin' up. Might work offa bit of that hippeh meat yew all been stuffin' in yer pieholes.


Laws a-mercy the stuffs I gotta put up with.

*sniff, sniff*

I smell a guvvermint man.

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Sovereign Court


I gots kidnapped by hippehs! They done turruble things to meh.

Silver Crusade

Hillbillie wrote:
I gots kidnapped by hippehs! They done turruble things to meh.

Whud they do?

They *sob* made me wear *shudder* flowers and sang songs. I cain't bear to think. About it.

Silver Crusade

Hillbillie wrote:
They *sob* made me wear *shudder* flowers and sang songs. I cain't bear to think. About it.

Dyou... dyou wannus ta putcha outta yer misery?

Scarab Sages

Poor feller. Ah shor wuld feel bad if'n it hapinned tuh me.

Nah. A few PBRs and ah'll be raht as moonbeams.

Mebbe you should go take a mud bath with lil' Vealie over there in the new sty. Yew shore reek of patchouli.


Dang hippehs ...

Scarab Sages


Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut.

yo tell'em CH!

Silver Crusade

Ah did.

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.


Scarab Sages

Ah knowed it! Tain't no droolin boah! Thet thar's wunna them midget fellers whut works fer the guvermint, doin all kindsa spyin stuff.

*rolls on his back and shoves his feet in his mouth*

Drooly Toddler wrote:
*rolls on his back and shoves his feet in his mouth*


Whur'd that thar robot come from?

robot, what robot?

Yew clanky! Yer one-a dem robot thingies right? I seed a story bout robots on The 666 Club jest last week.

Silver Crusade

Robots er commies, ain't they?

Celestial Healer wrote:
Robots er commies, ain't they?

I reckin. Better than hippehs though.

Looks about

I thought I herd my lil' Froggyboy about! I ain't seen my youngin' for a month of Sabbats! Where yew at Froggy?

Scarab Sages

Goddang commie robots.


Ah'm heer mah, right undah ur luv handl' fol'

Butterfrog wrote:
Ah'm heer mah, right undah ur luv handl' fol'


That there froggie durn look tasty.

Dives in front of the stranger's gun. A gout of yellowy fat splatters out from the bullet hole


Sovereign Court

Big Mammy Grillz wrote:

Dives in front of the stranger's gun. A gout of yellowy fat splatters out from the bullet hole


Ewww... I got mammy on me.

Silver Crusade

*aims shotgun at Private Stash*

Putdun the weppun, son...

Git yerself ouuta the way, ya big cow! You too, Mammy!




Silver Crusade

Private Stash wrote:

Git yerself ouuta the way, ya big cow! You too, Mammy!












Hippeh ucky ucky.

*crinkles his nose*

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Whut in tarnashun is goin' on 'round hyar!

Sumwun check thet Privet Stash hippeh tuh see if'n he's breathin'. If he's not, throw him on the barbeh.

Dadgum hippeh ankle biters 'n' commie robots are enuff tuh make muh hed spin.

Hillbilleh, hyar's a PBR tuh drown yer sorrows.

*tosses Hillbillie a PBR*

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Silver Crusade

Well, thet babeh don' lahk hippehs. Ah lahk it a little better nah.

They's good eatins.


Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Hillbillie wrote:

They's good eatins.


Babehs or hippehs?


Silver Crusade


Scarab Sages

Goddang hippehs

He ruined my best Sunday-go-to-coven muumuu!

Filthee hippeh ...

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