Today's Heretical Blog

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dark Archive

Dark Beauty and the Bloat.

Let's thank F. Wesley Schneider & Eva Widermann for thier Labours.

Happy Labor day y'all.

I for one consider it an outrage!

Though the female form, I concede, is passingly delicious. Hmmm. Yes.

Cool looking Erinyes devil. Beautiful and frightening at the same time. Kinda likee how they were represented in myth

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I must say that I'm liking Eva Widermann's artwork.

More, please.

Sovereign Court

Almost mandatory, really..

It really is! Anyone who doesn't know the song needs an education in Queen.


She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, Gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen wrote:

I for one consider it an outrage!

Though the female form, I concede, is passingly delicious. Hmmm. Yes.


Double Damn.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

She keeps two vicious ranseurs
in the Loyal Korvosa,
"Let them eat blood veil" she says
Just like Queen Ileosa
A built-in remedy
For a +1 holy flail, heavy
At anytime an invitation
You can't decline...

Baron Harkonnen wrote:
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen wrote:

I for one consider it an outrage!

Though the female form, I concede, is passingly delicious. Hmmm. Yes.


Double Damn.


That's hilarious.

I got no reason to lie, M, but that was straight up coincidence.. because I rarely go to the off topic forums. I didn't know you created one on August 30th. I created that avatar based purely on the Blog image. What is weird that we both selected the same picture.

Sorry to steal your thunder!

Great minds.

I started to go with "Vladimir," and then I thought, "What pretentious, long-winded bastard would put his entire name?" ;P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I like Eve but every time i see new work for her she seems to keep getting better and better. I really liked those two latest works of her's.

Liberty's Edge

I agre, Eve, beautiful and grotesque artowork... keep it comming

Dark Archive

Uzzy wrote:

Almost mandatory, really..

It really is! Anyone who doesn't know the song needs an education in Queen.


She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, Gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind


Thanks, Uzzy... now I can't get Freddie's voice out of my head! ;)

Heh. I remember the day when I just couldn't get Jealousy out of my head!

How, how, how, oh my jealousy
I wasn't man enough
To let you hurt my pride
Now I'm only left with my own jealousy.

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