
Baron Harkonnen's page

21 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.


My dear thread... sweet boy!

Especially the ones with me.

Where is my dear boy? I'd hate to blitz without him...

I'm not FAWT. I'm just big-boned.

I sent you both a care package of the spice melange.


Taig, what's the joke? Of course I'd notice.

Mynameisjake wrote:

Actually the root of all evil isn't "money". It's "the love of money." At least, according to the Bible. And the Koran. And Budhism. And pretty much every religious movement other than those started by science fiction writers. Or Ayn Rand.



Oh my dear sweet boy...

Come to me, my beautiful bald-headed boy!

Studpuffin wrote:
I'd guess Shai-Hulud would be on spice...


Space post

Psst...listen to your collective memory, God-Emperor!

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen wrote:

I for one consider it an outrage!

Though the female form, I concede, is passingly delicious. Hmmm. Yes.


Double Damn.

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Baron Harkonnen wrote:
How I devoutly wish...if it were not beneath them, we could set our Sardaukar warriors loose among these slow-witted children. But let us retire for pleasure elsewhere until a more enjoyable opportunity presents itself in these clinical environs...
I just got a shipment of new implements Uncle, perhaps we can find some traitors to try them on?

Or some non-guild astronomers, stirring up dissent...we could feed the left-over pieces to Rabban when we are done!

Tensor wrote:
Baron Harkonnen wrote:
One can't always be running the galaxies...

I don't think you could run a an entire >galaxy<,

Control the spice, control the Spacing Guild, control the universe -- watch us!

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen wrote:


Surely we can find more interesting diversions than these.

How I devoutly wish...if it were not beneath them, we could set our Sardaukar warriors loose among these slow-witted children. But let us retire for pleasure elsewhere until a more enjoyable opportunity presents itself in these clinical environs...

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

*looks the newcomer up and down*


Twirls a wicked-looking dagger along his hands

"Uncle, what brings you among these ... people?"

Whatever brings us among the peasants, dear boy, but diversion?

One can't always be running the galaxies...

Oh, Feyd...Feyd?

Where is that dear boy?

He has so many gifts, but punctuality is not one of's a shame too...the two of you share an attraction to sharp objects.

Heightens his elevation in his suspensors.


Impudent look like the sort of piece of young flesh I might feed to my dear nephew...while I watch for enjoyment...I might apply the lash or some other implement to make things more interesting.

The spice must flow.