The CORBOSSY -or- Jason and the Bulmahnauts

Off-Topic Discussions

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*Thumping is heard from within an enormous Guinness barrel.* plans to replace the barrel I emptied with something else that made it appear full ... may have run into a hitch.


calls down from the crow's nest

Land Ho!

Wait! Never mind! That's just a speck of dirt on the lens.

Dark Archive

Bulmahnaut #5 wrote:

calls down from the crow's nest

Land Ho!

Hey, whe ae we going to find a sea ho!

Bulmahnaut #3 wrote:
Hey, whe ae we going to find a sea ho!


I'm not touching that one with a standard 10' pole.

(rolls through)

wakes from a drunken stupor

Huh? Wuzzat?

Dark Archive

Ho land?


Dark Archive

Damn I was wrong.

I'm a werewolf, rar!

Taylor Lautner wrote:
I'm a werewolf, rar!

Bella loves me and only me!

Bell's no good for you handsome. Run away with me and we can write horrible poetry together.

This thread needs a good hoof-in-the-ass to get it back on course.

tries to give the thread some H.T.A.

Dark Archive

Ouch, watch where you swing that thing! drops a line over the side and begins fishing.

Bulmahnaut #3 wrote:
Ouch, watch where you swing that thing! drops a line over the side and begins fisting.

No...You watch it!

I'm sorry, we'll try to keep the noise down below decks. Slips back into Lord Jason's cabin.


Dark Archive

Somebody grab that bird! We'll make supper out of it.


(stomach rumbles) that you mention it, I'm kind of hungry myself.

Dark Archive

Let's head for shore and grab some grub.

climbs back into the crows nest to scout out the path to land

Dark Archive

Where are we exactly?

I'm not sure, but I see some kind of lighthouse over on the shore.

Dark Archive

Does it look like this?

Actually, it looks more like this!

Should we be worried now?

Dark Archive

I think we might have gotten off course a little.

Well, maybe we can go ashore and ask the natives for directions.

Parades through thread

Wow, a doctor. My mom always wanted me to hook up with one of them.

Hey, I'm a doctor, of werewolfism.

WTF? Where'd all thoes non-Bulmahnauts come from? Other than the intern, of course.

Dark Archive

Maybe they came from that wierd island.

Then if we go ashore, we'd better bring weapons, and maybe something to burn things with, and booze of course......

<stomach rumbles>

::Is passed out in the rigging::


oh wait....


Did someone call for a Dr?


Dark Archive

I say we send the seagull first, if we can catch him.


My seagull recipe will have you jonesing for more.

Welcome to The Island. Will you be staying for a while?

Probably just long enough to pillage. Do you have a china shop around, by any chance?

That way. Points into the jungle.

*masquerades as a china shop*

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