Free Character sheet downloadable from Mediakorento

Product Discussion

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Greetings, I am Tommi Salama from Mediakorento. We are planning to publish different supplements with Pathfinder roleplaying game compatibility license and I thought that good way to start is to offer you a free character sheet. Now few of you may have already used sheets that I have designed, and I hope you will enjoy this one too. We have many plans at Mediakorento regarding this compatibility license, but more on those later. Please feel free to visit our site and download the free character sheet!


Salama wrote:

Greetings, I am Tommi Salama from Mediakorento. We are planning to publish different supplements with Pathfinder roleplaying game compatibility license and I thought that good way to start is to offer you a free character sheet. Now few of you may have already used sheets that I have designed, and I hope you will enjoy this one too. We have many plans at Mediakorento regarding this compatibility license, but more on those later. Please feel free to visit our site and download the free character sheet!


Very nice.

As nice as I expected, Salama. Question: Are those booklet sheets popular? I had thought about making my own version, even if I don't publish it. It seems like it'd be easier to manage.

Take care.

One very minor detail: monks are able to get higher than 4 attacks (not including TWF fighters, etc). I had a few requests to increase the normal "5" attacks to 7.

neceros wrote:

As nice as I expected, Salama. Question: Are those booklet sheets popular? I had thought about making my own version, even if I don't publish it. It seems like it'd be easier to manage.

Take care.

They are popular at my table, and here on boards are some people who prefer landscape format. I think there are as many opinions on what sheets should be like as there are players. There are lots of normal vertical sheets available, and not so much landscape sheets. I want to offer an alternative, time shows if they are popular =).

Salama wrote:
neceros wrote:

As nice as I expected, Salama. Question: Are those booklet sheets popular? I had thought about making my own version, even if I don't publish it. It seems like it'd be easier to manage.

Take care.

They are popular at my table, and here on boards are some people who prefer landscape format. I think there are as many opinions on what sheets should be like as there are players. There are lots of normal vertical sheets available, and not so much landscape sheets. I want to offer an alternative, time shows if they are popular =).

No doubt. Perhaps I'm just itching to make something new. I do that. :P

A gorgeous sheet once again. You do lovely sheets. (And I await the fillable version, but I'd suggest making the spaces after Perform and Craft and such fillable as well if you can.)

Just to explain what I like about it, for those curious as to what makes a "good sheet" to me:
I prefer landscape sheets as a general rule, because they almost always feel less cramped. Maybe it is the way I process information, but I can find what I am looking for on a landscape sheet much faster and easier than a portrait sheet. Both for sheets I am using, and sheets I've never seen before.
I also prefer a bit of artistry. It needs to be appealing for me to look at.

If I wanted a "plain," portrait sheet, the basic sheets provided with the rules would do me just fine.

That is only my opinion though.

Disenchanter wrote:

A gorgeous sheet once again. You do lovely sheets. (And I await the fillable version, but I'd suggest making the spaces after Perform and Craft and such fillable as well if you can.)

Just to explain what I like about it, for those curious as to what makes a "good sheet" to me:
I prefer landscape sheets as a general rule, because they almost always feel less cramped. Maybe it is the way I process information, but I can find what I am looking for on a landscape sheet much faster and easier than a portrait sheet. Both for sheets I am using, and sheets I've never seen before.
I also prefer a bit of artistry. It needs to be appealing for me to look at.

If I wanted a "plain," portrait sheet, the basic sheets provided with the rules would do me just fine.

That is only my opinion though.

Thanks for the compliments and insight!

The main reason there is no plain version of my sheet (yet) is the official sheet. I try to make something different instead of doing another version of the same design. That said, I will upload a plain version too in the near future.

neceros wrote:
One very minor detail: monks are able to get higher than 4 attacks (not including TWF fighters, etc). I had a few requests to increase the normal "5" attacks to 7.

I second this.

Also, would it be possible to maybe make the skill area font smaller so that you can fit two or three blank skills slots?

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
neceros wrote:
One very minor detail: monks are able to get higher than 4 attacks (not including TWF fighters, etc). I had a few requests to increase the normal "5" attacks to 7.

I second this.

Also, would it be possible to maybe make the skill area font smaller so that you can fit two or three blank skills slots?

Thanks for your thoughts! Here's what I have in mind:

I have played a Monk with this sheet who has five attacks. I recorded all of them in single attack space. Like this: Attack: Flurry of Blows + bite, Attack bonus: x/x/x/x/x, damage: 2d6+9 & 1d6+4. In second attack space I recorded single unarmed strike, and in third single bite. Still got two spaces left =). There is lots of space for attacks in the sheet, mainly because fighters etc. may have many different weapons with different attack bonuses. If you have five attacks with same weapon, I recommend that you record it to a single attack space, much simpler that way.

The second request is possible in my future sheets.

Great looking sheet Salama!

I am a little confused though - is it meant to be folded in half like a booklet? If so is there a way to print it so the pages stay in the proper order?

Dean Roy wrote:

Great looking sheet Salama!

I am a little confused though - is it meant to be folded in half like a booklet? If so is there a way to print it so the pages stay in the proper order?

The layout of the sheet certainly makes it possible, but then you have to flip the pages backwards =). Booklet is something that will happen in my more advanced sheets in the future, but this version is meant to be used unfolded. That said, I still use it folded =).

Salama wrote:
Dean Roy wrote:

Great looking sheet Salama!

I am a little confused though - is it meant to be folded in half like a booklet? If so is there a way to print it so the pages stay in the proper order?

The layout of the sheet certainly makes it possible, but then you have to flip the pages backwards =). Booklet is something that will happen in my more advanced sheets in the future, but this version is meant to be used unfolded. That said, I still use it folded =).

I've been using the Beta version in booklet form for months - very very convenient.

Front is stats + attacks + saves + hp
Flip and you have skills.
Open and you have spells.
Flip left and you have feats and abilities
Flip right and you have equipment and armor.

Flipping > Shuffling

Liberty's Edge

Thank you so very much for sharing!
I will try this in my campaign :)

very nice


It's a nice sheet. I wish it was fillable however.

Here's my delimmia. I GM online and I'd like a sheet that my players could fill out and save and e-mail me.

Without a scanner, this doesn't help me that much. But don't feel bad, your competition doesn't do it either.. so I'm stuck waiting for the Exel Sheets to catch up, or HeroLabs to be updated. :(

Thanks though! I'm not griping at your hard work, just giving you feedback.

Sovereign Court

I really need to tell people this. If his name would be translated it'd be:


And I'm not kidding.

Btw Salama have you thought about taking a look at Pathfinder Society? There's activity in Tampere also.

EDIT: I also have a real question. Is there an A4 (or A3) version of that character sheet? Seems like it's on 8½"x11".

Watcher wrote:


It's a nice sheet. I wish it was fillable however.

Here's my delimmia. I GM online and I'd like a sheet that my players could fill out and save and e-mail me.

Without a scanner, this doesn't help me that much. But don't feel bad, your competition doesn't do it either.. so I'm stuck waiting for the Exel Sheets to catch up, or HeroLabs to be updated. :(

Thanks though! I'm not griping at your hard work, just giving you feedback.

Thanks Watcher, I intended not to make my sheet public before making it fillable, 'cause that's what I certainly want to offer with my every sheet. But then I got excited when the design was ready and I couldn't help myself =). I'll try to have the fillable version ready for you soon as possible!

Deussu wrote:

I really need to tell people this. If his name would be translated it'd be:


And I'm not kidding.

Btw Salama have you thought about taking a look at Pathfinder Society? There's activity in Tampere also.

EDIT: I also have a real question. Is there an A4 (or A3) version of that character sheet? Seems like it's on 8½"x11".

Hehe, it's inevitable on message boards that eventually someone from Finland reveals that essential information =). I'm very curious about Society, but haven't had time yet to actually participate. I hope I can some day.

As for your real question: Yea, it might be some kind of treason to make my sheets letter sized when we use international paper sizes in my own country... It's just that according to google analytics, like 95% of downloaders are from areas that use letter sized paper. My players are complaining about this too, so it's possible I'll make an european version some day.

Surely it would be a simply matter to upscale it at print time?

Assuming you're using scalable fonts.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Wow. This is a nice sheet. Thank you Mr. Lightning!

Jabor wrote:

Surely it would be a simply matter to upscale it at print time?

Assuming you're using scalable fonts.

A4 and letter sizes aren't in proportion, A4 is a bit longer. And yes, everything but background art is vector graphic, thus scalable.

Salama wrote:

Thanks Watcher, I intended not to make my sheet public before making it fillable, 'cause that's what I certainly want to offer with my every sheet. But then I got excited when the design was ready and I couldn't help myself =). I'll try to have the fillable version ready for you soon as possible!

That would be awesome Tommi.

And again, I was reluctant to critique a free product because it was ingrateful, but I think other users would really apppreciate it as well.

Thanks for listening!

Watcher wrote:
Salama wrote:

Thanks Watcher, I intended not to make my sheet public before making it fillable, 'cause that's what I certainly want to offer with my every sheet. But then I got excited when the design was ready and I couldn't help myself =). I'll try to have the fillable version ready for you soon as possible!

That would be awesome Tommi.

And again, I was reluctant to critique a free product because it was ingrateful, but I think other users would really apppreciate it as well.

Thanks for listening!

On the contrary, critique is always welcome!

Sovereign Court

Salama wrote:
Deussu wrote:

I really need to tell people this. If his name would be translated it'd be:


And I'm not kidding.

Btw Salama have you thought about taking a look at Pathfinder Society? There's activity in Tampere also.

EDIT: I also have a real question. Is there an A4 (or A3) version of that character sheet? Seems like it's on 8½"x11".

Hehe, it's inevitable on message boards that eventually someone from Finland reveals that essential information =). I'm very curious about Society, but haven't had time yet to actually participate. I hope I can some day.

Well, I've heard of someone with a surname "Typpi". How'd you like to be JOHN HYDROGEN?

Sovereign Court

I found an error from the sheet.

The AC indicators (upper left corner mark and the bottom right corner mark) are a very neat thing. But the size bonus in its current form applies only to flat-footed AC, which isn't right. It applies to touch AC as well.

Salama wrote:
As for your real question: Yea, it might be some kind of treason to make my sheets letter sized when we use international paper sizes in my own country... It's just that according to google analytics, like 95% of downloaders are from areas that use letter sized paper. My players are complaining about this too, so it's possible I'll make an european version some day.

It wouldn't be a problem with a sheet that has white borders, but yours has this squiggly-lines art thing. Having a bit cut from the top and bottom and having large white areas really does annoy. Using scissors just feels wrong.

More edits: I looked at it a bit closer, and I'd say you could scrap the whole "Spell resistance". I have never seen a character who'd have Spell Resistance worth mentioning for, and even then they get it via spells, not magic items. I could also argue that having multiple speeds isn't necessary, although some sorcerer bloodlines grant different forms of travel.

This would give one row of space to use. I'd see this row useful for "Special attacks" under the attacks. Special attacks would be Deadly Aim and Power Attack (-1 att & +2 dmg / BAB +4), Point Blank Shot (+1 att & +1 dmg w/in 30ft). With an archer ranger, for example, these things tend to add up very quickly. Deadly Aim, Rapid shot, point blank shot, favored enemy ... I've often used a separate paper for all different attack bonuses, though.

Deussu wrote:

I found an error from the sheet.

The AC indicators (upper left corner mark and the bottom right corner mark) are a very neat thing. But the size bonus in its current form applies only to flat-footed AC, which isn't right. It applies to touch AC as well.

Good catch, I'll make sure to correct that when updating the sheet.

Deussu wrote:

It wouldn't be a problem with a sheet that has white borders, but yours has this squiggly-lines art thing. Having a bit cut from the top and bottom and having large white areas really does annoy. Using scissors just feels wrong.

I have actually learned to like letter sized paper, and I always cut the white areas out with a knife. It looks better =). Having two versions of this sheet wasn't something I wanted to go with, so I had to choose the size with more users...

Deussu wrote:

More edits: I looked at it a bit closer, and I'd say you could scrap the whole "Spell resistance". I have never seen a character who'd have Spell Resistance worth mentioning for, and even then they get it via spells, not magic items. I could also argue that having multiple speeds isn't necessary, although some sorcerer bloodlines grant different forms of travel.

These are things that I was thinking a lot before putting them in the sheet. I agree about leaving SR out, but then Monks wouldn't appreciate it. I don't have any use for different speeds either, but sorcerers do. But here is my plan: There will be a very basic first page for the sheet, which has a lot of space for attacks and no space for SR, different speeds, or resists. That page is meant for fighter. Then there will be another version of the first page which will include all resists and also space for bloodline powers and other things that only sorcerers need. Then I repeat this design with every class and have 11 first pages in the end. This product will be called something else than character sheet, though.

Deussu wrote:

This would give one row of space to use. I'd see this row useful for "Special attacks" under the attacks. Special attacks would be Deadly Aim and Power Attack (-1 att & +2 dmg / BAB +4), Point Blank Shot (+1 att & +1 dmg w/in 30ft). With an archer ranger, for example, these things tend to add up very quickly. Deadly Aim, Rapid shot, point blank shot, favored enemy ... I've often used a separate paper for all different attack bonuses, though.

These things are coming to future sheets for sure, but until then I'm planning to use any of the existing attack rows for special attacks.

Thanks for your input!


Personally, I think having an optional "Spells and special abilities" page is probably better than trying to fit selected special abilities onto different versions of the front page.

The S&SA page can then have a quick-reference block at the top with alternate speeds, SR, elemental resistances etc., and spells further down the page.

Jabor wrote:

Personally, I think having an optional "Spells and special abilities" page is probably better than trying to fit selected special abilities onto different versions of the front page.

The S&SA page can then have a quick-reference block at the top with alternate speeds, SR, elemental resistances etc., and spells further down the page.

This is certainly a possibility too. My upcoming Character sheet folio will have LOTS of pages for players to choose what they need.

Sovereign Court

Salama wrote:
I have actually learned to like letter sized paper, and I always cut the white areas out with a knife. It looks better =). Having two versions of this sheet wasn't something I wanted to go with, so I had to choose the size with more users...

Well, there'll be a ridiculous amount of differences for as long as you live. I'm personally so fond of ISO-216 standard's brilliant logic I couldn't even consider taking ANSI/ASME Y14.1's (ANSI's paper size standard) arbitrary paper sizes to use. In addition the RPG industry is almost completely void of ISO-216. I found one D&D 3.5 character sheet done for A4 by Mad Irishman.

And even if I cut the white spaces with a knife, about 6mm from the top or bottom is left out in the printing. This will show, and it doesn't look nice. Frankly I don't even know if they sell US Letter sized paper anywhere in Finland. Maybe they do, but for a ridiculous price and hidden in some secret shelf.

A horrible example of US Letter's monstrosities is WotC's D&D 4th edition character sheet. It's completely incompatible with A4 due to the lack of margins. Scaling it will help a bit, but leaves it looking stupid.

I have noticed through the course of playtesting the beta and playing almost all the different classes, that it almost seems like you need a different setup for each of the classes in order for the sheet to be efficient and the monks seem to be the worst. Using different stuff where everyone else uses the same thing and a lot of general crud that ends up destroying the fabric of the character sheet when you try to erase things b/c you screwed up and got it all wrong.

Sorry, just had an episode were I tore the paper in half with the eraser...

Fantastic sheets Tommi, can't wait to see the full portfolio. But get moving on those fillable sheets! I'm pushing everyone in my group to use them!
Great work, I predict big things for Mediakorento!

Dark Archive

Great work, Tommi! Your sheet is so elegant, beautiful and easy to use -- thanks for sharing it with us!

BTW, we would be happy to welcome you to the Cheliax faction (not there *are* other serious choices), if you choose to join the Society! :)

Asgetrion wrote:

Great work, Tommi! Your sheet is so elegant, beautiful and easy to use -- thanks for sharing it with us!

BTW, we would be happy to welcome you to the Cheliax faction (not there *are* other serious choices), if you choose to join the Society! :)

The fillable sheet is ready to go. I will upload it tomorrow (it could be today, but my Acrobat freeze up.)

BTW, I wouldn't join no other than the Cheliax faction, just tell me where I can sign up!

This is an awesome sheet, thank you very much for your work Tommi.

Silver Crusade


love the parchment like feel of each page. Might slap this on a CD & take it up to Staples tomorrow & have em print off a few.


Very nice work!

Paper...I used to work in a print shop. Any printer worth his salt will cut you some (insert desired size paper here) from parent sheets. Or got to a printer supply store and buy it for yourself, but you will have to buy 500 sheets.

Salama wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:

Great work, Tommi! Your sheet is so elegant, beautiful and easy to use -- thanks for sharing it with us!

BTW, we would be happy to welcome you to the Cheliax faction (not there *are* other serious choices), if you choose to join the Society! :)

The fillable sheet is ready to go. I will upload it tomorrow (it could be today, but my Acrobat freeze up.)

BTW, I wouldn't join no other than the Cheliax faction, just tell me where I can sign up!

Excellent news! I downloaded the non-fillable version, and have been pondering whether or not to bite the bullet and use it for my Legacy of Fire campaign (I'm using all premade characters). My hand-writing is so atrocious however I was trying to figure out another solution. Now I won't need too.

Thank you for your great work!!!

Well, I tried to start a sheet in A4 size. I can't do it. It's just too odd of measurements -- Nothing fits.


Sovereign Court

neceros wrote:

Well, I tried to start a sheet in A4 size. I can't do it. It's just too odd of measurements -- Nothing fits.


Aspect ratio is 1 : Square root of 2. ;)

neceros wrote:
Question: Are those booklet sheets popular?

My sheet is landscape nowadays, and I wouldn't do anything else, or use anything else.

There is, of course, the reason that they often feel less cramped, but for me, it's a space issue.

Not space on the sheet, but space on the game table! See, you usually have enough sideways room - you take up more table width than your character sheet certainly, but depth? The middle of the table is invariably filled with either a battlemat and minis or copious amounts of unhealthy things, so the deeper the sheet reaches into table space, the more it will be in the way of your wizard mini who was trying to get away from that huge dragon but who finds himself pushed back by your character sheet who takes up too much "deep space".

Do you know what I mean?

Therefore, when I saw someone making a landscape sheet (I cannot remember where I first saw that), I had to convert my own sheet to landscape as well. I never looked back.

Dark Archive

Salama wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:

Great work, Tommi! Your sheet is so elegant, beautiful and easy to use -- thanks for sharing it with us!

BTW, we would be happy to welcome you to the Cheliax faction (not there *are* other serious choices), if you choose to join the Society! :)

The fillable sheet is ready to go. I will upload it tomorrow (it could be today, but my Acrobat freeze up.)

BTW, I wouldn't join no other than the Cheliax faction, just tell me where I can sign up!

Well, you can sign up here and you'll find more information about Pathfinder Society play in Helsinki here (or you can talk to Navdi, who kindly provided me with the latter link). :)

Just here to announce that I uploaded an updated sheet with fillable fields to our site:


Salama wrote:

Just here to announce that I uploaded an updated sheet with fillable fields to our site:



thanks you nice work

Salama wrote:

Just here to announce that I uploaded an updated sheet with fillable fields to our site:


Great stuff - one minor point though. I think you missed the update mentioned above to the AC indicator for size

Dark Archive

This is AWESOME. I'm definitely looking forward to the Folio.

Majuba wrote:

Front is stats + attacks + saves + hp
Flip and you have skills.
Open and you have spells.
Flip left and you have feats and abilities
Flip right and you have equipment and armor.

Flipping > Shuffling

I like this ....

Could you be more specific about the difference between flipping and flipping right and flipping left?

Liberty's Edge

Awesome sheet! I love it!

I can't wait to see what more you have in stock.

Basilforth wrote:
Majuba wrote:

Front is stats + attacks + saves + hp
Flip and you have skills.
Open and you have spells.
Flip left and you have feats and abilities
Flip right and you have equipment and armor.

Flipping > Shuffling

I like this ....

Could you be more specific about the difference between flipping and flipping right and flipping left?

Sure! - was in a rush.

So this is after printing the sheet, double sided, stapled in the middle, and folded over.

  • I have the front with Str/Dex/Con, AC, saves, and attacks on the front.
  • Flip that over, and I have my skills page.
  • Open the booklet up to the middle, and I have my spells on the right, with DCs/Familiar/# of spells/Schools on the left.
  • Turn "back" one page and (with the new sheet), I see name/race/gender, classes, and possessions on the left, with extra spellbook page on the right (this used to be the photo page, with a notes column).
  • Turn "forward" two pages and I have extra spellbook on the left, with class features, racial traits, and feats on the right.

    I liked the Beta version with the feats on the "turn left" a bit better, but getting to the levels where that spell page is required, so this works well.

    And thank you thank you thank you Salama!

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