Am I racist?

Gamer Life General Discussion

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I love playing as a Human.
Elves, half-elves and half-orcs are tolerable.
I despise dwarves, gnomes and halflings.

Does this make me a racist?

Maybe I just have something against short and squatty characters.
Is there a word for that?

Sovereign Court

Yes you filthy hate mongerer wrote:

I love playing as a Human.

Elves, half-elves and half-orcs are tolerable.
I despise dwarves, gnomes and halflings.

Does this make me a racist?

Maybe I just have something against short and squatty characters.
Is there a word for that?

Heightist! I myself am on the much shorter end of the male height spectrum. I've had enough of this thread already! BAH! ;)

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I don't think it counts as racism if it's true. Humans are better than non-humans (or, sub-humans, to be more accurate).

The Exchange

Sebastian wrote:
I don't think it counts as racism if it's true. Humans are better than non-humans (or, sub-humans, to be more accurate).


*glares menacingly at the rainbow pony*

Sovereign Court wrote:
Maybe I just have something against short and squatty characters.

They prefer the term "vertically-challenged."

Liberty's Edge

Personally, I find the whole term "humanoid" to be racist. I prefer to call the big-feet "non-saurian bipeds" or large koboldoids. ;)


I'm totally a fantasy racist, but mostly just against wookies.

Dark Archive wrote:

I love playing as a Human.

Elves, half-elves and half-orcs are tolerable.
I despise dwarves, gnomes and halflings.

Does this make me a racist?

Maybe I just have something against short and squatty characters.
Is there a word for that?

My race-problem in gaming is that I'm too gamist, and if the race doesn't have great mechanical options, then it's gotta cut a *spectacularly* cool visual impression before I'll look at it.

In 1st and 2nd edition, I was all about the Elven Fighter / Magic-Users (or Cleric / Fighter / Wizards, when that became an opion with certain elven sub-races). High Elf, Grey Elf, Wood Elf, and, more commonly towards the end, Sea Elf. Occasionally I would try something unusual, but it would be *really* unusual, like a half-Ogre Magi (combining the 1/2 Ogre with the Al-Qadim Ogrima for inspiration) or a Xixchil or Gnomish Were Giant Space Hamster or something.

In 3rd edition, it's been all-Human, all the time, again, with a few 'exotic' options such as a Changeling, a Daelkyr Half-Blood and a Gnoll.

Only when I am in a very specific mood to try something unusual do I play a Dwarf or Gnome, and I can't stand those filthy hobbitses. I've never been much interested in half elves (if I want to play something elfy, I'll play a *real* elf, thankyouverymuch!) or half orcs (ditto, I'd rather play a Hobgoblin or Bugbear than a human with some orc in his family tree).

The mechanical advantages of CharOp friendly races like the Strongheart Halfling, Whisper Gnome, Goliath or Illumian just aren't enough to make me willing to play them. I'd rather play a Human or something *weird* that isn't as mechanically good.

I'm all about story, so I tend to prefer humans, and half-humans for their flexibility. You can play one any way you choose and no one bats an eye. The moment you play an undwarf-like dwarf, people start shooting you funny looks and having "breach of canon" caniptions. That doesn't stop me from playing other races, I just have more fun with humans, half-elves, and half-orcs.

Dark Archive

Technically the term is specisist.

Dwarves are so hairy and earthy, they remind me of unshaven hobos.

Sebastian wrote:
I don't think it counts as racism if it's true. Humans are better than non-humans (or, sub-humans, to be more accurate).

A horse discriminating non-humans. Sebastian, are you by chance somehow related to Chicken-Boo?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative wrote:
Dwarves are so hairy and earthy, they remind me of unshaven hobos.

As a Master Camp Elder of the Confederacy of American Transients, I find great insult in that comparison. We’ve been called a lot of things, but a filthy dwarf goes too far.

Good day to you, sir!

Ya’ got some spare change? ;)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
I'm totally a fantasy racist, but mostly just against wookies.

I dunno, Elves don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when you're mean to them. Wookies on the other hand?

Johnson 6 feet long and thick around as my thigh! If he comes at you runnin' you'd better duck! He'll take your head clean off.

Eh, pardon me, can you help a fellow American down on his luck?

~shakes my head sadly~ Honestly, unless you are a Dragon, you are inferior. I am sorry to say that. I am not being specisist, just honest.

That's the truth, buddy. But it's cool...inferior species are great for playing us folk tunes, doing our agriculture for us...

Liberty's Edge

That's not truth, it's gospel.

Shadow Lodge

Sharoth wrote:
~shakes my head sadly~ Honestly, unless you are a Dragon, you are inferior. I am sorry to say that. I am not being specisist, just honest.

Which is also why Bahamut, Tiamat, and Io are the best gods.

Has anyone else noticed just how advanced ewoks are?
Compare their Stone Age to the human's.

Ewoks: Had handgliders, slingshots, and could take hoverbikes from people.

Humans: Had fire, hide clothing, and some sharp stciks.

I apologize if I spelt Ewoks wrong.

Race? Species? It doesn't matter.... they all do what I want.

Dark Archive wrote:
Dwarves are so hairy and earthy, they remind me of unshaven hobos.

Wow. I would love to see Krome's reply to this one! Tee-hee ;P

kikai13 wrote:

BROTHER! Stoopid hoomans!

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
I'm totally a fantasy racist, but mostly just against wookies.

Gungans and centaurs for me.

Though I'm also an equipmentist.

Ill kill any character with a 7 foot sword faster then you can say "And the character has an 18 strength!". wrote:

I love playing as a Human.

Elves, half-elves and half-orcs are tolerable.
I despise dwarves, gnomes and halflings.

Does this make me a racist?

You disgust me and I hope that a gaggle of lithe halfling ninjas in very tight clothes come to your house and- No! I hope they come to MY house and seize me by the toes and sensu-

Ok, what one of you vile miscreants converted me to 4e and gave me an interrupt? This has never happened before. I swear!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

ArchLich wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
I'm totally a fantasy racist, but mostly just against wookies.

Gungans and centaurs for me.

Though I'm also an equipmentist. ** spoiler omitted **

I beg to differ!

Shadow Lodge

I'm a classist, I hate the Scout.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
I'm a classist, I hate the Scout.

I despise the psions and anything remotely rlated to their ilk. i detest

Shadow Lodge

Frostflame wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
I'm a classist, I hate the Scout.
I despise the psions and anything remotely rlated to their ilk. i detest

I like the Soulknife and the Pyromancer. wrote:

I love playing as a Human.

Elves, half-elves and half-orcs are tolerable.
I despise dwarves, gnomes and halflings.

Does this make me a racist?

Maybe I just have something against short and squatty characters.
Is there a word for that?

You dirty squattist!

Silver Crusade

I pity mortals of all kinds.

I loathe anything with eyes. Oculist I guess.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

At least you're not an anti-dentite.

Beggin Bogie wrote:
Eh, pardon me, can you help a fellow American down on his luck?

First reference that came to my mind: SOUTH POLE?!?!?! OOOOOOOOOOOH I'M DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Original reference: Badges?! We don't need no stinkin' badges!

Veector, what are you doin, man? Everybody knows you're an ancient oriental sage. Get outta that frog suit!!!


It's hard to know which one I love the most, but my first love was obviously Hoboken Penguin.

waltero wrote:
At least you're not an anti-dentite.

I ain't no gummer!

Anti-elf I am afraid.
Its the pointy ear thing...Bark-eaters!

Scarab Sages

Chalk me up for anti-elf as well. Jackson's Legolas was the last straw.

And is it wrong that I think all psionic creatures should be round up and sent to the Moon where they belong? Hmmm. Maybe I could convince James Jacobs to do it for me...

Sovereign Court

I don't like half-races much. When they are included as core races, it makes world designers assume that there are way too many halfsies in the setting. In one supplement, I saw a picture of a tavern with a sign in the window that read "No Half-Orcs." You mean to tell me that half-orcs are so common in the setting that such a sign is necessary? That's way too many half-orcs!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Veector, what are you doin, man? Everybody knows you're an ancient oriental sage. Get outta that frog suit!!!

I felt like I needed a change. C'mon leaf, get some Bullywug love! CROAK!

Zootcat wrote:
I don't like half-races much. When they are included as core races, it makes world designers assume that there are way too many halfsies in the setting. In one supplement, I saw a picture of a tavern with a sign in the window that read "No Half-Orcs." You mean to tell me that half-orcs are so common in the setting that such a sign is necessary? That's way too many half-orcs!

LOL... MEOW! Someone needs his din-din ;) wrote:

Maybe I just have something against short and squatty characters.
Is there a word for that?

Wise. :-D

Halflings? Pffft.

Scouts? Pffft. Play a rogue and not have to move to deal extra damage!

Jal Dorak wrote:

Chalk me up for anti-elf as well. Jackson's Legolas was the last straw.

And is it wrong that I think all psionic creatures should be round up and sent to the Moon where they belong? Hmmm. Maybe I could convince James Jacobs to do it for me...

Don't get me started on the whole poke an orc in the eye thing!

And psioncs... Surely that belongs in Traveller!

veector wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Veector, what are you doin, man? Everybody knows you're an ancient oriental sage. Get outta that frog suit!!!
I felt like I needed a change. C'mon leaf, get some Bullywug love! CROAK!

I've got some bullywug love -- at one time they were a very cheap mini so I nabbed a handful of them. But when your virtual friends turn into bullywugs, that's a little disorientating. I think it's called Anavatargnosia or something....

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Dogbert wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I don't think it counts as racism if it's true. Humans are better than non-humans (or, sub-humans, to be more accurate).
A horse discriminating non-humans. Sebastian, are you by chance somehow related to Chicken-Boo?



The chicken that thinks its a person from Animaniacs?

Dude, +10 for the obscure reference. I'd forgotten all about Chicken-Boo.

Well played.

He don't think like the other chickens do.

Beggin Bogie wrote:
Eh, pardon me, can you help a fellow American down on his luck?

Nope. I am not an American.

Oh boy. If Equal Hights gets wind of this, there will be a great many broken kneecaps.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
I'm totally a fantasy racist, but mostly just against wookies.
I dunno, Elves don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when you're mean to them. Wookies on the other hand?

You know, many people would count that as a point for elves and against wookies. Mostly the people who miss an arm after a wookie incident.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

KaeYoss wrote:
Oh boy. If Equal Hights gets wind of this, there will be a great many broken kneecaps.

And bitten ankles...

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