Advanced Player's Guide Request Thread

Product Discussion

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Requests would be:

- Don't make it 4E-like in tone or mechanics (mostly tone).
Including: Please implement feedback from us & 3rd party companies
(=market research & analysis are good things in product design).

- Find a way to decrease the 10min work day problem.
I don't have a good idea for this but it's on my wish list. :)

- Address areas of complains about 3.5 (broken class/combos, etc).
Even if this means simply stating X and Y don't work together. And even if this means departing from being 100% 3.5 compatible.
Issue the points as errata and move forward. Debates will never end, simply fix what you can, explain why, and ask people to be mature about it.

- Balance spell casters without nerfing them.
E.g. Divide spells into utility vs combat. This could be done in several ways. E.g. with a 2 tables (spell name, type, spell book reference) and how many utility and combat spells per level. But heck, you guys at Paizo may have a better way to implement.
E.g. Give low level casters more to do.

- Give melee/fighter types more to do besides fighting - to help with balance and overall sense of play-ability value.
E.g. role play and utility aspects. Be it reputation points for social interaction, information gathering, acquiring contacts, skill powers, maneuvers,

- Allow for an understanding/realization that all classes aren't balanced & equalized for doing everything. Nor doe they need to be without watering them down.
E.g. A Wizard with prep time and range will likely beat a melee character.
E.g. A Fighter who gets to hand to hand will likely beat a wizard.
... and people should just adjust their strategy to just deal with it. That's what a party and teamwork are used for.

- Keep a sense of fun, classic fantasy, ... mystery about magic, adventure, and lands unknown.

- Let magic be a bit wild, scary, and inspire a sense of the fantastic.

Thanks for reading.

New channel energy options to deal with some of the status ailments, such as daze, dazzle, fatigue, stagger, sicken, nausea, etc. Not all of them, e.g. not poison or disease, just some of the ones that are more combat-relevant. More channel energy options in general.

Ways to enhance the domain powers or the domains themselves at higher levels.

A few new cleric spells to help counter sickened, nausea, and a few other such ailments before heal comes online at 11th. In addition, a few more combat-oriented spells for clerics in the way of buffing magic, de-buffing magic, perhaps a new save-or-suck spell or two or even something to blast the enemies with. Maybe even some necromantic goodness.

Oh, before I forget: PLEASE!

(Can't tell I'm playing a cleric, can ya?)

Lathiira wrote:

New channel energy options to deal with some of the status ailments, such as daze, dazzle, fatigue, stagger, sicken, nausea, etc. Not all of them, e.g. not poison or disease, just some of the ones that are more combat-relevant. More channel energy options in general.

I agree with this. It would also be nice to help the cleric keep up with paladin mercies, even if it might require the cleric giving up a class feature or spending a feat to do so.

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Lathiira wrote:

New channel energy options to deal with some of the status ailments, such as daze, dazzle, fatigue, stagger, sicken, nausea, etc. Not all of them, e.g. not poison or disease, just some of the ones that are more combat-relevant. More channel energy options in general.

I agree with this. It would also be nice to help the cleric keep up with paladin mercies, even if it might require the cleric giving up a class feature or spending a feat to do so.

It was a conversation between myself and my GM Deathquaker about mercies, status ailements, channelling, and whatnot that prompted that thought. We noticed that there's just no way to deal with a few of those ailments (sickness and nausea) for most clerics until heal pops up. And I'd prefer this fix over new spells.

Expanded list of ship types for ocean-going play. Maybe mundane item lists that are divided by region, environment or culture?

If you're doing class variants:

A bard variant that doesn't use music in combat

A ranger variant that doesn't cast spells

Monk variants that aren't 'Eastern' for the Golarion groups that seem like they'd be monks, minus the Shaolin: The Sklar Quah Shoanti of Varisia.

Dark Archive

Lathiira wrote:
New channel energy options to deal with some of the status ailments, such as daze, dazzle, fatigue, stagger, sicken, nausea, etc. Not all of them, e.g. not poison or disease, just some of the ones that are more combat-relevant. More channel energy options in general.

A Feat for every major diety (some shared, between similar dieties) to do something with Channeling would be awesome.

An Urgathoan feat that allows Vampiric Channeling (cleric regains hit points equal to the damage rolled, so long as at least one living creature is harmed) would rock.

Other stuff might just be Trait worthy, such as a Cayden Cailean Faith Trait that causes anyone healed by the Clerics Channel Energy to also be immediately cured of all side-effects of drunkenness (but not poisoning!), *if they wish.*

Lathiira wrote:
Ways to enhance the domain powers or the domains themselves at higher levels.

I would love to see a PrC that bought the Domain clerics and School Wizards and Bloodline Sorcerers tiny little blasts up to Warlock levels, at the cost of some spellcasting levels.

There could alternately (or, additionally) be an Alternate Class Feature that allows a Cleric to drop one Domain entirely and specialize in the remaining one, getting much enhanced utility out of the 'specialized' Domain. How this would interact with the upcoming Domain Oracle class, I don't know, but it would remain a great option, for those who may not have access to the Oracle.

Sovereign Court

I'd like to see some rules to allow players to trade in class feats for alternate feats to allow different builds e.g. the light armour fighter trading in armour proficiencies for dex. based feats.

Some feats for wielding over size weapons would be nice.

I'd rather see more options for existing classes rather than brand new classes but everyone else seems to like new classes.

More low level spells to give those casters more options would be nice, or simple guidelines on depowering spells

A section on converting 3e material would be useful, with tips on what the designers looked out for to change.

I wouldn't mind seeing some alternate class features ala Unearthed Arcana.

Example: Alternate Cleric feature that trades proficiency in Light and Medium armor and Shields to gain a third Domain (essentially the Cloistered Cleric option from UA, minus bardic knowledge and plus the ability to choose your extra domain).

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Kyle Baird wrote:
dulsin wrote:

Traits geared to specific classes and races.

Not these +2 to skill x, y, and z but things that provide real character to the character.

You'd still want a mechanical benefit though, right?.

Yes, but those are a bit boring and predictable. We can just go with the assumption that there is some trait called XXX that gives a +2 to skill Y.

I would like something with more meat to them. Here is one I am using in my game.

Personal demons

Some time in the characters childhood he was face to face with a demon. His terror caused him to flee while his family was cruelly slaughtered by the fiend. He survives but each night the terror fills his dreams. The fear still grips him be he has found the inner strength to face what he fears most.

If the character fails a fear check one round later he may attempt second will save to neutralize any fear effects.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

New rules for Familiars.

I would like too see some more meat for the familiars to let them compete with Bonded items.

I would also like to see rules for what the Improved familiar gives you.

OK My bat gave me a +3 to the fly skill. Now that I have this Fairy dragon what does he do for me? (Other than put whoopee cushions under my spell book)

A section on "How to be a good player" similar to the "How to DM" guides which pop up from time to time. Stuff on collaborative storytelling, classification of The Seven Player Types (or whatever) to help understand where other players might be coming from. Stuff like that.

It's always seemed to me that RPGs often provide guidance on how to run a good game, without a lot of explicit discussion about how to play in one. Of course, there's probably a reason for that...But I think it's a subject worth a few pages.

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
A section on "How to be a good player" similar to the "How to DM" guides which pop up from time to time.

Ooh, that's a good one. New players sometimes miss that D&D is a cooperative team game, like soccer, and even if the team has a star player, it's still not a thing that one person can 'win' alone.

And, ideally, the DM should change this up so that the same character isn't 'MVP' in every session, so that different characters get a chance to shine, not just the dude who can hit for 3d6+18.

Shadow Lodge

I'd like to see a Weapon Finesse Tree that advances one step for One-Handed Melee Weapons and another one for Two-Handed Melee Weapons.
Perhaps add a STR prerequisite +1 for one-handed and +2 for two-handed, and/or require the weapons to be Masterwork, to show that care taken in making a balanced weapon.

I've been inspired by too much Chinese martial arts, perhaps; but it has shown me the possibility for a small framed person to effectively wield a, seemingly, over-sized weapon.

I would not like to see it limited to monks, but I could also see this as a progressing class feature for a monk. I would probably dismiss the STR prereq in that case.

.....oh....and more Racial Weapons, please. Unless that's going to be covered in racial books, of course.


I wouldn't mind seeing optional rules to remove the monk class and instead have improved unarmed damage (to a maximum of 2d6) implemented as a feat tree, similar to how it's done in Star Wars D20.

Steve Geddes wrote:

A section on "How to be a good player" similar to the "How to DM" guides which pop up from time to time. Stuff on collaborative storytelling, classification of The Seven Player Types (or whatever) to help understand where other players might be coming from. Stuff like that.

It's always seemed to me that RPGs often provide guidance on how to run a good game, without a lot of explicit discussion about how to play in one. Of course, there's probably a reason for that...But I think it's a subject worth a few pages.

Brilliant. Could've used that for last week's session... ugh...

A lot of suggestions ask for additional class abilities / variant abilities. I'd like to add my voice to this, with specific emphasis on attribute distinctions:

Each class should have at least one variant/alternative class ability that emphasizes an attribute that is not typically an associated primary attribute for the class. This shouldn't get out of the way silly, but allow sensible alternatives.

Examples would be a
Dex-Rage barbarian
and a
Wis-Sage bard

I'd like to see reprints of many of the weapons from the Pathfinder Campaign setting, such as bladed scarves and the temple sword.

Also, racial and regional traits please.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Starting Professions that give you 1-3 bonus class skills, possibly a bonus feat, and maybe bonuses to wealth or equipment.

A "Helper Monkey" rogue talent.

Not just monkeys, you know, but smart animal companions are definitely a rogue trope — as much or more than a ranger trope.

Sovereign Court

There are some great web resources on how to create a good character concept and background, something like that should be in a players guide.

Something simple like this:

or more complex:

can we get genasi wannabes?

MerrikCale wrote:
can we get genasi wannabes?

I do believe it's been stated by Paizo that there will be Golarian versions of genasi at some point, although they won't necessarily be all that reminiscent of genasi, mechanicswise.

Zurai wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
can we get genasi wannabes?
I do believe it's been stated by Paizo that there will be Golarian versions of genasi at some point, although they won't necessarily be all that reminiscent of genasi, mechanicswise.

right. And i hope we get it here if its not out by then already. I wonder if there will be races in the APG like tieflings and aasamir

Dunno if they'll be in the APG, but both tieflings and aasimar are open content and have been used in golarian with the 3.5 stats (there's an aasimar in the first module of Rise of the Runelords and tieflings in both Second Darkness and Council of Thieves), so I'd imagine they won't be too changed when they make their inevitable appearance.

Sovereign Court

Any guidelines on converting 3.5 material is welcome since Paizo are never going to cover everything folks use, especially if its not open. For the PG I'd like a focus on Prestige Classes. I'd like to use Ravenloft campaign material in PF, I suspect much of that is not open.

A Bardic Performance that causes invisibility to faulter, creatures and objects with total concealment (50%) instead only have concealment (20%).

"As Lem started to play his flute, Ezren's spell began to fail. Where there was once nothing, now stood the old mage's visage, vibrating to the tune of the bard."

Liberty's Edge

Sothmektri wrote:

If you're doing class variants:

A ranger variant that doesn't cast spells

*** cough **** Kobold Quarterly Issue 11 ... ***cough *****

yes yes yes

ranger variant

please please please

no spells no spells

please, pretty please, with jelly on top


Just my two cents.

Electrotaumaturgy school
Shadow magic
Thassalonian school

Shadow Bloodline
Divine Bloodline (blood of a divinity)
Champion Bloodline (warrior type ancestor that gives combat stuff)

Specializations in specific combat maneuvers variants

Personally I´m not that big a fan of alternate class features (pathfinder as a system does give a lot of maleability to most classes), however racial substitution levels would be nice.


When you are working up alternate builds for classes (which I am TOTALLY jazzed to hear), can you put some thought into the Monk? I'd like to see some non-eastern variants.

Pugelist : Sort of a Western martial expert. A guy who's an expert punching and kicking and some few special weapons but without the mystic components. Think a french Savate champion, or a Mui Thai fighter. A vastly different 'monk weapons' list (escrima sticks, gloves/gauntlets, leather boots, even really exotic things like the tail of a manta ray (used in a martial art, I can't remember which one, possibly Escrima too)).

Zen Archer : This goes back to the mystical expert, but with a bow instead of hand to hand. Give him the ability to catch arrows, and to use ki to do things even a ranger or rogue archer blink at and go 'wow...' in awed voices. Flurry of Arrows, One with the Arrow (one attack with a bonus to hit based on how many extra shots he gives up for example, that zen inspired shot that's impossible). Things like this.

mdt wrote:


When you are working up alternate builds for classes (which I am TOTALLY jazzed to hear), can you put some thought into the Monk? I'd like to see some non-eastern variants.

Pugelist : Sort of a Western martial expert. A guy who's an expert punching and kicking and some few special weapons but without the mystic components. Think a french Savate champion, or a Mui Thai fighter. A vastly different 'monk weapons' list (escrima sticks, gloves/gauntlets, leather boots, even really exotic things like the tail of a manta ray (used in a martial art, I can't remember which one, possibly Escrima too)).

Zen Archer : This goes back to the mystical expert, but with a bow instead of hand to hand. Give him the ability to catch arrows, and to use ki to do things even a ranger or rogue archer blink at and go 'wow...' in awed voices. Flurry of Arrows, One with the Arrow (one attack with a bonus to hit based on how many extra shots he gives up for example, that zen inspired shot that's impossible). Things like this.

Wrestler like the greeks might have had as a monk might be interesting as well.

are we getting new player races?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

MerrikCale wrote:
are we getting new player races?

I'd like variants of the big warrior type (goliath), a flying race (raptoran), and maybe living construct (warforged), living dead (revenant?), and plant-like (cactus-folk?) PC race. Also a faster than normal Medium sized race, possibly with animal-like traits (shifter/catfolk hybrid). I think a centaur-like race would be popular too, like the bariaur from Planescape. Maybe an amphibious race, like newt-folk or frog-folk or otter-folk.

Also, you can mix and match some of these, like a big plant race, or a flying undead race, etc. etc.

And with "standard" races getting +2/+2/-2 or +2/+0/-0 to their ability modifiers, it opens up the possiblity of making +0 ECL races that are a little more powerful by changing the ability bonus ratio. Some might have +2/-2, +2/-2/-2, -2, +2/-4, +2/+2/-4 or even +4/-2 or +4/-2/-2 or +4/-2/-2/-2.

I'd also like there to be Racial Traits for the non-class-related dead levels of 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18. These can be used to flesh out the races a bit more, give them some racial special abilities (or improved existant racial abilities), and also introduce racial-subtypes without actually having to stat out 50 different kinds of elves.

SmiloDan wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
are we getting new player races?
I'd like variants of the big warrior type (goliath), a flying race (raptoran), and maybe living construct (warforged), living dead (revenant?), and plant-like (cactus-folk?) PC race. Also a faster than normal Medium sized race, possibly with animal-like traits (shifter/catfolk hybrid). I think a centaur-like race would be popular too, like the bariaur from Planescape. Maybe an amphibious race, like newt-folk or frog-folk or otter-folk.

I agree on Centaur which is OGL I would think. Catfolk too. I would like full stating up of Tieflings, aasamir, suli-jann, and a new genasi wannabe (I love genasi).

I think zen archer sounds so cool. I think that if they do this, they should give them the ability to make combat maneuveres (or however you spell it) with their bows with a -4 penalty. it would be so cool to have an archer shoot you in the leg and trip you or shoot 5 arrows that slam you into a wall and keep you there (read grapple).

Dark Archive

MerrikCale wrote:
Catfolk too.


No new races! :p

Scarab Sages

vagrant-poet wrote:
No new races! :p


Tom Baumbach wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
No new races! :p

-23813472049875209348750284752379870918730916659816203986517609873427601986 324059716234056102395761023786510934760139286510798236501763510987236508796 487951609785612034986103987650423798650289736501982365102398756102873651029 837651023987560129386798021364987136057896432857064329876230986412093865018 729436519238476510923860192387621039651029784365019278346501298736501297650 123987561029834560192386501298365102398651029837456120398561029386510298357 6102987365012938746501289763501298376

Temeryn wrote:
I think zen archer sounds so cool. I think that if they do this, they should give them the ability to make combat maneuveres (or however you spell it) with their bows with a -4 penalty. it would be so cool to have an archer shoot you in the leg and trip you or shoot 5 arrows that slam you into a wall and keep you there (read grapple).

Yep, I really would like the idea of a ranged monk. Replace unarmed extra damage with extra damage on bows (not crossbows, just bows) and flurry of arrows, full BAB with archery attacks, etc. If Paizo doesn't, I might work up something homebrew for it.

Honestly, I'm inclined to agree with the lack of new races. While sometimes you can come up with at good race that makes sense in the setting to play, as far as coming up with generic, non-Golarion specific races that are as iconic as the races in the core rulebook, its really hard to come up with a new one that fits as well as the current ones.

I think the closest I've seen would be the tiefling and the aasimar.

How about a point-based set of guidelines for creating new races? (I'm a sucker for guidelines on building your own races, classes, spells, etc.)

hogarth wrote:
How about a point-based set of guidelines for creating new races? (I'm a sucker for guidelines on building your own races, classes, spells, etc.)


This I could get behind (I even suggested something similar in another thread somewhere).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
hogarth wrote:
How about a point-based set of guidelines for creating new races? (I'm a sucker for guidelines on building your own races, classes, spells, etc.)

Already exists in Green Ronin's Advanced Player's Manual. Might need a few updates for Pathfinder over 3.5, though.

besides the already announced Paladin stuff, will there be other altenate classes like an non-spell casting ranger? or other fighting styles for Rangers?

I know there will be additional rogue talents and sorcerer bloodlines, but will there be additional rage powers, bard songs and what not?

Dark Archive

Option to change out spell casting as a druid for something else.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Mage Killer class variants.
Disrupt spellcasting, reflect spells, redirect spells, steal voice etc etc

What I would like to see:

1) The same mainly neutral setting as the core book. I am of a mind that setting specific classes, feats and races belong in the setting books not the core rules.

2) An alternate casting system. Preferably something like True20…skill-based for casting and fatigue based for consequences of not making it. I would also like to see the dabbler feat from the Black Company book…about all you could manage with it was cantrips and maybe a 1st level spell on a good day.

3) More than new classes I would rather see new options for the core classes. I am generally against new classes unless they absolutely fill a niche that class options and racial substitution levels cant. Example: a more urban oriented Ranger instead of a bounty hunter class, a light weapons-no armor/light armor fighter options instead of a swashbuckler class. Options and substitution levels are our friends.

4) Character Traits. I love these options much more than the regional feats that proliferated in Forgotten Realms.

5) An option for wound levels. I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m dying is getting a little old.

6) An alternate combat system similar to Mutants and Masterminds. I feel that works better than a straight “Armor = DR” alternates.

7) An artificer class. Something closer to the Arcane Mechanik from Iron Kingdoms than the Artificer from Eberron. I don’t feel any class really covers this.

8) More bloodlines for sorcerers. Any outsider or planar energy is a candidate. More domains for clerics. More schools for wizards (Elementalists, Shadow, Infernalist/Diabolist <instead of a warlock class>)

9) Rituals. Literal magic for anyone…if you have the time and the money for materials. And sometimes if you have no scruples.


1) Completely agree. And they have said that anyway. I would like to see more races like tiefling, aasamir and others

2) I think this is a waste of book space myself

3) YES! Ranger variants. Cleric variants. Bard variants to go along with the Paladin ones they have announced

4) I'm with you

5) I'm lukewarm on this one

6) Waste of space in my opinion

7) agreed. The artificer like the warlock were one of the few original base class ideas they had.

8) I am sure the bloodlines are a given. I would assume the same with domians. The wizard schools work for me

9) Love the rituals idea

MerrikCale wrote:

1) Completely agree. And they have said that anyway. I would like to see more races like tiefling, aasamir and others

2) I think this is a waste of book space myself

3) YES! Ranger variants. Cleric variants. Bard variants to go along with the Paladin ones they have announced

4) I'm with you

5) I'm lukewarm on this one

6) Waste of space in my opinion

7) agreed. The artificer like the warlock were one of the few original base class ideas they had.

8) I am sure the bloodlines are a given. I would assume the same with domians. The wizard schools work for me

9) Love the rituals idea

At most options 2 and 6 would take 5 pages each. Possibly less.

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