TrevorZ |
Requests would be:
- Don't make it 4E-like in tone or mechanics (mostly tone).
Including: Please implement feedback from us & 3rd party companies
(=market research & analysis are good things in product design).
- Find a way to decrease the 10min work day problem.
I don't have a good idea for this but it's on my wish list. :)
- Address areas of complains about 3.5 (broken class/combos, etc).
Even if this means simply stating X and Y don't work together. And even if this means departing from being 100% 3.5 compatible.
Issue the points as errata and move forward. Debates will never end, simply fix what you can, explain why, and ask people to be mature about it.
- Balance spell casters without nerfing them.
E.g. Divide spells into utility vs combat. This could be done in several ways. E.g. with a 2 tables (spell name, type, spell book reference) and how many utility and combat spells per level. But heck, you guys at Paizo may have a better way to implement.
E.g. Give low level casters more to do.
- Give melee/fighter types more to do besides fighting - to help with balance and overall sense of play-ability value.
E.g. role play and utility aspects. Be it reputation points for social interaction, information gathering, acquiring contacts, skill powers, maneuvers,
- Allow for an understanding/realization that all classes aren't balanced & equalized for doing everything. Nor doe they need to be without watering them down.
E.g. A Wizard with prep time and range will likely beat a melee character.
E.g. A Fighter who gets to hand to hand will likely beat a wizard.
... and people should just adjust their strategy to just deal with it. That's what a party and teamwork are used for.
- Keep a sense of fun, classic fantasy, ... mystery about magic, adventure, and lands unknown.
- Let magic be a bit wild, scary, and inspire a sense of the fantastic.
Thanks for reading.