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Mac Boyce wrote:** spoiler omitted **Un-American? HA! I can't even find that on a map!
{reports Mairkurion as card-carrying member of the "People's Front of Pazonia"... or was it the "Paizoian People's Front"?}
It's north of America, but south of Mexico.
reports Scrappy-Doo Slaad to Wizards Liberation Alliance for never looking at a map.

Mairkurion {tm} |

Mac Boyce wrote:** spoiler omitted **Un-American? HA! I can't even find that on a map!
{reports Mairkurion as card-carrying member of the "People's Front of Pazonia"... or was it the "Paizoian People's Front"?}
You'd be better off reporting me as a pie-eating, ale-quaffing monarchist and fanatical mythopoet.

Scrappy-Doo Slaad |

It's north of America, but south of Mexico.
{unroll's map stolen from Craig Ferguson} Is that near the Gulf of Borat? Or here by Narnia? Hmmmm...
{picks random spot in the ocean, uses crayon to crudely scribble a donut-ish shape, labels it "Um-Mare-Rika"} Hah, foiled you again! I'll just stay out of your watery kingdom; your laws have no bearing here, in... Lower Carrot-Topia! Go home to your King Aquaman and Queen Angela Landsbury, or I shall taunt you a second time.
You'd be better off reporting me as a pie-eating, ale-quaffing monarchist and fanatical mythopoet.
Why would I do that? Described that way, they might actually take an interest and round you up. Nope, nope, I just like filling out forms in triplicate and generating copious paperwork faster than it can be filed.

Scrappy-Doo Slaad |

Oh... clever... get it now...
{places Abbigail on a large balance. Unfortunately, she does not weight the same as a duck or very small rocks, so he lets her go} Sorry citizen, can't be too careful. {offers her one of Azhagal's bear claws as compensation}
{reports self for addiction to Scooby snacks and Sin-a-Men rolls}

Duck with a +1 Poodle Slayer |

Wait! The french are planning on invading us? Or is that the french canadians... sneak little buggers just waiting up there with their maple trees and hockey.. and mounties... and health care....
HEY!!!! Don't mock the Hockey!!!! It's all us Michigan people have!!!!
reports Abbigail for making fun of hockey to the House Un-Hockey Association.

Scrappy-Doo Slaad |

Wait! The french are planning on invading us? Or is that the french canadians... sneak little buggers just waiting up there with their maple trees and hockey.. and mounties... and health care....
The French? I heard it was the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. I've heard that they are so tough, even their mice roar!
{reports self for late DVD rentals}

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unroll's map stolen from Craig Ferguson} Is that near the Gulf of Borat? Or here by Narnia? Hmmmm...
{picks random spot in the ocean, uses crayon to crudely scribble a donut-ish shape, labels it "Um-Mare-Rika"} Hah, foiled you again! I'll just stay out of your watery kingdom; your laws have no bearing here, in... Lower Carrot-Topia! Go home to your King Aquaman and Queen Angela Landsbury, or I shall taunt you a second time.
reports Scrappy-Doo for inadvertantly destroying the island country Komuneyewanaleiya to the Nerds United for Hot Babes. Bad form.

Scrappy-Doo Slaad |

Hey I'm being placed on scales and reported... that's not nice...
I can't read numbers so I don't know what you weigh. I was only checking if you were a witch. And I did give you a mighty tasty bearclaw.
Besides, my walnut-sized brain is half-Poodle, half-Slaad. I'm doing the best that I can with what I got.
{DretchEx's off a form to requisition more forms}

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Abbigail the Glass wrote:Hey I'm being placed on scales and reported... that's not nice...I can't read numbers so I don't know what you weigh. And I did give you a mighty tasty bearclaw.
Besides, my walnut-sized brain is half-Poodle, half-Slaad. I'm doing the best that I can with what I got.
{DretchEx's off a form to requisition more forms}
Just imagine if you were full Poodle!!!!!

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Abbigail the Glass wrote:Hey I'm being placed on scales and reported... that's not nice...I can't read numbers so I don't know what you weigh. And I did give you a mighty tasty bearclaw.
Besides, my walnut-sized brain is half-Poodle, half-Slaad. I'm doing the best that I can with what I got.
{DretchEx's off a form to requisition more forms}
Ok... I forgive you guys...

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Mac Boyce wrote:Just imagine if you were full Poodle!!!!!{gets big watery puppy-dog eyes} You meanie, don't tease me with what can never be... {cries melodramatically}
reports Scrappy-Doo Slaad for CRYING LIKE A GIRL to the Paiozian Secret Public Servants. They will be by shortly to take your somewhere comfortable