Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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An adaquate protection from the poodle flu though.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Hey Zombie man... did you see this?

CDP's Therapist wrote:
An adaquate protection from the poodle flu though.

At least until I get vaccinated.

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
CDP's Therapist wrote:
An adaquate protection from the poodle flu though.
At least until I get vaccinated.

~*CLICK, CLICK*~ Here are your "Shots", Poodle boi! ~aims the shotgun at the annoying one~

Scarab Sages

flash_cxxi wrote:
Hey Zombie man... did you see this?

Very nice! Another one for the horde!

Sharoth wrote:
~*CLICK, CLICK*~ Here are your "Shots", Poodle boi! ~aims the shotgun at the annoying one~

Humps the lizard-thing's leg.


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Aberzombie wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Hey Zombie man... did you see this?
Very nice! Another one for the horde!

Thought you'd like that! :)

Scarab Sages

Sharoth wrote:
~aims the shotgun at the annoying one~

Hey! Why are you aiming that shotgun at Kobold Cleaver?

Aberzombie wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~aims the shotgun at the annoying one~
Hey! Why are you aiming that shotgun at Kobold Cleaver?

Do you need to ask that question?

Silver Crusade

So, I thought we weren't going to speed-post on this thread... 7 pages?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Celestial Healer wrote:
So, I thought we weren't going to speed-post on this thread... 7 pages?

No thank you... I am already supposed to be in bed 2 hours ago.

I have to be up for work in 4 hours... :/

Scarab Sages

Don't look at me....I just got here.

Hungry Jack wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Devours Hungry Jack

*burp* Man, that was good. I wonder what he posted that recipe for?

Well then, if you're going to try and devour me, I'll serve my delicious Hungry Jack® meals to someone else.

Thumps stomach

Keep it down in there! I'm digesting here.

However, you were indeed, quite delicious. I have no idea how you are posting from my stomach- what kind of netbook do you have?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Alright... I just took the rubbish down and I'm off to bed, so you can all come out and start furiosly chatting with each other now... you won't have to avoid me any longer...

flash_cxxi wrote:
Alright... I just took the rubbish down and I'm off to bed, so you can all come out and start furiosly chatting with each other now... you won't have to avoid me any longer...

Sleep well. I mean it. Get. Some. Sleep. And nobody is avoiding you. You know getting an adequate amount of sleep would probably help with that paranoia. ;)

Shadow Post

I'm supposed to be out running errands today. Obviously that's going well. I am debating the wisdom of making coffee. On the one hand it will help me focus my thoughts and not be so scattered. On the other hand it will make me even more sleepy. Decisions, decisions.

Silver Crusade

Ack! I haven't had my coffee. No wonder I'm so drowsy and unfocused.

June Cleaver wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~aims the shotgun at the annoying one~
Hey! Why are you aiming that shotgun at Kobold Cleaver?
Do you need to ask that question?

June, you'll shoot a lot better if we get you that new head. I sure wouldn't want you to miss the Cleave just over a little female stubbornness.

Ward wrote:
June Cleaver wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~aims the shotgun at the annoying one~
Hey! Why are you aiming that shotgun at Kobold Cleaver?
Do you need to ask that question?
June, you'll shoot a lot better if we get you that new head. I sure wouldn't want you to miss the Cleave just over a little female stubbornness.

No, I was decapitated in "Forums are Way Too Long!" This is a different thread, and my head seems to be intact.

Of course, you wouldn't notice because you've just been staring at my ass.

The eyes detect what's easier to look at...I told you to get that scowl taken care of.

Ward wrote:
The eyes detect what's easier to look at...I told you to get that scowl taken care of.

And I told you to get those extraneous nipples taken care of, but they still scratch me, don't they?

Those aren't extraneous nipples dear, they're piercings. How many times do we have to go over this? I work in a very stiff industry in the '50s...I need my inner life.

And that's why I'm having an affair with Lucille Ball.

Scarab Sages

June Cleaver wrote:
And that's why I'm having an affair with Lucille Ball.

Hasn't she been dead for several years?

Are we talkin 20/30s starlet Ball, or 50s sitcom Ball? Because if it's the former, have her come over right now and we'll send the Beave out to play.

Scarab Sages

Start Your Family's Day With Hungry Jack®!

Hungry Jack® has everything you need to make breakfast the best part of your family's morning. Here you'll find great pancake, waffle and specialty breakfast recipes. Make breakfast time family time – with Hungry Jack®!

Whether you like the convenience of our "Just Add Water" products or prefer to add in your own milk, oil, and eggs. There's a Hungry Jack® mix for you.

Hungry Jack wrote:

Start Your Family's Day With Hungry Jack®!

Hungry Jack® has everything you need to make breakfast the best part of your family's morning. Here you'll find great pancake, waffle and specialty breakfast recipes. Make breakfast time family time – with Hungry Jack®!

Whether you like the convenience of our "Just Add Water" products or prefer to add in your own milk, oil, and eggs. There's a Hungry Jack® mix for you.

Seasoning Hungry Jack when he's not looking

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Seasoning Hungry Jack when he's not looking

You do know that Hungry Jack® is something of an artificial construct, don't you? A golem, if you will, albeit one that is very talented regarding the culinary arts.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Alright... I just took the rubbish down and I'm off to bed, so you can all come out and start furiosly chatting with each other now... you won't have to avoid me any longer...

Avoiding you? Uhm, can't speak for anyone else but I passed out on the couch with the baby. Woke up in time to go get the boy. :\

I agree with Lynora, get some sleep, it will help with feeling sad and paranoid. We love you and you know it! :)

*sigh* time to work on more school work. Getting a bit wore out on it. :\
Than gonna try and take another nap. I am exhausted. And maybe eat something today?

I feel sad and paranoid sometimes.....

Ward wrote:
Are we talkin 20/30s starlet Ball, or 50s sitcom Ball? Because if it's the former, have her come over right now and we'll send the Beave out to play.


Taig, you have an email when you get time. :)

Dark Archive

Ah the joys of living in a small town. The kids are off from school for "fall break" so we took the to the cattle actuion for some free entertainment.

Let's sing a Mellencamp song.

Scarab Sages

David Fryer wrote:
the cattle actuion for some free entertainment.

Sounds kinky. :)

RPG Superstar 2012

Solnes wrote:
Taig, you have an email when you get time. :)

Replieded. :)

Scarab Sages

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Let's sing a Mellencamp song.

Well I was born in a small town

And I live in a small town
Prob'ly die in a small town
Oh, those small communities

All my friends are so small town
My parents live in the same small town
My job is so small town
Provides little opportunity

Educated in a small town
Taught to fear Jesus in a small town
Used to daydream in that small town
Another born romantic that's me

But I've seen it all in a small town
Had myself a ball in a small town
Married an L.A. doll and brought her to this small town
Now she's small town just like me

No I cannot forget where it is that I come from
I cannot forget the people who love me
Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town
And people let me be just what I want to be

Got nothing against a big town
Still hayseed enough to say
Look who's in the big town
But my bed is in a small town
Oh, and that's good enough for me

Well I was born in a small town
And I can breathe in a small town
Gonna die in this small town
And that's prob'ly where they'll bury me

June & Ward Cleaver wrote:
much dysfunctional spousal bickering

This explains so much of the Kobold's behavior.

LOL! Thankfully I've finally learned to stop drinking & eating while reading the threads.

lynora wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Of course it would be today. Stupid freaking mother fnking gorram diet, and the school is selling hot fresh sweet donuts thatsmell like funnel cakes. I bought 6. :(

I haven't eaten any, just really enjoyed licking my fingers after giving the kids theirs. 3 left for the hubby when he makes it home. :\
Oh, I hate that. I swear the universe starts conspiring against you the minute you start a diet.

As soon as you mentioned them, I started salivating.

Mmmmmm (not)... peanut butter on celery.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Before I forget...I updated the druid spells. If anyone wants to take another look, I would appreciate it.


I KNEW that the Federal Government was evil! Now I have the proof. They took out $666.03 in taxes out of my paycheck! Evil I tell you! Evil!!!


On the plus side, my car is clean and has had the oil changed. My paycheck came in the mail today and I am off tomorrow. Plus I will be going out of town tomorrow and will be getting away from the internet and Savannah and my job! YAY!!!

Mmmm. Food. I was running late so I didn't get lunch before class. I was so hungry all afternoon.

Art class was really fun today. I was all stressed out last week cause I couldn't get some of the stuff, but this week we were just supposed to play and use the techniques as we liked. And funny enough, once I relaxed I got the stuff that was bugging me last week. :)

RPG Superstar 2012

Sharoth wrote:

I KNEW that the Federal Government was evil! Now I have the proof. They took out $666.03 in taxes out of my paycheck! Evil I tell you! Evil!!!


On the plus side, my car is clean and has had the oil changed. My paycheck came in the mail today and I am off tomorrow. Plus I will be going out of town tomorrow and will be getting away from the internet and Savannah and my job! YAY!!!

They seem to be slightly more than evil (by three cents).

<Waits for baseless accusations of camping>

taig wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

I KNEW that the Federal Government was evil! Now I have the proof. They took out $666.03 in taxes out of my paycheck! Evil I tell you! Evil!!!


On the plus side, my car is clean and has had the oil changed. My paycheck came in the mail today and I am off tomorrow. Plus I will be going out of town tomorrow and will be getting away from the internet and Savannah and my job! YAY!!!

They seem to be slightly more than evil (by three cents).

<Waits for baseless accusations of camping>

Now there's a slogan for you. 'The US Government - Slightly More Than Evil'

lynora wrote:

Mmmm. Food. I was running late so I didn't get lunch before class. I was so hungry all afternoon.

Art class was really fun today. I was all stressed out last week cause I couldn't get some of the stuff, but this week we were just supposed to play and use the techniques as we liked. And funny enough, once I relaxed I got the stuff that was bugging me last week. :)

It's all about serenity, neh? ;)

Pity I can't seem to recall where I put all of mine of late....[sighs] ;P

taig wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

I KNEW that the Federal Government was evil! Now I have the proof. They took out $666.03 in taxes out of my paycheck! Evil I tell you! Evil!!!


On the plus side, my car is clean and has had the oil changed. My paycheck came in the mail today and I am off tomorrow. Plus I will be going out of town tomorrow and will be getting away from the internet and Savannah and my job! YAY!!!

They seem to be slightly more than evil (by three cents).

<Waits for baseless accusations of camping>

Oh, I agree! It was bad enough that they took out $666.00, but the extra $0.03 was pure taunting. That was almost as bad as Gary Teter taunting Sebastian.

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:

Of course it would be today. Stupid freaking mother fnking gorram diet, and the school is selling hot fresh sweet donuts thatsmell like funnel cakes. I bought 6. :(

I haven't eaten any, just really enjoyed licking my fingers after giving the kids theirs. 3 left for the hubby when he makes it home. :\

3 huh? .... I only count 1... so where are the other 2? :/

Dark Archive

Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Of course it would be today. Stupid freaking mother fnking gorram diet, and the school is selling hot fresh sweet donuts thatsmell like funnel cakes. I bought 6. :(

I haven't eaten any, just really enjoyed licking my fingers after giving the kids theirs. 3 left for the hubby when he makes it home. :\
3 huh? .... I only count 1... so where are the other 2? :/

Uh oh....someone's gonna get a beating...

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