DustinGebhardt |

Front Tab, weapon section:
The magic bonus from the weapons is being counted twice, but not on the 1st weapon area. Weapons #2-5 only.
Also, there is no option in the "Combat Options" boxes for the 3 Beta feats.
The Beta Feats are not being shown up in the Abilities & Feats Tab, Feats section. The Feats tab concatenate summary functions do not include the cells for the Beta feats (Cells O773 to O775)

![]() |

Found a problem ... and may have fixed it. I added a few levels of duelist, but they were showing up in red (ineligible) even though I had all the pre-req's. I went to the DataClasses tab and checked out the Qualified column. In cell U59 it said "Dodge",Feats_Known. I remembered that everywhere else, the Dodge feat had been written DODGE (so as not to confuse it with Dodge bonuses, I assume). So I changed U59 to "DODGE",Feats_Known ... and it came back TRUE. No more red! Did I actually just find a problem and fix it?

Steven Mills |
Does a Fighter with a tower shield have the -2 to attack?
Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield’s
armor check penalty only applies to Strength and
Dexterity-based skills.
Normal: A character using a shield with which he is
not proficient takes the shield’s armor check penalty on
attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving,
Special: Fighters automatically have Tower Shield
Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.
The Excel character sheet applies a -2 for fighters using the tower shield

erian_7 |

Front Tab, weapon section:
The magic bonus from the weapons is being counted twice, but not on the 1st weapon area. Weapons #2-5 only.
Also, there is no option in the "Combat Options" boxes for the 3 Beta feats.
The Beta Feats are not being shown up in the Abilities & Feats Tab, Feats section. The Feats tab concatenate summary functions do not include the cells for the Beta feats (Cells O773 to O775)
Thanks, forgot to carry a change forward from the Weapon 1 block...
I'll work the beta feats into the next iteration.
Found a problem ... and may have fixed it. I added a few levels of duelist, but they were showing up in red (ineligible) even though I had all the pre-req's. I went to the DataClasses tab and checked out the Qualified column. In cell U59 it said "Dodge",Feats_Known. I remembered that everywhere else, the Dodge feat had been written DODGE (so as not to confuse it with Dodge bonuses, I assume). So I changed U59 to "DODGE",Feats_Known ... and it came back TRUE. No more red! Did I actually just find a problem and fix it?
You did indeed! The reason it's all-caps is actually because the VLOOKUP function otherwise has a problem figuring out the difference between the Dodge feat and other feats with "Dodge" in the name. Run and Acrobatic are in the same boat, actually.
Does a Fighter with a tower shield have the -2 to attack?
Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield’s
armor check penalty only applies to Strength and
Dexterity-based skills.Normal: A character using a shield with which he is
not proficient takes the shield’s armor check penalty on
attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving,
Ride.Special: Fighters automatically have Tower Shield
Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.The Excel character sheet applies a -2 for fighters using the tower shield
Yes, they still take the -2 penalty as with any person, "When employing a tower shield in combat, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls because of the shield's encumbrance." This is separate from the Armor Check Penalty (-10). If you are also non-proficient with a tower shield, you're actually taking a total -12 on attack rolls.
To my knowledge, there is no way to eliminate that -2 penalty, but perhaps someone's implemented a feat that handles it. Basically, fighting with a tower shield really is focusing on defense, to the detriment of offense.

Steven Mills |
DustinGebhardt wrote:Front Tab, weapon section:
The magic bonus from the weapons is being counted twice, but not on the 1st weapon area. Weapons #2-5 only.
Also, there is no option in the "Combat Options" boxes for the 3 Beta feats.
The Beta Feats are not being shown up in the Abilities & Feats Tab, Feats section. The Feats tab concatenate summary functions do not include the cells for the Beta feats (Cells O773 to O775)
Thanks, forgot to carry a change forward from the Weapon 1 block...
I'll work the beta feats into the next iteration.
Mosaic wrote:Found a problem ... and may have fixed it. I added a few levels of duelist, but they were showing up in red (ineligible) even though I had all the pre-req's. I went to the DataClasses tab and checked out the Qualified column. In cell U59 it said "Dodge",Feats_Known. I remembered that everywhere else, the Dodge feat had been written DODGE (so as not to confuse it with Dodge bonuses, I assume). So I changed U59 to "DODGE",Feats_Known ... and it came back TRUE. No more red! Did I actually just find a problem and fix it?You did indeed! The reason it's all-caps is actually because the VLOOKUP function otherwise has a problem figuring out the difference between the Dodge feat and other feats with "Dodge" in the name. Run and Acrobatic are in the same boat, actually.
Steven Mills wrote:Yes, they still take the -2 penalty as with any person,...Does a Fighter with a tower shield have the -2 to attack?
Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield’s
armor check penalty only applies to Strength and
Dexterity-based skills.Normal: A character using a shield with which he is
not proficient takes the shield’s armor check penalty on
attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving,
Ride.Special: Fighters automatically have Tower Shield
Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.The Excel character sheet applies a -2 for fighters using the tower shield
and I disagree,there is nothing in the Benefit about taking a -2 to attack rolls only to skill rolls.
Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield’s
armor check penalty only applies to Strength and
Dexterity-based skills.

erian_7 |

and I disagree,there is nothing in the Benefit about taking a -2 to attack rolls only to skill rolls.
Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield’s armor check penalty only applies to Strength and Dexterity-based skills.
This penalty is not in the feat, but in the description of tower shields themselves. Note that the feat specifically says, "When you use a tower shield, the shield’s armor check penalty only applies to Strength and Dexterity-based skills." The ACP for a tower shield is -10. The feat means you don't get the -10 to attack rolls. The -2 penalty is specifically called out in the tower shield description (you can check it in the Equipment section of the PRD) and is separate from the shield's ACP--it does not, for instance, apply to skill rolls (like an ACP would) at all but only to attack rolls. This is a unique mechanic to tower shields, just as bucklers have the unique mechanic of allowing use of an off-hand/2-handed weapon but imposing a -1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so.
I promise I'm not trying to short-change you on the tower shield--this is just how it functions by core rules.

Antonio Sciancalepore |
in the "PRPG_CS_v_0_7_12" the description of traits in the "Abilities & Feats" sheet doesn't appear if the character has less of 4 traits.
So my character has only 2 traits and the description I see is "#N/D" but if I put 2 more traits in the "Character Options" sheet then I see the correct description

erian_7 |

in the "PRPG_CS_v_0_7_12" the description of traits in the "Abilities & Feats" sheet doesn't appear if the character has less of 4 traits.
So my character has only 2 traits and the description I see is "#N/D" but if I put 2 more traits in the "Character Options" sheet then I see the correct description
Hmm, I'm not seeing this error. What OS/application are you using? Can anyone else confirm this issue?

erian_7 |

Hi there again,
I am still loving your sheet. I downloaded the most recent one and I was working on making a Paladin. I am trying to change the alignment and it will not let me change it - so I get red in the class box.
Thanks again for all your work.
That is odd...my first thought was the cell got locked in some reformatting, but it doesn't show as locked on my copy. Are you selecting Alignment (cell H5) on the Character Options tab, or perhaps Alignment on the Front tab? If the latter, that's the problem--I switched that to a read-only cell that pulls from the Character Options tab. That's the only thing I can think of, so if you are indeed on the right tab I'll have to dig a little deeper...

DustinGebhardt |

erian_7 wrote:
Hmm, I'm not seeing this error. What OS/application are you using? Can anyone else confirm this issue?
I'm using openoffice calc 3.1.1 version.
Until now I never noticed any compatibility problem with openoffice, my last licesend version of excel is the 97 and it has the same problem
I can confirm that Excel 2003 and 2007 work fine on my system (WinXP Pro). I see the traits listed as normal.

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Shem wrote:Hi there again,
I am still loving your sheet. I downloaded the most recent one and I was working on making a Paladin. I am trying to change the alignment and it will not let me change it - so I get red in the class box.
Thanks again for all your work.
That is odd...my first thought was the cell got locked in some reformatting, but it doesn't show as locked on my copy. Are you selecting Alignment (cell H5) on the Character Options tab, or perhaps Alignment on the Front tab? If the latter, that's the problem--I switched that to a read-only cell that pulls from the Character Options tab. That's the only thing I can think of, so if you are indeed on the right tab I'll have to dig a little deeper...
That is the problem then. I did not realize there was a place on the Character Options page to select Alignment. I was using my knowledge of a previous sheet.

erian_7 |

I'm using openoffice calc 3.1.1 version.
Until now I never noticed any compatibility problem with openoffice, my last licesend version of excel is the 97 and it has the same problem
Okay, I checked it out in OO and it looks like that app's Data Validation function is stripping out the blank selection (I'm using trait name="") from list. So, the VLOOKUP fails since there's no trait name, returning an N/A. The Traits_Summary then fails as it is also checking to see whether the trait name="".
I'll see if I can tweak it to get around this issue.

Antonio Sciancalepore |
Okay, I checked it out in OO and it looks like that app's Data Validation function is stripping out the blank selection (I'm using trait name="") from list. So, the VLOOKUP fails since there's no trait name, returning an N/A. The Traits_Summary then fails as it is also checking to see whether the trait name="".I'll see if I can tweak it to get around this issue.
thank you very much!!
I don't know if it might be of help but I'm almost sure that the version "PRPG_CS_v_0_7_11.xls" hadn't this problem(unfortunately I havn't a backup to check it)
erian_7 |

I agree with the -2 Attack Roll for the Tower Shield, Weight
Thanks. And I wanted to take this opportunity to note that I absolutely want you guys to question any aspect of the sheet that doesn't line up with your understanding of the core mechanics. I do try very hard to mimic the system, but sometimes I might be misunderstanding a particular rule, or the way I write a formula may inadvertently break something.
thank you very much!!
I don't know if it might be of help but I'm almost sure that the version "PRPG_CS_v_0_7_11.xls" hadn't this problem(unfortunately I havn't a backup to check it)
I've got v.0.7.11 on hand, so I'll check it out...

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

I am currently taking the trait Magical Knak, and I am trying to get it to apply to a specific class, but I don't know how to do it.
I think, technically it applies to even the shadowdancer's abilities. So if you are going to add this, be sure to include even the classes that have caster levels for their Sp and Su abilities.

DigMarx |

I'm not sure if this is new, I can't be bothered to read through the reams of previous posts, but the Total GP Value is being calculated incorrectly. It starts off at 9000 GP + starting wealth.
Great job, by the way. My group is using your sheet so that I (as DM) can keep tabs on the characters' progress.

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I was loading up my horse in the animal companions tab and i noticed that when i put ranks in to a class skill they did not add the +3 bonus. that is until i put a second rank into the skill then it started to work correctly.
Additionally is there is there any thoughts of adding a spot for selecting barding using the same table as the armor just with the multipliers added.

erian_7 |

Hey guys, long week at work (I can always tell it's been a lot if the character sheet file drops off my "Recently Opened" list) so I'm just getting around to these new reports. I found the issue with the traits not showing properly in older versions of Excel and in other apps--the text I added noting the non-automated portions confuses the formula. I'm working on a fix now.
Fixed the Skill Focus [Stealth] issue.
Fixed the Witch qualifier (the Qualified field was blank and should state True).
For the Shadowdancer, are you possibly typing the feat as "Dodge" instead of "DODGE" in the feat field? That particular feat breaks my lookup, so I have to use all-caps for the name...
I've not yet automated Magical Knack as it'll require a bit more than any other trait. I'm thinking the best way to handle it will be similar to what I did with the prestige classes. Should be something I can add in the next release.
For Power Attack, the requirements are currently =AND(Str>12,BAB>0) and this results in needing a 13 or higher Strength. Is this not working for you?
For the Total GP Value, can you explain a bit more? Mine seems to be starting of at 0 gp. Is there a value entered into a GP field somewhere? Or perhaps some armor/weapons (the sheet autocalcs basic costs for these based on material and enhancement bonus)?
For Animal Companions, that sheet is definitely a work in progress, so thanks for catching that skill issue (it's fixed now). I do indeed plan to include equipment for companions, both armor and otherwise since they can technically use magic items and such.
And speaking of magic items, I've got my first run at automation in for that--the Neck field on the Back now has options to select various amulets, necklaces, etc. and will auto-calc (for instance) AC if an Amulet of Natural Armor +3 is selected.

erian_7 |

erian_7 wrote:I seem to qualify for power attack with a strength of 12. Try it out.
For Power Attack, the requirements are currently =AND(Str>12,BAB>0) and this results in needing a 13 or higher Strength. Is this not working for you?
Hmm, mine definitely requires a 13 Strength. Do you, possibly, have a racial bonus to Strength? Is anybody else having this issue?

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:Hmm, mine definitely requires a 13 Strength. Do you, possibly, have a racial bonus to Strength? Is anybody else having this issue?erian_7 wrote:I seem to qualify for power attack with a strength of 12. Try it out.
For Power Attack, the requirements are currently =AND(Str>12,BAB>0) and this results in needing a 13 or higher Strength. Is this not working for you?
Can you tell me where to find the code. I am not that proficient with excel. I have an elf, so no bonus there. Trying it again.
P.S. Its not working now... weird. Messing with it
P.P.S. All I fine now, I don't know what happened before.

erian_7 |

erian_7 wrote:Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:Hmm, mine definitely requires a 13 Strength. Do you, possibly, have a racial bonus to Strength? Is anybody else having this issue?erian_7 wrote:I seem to qualify for power attack with a strength of 12. Try it out.
For Power Attack, the requirements are currently =AND(Str>12,BAB>0) and this results in needing a 13 or higher Strength. Is this not working for you?
Can you tell me where to find the code. I am not that proficient with excel. I have an elf, so no bonus there. Trying it again.
P.S. Its not working now... weird. Messing with it
It's on the Feats tab, in the Qualified column (should be cell G165).

DigMarx |

For the Total GP Value, can you explain a bit more? Mine seems to be starting of at 0 gp. Is there a value entered into a GP field somewhere? Or perhaps some armor/weapons (the sheet autocalcs basic costs for these based on material and enhancement bonus)?
Just to double check I redownloaded the file and opened it, without entering anything. Total GP Value is shown as 9000. I'll look at it further and see if I can find the field that's causing this. By the way I'm using Win XP SP3 with office 2k3 patched up.
EDIT: I changed the values in all the weapons, armor, magic items, gear, and money sections, still 9000 gp over. An easy workaround is to enter a value of -9000 in one of the gear gp slots.

erian_7 |

Creating a Lycanthrope,
7th Rogue/Were Rat, how is this created?
That would require a Custom Race or two (one for Human form and one for Hybrid form).
Just to double check I redownloaded the file and opened it, without entering anything. Total GP Value is shown as 9000. I'll look at it further and see if I can find the field that's causing this. By the way I'm using Win XP SP3 with office 2k3 patched up.
EDIT: I changed the values in all the weapons, armor, magic items, gear, and money sections, still 9000 gp over. An easy workaround is to enter a value of -9000 in one of the gear gp slots.
Found it--in v.0.7.12, the Shield section has a +3 in the enhancement field. Removing that will clear the 9,000 gp.
Hello Erian,
Still cant thank you enough for your hardwork.
A quick question are the play-test classes such as the Alchemist and Witch fully implemented?
Thanks! As noted above, the others aren't yet fully functional. That is actually one of my baseline items to finish before I send out the next big release...

erian_7 |

I was wondering if you were planning on adding anymore functionality to spell effects on front sheet?
For instance like adding bless, prayer, barkskin, etc.
Yes indeed--I want to add all of the Core effects first, then branch out from their to 3PP options. Several sections, including this one, the companions tab, and magic items, are in "draft" form right now as I think through the best way to implement. I think I've landed on a good approach with the magic items, and the conditions/spell effects will mirror it as I progress.

erian_7 |

Hi again. I think I found another glitch.
I was working up an Elven Wizard and the class features come up as NA.
Have you selected an Arcane School? If not, that will cause the wizard's class ability summary to fail. I've added a bit of logic to display SELECT ARCANE SCHOOL to help folks out with this.

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I noticed that when I put in that I am carrying 3 nets on the "Front" tab, it multiplies the weight of one net x3, and adds it correctly on the "Back" tab under Total Weight Carried. However, it doesn't seem to x3 the gp of each net and add it to the Total GP Value. Not sure if I'm not doing something right, or if this is specific to the net... I'm using "PRPG_CS_v_0_7_12.xls"

erian_7 |

I noticed that when I put in that I am carrying 3 nets on the "Front" tab, it multiplies the weight of one net x3, and adds it correctly on the "Back" tab under Total Weight Carried. However, it doesn't seem to x3 the gp of each net and add it to the Total GP Value. Not sure if I'm not doing something right, or if this is specific to the net... I'm using "PRPG_CS_v_0_7_12.xls"
Hmm, nope, I think that's a bug. I'll look into it...

Enkili |

Maybe my math is wrong...I'm adding +1 Mithral Full Plate to my PC. The cost calculated by the application is 6500, but shouldn't it be 11650 gp?
1500 (base cost) + 150 (MW) + 1000 (enchantment) + 9000 (mithral) = 11650
Let me know if and where my math is incorrect.
Well the Masterwork cost is included in the cost of mithril, as it is for several special materials, but it should still be 11500

erian_7 |

Maybe my math is wrong...I'm adding +1 Mithral Full Plate to my PC. The cost calculated by the application is 6500, but shouldn't it be 11650 gp?
1500 (base cost) + 150 (MW) + 1000 (enchantment) + 9000 (mithral) = 11650
Let me know if and where my math is incorrect.
Close on your math--the cost for masterwork is already included in the 9,000 gp for mithral heavy armor, so the total should be 11,500 (EDIT: ninja'd! thanks to looking at the forum post without refreshing the screen...). Now, that said...the sheet is currently calculating wrong because it's looking at the Armor Category to determine the cost, which of course is being lowered by the mithral armor. I've corrected the formula to calculate cost based on the armor's category from before the mithral takes effect.
I've also corrected the # Carried issue with weapons so it properly calculates the gp value now.

![]() |

Shem wrote:Have you selected an Arcane School? If not, that will cause the wizard's class ability summary to fail. I've added a bit of logic to display SELECT ARCANE SCHOOL to help folks out with this.Hi again. I think I found another glitch.
I was working up an Elven Wizard and the class features come up as NA.
Yes, I did select an arcane school and the opposition schools.

![]() |

My strength is set to 14. When I add the Composite Longbow to STR 14, it sets the damage to 1d8+3, when it should be +2. I wonder if this is because it's recognizing that it's a 2-handed weapon so it's doing 1-1/2 STR bonus? Also, when I switch the composite longbow to STR 12 or 10, it still says 1d8+3.

erian_7 |

Yes, I did select an arcane school and the opposition schools.
Hmm, that's the only thing for wizards that I know of that can cause an N/A in the display. Can you try this for me--on a fresh copy of v.0.7.12, set the Race to Elf, Class to Wizard, and then set the schools. After doing just those three, the Class Abilities displays properly for me. Does this work for you?
My strength is set to 14. When I add the Composite Longbow to STR 14, it sets the damage to 1d8+3, when it should be +2. I wonder if this is because it's recognizing that it's a 2-handed weapon so it's doing 1-1/2 STR bonus? Also, when I switch the composite longbow to STR 12 or 10, it still says 1d8+3.
Do you have the weapon set as Melee? If so, it will indeed see the item as a 2-handed weapon and thus multiply the strength mod. v.0.7.13 fixes this by introducing text that tells you to switch the type.

![]() |

Do you have the weapon set as Melee? If so, it will indeed see the item as a 2-handed weapon and thus multiply the strength mod. v.0.7.13 fixes this by introducing text that tells you to switch the type.
Ah, thanks! I see my error now. Oh, and by the way, how can I go about obtaining v.0.7.13? I only see 0.7.12 on your Paizo profile.

DigMarx |

Yes indeed--I want to add all of the Core effects first, then branch out from their to 3PP options.
If you can implement buff/debuff effects in a check box fashion similar to Heroforge, that'd be icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned. I use your sheet for PC records as a DM, but as a player I use TOS+ for my character's buffs/effects. It's decent but I'd personally rather have a Heroforge-style check box sheet just for ongoing effects. I found it more immediate, less complicated.
Thanks again,
PS: My bad for overlooking the +3 enhancement on the shield section.

erian_7 |

Ah, thanks! I see my error now. Oh, and by the way, how can I go about obtaining v.0.7.13? I only see 0.7.12 on your Paizo profile.
Oh sorry,m should have been more clear in my post...v.0.7.13 is the version I'm working on now. Once I get the feat automation complete, I'll be releasing it (shooting for today).
erian_7 wrote:Yes indeed--I want to add all of the Core effects first, then branch out from their to 3PP options.If you can implement buff/debuff effects in a check box fashion similar to Heroforge, that'd be icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned. I use your sheet for PC records as a DM, but as a player I use TOS+ for my character's buffs/effects. It's decent but I'd personally rather have a Heroforge-style check box sheet just for ongoing effects. I found it more immediate, less complicated.
Thanks again,
ZoPS: My bad for overlooking the +3 enhancement on the shield section.
No problem on the shield--it took me a while to find it myself!
For the conditions, a check box scenario is possible versus the drop-downs. Right now, I've gone with the drop-down interface because it allows me to pull list data from another tab for lookups and it's also easier to handle reformatting/rebuilding the character sheet. Going with check boxes would move this information off the Front tab, as I'd need a large area to display all the options. I see the benefits in this, but is it worth moving the functionality off the main tab? I'm definitely open for discussion on this.