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I'm willing to edit the character as need be. Though I may have to create a 'clone' as this Avatar is currently in another PbP.


Level is 1st, I'm not sure what "build" means. If you mean ability scores we're using standard point buy.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16


*raises hand*

I do believe the previous person is asking for things like starting level, how many 'points' to be used in 'buying' stats, house rule on number of extra starting feats and traits (If any). Um, that sort of thing?


Dark Archive

I'm interested as well, if there's room one more.

Are there still any openings for this?

Desvartes wrote:

*raises hand*

I do believe the previous person is asking for things like starting level, how many 'points' to be used in 'buying' stats, house rule on number of extra starting feats and traits (If any). Um, that sort of thing?


Incidentally, "standard" point buy only allows 15 points to be spent, though all stats start at 10.

I have to bail so someone can take my spot.

Shadow Lodge

i would like to join as a bard or a cleric.

Alright, catman the last one I'll be accepting, unless someone else drops out. I'd like to start receiving characters now.

How much starting gold are we getting; average or rolled randomly?

Edit: On the assumption that we'd be starting with average gold, I've worked out the following. Not got much money left, but that just gives him a good reason to go out adventuring.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

So what is everyone playing, I like to pick a character that compliments others, yet plays non-stereotypical.

Mounted fighter, doubling as lightly armoured (until he can afford better) sword and board.

hi here is my bard(catman)

Okay, Both Desvartes and Sunset are first level.

Which of the two do you like 'the most' or should I create some one/thing else?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Ok I'm thinking good old fashioned deep forest ranger. Maybe archery specialist. Probably half -elf

And here she is so far

Here's my necromancer. I'm excited for her to make some undead!

Looks pretty good so far every body. Except Desvartes/Sunset, to a degree. One of you're characters is a tiefling, the other is a bard (we already have another, though I otherwise like the character). However, I'm leaning towards either allowing tieflings with no additional requirements, or something simple like an XP Debt.

lordzack wrote:
Looks pretty good so far every body. Except Desvartes/Sunset, to a degree. One of you're characters is a tiefling, the other is a bard (we already have another, though I otherwise like the character). However, I'm leaning towards either allowing tieflings with no additional requirements, or something simple like an XP Debt.

As I recall, you can start with a level adjustment at first level in 3.5, you just have to get enough XP for that many more levels before you're allowed to reach level 2 (for example, with a +1 level adjustment, you need to get enough XP for level 3 before you level up for the first time). As such, the character starts off a little more powerful, but it evens out over time.

Wait, Chris Parker is playing a fighter, so another bard would possibly work as well.

Shadow Lodge

FYI, I'm still here (provided my slot wasn't given away). And I've got a hankering to either play a arcane caster or some kind of bruiser (like a barbarian).

If I go the Barb route, would you like a (living) bodyguard, Satou (thefishcometh)?

Well, in PF, tieflings don't have a level adjustment. You can find them in the Bestiary Preview. I'm pretty sure level adjustment has been eliminated in Pathfinder, but they haven't announced what it has been replaced with.

And I would love a bodyguard, PsionicFox. I'm a bit... frail.

Hmmm, okay. Well the Sunset character probably has too many feats any way, since the 'operator' of the thread she's in has given a few extra 'starting feats.

Um, I could create a 'clone' of her if that sits well with folks?

Shadow Lodge

Lets see...

What about a Dwarven Barbarian (with some Fighter levels also) banished from his clan? Which means I get to take advantage of a 30ft speed that can't be decreased by encumbrance or armor, hehe.

Sunset wrote:

Hmmm, okay. Well the Sunset character probably has too many feats any way, since the 'operator' of the thread she's in has given a few extra 'starting feats.

Um, I could create a 'clone' of her if that sits well with folks?

I like the Sunset character, but maybe having two bards will be redundant. You'd definitely have to use the regular amount of feats.

Hey there a few questions that'll help me flesh out my character.

1) Have you settled on a pantheon yet? Although I may go with the shintoist model.

2)Can she be 1/2 wood elf, since that would most easily factor into the background that's come to me so far.

3)How do people in the township look at 1/2 elves etc?

40With jungle nearby is it safe to assume the town has a ranger force or some sort of wilderness patrol?

I'm not sure about deities yet. I'm thinking of not really detailing the pantheon yet and just saying that clerics can take whatever domains they like. There's probably a unified church dedicated to the gods in general and then maybe a few cults to specific deities. Most people just pray to the deities in general and local spirits. I know there's a relatively new cult of a fire deity/spirit led by an oracle of fire (as in the upcoming class). There's also his lieutenants a halfling rogue, rumored to be the estranged daughter of an infamous crime lord and a mysterious drow eldritch knight that serves as a deadly enforcer. (This fire cult is actually based on the old player characters of my friends) There's the traditional elf and dwarf pantheons. There are also demon cults, especially favored among CE humanoids like ogres, trolls, orcs, gnolls, ect.

You can be half wood elf, but I'm not currently using any mechanical differences between subraces. Drow are an exception to that rule, but they're currently not allowed. The locals are tolerant of elves and half-elves, though the few dwarves in the region are likely to have poor reactions. Most just don't really have any strong feelings either way. The duke has rangers under his command.

And here we have the beginnings of Dolgrimm. A Dwarf Barbarian banished from his clan for the crime of fratricide. Hired on with a young spellcaster (perhaps knew her father) who keeps him fed/equipped in exchange for him beating the crap out of whoever bothers her.

Are the flaws from Tome of Secrets permitted? I'm specifically thinking of the one-eye flaw.

Partly because Dolgrimm "Grim" One-Eye is a kickass name, and also because it'd add some awesome flavor to the character.

I'm allowing stuff from Tome of Secrets on a case-by-case basis. One-Eye seems to be reasonable.

*^_^* Never fear! Suny's HERE!

Okey's, gonna work up t' gettin' this lass sorted an' adventurin' along side every one else.


Alright then looks like we're mostly done with characters. I aught to have IC and OOC threads up in the next couple of days.

Sovereign Court

lordzack wrote:
Alright then looks like we're mostly done with characters. I aught to have IC and OOC threads up in the next couple of days.

Dibs on a slot if someone else drops out! I'm ready to play anything Pathfinder.

Okeys! Pretty much got th' basics done. I reakon I've every thin' I need t' start adventurin' with. Just need a official like perusal an' some comments an' we're good t' go! ^_^

Cheery-O! theLandOfDunarisOoc&page=1#0

The Ooc thread is up.

The problem I see with you're character, Suny, is that she's using a Golarion trait and deity. We're not playing in Golarion. I haven't actually detailed any deities, however so I might being willing to allow you to worship a deity like Calistria.

A question. What would be the best choices for favored enemies? It's the only class ability that can be rendered useless simply by the tone of the campaign so I'd like to pick appropriate ones. I soppose same with favored terrain although first will be forest or jungle to match background.

Well I don't really have many long term plans, but to start kobolds will be a common foe and undead will likely be encountered later.

Cool, thanks

Well looks like we need some new players. We need 2-4 additional players.

Dark Archive

lordzack wrote:
Well looks like we need some new players. We need 2-4 additional players.

I'm in, if you can wait a couple of days for me to create a character.

Suny sighs,

"Geeze an' th' pretty lady an' such were seemin' rilly nice an' all." *pouts*

YAY! T' th' new folks whut's thinkin' o' joinin'! ^_^


nightflier wrote:
I'm in, if you can wait a couple of days for me to create a character.

Ditto. My character should be up 24 hours.

Alright if we get both of those characters then we're good to go. Getting a couple more might not be bad though, so if any one else is interested there's room for a couple more as well.

I'll throw my hat in. Nee a Paladin or Sorcerer?

Dark Archive

lordzack wrote:
Alright if we get both of those characters then we're good to go. Getting a couple more might not be bad though, so if any one else is interested there's room for a couple more as well.

Are you open to idea that one player can lead two Pcs?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Yeah like I mentioned in the other thread I would run 2 characters if needed.

If you still need one more, I would like to throw my hat in as well. Perhaps a gnome rogue?

May I present Gandelplot Trapspringer (Gandel to his friends; any convenient alias he can think up on the spot to the law enforcement officials who may be asking questions about the items found missing from that particular noble's villa, and no sir, I was nowhere near that area of the city during that time of night - I was at home reading Garl's holy texts to my poor blind grandmother).

Please pardon the intrusion guys, since this isn't an actual rp thread I figure I'm allowed a minor post (for the record, it does look interesting, expect me to follow you guys campaign :) )

But uh... Max....

Could you check your email dude? I haven't heard from you in forever lol

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