Joshua J. Frost |

You didn't answer part of my actual question:
When you spend the Prestige Award, either 1 for 150 gp, or 2 for 750 gp purchases, are those items permanently yours, or are they just loaners for the length of the module?
As to the conversion rules, I have to say that, unless the change rules for all the Season 0 modules cut the gold gained significantly, and that the Season 1+ modules give out less gold, you are, indeed, screwing over any converted character.
To be honest, this is giving me a bad taste in my mouth for the PFSOP campaign in general. And, also, your overly defensive responses to questions on the conversion rules add to that sour taste. Just something to think about.
Those items are permanently yours. Edit: deleted incorrect price here.
There wasn't a perfect way to formulate the conversion that wouldn't, in some way, "screw over any converted character." Luckily we'll only have to do this once. :-)
I'm sorry you have a bad taste in your mouth. Please trust that I did consider all options and went with the one I felt had the least problems. I'm attempting to address all points and answer all questions quickly and efficiently--if you're reading this as defensive, that's not my intent. Don't apply emotion to the typed word. :-)

Joshua J. Frost |

I have two players each with only one scenario under their belts. Correct me if I am wrong (and apologies if this has been covered), they are unable to purchase masterwork weapons due to the 250 pg spending cap (PFSG pg 6) even if they were available to purchase from their chronicle during conversion. Are they allowed after completing their second chronicle, since the max raises to 375 gp for a single item? or are masterwork items considered basic items , and are always available (PFSG pg. 22)?
Again apologies if this has been responded to before; I couldn't find an answer in previous posts.
Masterwork items are listed as always available, regardless of your PA.

Joshua J. Frost |

From the PFSOP CCG v2.0: Your character may “spend” her Prestige Award for temporary boons, favors, or access to spellcasting services.
So, would that 150/750 gp "purchase" be a temporary thing, or is it, despite no other reference, actually be permanent?
Okay, I guess it is that he is only skimming posts before answering, but he keeps stressing things that are not referenced in posts he is answering.
I've read every post up to this one and will read every post after this one. If I occasionally reference something not directly asked in the question I am doing so to answer corner cases that could be related to the original question. My apologies if these corner case deviations are causing irreparable confusion.

Joshua J. Frost |

Hogarth wrote:Masterwork weapons are indeed covered in Chapter 6 (Equipment) and are therefore always available. Although, come to think of it, it's not clear what "basic" is supposed to mean.So what about the purchasing cap... the cheapest masterwork weapons still start at 301 gp! A conversion character with one scenario would not be able to purchase a masterwork scimitar unless he was 2nd level or had 4 PA.
If I am misunderstanding or interpreting this, please feel free to respond.
Masterwork items are on the list of items that are always available, regardless of PA.

Joshua J. Frost |

are all the gods (and demon lords)from the Pathfinder campaign setting usable in pathfinder society? and if not, which ones are? (if any)
For now, just the primary deities. I've stated elsewhere (can't remember where just now for linking purposes) that I'm going to expand that list in a future update.

Joshua J. Frost |

Thanks I also sent an e-mail to paizo customer service as well with all the info. was not sure what to do. Thanks for the fast reply and help. Should I just repost this in a week or two?
I have pics of the DMs & Volunteers at gen-con I held them hostage Sat night during clean up for a couple of pictures. Is there A place were I can post them?
Hey James,
I think I replied to you in another thread. In case I didn't, email me (josh@paizo.com) with the following details:
Your PFS ID #
Your PFS ID # you used at Gen Con
Your scenarios played at Gen Con
Your GMs ID #s from those scenarios
This info will help me find and fix your concern. Keep in mind that I won't have the paperwork back from Gen Con for a few weeks, though.

Joshua J. Frost |

Which of the traits from the new Pathfinder RPG Character Traits doc are allowed in Pathfinder Society play? I'm guessing that the list of disallowed traits from p. 28 of the Version 2 guide refers to the old "Pathfinder Character Traits Web Enhancement" doc.
I'm also guessing that "Hedge Magician" and "Rich Parents" are still out, as the former deals with crafting and the latter just gives bonus gp at character creation and was disallowed in the first doc.
Are Adopted, Focused Mind, Magical Knack, Natural-born Leader, and Sacred Touch still on the no-no list?
Many thanks,
EDIT: In related news, I am also wondering about the new "Magical Lineage" trait from the PRPG Character Traits doc. Does it have the ability of lowering a spell level adjustment to 0?
I need time to review the document and then update the guide book. Currently, I do not have an answer for you.

Piety Godfury |

Piety Godfury wrote:Spend the 50 gp for it and note it on a chronicle sheet. You can convert with levels of this PrC, just spend the 50 gp during conversion.Josh,
I asked Joe to ask you this question while you were at Gen-Con and he said, you said to post it and you'd answer it after the con. Thanks in advance.
one of the requirements for Pathfinder Chronicler states:
Special: Must have authored or scribed something (other than a magic scroll or other device) for which another person (not A PC) paid at least 50 GP for.
How do we fulfill this req in Society as there is no crafting other than day-job?
...Also am I going to be able to convert with levels of this P-Class or will I have to do this in game now and take it in another level or 2 (hopefully not). ;-)
Thanks Josh!

Piety Godfury |

Piety Godfury wrote:For the sake of clarity, can you site a specific feat?Josh,
In Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting many of the eligible feats require “’X’ affinity.” I assume this independent of Faction? I also assume that you can have only one affinity? Is this correct?
I'm "Bookless" at work ATM I'll give some examples at home.
Thanks again!

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Still haven't seen an answer to my question a few pages back. Will the conversion guidelines apply to pre-PRPG items that are allowed in PFS now? I'm specifically thinking of all medium and heavy armors that are allowed, since those armor types now have a +1AC bonus compared to their previous edition versions. Without granting the same bonus to other medium and heavy armors (such as field plate from the campaign setting), they aren't really worth it when compared to the new improved medium and heavy armors from PRPG.
So, in summary, will older medium and heavy armors get a +1 to their AC bonus in PFS?

Piety Godfury |

Thank you Chris.
Yes, all of the in "The Inner Sea" section of the book (Chafter 2) has an affinity (or some other pereq) associated with the country it is listed in.
A couple examples;
Careful Speaker: (under Galt)
Perequisites: Wis 13, Galt affinity.
Aldori Dueling Mastery (Brevory) requires, amoungst other things, "member of an Aldori school."
Thanks Josh.

Joshua J. Frost |

Still haven't seen an answer to my question a few pages back. Will the conversion guidelines apply to pre-PRPG items that are allowed in PFS now? I'm specifically thinking of all medium and heavy armors that are allowed, since those armor types now have a +1AC bonus compared to their previous edition versions. Without granting the same bonus to other medium and heavy armors (such as field plate from the campaign setting), they aren't really worth it when compared to the new improved medium and heavy armors from PRPG.
So, in summary, will older medium and heavy armors get a +1 to their AC bonus in PFS?
No, not unless they're updated elsewhere by the rest of the editorial staff.

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You really shouldn't play down ever. BUT if that's the only way you can play, then it's allowed.
Great. Realistically, there are a lot of mixed-level tables at gamedays. Just yesterday I ran an adventure with three 3rd level characters, a 5th level character, and an 8th level character. They played the 5-6 tier, the lowest this particular adventure had, and they did fine--even though only one player was playing at the correct tier for his level. Did I do wrong here?

exile RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

So, I'm typing out the newest, most up to date version of my PFS character, and there are a few things that I'm not sure about. Maybe someone could help.
So, I get that the boons, temporary bonuses, from the interactive at Paizocon survive character conversion, but what about more permanent things such as Divine Promise (1st prize from teh Vision Quest encounter) which lets one gain a +1 inherent bonust to Wisdom by converting 10 named minor NPCs to the worship of your god; and Arcanimirium membership which lets you add a bonus spell to your spellbook each time you level up?

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So, I get that the boons, temporary bonuses, from the interactive at Paizocon survive character conversion, but what about more permanent things such as Divine Promise (1st prize from teh Vision Quest encounter) which lets one gain a +1 inherent bonust to Wisdom by converting 10 named minor NPCs to the worship of your god; and Arcanimirium membership which lets you add a bonus spell to your spellbook each time you level up?
My educated assumption would be that those boons will stay with your character ... wherever you got them.

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is command undead outlawed? and if it is not, then what are the limitations on it?
I haven't seen any restrictions regarding either command undead (the feat and the spell). You get to keep the 'commanded' undead till the end of the scenario. Then all spells cease, and you lose your fluffy undead (and other dominated persons you might have).
It should be noted the feat allows unintelligent undead a saving throw unlike the spell.

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I haven't seen any restrictions regarding either command undead (the feat and the spell). You get to keep the 'commanded' undead till the end of the scenario. Then all spells cease, and you lose your fluffy undead (and other dominated persons you might have).
Not related to this spell/feat as such, but... The guide explicitly states that all spell effects end when the scenario ends at the latest. What happens to undead created by Animate Dead? The spell is instaneous, and the caster needs to pay for the spell components, so would it be safe to assume that the zombies go into the "items purchased" box and follow the caster into the next scenario?

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Deussu wrote:I haven't seen any restrictions regarding either command undead (the feat and the spell). You get to keep the 'commanded' undead till the end of the scenario. Then all spells cease, and you lose your fluffy undead (and other dominated persons you might have).Not related to this spell/feat as such, but... The guide explicitly states that all spell effects end when the scenario ends at the latest. What happens to undead created by Animate Dead? The spell is instaneous, and the caster needs to pay for the spell components, so would it be safe to assume that the zombies go into the "items purchased" box and follow the caster into the next scenario?
That's what some might expect, but experience from Living Greyhawk tells me even Animate Dead's effect ends despite it's duration being instantaneous. This requires Josh's blessing, however, as I'm only basing my assumption on what Josh will say. ;)
Simply put in PFS you can't go around collecting fluffy animals and go back to the venture-captain and ask, "Mommy, can I keep it? Can I?"

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Deussu wrote:Simply put in PFS you can't go around collecting fluffy animals and go back to the venture-captain and ask, "Mommy, can I keep it? Can I?"The thing is, the zombies aren't collected. They are paid for, and should thus be compared to riding dogs, war horses, and such.
If it would count as a "combat animal", I actually don't see a problem with this... though in urban scenarios I wouldn't keep such an undead with me. And no, not even with disguises. That'd be stupid!

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If it would count as a "combat animal", I actually don't see a problem with this... though in urban scenarios I wouldn't keep such an undead with me. And no, not even with disguises. That'd be stupid!
What, are you calling my ogre zombie bodyguard with a flour sack with eye-holes over his head stupid! ;)

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Deussu wrote:Simply put in PFS you can't go around collecting fluffy animals and go back to the venture-captain and ask, "Mommy, can I keep it? Can I?"The thing is, the zombies aren't collected. They are paid for, and should thus be compared to riding dogs, war horses, and such.
A better comparison would be to an everburning torch, which requires a spell and some gold to make a permanent item.
In order to keep the hordes of shambling dead in check, I also think that treating animated dead like a combat animal is a good rule.

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Another question from me:
How is arcane bond item upgrading handled in society? Do wizards get it for half price, full price, or unupgradeable?
That I would also like to know. And like I ask in another Thread, how do you handle upgrading existing magic items like the sun blade or the holy avenger you you take them to be your arcane bond?

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4. Bestiary isnt out yet. Should Druids use the monster manual till then?
I believe the Bestiary Preview is intended to fill the gap for wildshape, summons, and familiars.

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If you are running a season 0 scenario for characters who have been converted to the Pathfinder rule system then should you also convert the NPCs to Pathfinder?
Check out this thread on Converting PFS#1 - 28 to PRPG Rules

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Check out this thread on Converting PFS#1 - 28 to PRPG Rules
Thanks, a useful thread though that thread doesn't seem to answer the question of whether or not you have to convert them to run a legal game.

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Derek Poppink wrote:Thanks, a useful thread though that thread doesn't seem to answer the question of whether or not you have to convert them to run a legal game.
Check out this thread on Converting PFS#1 - 28 to PRPG Rules
You have to Convert everything that needs converting, if The NPC does nothing but talk to them I would say you don't need to convert them. 3.5 rules are no longer legal in PFS, so if you are running a season 0 Scenerio what ever needs to be converted should be converted by the GM.

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Just wondering why the two feets vermin heart and vermin companion were left off the list of allowed feats from the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book (page 219)
i was really hopeing to take them for my Osiri Faction Ranger
i assume it wasent just an oversite, but just in case, i thought id post here ;)

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You have to Convert everything that needs converting, if The NPC does nothing but talk to them I would say you don't need to convert them. 3.5 rules are no longer legal in PFS, so if you are running a season 0 Scenerio what ever needs to be converted should be converted by the GM.
Thanks Dragnmoon. But in another thread I've been told:
Don't convert anything in the module (you're not supposed to anyway).
So although I'm in agreement with you, I'll wait for an answer from Josh.

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Dragnmoon wrote:
You have to Convert everything that needs converting, if The NPC does nothing but talk to them I would say you don't need to convert them. 3.5 rules are no longer legal in PFS, so if you are running a season 0 Scenerio what ever needs to be converted should be converted by the GM.
Thanks Dragnmoon. But in another thread I've been told:
Quote:Don't convert anything in the module (you're not supposed to anyway).So although I'm in agreement with you, I'll wait for an answer from Josh.
what I told you is what Josh has said... Who told you not to?

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Just wondering why the two feets vermin heart and vermin companion were left off the list of allowed feats from the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting book (page 219)
i was really hopeing to take them for my Osiri Faction Ranger
i assume it wasent just an oversite, but just in case, i thought id post here ;)
Vermin Heart wouldn't really be a big deal, but Vermin Companion would be a serious PITA in Pathfinder, given how the animal companion rules work. Since animal companions no longer begin with their base Bestiary stats, you can't just say, "add creature X to the list of animal companions" as you could in 3.5 - you actually have to provide starting stats and advancement stats for any new animal companions you want to bring onboard. In the case of Vermin Companion, that would essentially mean writing up 9 new sets of stats - one for each kind of vermin mentioned in the feat. That's not going to happen in a guide like the Guide to PFS Organized Play.

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You have to Convert everything that needs converting, if The NPC does nothing but talk to them I would say you don't need to convert them. 3.5 rules are no longer legal in PFS, so if you are running a season 0 Scenerio what ever needs to be converted should be converted by the GM.
Don't convert anything in the module (you're not supposed to anyway).
what I told you is what Josh has said... Who told you not to?
That would be me. What I meant by that statement is this: J. Frost has said that Paizo most likely won't publish any sort of updates for Season 0 scenarios, since due to backwards compatibility, there really isn't any need to. In most cases you can get by with slight modifications. For instance in this case (The Trouble With Secrets) there really isn't any need to convert, say, abilities, skill points, feats or supernatural abilities. What you DO need to do is use the Pathfinderized versions of feats instead of the 3.5-feats. Again, in this particular case it would mean the the nerf to the end boss's AC since Combat Expertise took a huge hit going from 3.5 to Pathfinder RPG.

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But what about converting class abilities that have changed (for instance, channeling energy, ranger's favored enemy adding to hit and damage) or adding additional feats?
But I guess that if Josh has said that scenarios need to be converted then the question is irrelevant. So Dragnmoon, where has Josh said that?

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We haven't been converting our Season 0 games a whole lot, due to the promise of backwards compatibility ensuring you don't have to. However, in one adventure where I was playing my monk, the DM went out of his way to rebuild an NPC monk that we fought using the new rules, so I could face off against "myself". It was quite fun, although I despaired of being able to do the same against him, as his character is a paladin.
But lo and behold (and very, very minor spoiler), the next day I ate a scenario that included a paladin of slaughter as an enemy! I was able to rebuild that evil paladin to square off against him, and give him a taste of his own class, evil-style. Good times.
If I have a point here, it's that I don't think you have to convert at all, but that you can if you think it will add to the play experience.