Tanarukk class skills?

General Discussion (Prerelease)

Tanarukk also are in the odd position of having 8 skill points per hit die, but only the skills perception, stealth, and intimidate to choose from.

Shouldn't they have at least as many skill choices as skill points?

I plan on adding survival and climb to their choices, but I'm not certain what else or how many class skills they should have.

These guys are going to be reoccurring villains in the game with PC class levels so I don't want to just hand wave this.

Scarab Sages

Well, if they're going to have PC class levels, they will have PC skills and skillpoints...use the other 5/level from Racial levels for cross-class skills. (so they just won't have the +3 bonus)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I would just say give them less. I don't think that Tanarukk should be that skillzy, even though some outsiders are.

Then gain, I've never believed strongly in "creature type" templates for hit dice, especially where they concern humanoids or quasi-humanoids.

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
Well, if they're going to have PC class levels, they will have PC skills and skillpoints...use the other 5/level from Racial levels for cross-class skills. (so they just won't have the +3 bonus)

That's an option. It just seems that as a culture or subculture it seems like thing like craft, climb, and survival would be built in.

Hydro wrote:

I would just say give them less. I don't think that Tanarukk should be that skillzy, even though some outsiders are.

Then gain, I've never believed strongly in "creature type" templates for hit dice, especially where they concern humanoids or quasi-humanoids.

That's also an option. 40+ skill point before the barbarian level is a crapload of skills, but I feel kind of like I'm screwing them, although I'm not sure why.

A couple of suggestions:

1) Add Climb, Survival and Swim to their Class Skill list. After all, they are modelled after Barbarians, and those Skills are on the list of Class Skills for Barbarian.

2) Now, you have a hard choice: you can either give them a -4 to Intelligence (to replicate their brutal, feral nature) and conclude the conversion. (8-2 Skill Points per HD = 6 Class Skills)


3) You can add also Knowledge (nature) and Acrobatics (again, Like Barbarians). 8 Class Skills.

There is also an 'hybrid' solution,

4) Give them -2 to Intelligence and add only either Acrobatics (to simulate the Jump of Barbarians) or Knowledge (nature) (if you want them to be real survivalists).

Just my 2c.

The Wraith wrote:

A couple of suggestions:

1) Add Climb, Survival and Swim to their Class Skill list. After all, they are modelled after Barbarians, and those Skills are on the list of Class Skills for Barbarian.

2) Now, you have a hard choice: you can either give them a -4 to Intelligence (to replicate their brutal, feral nature) and conclude the conversion. (8-2 Skill Points per HD = 6 Class Skills)


3) You can add also Knowledge (nature) and Acrobatics (again, Like Barbarians). 8 Class Skills.

There is also an 'hybrid' solution,

4) Give them -2 to Intelligence and add only either Acrobatics (to simulate the Jump of Barbarians) or Knowledge (nature) (if you want them to be real survivalists).

Just my 2c.

Thanks, I tend to favor 3, and I'm even temped to throw in a wild card like UMD. I'd like to leave their intelligence intact to reflect a certain demonic cunning.

"Did that wierd looking Orc with the axe just shoot us with a wand?!"

For any particular NPC, if it's going to eventually get class levels, putting the skill points into the future class skills won't hurt them at all. Once they take the class level, it becomes a class skill and they have max ranks and the +3 bonus.

udalrich wrote:

For any particular NPC, if it's going to eventually get class levels, putting the skill points into the future class skills won't hurt them at all. Once they take the class level, it becomes a class skill and they have max ranks and the +3 bonus.

This is true. For my purposes all these guys will have class levels. The baseline grunt for these guys (IMG) is barbarian 1. I suppose this is a sample/reflection of the fairly thoughtless way a lot of things with a decent amount of base HD are handled in terms of skills.

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