Mmmm... Brains

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Shadow Lodge

This is...(wipes goop from eyes?) so touching..can we eat now

Scarab Sages

Awesome premier last night! Can't wait for the recently recruited Patrick to sign up some more people!

Scarab Sages

Season has been great so far, but I really wish we'd get a few more main cast members to chew on!

Scarab Sages

Damnit! We coulda had <redacted>!

I think I have a few episoded to catch up on again.

Would you guys stop getting shot and stabbed in the head all the time? This is a lot of work.

They need more incorporeal allies.

Scarab Sages


I wonder how many more we'll get this season?

Scarab Sages

We're back! I'd like to thank all the members of The Horde who gave their (un)lives trying to lure Michonne to our team.

Scarab Sages

Mama always said it was dangerous to play by railroad tracks.

Scarab Sages

And all those poor bus riders! What if they were going to church? Or a picnic? Did Maggie even think of that?!?

Scarab Sages

Holy Crap! I hadn't noticed the thing with the rabbits! Damn, that kid is f*~&ed up.

Does anyone else suspect Rick is a zombie?

I mean, he survives in a coma for months despite no medical care or nutrients, responds to being beaten badly by going into another coma... and seems at times to be capable of walking among the undead without as much notice.

Let's crack open your brain and find out. C'mon on boys! There's meat on the table!

Scarab Sages

Damnit! We almost had Darryl!!!

Scarab Sages

All those poor Walkers in the tunnel. They just wanted to help Glenn get Tara's foot unstuck.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Damn! Only July and I'm already getting excited about the next season of Walking Dead.

Scarab Sages

Almost time to head over to New Orleans for a little reunion. I hate getting on the road, but I do love a journey.

Scarab Sages

More Walking Dead specials and videos are popping up. Woohoo!!

Scarab Sages

I haz new neighbors! They look yumm...I mean...they look friendly.

Scarab Sages

Less than a month until Walking Dead picks back up! Woot!!!

I kinda-freaked out a bit 2 Sundays back when, for whatever reason, I was absolutely certain that TWD was coming on that night.

Mrs. Fausts' reply: " You don't get to watch faces being eaten for another month, dear. Now enjoy some equally mindless football with me. "

Scarab Sages

If only they would listen to us and broadcast it year round, you wouldn't have that problem.

Scarab Sages

One week from tomorrow!

Scarab Sages

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya, tomorrow!
You're only a daaaayyyy awaaaaayyyy!!!!

Omnomnomnom ... oh, are we early? It can wait.


Scarab Sages

Tonight! Tonight! Tonight! Whoahoaaa....

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Sure, a lot of Walkers got wasted, but we also had some new recruits and plenty of fresh meals.

Scarab Sages

Damnit! We almost had Bob!!! Damn you Tyrese!!

Scarab Sages


And to all a good night, Night Vale, good night.

Scarab Sages

Damn that Darryl! He trained <redacted> too well! We should have had her. That's ok, we'll get the <redacted> she was trying to <redacted> with.....

And we at least got to eat a few people inside the hospital.

Plus, <redacted> is there now. She's been pretty good lately about letting Walkers in to eat folk.

Scarab Sages

Let's see who we can get tonight!

Scarab Sages

Well, we didn't get anybody last night. Unless you count <redacted's> family, but that was a flashback.

Brains is brains. Flashback brains are bestest brains 'cause you know you ate 'em.

Anybody here watching Z-Nation? There's a horde on that show that is 1 million strong! Yes, 1 million! The living on that show called it a "Zunami".

Scarab Sages

I have not been. It was on the Syfy Channel, so I automatically assumed it would suck ass.

However, "Zunami" does have a nice ring to it. I may have to steal that term.

Scarab Sages

I....missed last Sunday's episode. It's all my in-laws fault. They got rid of their cable.

Luckily, it's DVR'd back home in Houston.

Ugh. I'm still stuffed from all the brains I are on Thanksgiving.

Which is odd, since I don't have an actual stomach.

Scarab Sages

I still have some of my famous Brain and Bile Stuffing. It's an old family recipe.

Scarab Sages

Also, poor <redacted>. I really liked her. And I'm kinda pissed that she got <redacted> in the <redacted>. I was really hoping we could eat her.

Scarab Sages

It saddens me that I did not get to watch my brethren devour anyone last night.

Scarab Sages

Happy Birthday, Lauren Cohan! She plays the delectable Maggie.

Scarab Sages

One week from tomorrow.

As an iron cobra i have no brain to munch on but I did drag this bag of juicy brains to give out.

Scarab Sages

You are now beloved of us. The Horde shall make good use of you.

Scarab Sages

Sunday can't come soon enough.....

No, no it cannot.

Izzat a bag of juicy brains? Are they ... tasty? Are they ... scrumptious?

*smacks lips*


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