This thread needs more brains.
Bitey reluctant due to vague nature of definition of body part share allocation in proposal. Does funny facemonster care to elaborate?
I just hope the latest batch is fresh...
*Blink blink*
*sign* "When did we get a smart goblin?"
*sign flip: pictogram: axe chops dead body in half, 50/50*
Half bodiiiiiieeeeessss......
Do goblins have brains? Are they any good?
*sign* "Yes they have them, no they're not any good."
*sign flip* "They're excellent waste disposal though. Probably not a bad idea to leave him around. It's not like he can hurt us. What's he going to do, eat a zombie?"
Bitey currently on strict only-things-that-not-explicitly-disagree diet.
Have to disagree while bitey eat to count.
But as a lich, I no longer have brains. Therefore, *channels Command Undead* I AM YOUR MASTER NOW!!!
*smacks* *sign* "No. Bad."
*steals skull and takes up into attic*
That's the sort of thing that can really ruin your day. *keeps channeling* YOU'LL ROLL A 1 EVENTUALLY!!!
*sign* "You do realize that I'm a native outsider healed by negative energy and not an undead, right?"
lucky7 wrote: But as a lich, I no longer have brains. Therefore, *channels Command Undead* I AM YOUR MASTER NOW!!! YES MASTER...., I OBEY.
*distracts EDJZ with a thrown brain*
Snaps out of it
What was that!
Do I obey the skull, or the headless body?
The talking part. *Channels Command Undead* ROLL NAT 1's ON YOUR WILL SAVE!!!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Obey astonishingly eloquent baby goblin.
*sign* "Someone stop the body before it kicks a hole in the pantry floor. Again."
Luckily human skeleton weigh only fraction of complete body. Otherwise might really hurt now.
Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Did I save?
I like to save on occasion. I'm hoping to build up enough cash to buy my own farmhouse.
Can I manifest in a lich?
Ain't that average groupie.
I think Caspers was talkin to me. So no.
Because it's never to early to begin a countdown to the Walking Dead.
Woot!!! Walking Dead spin off!!!!!
Yup. Apparently it's gonna be written by the creator of the comic (Robert Kirkman?) and take place in another part of the country.
Will they recycle plotlines like zombie movies do zombie-extras?
Who cares? As long as we get to feast on more delicious living people. And maybe they'll do it some place nice - like Hawaii!
But..., but..., there's not enough food in Hawaii unless you like pineapples and sugar cane. I mean expecting a zombie to turn vegetarian then sail back to the mainland is insulting to say the least.
Anyhow I was hoping for someplace scenic like London or Paris, maybe a side step into the North Africa and the Middle East before Brad Pitt screws it up the his next sequel.
You can have mine...It's marinated in mead
Just a few more days.....
What happens in a few more days?
A new line of employment maybe...
Oh nothing of importance for me, since I already have a job.
Now where did I put that... *looks around himself and starts digging a whole*
Wouldn't you like to know. *keeps digging*
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow! You're only a day away....
Are we still waiting for tomorrow boss? I thought when I woke up this morning, it would be tomorrow, but it turns out it is only today. Maybe tomorrow will come tomorrow.
Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote: Are we still waiting for tomorrow boss? I thought when I woke up this morning, it would be tomorrow, but it turns out it is only today. Maybe tomorrow will come tomorrow. *digs up a fairly fresh looking casket, reaches inside and retrieves a well-preserved severed head*
Here, crack this one open, you seem to be running low.
I am ashamed of all of you, this is why zombies are so often discriminated against. Look at how the media portrays us, as nothing more then slow, mindless, brain eating monsters. I'll have you know .... actually those brains do look good .............................. BRAINS.