Mmmm... Brains

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Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Scarab Sages

Dang blast it! Did we get Carol or not?

What about those poor, toothless, chained zombies? They'll never get to eat again ... I mean, I guess they could just tear off bits and swallow those, but it's just not the same.

Do they make zombie dentures?

And maybe Carol is now one of the zombie horde ... the little clues are placed to lure the others deeper into the prison so they can get jumped ...

Scarab Sages

WRT Zombie Fight Club: It may be time to contact our legal counsel about the rights of our fellow heart-beat challenged.

Scarab Sages

We'll get you next time Merle! Next time....!!!!

Scarab Sages

Sadly, I'm going to miss out on the continuing adventures of The Horde over the next few weeks. Stoopid business trip. Ah well, that's what the DVR is for.

Scarab Sages

Finally got caught up on the continuing adventures of my fellow walkers last night. So much violence against the heart beat challenged. And all we got was a tertiary character.

They need to cast a General Zombie ... show cut scenes where he mrrglls out proper strategy, maybe he snacks on a brain to keep up the ol' neuron activity ...

Scarab Sages


*sign* "I heard through the crawl spaces that another warm body was claimed last night."

*flip sign* "Can someone pass me a leg?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

General Mrgh: "Zombie Conan, what is best in life?"

Zombie Conan: "To crush your field rations, see them quivering before you and hear the mastications of their cerebellums!"


It is near to 10 p.m. tonight, DC has a rather thick fog beginning to besiege the area. If you hear about DC getting swarmed under by zombies, you're welcome.


Save some for me!

Sadly, most of the zombies hereabouts are just like (or are) the politicians on the Hill ... which is why Patient Zero will probably NOT come from DC.

*sighs* Need to look further outside the beltway methinks...


Scarab Sages


*sign* "I should take the opportunity to get out while it's overcast."

*flip sign* "Any recommendations?"

Grue in the Attic wrote:

*sign* "I should take the opportunity to get out while it's overcast."

*flip sign* "Any recommendations?"


Scarab Sages

Brother Faust the Elder wrote:
Grue in the Attic wrote:

*sign* "I should take the opportunity to get out while it's overcast."

*flip sign* "Any recommendations?"



Aberzombie wrote:
Brother Faust the Elder wrote:
Grue in the Attic wrote:

*sign* "I should take the opportunity to get out while it's overcast."

*flip sign* "Any recommendations?"



*sign* "Seems canned food is the order of the day."

Or John Candy films.

*sign* "Yes, pass the candy please."

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Huzzah! WALKING DEAD returns this Sunday!!! GO UNDEAD HORDE!!!

Huzzah! May they ever be victorious!

Hope the living kill each other off to bolster the ranks of the horde. After there is some brain chomping of course.

Scarab Sages

Huzzah! We got a couple of folks!!

Scarab Sages

That Morgan fellow sure doesn't like the heart-beat challenged.

He's none too fond of the living either, apparently. That axe trap had gotten some use ...

Scarab Sages

What kind of sick bastard would torch helpless zombies?!? We were people too, once.

*sign* "Fire sucks. Bright AND burny."

Scarab Sages

Damnit! We almost had <redacted>!

Eat them, eat them all.

It was a buffet night ... so many brains .. and some nice additions to the ranks.

Scarab Sages

And they're running every episode throughout this week! So much flesh munching action.....

*waves a giant foam finger for the Horde*

Guys... could I, I don't know what you'd call it, put in a brain-eating request on this thread? I know someone who REALLY hasn't been using his brain, so it should be plump and unspoiled, and he has no need of it anymore... how would that work?

Scarab Sages

All requests should include the name, address, regular schedule, and favorite hangouts of the requester. We usually like to....verify....these requests in person.

Ah ok, so it was a service possibility. Excellent. Expect some PMs, and I wish for a... Tasteful handling of the gr... Subject matter.

Oooo, catering!

Scarab Sages

Hmmm, not sure how I feel about that season ending. We got a lot of converts, but some of them got scragged right off the back. And Andrea got away from us!

'tis an Easter thing. Besides, the women need to get away to produce more delicious bbbrrraaaaiiiinnnnsssss....

Gotta love the Governor for bolstering the ranks after thinning them ... like planting a zombie seedling for each zombie cut down ...

There could be a little zombimentalist in him ... though just a little.

And did you watch Talking Dead? Apparently someone has been speaking ... groaning ... whatever ... they had a caller who was onto the Zombiepocalypse plans! Fortunately, his call was cut off before he could give the actual date ...


Scarab Sages



Do they have brains?

Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote:
Do they have brains?

Word is that there is 'something special' in the 'powdered cheese' used on Doritos. This is especially noticeable on the Doritos Locos tacos from Taco Bell. You can't eat just one ....

Brother Faust the Elder wrote:
Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote:
Do they have brains?
Word is that there is 'something special' in the 'powdered cheese' used on Doritos. This is especially noticeable on the Doritos Locos tacos from Taco Bell. You can't eat just one ....

*sign* "I think it's brainstem."

Grue in the Attic wrote:
Brother Faust the Elder wrote:
Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote:
Do they have brains?
Word is that there is 'something special' in the 'powdered cheese' used on Doritos. This is especially noticeable on the Doritos Locos tacos from Taco Bell. You can't eat just one ....
*sign* "I think it's brainstem."

mmmmmm ... cerebellummmm .... *drools*

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