*prowls the streets in search of brains*
You watcha you mouth, Harpo. Dis'a family thread; you donna wan a lil' zombie to overhear dat kinda language.
There's lil' zombies?
I love the sound of childlike undead cackling.
I used to like this guy. What'd we ever do to him?
Zombie Pizza Delivery Girl wrote: I used to like this guy. What'd we ever do to him? Did we eat him, maybe?
The second half of the Walking Dead, Season 2 is coming up in February.
hi all. i got told that this was a support group for we undead who are sick of being hit by smite evil. what's the right protocol here, am i supposed to introduce myself?
How about smite b&@%*es?????!?
hey, i just got the card out of the local town hall and stopped in to see what was going on. maybe you should ask one of the regulars.
by the way, does anyone have any blood they don't need?
Do vampires have brains we can eat?
Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote: This is the place where we try to amass brains for Aberzombie. It's a "used brain drive" so to speak.
So stop by and drop off your unwanted brains!
Remind me to avoid this thread...
Id Vicious wrote: Casper the Brain-Eating Ghost wrote: This is the place where we try to amass brains for Aberzombie. It's a "used brain drive" so to speak.
So stop by and drop off your unwanted brains! Remind me to avoid this thread... too late.
You remind me of the mom.
What mom?
The mom with the power.
What power?
The power of boobdoo.
Who do?
You do.
Do what?
Remind me of the mom.
Zombie Bullying PSA starring Zachary Levi
While I thank Mr. Levi for his valiant attempt to mitigate some of the hate and violence directed toward the heart beat challenged, I found his final catchphrase of "Be wise. Shoot between the eyes." to be deplorable.
Zombies were people too, you know.
I'm really starting to get into this second season of Walking Dead. With these survivors acting so silly and at each other's throats, it won't be long before the Horde is feasting on their entrails.
Hell, we just got one of them this past Sunday!
Go Team Zombie!
And people say the zombies are the stupid ones.
Xabulba wrote: And people say the zombies are the stupid ones. Not after they meet our legal counsel? :)
Finally, a series which depicts undead as the heroic figures we are!
Ha! We're in ur farm, eatin ur peeps!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
"You can get any brains you want,
At Aberzombie's Restaurant.'
Damn! Now we have to wait until the fall to see who get's eaten next on Walking Dead!
dwarf comes and drops a bunch of witch heads
123456789101213141516171819202123242526272829303132343536373839404142434546 474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879780818283 848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091201211231241 251261271281291401411421431441451461471481491601611621631641651661671681691 80181182183184185186187188189200
I believe that copious amounts of LEGAL mind-altering legal substances are a Good Thing.
I believe that I shall encourage my wingman, who is attending Shamrock Fest, is in dire need of getting his ashes hauled VERY thoroughly.
I believe that he Shall Have a Good @#!! Time, dammit.
Dunderdun Golem wrote: dwarf comes and drops a bunch of witch heads
witch heads, witch heads, roley-poley witch heads...
Like those inhabit it, this thread does not stay dead for long!
*sprays blood like confetti*
*stomps through the yard*
Dinosaur, O Dinosaur, stop tromping all around.
The silver moon is rising, it's time to go devour some living people.
Ooh! Are we hitting up the mall today?! That's my favorite.
Well, I hear they did just expand the food court.....
*sign* "Isn't the usual meal there just a lot of 'tastes great, less filling'?"
*flip sign* "I'm all for going regardless. Poodle and Sue emptied the spare fridge."
It depends. Foodcourts these days have lots of variety - Asian, Italian, Mexican.....
Don't forget the runners ... mmmmm ... chicken ...
*sign* "Good morning. We have egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and brains; egg bacon and brains; egg bacon sausage and brains; brains bacon sausage and brains; brains egg brains brains bacon and brains; brains sausage brains brains bacon brains tomato and brains."