Character builder

General Discussion (Prerelease)

I looked but I did not see a thread with this name perhaps someone else has made one somewhere else.
But I am wondering if anyone would be interested in a charater generator similar to the fourth ed one or the old second ones.
(I did so love the second ed one but I can't for the life of me remeber what it was called)

Anyway after using the fourth ed charater generator I was quite impressed it allowed me someone who is vertiually iliterate in that system to work up a charater realtively quickly.

I would love something like this so I could bang out NPC's quickly without losing quality to them.
I know it is most proberly more work than it is worth for the Paizo crew but I thought I would put it out there.

I would buy it if it came out.
Anywho just throwing it out there see if anyother people are interested in such and idea.

There was a recent thread about this.

I recommend PCGen software.

Sovereign Court

What? The CD-ROM Core Rules for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons?

I've actually got that CD sitting in my hand right now. Dragonbyte Software made it, wonder if they still exist...

Honestly though, I'm all for using a pencil and some paper for making my characters. Half the fun.

Haven't seen a good character generator since AD&D. Sorry guy.

here is a really good character builder for 3.5

Something's going on with that site. If that is the site I think it is, PCGen allows you to save, level, up, etc. It's much more sophisticated than an online builder/generator and it is still available for FREE. (They'd appreciate donations, of course.)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

There was a recent threadQUOTE]

Yeah like I said I didn't know if there was another one but I have used both that site and that program and they really don't compare to the ohter programs I mentioned.
I don't mean to insult them but the 4ed one was so easy to use as well as the second ed ones.
I mean I could sit there and make a charater for fun on those but when I have to do it with pen and paper for 3.5/pathfinder.
It's well not fun.

And as a DM who is using a world with a low ammount of monsters and alot of poltics NPCs are often made needed.
But anywho thanks for the link to the other thread

PCGen is cool and free, but sloooooooooow.

I have switched to Hero Lab - can't remember how much it costs, but it's similar to PCGen without some of the slowness and glitches. Perhaps a little easier to use as well. I think they're supporting PFRPG (can't remember where I read that).

And then there's always PCPen...

On way to speed up PCGen is to give it more memory. By default, Windows anyway only gives a Java program 64m memory. I use this as a shortcut to launch PCGen:

C:\Windows\System32\javaw.exe -Dswing.aatext=true -Xms128m -Xmx512m -jar pcgen.jar

and make sure it the startup folder is in the folder where the program is.

The other thing to speed up PCGen is to only load what you need, not every dang dataset. I load 4. The PfRPG Beta, PfRPG Web enhancement, PfRPG traits, and some personal coded stuff.

Oh, and PCGen supports the Beta Pathfinder ruleset.

-- david
PCGen Yahoo Group Moderator and occasional data monkey.

Try this, Link. Select Race, hit "advance creature" and add whatever levels you want him/her to have.

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