Into the the Blue: aka son of Spellgard

Play-by-Post Discussion

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No race or class limitations, but you'll get some odd looks if you play something really alien and probably a poor response from some sections of society.

One background only, FR flavoured.

As always, I greatly prefer that full stats be available in your profiles so I can look stuff up fast.

Party is looking like this at the moment:

Brujo - moonelf (eladrin for all practical purposes) swordmage (defender/striker)
Perigia - genasi firesoul wizard
Erik - human bard

Kestrel - sorcerer
Kelgan - half orc fighter

Amelia - something ranged
Xabulba - something ranged or melee strikerish

Looks like damage output is going up and healing is going down. Anyone fancy multiclassing into a leader of some kind?

Hi, Rev. Hi guys. Just wanted to wish you all an advanced Merry Christmas.


And to you too! Wonderful to see you and I hope things are going well with you. Caine can still put in guest appearances whenever you can make time for him.

Dark Archive

I can make time for him this Christmas season.


Splendid. I shall work that into the plans then. I feel that some kind of introductory battle with accompanying plot development is indicated.

Dark Archive

what's the level now? I had to reinstall my ddi character builder and caine's file is gone. do you have a copy of his file?

EDIT: Rev, I am on facebook right now. so if you wanna chat....


7. I'll send you the most recent version. Be later this morning, I have to go and congratulate children.

Bow-Priest of Silvanus at your service.

Athsirion Celedilinthir, level 7
Elf, Ranger|Cleric
Hybrid Ranger: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Background: Cormyr (Wheloon) (Cormyr (Wheloon) Benefit)

Str 14, Con 10, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 10.

Str 14, Con 10, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.

AC: 22 Fort: 16 Reflex: 20 Will: 18
HP: 52 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 13

Perception +13, Heal +13, Acrobatics +13, Thievery +15

Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +3, History +2, Insight +6, Intimidate +3, Nature +8, Religion +2, Stealth +8, Streetwise +3, Athletics +5

Level 1: Healer's Implement
Level 2: Lethal Hunter
Level 4: Weapon Proficiency (Greatbow)
Level 6: Predatory Action

Hybrid Cleric at-will 1: Invigorating Assault
Hybrid Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Two-Fanged Strike
Hybrid daily 1: Guardian of Faith
Hybrid utility 2: Cure Light Wounds
Hybrid encounter 3: Blazing Beacon
Hybrid daily 5: Spitting-Cobra Stance
Hybrid utility 6: Swift Recovery
Hybrid encounter 7: Zealous Sanction

Longsword, Battle Harness Leather Armor +2, Homing Greatbow +2, Symbol of Divine Reach +1, Cloak of the Chirurgeon +1, Goggles of Aura Sight (heroic tier), Potion of Resistance (heroic tier) (4), Precise Forgery, Dagger
Gentle Repose, Comrades' Succor, Create Campsite

Input would helpful.

I've wanted to play a Warlock since 4e came out, so I think I'll go with that :). Still deciding race and pact though.

Or maybe not a warlock. While I think I've come up with a very interesting looking fear based warlock - splashing assassin for access to two feats - she's not agreeing with me fully. At this point we could end up as anything.

I do know she's a Changeling though, so I am making progress.

Xab, your hybrid cleric/ranger looks really neat :)


The cleric/ranger looks pretty good to me, neatly covering all the bases. Be fun to see how he plays.

Amelia - Changeling warlock sounds fun too.

You're going to be an interesting party, for sure. Looking forward to getting it all going again. I shall go and plot evil plots.

Male Elf Ranger

Character sheet

I think I'm ready.


Keldan and Kel both look good to me. I'll do a fine tooth comb check once everyone's posted up their new stats.

Back to plotting go I.

I hope to have something up today.


Looking forward to seeing your changeling.

I'll look at getting us up and running again say, Wednesday 23?

Hello, Rev.

Hope I am not a bit underpowered for this adventure.

Thanks for offering me an alternate spot. I will keep track of both threads in case I am needed. :) There are classes in every role that I am interested in, so I can step into anything.

Commander Caine wrote:

Hello, Rev.

Hope I am not a bit underpowered for this adventure.

Beef yourself up to level 7 and you'll be fine.

Detritus, you're more than welcome. An alternate who's prepared to follow along is a wonderful thing.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8

Well, I'm back, so I'll get back to work on my sheet then.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8

Speaking of which, I should be done with everything but my equipment and background. So, any of you other new recruits feel like being connected to a mercenary of currently-vague background?


Oh my. Remind me not to get in Kelgan's way any time soon.

Yes - please start looking for reasons to be in or around a rather obscure monastery of Kelemvor. You don't all have to be there, but it would help me a lot if you had some tenuous connection to the monastery or a pc or two.

Thank you! The bit about the monastery got me over my last hurdle! *hug* Allow me to introduce....

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

Ceara - changeling assassin, former drow slave, current resident of said monastery and soon to be adventuress.


DM profile updated to include the new pcs and profiles. If you could all cross check each other, I'd be really grateful. My brain tends to jumble when I have to look at lots of character builds at once.

Male Elf Ranger
Kelgan the Strong wrote:
Speaking of which, I should be done with everything but my equipment and background. So, any of you other new recruits feel like being connected to a mercenary of currently-vague background?

I was planing on having Kel be a fugitave from Cormyr, killed one of the kings men for defiling nature, and is on the run working as a mercenary so it would be reasonable that Kelgan and Kel met somewhere and decided they work well together.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8
Athsirion {Kel} Keledilinthir wrote:
Kelgan the Strong wrote:
Speaking of which, I should be done with everything but my equipment and background. So, any of you other new recruits feel like being connected to a mercenary of currently-vague background?
I was planing on having Kel be a fugitave from Cormyr, killed one of the kings men for defiling nature, and is on the run working as a mercenary so it would be reasonable that Kelgan and Kel met somewhere and decided they work well together.

Sounds good to me. As for a reason why we're at the monastery other than random chance, how about we used to have a third traveling companion. (Or a fourth, if Cale's sorcerer decides to tag along with us) The other traveler worshiped Kelemvor. He died in a bandit attack nearby, his last request was to be buried at a temple of Kelemvor, and this place happened to be the closest place.

Male Human Geek 10

Too many K-names, Rosey, so I am changing mine. Let me think about it tonight and get back to you tomorrow. I have a few standard names to fall back on. I am also altering the backstory, slimming it down like we talked about. I will have everything fixed by tomorrow. (Including the avatar and profile) I have a good feeling. We needed the fighter. Not sure of the assassin. Can she pick locks? Oh, well, we'll see how it goes.

Male Elf Ranger
Cale Noor wrote:
Too many K-names, Rosey, so I am changing mine. Let me think about it tonight and get back to you tomorrow. I have a few standard names to fall back on. I am also altering the backstory, slimming it down like we talked about. I will have everything fixed by tomorrow. (Including the avatar and profile) I have a good feeling. We needed the fighter. Not sure of the assassin. Can she pick locks? Oh, well, we'll see how it goes.

Kel has skill in thevery, hey he's a multi-tasker.


I like the look of this party. It has a lot of flexibility.

Kel and Kelgan, the backstory works well as does Ceara's. Still looking good for a Wednesday start. I'm working on some intro stuff for you all.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

Nope, can't pick locks well - yet. That's coming though, and I do have a lot of ranged powers. In fact, I have just one power that requires toe to toe melee range. I'm not conventional, perhaps, but I am a ranged striker :)


Righty ho folks. If you'd all like to just check yourselves in, I'll get your thread and intro post up tomorrow morning.

Please, please, make sure your profiles are up to date and contain all the numbers. The cut and paste basic page from CB drives me into an unreasoning frenzy. Sorry, I know it's a pain.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Greetings, All.

Changed Kestrel Hobbes to Bartholomew Sebastion Hobbes.

Call him Hobbes for short.

An Aglarond Dragon Sorcerer with something to prove. He's a Sunite. He's not your typical Aglarondian. With the blonde hair and the fair skin, he must have some sun elf or gold dragon in there. :) I thought about naming his cat familiar Calvin, but that joke is pretty bad and will get old soon. Besides I want the cat to be female and possessive. And lazy and tempermental. She's more of a companion than combatant, but she specializes in night recon. (black short hair with striking blue eyes, the same colored eyes like her master) I am entertaining name suggestions for the black cat familiar.

Rosey, I am about 70% done on the profile. I need to fill the details on powers, put magic item descriptions in, and tweek my backstory. I will email you the updated Char sheet when I am done. BTW, I have like over 500gp left. Can I buy a horse or something?

Male Human Sorcerer 9

I am fine with meeting up on the road and joining up the newbies. Perhaps I replaced the dead companion?

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Kel has skill in thevery, hey he's a multi-tasker.

Awesome. As long as somebody can. I have a crowbar and know how to use it, but I would prefer somebody who knew what they were doing.

Dragon Sorcerers are funny. With the high str, they don't fit the typical sorcerer mold. Hobbes is strong, but not big. Once again, due to the fact that he's 1/8th sun or wood elf, on his mother's side. No game benefit, but he has half-elves in the family tree. Maybe his maternal grandfather was a half-elf, or his great-grandmother was a full elf. Who knows? It is just a way to account for some physiological descrepancies.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8

Well, I've finally finished my equipment. Just need to write up a background. Would someone be kind enough to run Kelgan through the character generator to see if I messed something up?

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

I'm set and ready and eager!

Kelgan the Strong wrote:
Well, I've finally finished my equipment. Just need to write up a background. Would someone be kind enough to run Kelgan through the character generator to see if I messed something up?

I'll do it for you tonight.


Kelgan: - there are a couple of things.

You've gone yourself out of 10hp. Should be 65, not 55.
Bloodied value is 32, surges are 16hp each and you have 12 of them.

AC 23, not 24. You can't have plate. I substituted +2 Bloodiron Drakescale.

Basic melee: +13, not +14. Damage 1d12+7, not 1d12+6

Stats: Don't know where Wis 15 came from. I could only get it to come out at 14.

Skill stats as follows:

Passive Insight: 22
Passive Perc: 15

Acro - +5
Ath - +12
Arc - +3
Bluff - +3
Dip - +3
Dung - +5
End - +12
Heal - +5
Hist - +3
Ins - +12
Int - +10
Nat - +5
Per - +5
Rel - +3
Ste - +5
Str - +3
Thi - +5

Can't see anything else immediately.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

Yeah, I forgot Fighters don't get plate proficiency.

How do I have +7 to damage? +4 from Strength, +2 from weapon enchantment.

Now, attack: +3(Level), +4(Strength), +3(Weapon), +1(Weapon Talent), +2(Magic), +1(Weapon Finesse), for a total of +14. I'm guessing you put down that I took Weapon Focus instead of Weapon Expertise. Of course, I wrote down Weapon Finesse instead, but that's my mistake.

As for the Wis, I just forgot that the stat array I misremembered the stat array I was using, so Intelligence was a 10 instead of an 8. My mistake.


None of it is a problem. I think I gave you some random weapon feat that gave you an additional +1 to damage.

Basically, you're fine. The AC and the shortage of hp were the main issues, but I'll redo the weapon feat and the stats when I open up CB again.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Powers, Feats, Magic Items- all done.

I have only the familiar section to finish and the backstory section.

Does anyone have a good name for my cat?

(Trivia question: Does anyone know where I got the idea of putting the cat tattoo on the back of my hand?)

Macavity, Bustopher Jones, Mr. Mistoffelees - Quaxo, Blackpaw, Mr. Scruffy.

Male Human Geek 10
Xabulba wrote:
Macavity, Bustopher Jones, Mr. Mistoffelees - Quaxo, Blackpaw, Mr. Scruffy.

Girl cat, black short hair, with blue eyes, Think your typical black cat but with blue eyes instead of yellow

(but thanks for inputting)

Cale Noor wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Macavity, Bustopher Jones, Mr. Mistoffelees - Quaxo, Blackpaw, Mr. Scruffy.

Girl cat, black short hair, with blue eyes, Think your typical black cat but with blue eyes instead of yellow

(but thanks for inputting)

How about Nocturne, Phantom, Azurette, Casandra.

Male Human Geek 10
Xabulba wrote:
Cale Noor wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Macavity, Bustopher Jones, Mr. Mistoffelees - Quaxo, Blackpaw, Mr. Scruffy.

Girl cat, black short hair, with blue eyes, Think your typical black cat but with blue eyes instead of yellow

(but thanks for inputting)

How about Nocturne, Phantom, Azurette, Casandra.

I like Cassandra, or Cassie for short. "Sassy" Cassie. I like it. Thanks, Xabulba. And it fits with his longer names, too.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Hobbes is ready, Rosey.



This is my first familiar under the new system. I chose the cat for one reason only. If I was asleep, I would want a cat familiar snuggling up on the bed with me. The dragonling would be better flavorwise, but who wants to sleep with a dragon? So cat it is. It was either that or an owl, but owls are weird-looking and they have those wide, piercing eyes. I can imagine waking up one morning and being freaked out by those eyes. So no owl. Ravens (also known as crows) are irritating, which is why they have the best power. The disembodied hand was interesting, like having an Addams Family 'Thing', but it would just spook the ladies. Rats are rats, even clean ones. So a cat it is. I don't like the rule about familiars not being able to manipulate objects because if the cat is solid, it should be able to knock over a bowl or something like that. Or deliver a message in its mouth.

And what about the horse question? I mean, I have like 500 gp left. Should I get another low-level magic item or what?


Buy a horse if you want one. It will be an ordinary riding horse though - a trained warhorse costs 680gp. Otherwise stash the cash in an old sock. You never know when you're going to need it.

Your cat sounds a little Eddings-esque to me. "Redemption of Althalas" or whatever the book was called.


You're off again. The intro is a little rough and ready as I had to take account of Caine's likely presence during the festive break.

Thread for easy reference

I decided to leave you on the old thread for now and move you on to the new one once your business here is finished.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

I was mostly trying to find a roleplaying reason to explain why the cat wouldn't lift small items or lift latches and stuff. She thinks it is beneath her. So he doesn't ask anymore.

Bartholomew Hobbes wrote:
I was mostly trying to find a roleplaying reason to explain why the cat wouldn't lift small items or lift latches and stuff. She thinks it is beneath her. So he doesn't ask anymore.

Sounds like every cat I ever met. We have three at home and one of them is easily smart enough to be a familiar. The other two are klutzes.

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