Forums are Way Too Long!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Solnes wrote:
My theme song is "Tequilla makes her clothes come off."

Hey, mine too! ;)

lynora-Jill wrote:
Solnes wrote:
My theme song is "Tequilla makes her clothes come off."
Hey, mine too! ;)


The Exchange

Ok I want to know why, when I say have my kids back before 8, it's 8:15 and still not here? They are only comming from less than a mile down the road.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
Ok I want to know why, when I say have my kids back before 8, it's 8:15 and still not here? They are only comming from less than a mile down the road.

Broken clock? Maybe they can't tell time?

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Ok I want to know why, when I say have my kids back before 8, it's 8:15 and still not here? They are only comming from less than a mile down the road.

Broken clock? Maybe they can't tell time?

Begining to think that may be the case.

RPG Superstar 2012

"It's 8 o'clock. Do you know what time it is?"

Moorluck wrote:
Ok I want to know why, when I say have my kids back before 8, it's 8:15 and still not here? They are only comming from less than a mile down the road.

I just talked to them! *sigh* I will call them back

*sigh* I can't wait to move...our families were not meant to mix.

The Exchange


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

I wandered into the "pet store" that Moorluck went to yesterday, and I can see why he left. Nice exit, Moorluck. :)

The Exchange

stupid phantom post. makes me want to scream ^$(^&$&^$^ at the computer.

The Exchange

taig wrote:

I wandered into the "pet store" that Moorluck went to yesterday, and I can see why he left. Nice exit, Moorluck. :)

Took me a sec, but glad you like it. ;)

RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

I wandered into the "pet store" that Moorluck went to yesterday, and I can see why he left. Nice exit, Moorluck. :)

Took me a sec, but glad you like it. ;)

I figure if we use code words, Gary will neeeeever figure out what we're doing. :)

The Exchange


The Exchange

taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

I wandered into the "pet store" that Moorluck went to yesterday, and I can see why he left. Nice exit, Moorluck. :)

Took me a sec, but glad you like it. ;)

I figure if we use code words, Gary will neeeeever figure out what we're doing. :)

He went on vacation after giving us the idea of burning this place down, how smart can he be? ;)

I am ready for this group to leave...
Reference earlier stated post about gags and rope!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Time to go watch Gregory House mock people in an institution.

Back later.

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

I wandered into the "pet store" that Moorluck went to yesterday, and I can see why he left. Nice exit, Moorluck. :)

Took me a sec, but glad you like it. ;)

I figure if we use code words, Gary will neeeeever figure out what we're doing. :)

** spoiler omitted **

You have a point. ;)

RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

I wandered into the "pet store" that Moorluck went to yesterday, and I can see why he left. Nice exit, Moorluck. :)

Took me a sec, but glad you like it. ;)

I figure if we use code words, Gary will neeeeever figure out what we're doing. :)

** spoiler omitted **

This is true.

The Exchange


No smart informers for Taig? I feel sad.

The Exchange


ok I feel better.

Hey there are some folks...and looking at the times posted makes me think something weird is going on besides just phantom posts...

EDIT: Heh, and it seems like once upon a time, I was the only one who complained of "invisiposts"....sniff, sniff, I love you, man!

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Hey there are some folks...and looking at the times posted makes me think something weird is going on besides just phantom posts...

EDIT: Heh, and it seems like once upon a time, I was the only one who complained of "invisiposts"....sniff, sniff, I love you, man!

I feel your pain man, I feel your pain...

Wow, things are painfully slow here.

The Exchange


RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
No smart informers for Taig? I feel sad.

Yay! I got a response from James Jacobs himself!

And, thanks for the smart-ass comment, M. If I had a betting pool going in my head, you'd have been near the top of the usual suspects. :)

I guess Moorluck ran out of things to say?

RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:
I guess Moorluck ran out of things to say?

I think he's cooling off...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

lynora wrote:
I guess Moorluck ran out of things to say?

I find that hard to believe.

Lord Fyre wrote:
lynora wrote:
I guess Moorluck ran out of things to say?
I find that hard to believe.

So do I, normally he goes off at the slightest activity on this thread. I wonder if he's ok?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Not that inoccent. wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
lynora wrote:
I guess Moorluck ran out of things to say?
I find that hard to believe.
So do I, normally he goes off at the slightest activity on this thread. I wonder if he's ok?

Well, his avatar has always looked kind of grumpy.

The Exchange

It's the only one I could find that had the same look on his face as me.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Moorluck wrote:
It's the only one I could find that had the same look on his face as me.

Oh dear.

That is why I used to use Harsk.

The Exchange

Speak his name and he shall appear... then they will run away. ;)

The Exchange

Lord Fyre wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
It's the only one I could find that had the same look on his face as me.

Oh dear.

That is why I used to use Harsk.

I've had this look on my face since 2004. I like it.

Silver Crusade

This should liven things up.

Celestial Healer wrote:
This should liven things up.

What did I just watch...?

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
This should liven things up.

So would this...


... if they were real. ;)

The Exchange

Dies Irae wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
This should liven things up.
What did I just watch...?

It's ok to cry son, we know it was horrible... we've been there too. :)


Ze goggles... Zhey do nuthink...

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Celestial Healer wrote:
This should liven things up.

I'm sure the cats are better here.

taig wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

~sighs as I put on my gas mask and acid proof gloves~ Time to do the dishes!

Edit - Good night everyone!

How'd the dishes go, Sharoth?

OH NO, THE DISHES GOT HIM!!!!! Poor, poor Sharoth.

~closes a door quickly and looks at everyone with an insane look on my face~ The Horror! The Horror! Run everyone! Run for your lives while there is still time! I will hold it off! ~The door pushes open and a green tendril made out of broken dishes, dirty laundry, and other unnamed things wraps around my neck~ Get... Out... Of... Here! ~The door pushes open and I am snatched back into the room~ NOOOOO!!! ~you hear some noiuses that reminds you of something being eaten and my scream ends suddenly~

~grins~ Well, at least in RL the dishes are done!

The Exchange


The Exchange

Ok, free

to the next 5 posters.

How does that work?

The Exchange

Dies Irae wrote:
How does that work?

Here's yours



taig wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
No smart informers for Taig? I feel sad.

Yay! I got a response from James Jacobs himself!

And, thanks for the smart-ass comment, M. If I had a betting pool going in my head, you'd have been near the top of the usual suspects. :)

Sweet, I would have won somebody something! EDIT: And I won something for myself! This must be my night.

And don't think I didn't immediately think of a riff on JJ's post, but I figure I ought to REALLY ration those out.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
taig wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
No smart informers for Taig? I feel sad.

Yay! I got a response from James Jacobs himself!

And, thanks for the smart-ass comment, M. If I had a betting pool going in my head, you'd have been near the top of the usual suspects. :)

Sweet, I would have won somebody something! EDIT: And I won something for myself! This must be my night.

And don't think I didn't immediately think of a riff on JJ's post, but I figure I ought to REALLY ration those out.

And yours


The Exchange

Solnes should be home soon... I hope anyway, I never know when she might come to her senses and run for the hills... good thing I had that tracking device planted in her during her last surgery. ;)

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