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David Fryer wrote:Solnes wrote:That was Satan's plan all along. :)
And we shall rule supreme because we have boobs!
Awesome! *Giggle*
The comic strip...not the....you know what I meant!
I think you and Moorluck would get a kick out of Casey and Andy. You should read more of it.

Hierarch of Gygaxian Naturalism |

In hell there is no morality and therefore no reason to punish the wicked.
"Kicks" is not a reason?

lynora |

Sometimes its great to be a woman!
Boobs really are helpful! I have managed to get out of tickets, trouble with the hubby, and so much more just by wearing the right shirt!
LOL:) I know what you mean. Although sometimes it can be a bother too. You know, those times when you really want to scream at someone to look up a bit once in a while. ;)
When I was at the Reaper booth at Gen Con, I knelt down to look at a mini on the bottom row, and some random guy remarks to my husband who was standing right behind me, "I looked down to find a mini and all I could see was boobs." I nearly died laughing. :)

Solnes |

Solnes wrote:
Sometimes its great to be a woman!
Boobs really are helpful! I have managed to get out of tickets, trouble with the hubby, and so much more just by wearing the right shirt!LOL:) I know what you mean. Although sometimes it can be a bother too. You know, those times when you really want to scream at someone to look up a bit once in a while. ;)
When I was at the Reaper booth at Gen Con, I knelt down to look at a mini on the bottom row, and some random guy remarks to my husband who was standing right behind me, "I looked down to find a mini and all I could see was boobs." I nearly died laughing. :)
Wow! Uhm, you know that is just too awesome for words!But yeah, I know the feeling, sometimes its like...uh dude...I'm up HERE!
I have this shirt at work, its classic....says "Look at my boobs while you're talking to me" Figured maybe it would get the point across!

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So my mother calls me after we finished watching Hellboy2, good movie btw, to tell me that she is at MUSC, 'cause Monday she rushed her husband to the emergency room, and they found him to have bleeding in his brain.... he is now in ICU, recovering from brain surgery.... and there is nothing I can do for her.... I hate not being able to take care of things. They say he is doing ok, but I don't know... the man is almost 80. Why the hell did she wait this long to call me, why does she not want me to go up there? I don't know. I truly hate having problems that can't be fixed by application of brute force. It makes me feel helpless.... I don't know if she can go through this again. Sorry for unloading on you guys... but some of ya'll are almost family to me... weird huh.

lynora |

So my mother calls me after we finished watching Hellboy2, good movie btw, to tell me that she is at MUSC, 'cause Monday she rushed her husband to the emergency room, and they found him to have bleeding in his brain.... he is now in ICU, recovering from brain surgery.... and there is nothing I can do for her.... I hate not being able to take care of things. They say he is doing ok, but I don't know... the man is almost 80. Why the hell did she wait this long to call me, why does she not want me to go up there? I don't know. I truly hate having problems that can't be fixed by application of brute force. It makes me feel helpless.... I don't know if she can go through this again. Sorry for unloading on you guys... but some of ya'll are almost family to me... weird huh.
My dad does that too. It's like when a crisis hits, he totally forgets that there are other people willing to help. Well, that and this weird-ass thing about not wanting to be a bother, no sense everyone being miserable, blah, blah, blah. It took about five years of consistent nagging at him but he's better about it than he used to be.
I really hope that he recovers quickly and that everything works out. I know how frustrating it is to feel helpless and not really know what's going on. Just keep trying to be there for her as best you can, I guess.(hugs)

Solnes |

Moorluck wrote:So my mother calls me after we finished watching Hellboy2, good movie btw, to tell me that she is at MUSC, 'cause Monday she rushed her husband to the emergency room, and they found him to have bleeding in his brain.... he is now in ICU, recovering from brain surgery.... and there is nothing I can do for her.... I hate not being able to take care of things. They say he is doing ok, but I don't know... the man is almost 80. Why the hell did she wait this long to call me, why does she not want me to go up there? I don't know. I truly hate having problems that can't be fixed by application of brute force. It makes me feel helpless.... I don't know if she can go through this again. Sorry for unloading on you guys... but some of ya'll are almost family to me... weird huh.My dad does that too. It's like when a crisis hits, he totally forgets that there are other people willing to help. Well, that and this weird-ass thing about not wanting to be a bother, no sense everyone being miserable, blah, blah, blah. It took about five years of consistent nagging at him but he's better about it than he used to be.
I really hope that he recovers quickly and that everything works out. I know how frustrating it is to feel helpless and not really know what's going on. Just keep trying to be there for her as best you can, I guess.
My Mother in Law is so silly sometimes...She doesn't want to bother us she says. No need to rush to her, can't miss work she says.. nothing we can do..she just wanted to know how Kellen's day of school was! I swear I love the woman..but she drives me nuts! Thanks for the thoughts..now is the time for them. Kirk's right though...the people here are the most caring and giving individuals I have ever met. And a few of you have def become like...long distance family. You are the ones we have started to turn to when we need to vent, need advice with the kids, or just saw something funny and we thought immediately of you. Thanks Guys.

Solnes |

David Fryer wrote:Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I play a stripclub elf in our PbP?! ;)Is anyone else looking forward to the return of sub-races? In particular I can't wait for Pathfinder versions of disco elves and stripclub elves.
So do they get the racial ability usable once per night that allows them to make CHA check to make all men within a 30ft radius give them all their gold? What about getting a +1 to CHA for every 2 drinks a guy consumes? And a +2 to all CHA checks when in blacklights, plus a +2 natural armor when wearing nothing doesn't seem out of order either. ;)

Solnes |

Solnes, is Moorluck still pretty stressed? Has anything changed? Just thought I'd check in.
No change in his Step Fathers condition. Moorluck is extremely stresed. He almost just called out today to ride down to Charleston. I don't think he is going to feel better till he sees how his mom really is for himself. I know he didn't sleep well, and is kinda zombieish today...not really feeling the whole work pleasantries ya know?
Thanks for asking though.
Emperor7 |

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Solnes, is Moorluck still pretty stressed? Has anything changed? Just thought I'd check in.No change in his Step Fathers condition. Moorluck is extremely stresed. He almost just called out today to ride down to Charleston. I don't think he is going to feel better till he sees how his mom really is for himself. I know he didn't sleep well, and is kinda zombieish today...not really feeling the whole work pleasantries ya know?
Thanks for asking though.
Sympathies. My Mom is 87. Hates 'bothering' us with her problems or needs. At least she's close by. *hugs to you both*

Lord Secretary War-Bucks |

*hugs to all starting with sones and moorluck*
Lets try to get on the right path here, I think David mentioned something about boobs, I believe that is heading in the right direction.
Maybe they might introduce the hippy elf. I want to play one, sitting in a hollow tree with a steam bath, wait that isn't steam but smoke from a seven leaf plant. Hey Mairkurion {tm} what type of plant is that it makes me feel all good and hungry.