Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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Shadow Lodge


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Dark Archive


Dark Archive

Salvage nodded again as he gestured in the direction of the access corridor.
-Transformers: The Veiled Threat.

Dark Archive

Instructions: Grab the book closest to you. Turn to page 45 and then write the first sentence of the second paragraph. Please be sure to include the book you are quoting from. This should get the old thread flowing again.

Scarab Sages

Normal: A disintegrate effect destroys all of a slain creature, an entire object, or one 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. from 'Lords of Madness' sourcebook.

Dark Archive

Three types of cheese and super crunchy panko bread crumbs make up this crazy good mac.
-Diners, Dive-in's, and Dives-An All American Road Trip...with Recipes

Ani felt overwhelmed by this sudden force of affection.

The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

Dark Archive

Am I going to have to get another book?

Scarab Sages

I will if you will-

It twisted about itself, shrieking, and finally seemed to collapse. -from 'Tiger! Tiger!' in the anthology Shadows over Baker Street

Scarab Sages

and heck... just because it's funny, I'll throw in the full second paragraph (PG-13ish)-

I slid into her chair. "A handsome creature is she," I said to the Duke of Albany. "That one breast, the way it justs a bit to the side- when she's naked, I mean- does that bother you at all? Make you wonder what it's looking at over there- bit like a wall-eyed man you think is always talkin' to someone else?" -from "Fool" by Christopher Moore

Dark Archive

Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, clevernes has never been associated with long delays.
-The Art of War, by Sun Tzu

Dark Archive

While Ronald Reagan spoke publicly with nostolgia about his small town upbringing, the degree to which the American Midwest was his credential rather than his essence was striking.
Sleepwalkng Through History: America in The Reagan Years by Haynes Johnson

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Book nearest to me:

This time period would fall between the 39th and 40th week. Your Pregnancy week by week

The wifes book

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Nearest book of mine:

Your search of the dead Cener's robes uncovers the following items:
Potion of Alether
Enough food for 1 meal

Lone Wolf, The Plague Lords of Ruel

"Jimmy winked knowingly and tapped the side of his nose."

-Necroscope: Harry and the Pirates.

The Exchange

If a man should rely on the law to protect him, he is either a fool or a coward. If he should rely on the same laws to live he is both. A wounded man sayeth, If I should live then I will kill you. This is the defenition of honor.

The Exchange

And though I should look upon those who do with mercy, I shall also hold their cowardice in contempt. For I am a warrior son, born of war and blood, and many are the lives that I have taken in wrath.

The Exchange

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, I have heard this often said. But also could one say that he who liveth by the sword shall no cowards passing have.

The Exchange

It could be said that a man skilled with blade and war and owning the former shall fear not tyranny of his liege.

The Exchange

In my heart I fear nothing, for I am no coward but am a warrior born, not even death shall make me tremble, for death is my friend and boon companion, her friendship earned with the souls I have sent to her.

The Exchange

A warrior's life's value is found in the value of his death, make not yours to be cheapened by your cowardice.


The Exchange

God hath made me to punish those whom He in is wrath have deemed unworthy of the gifts he hath given unto them.

The Exchange

I am never heated in my rage, for I am vengance cold and pure, let no man fear me not.

The Exchange

A warriors life be simple, He liveth, he slayeth his foes, he dies with honor.

The Exchange

And although a man shall love his family he shall know that his family's honor hold greater value than even his own life.

The Exchange

I don't wanna grow up, cause if I did, I couldn't be a Toys R Us kid! ;P

"Then Hal can't have seen one," said Ted.

My god, you picked the most boring line in all of the Fellowship of the Rings...


Scarab Sages


Don't worry! Be happy!


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