Steven Tindall |

In all seriousness the best place to find out about how to set up and run a buisness as well as the actuall profit involved is in the CITYSCAPE book.
My wizard used the rise from the deep spell and a lyre of building for repairs and had a fleet of merchant ships in no time,we TPK'd shortly thereafter but I died rich.
As far as the workers in the house go try for dopplegangers they can be either gender and are used to being told what to do.

Valegrim |

This really depends on how upscale the place would be; now if this guy has a stable, so to speak; then he has income and already has a protection racket; then that is taken care of; otherwise it you could easily create problems; tricks being the offers of service; johns being the users of the service; sexual orientation either way.
some problems:
1) disease and sickness; lots of way to deal with this.
2) someone killing or abusing the tricks.
3) interest from the underworld; anything from vamps to succubi
4) guild issue from merchants association to theives guild
5) theft; tricks steal you blind; run off; robberies all kinds of stuff.
6) protection money; either pay a guild or hire guards.
7) bribe money; to keep those opposed from shutting you down
8) legal problems: how legal is this activity in this area.
9) competition; who can work what streets; permits; on and on.
10) drug trade yes or no; many lowlife things like this all go hand in hand; then you have those special customers....
all of these things affect the final price; then you have to have tricks to suit your various types of clientel; new tricks to keep customers interested; some way to deal with pregancies; give it a bit of thought; this is a major undertaking.
With all this in mind; your player would probably be best off buying a saloon or inn or moving into or buying an abondoned mansion ;then furnishings; depending how upscale could keep those girls turning tricks 24 hours a day and still need the player to go adventuring to make ends meet.

Me'mori |

The establishment and early times of this business venture has "Epic Adventure" written all over it. If someone decides to run with this idea (or anything similar), PLEASE keep us posted -- or invite half of us-- as this is pure gold!
By the by, how's the player doing in his pursuing of said business venture?

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Ok, I just HAD to add my bit to this awesome thread.
With spells like raise dead, the folks with money can *really* indulge their darker sides!
Spells like share pain to, well, share the fun! Regeneration for the cutters! Cure poison for when those acid trips start to go bad! Spells to make you rage, to make you stronger, hold person, ect. *gets the shivers*
Oh boy, oh boy, my players own a brothel right now. I honestly hadn't given it much thought before now, but I might have to get into it!

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Running a brothel is like selling drugs for a living. You'll lose a lot of profit potential from good-for-nothing relatives, friends and old adventuring companions showing up and asking for a free sample.
Do Changelings exist in the setting? If so, they may charge more, but will probably still be cheaper than buying that many Hats of Disguise.
I wonder if Simulacra can contract disease? If not, having an entire brothel of polymorphed Simulacra would be ideal. Unquestioningly loyal, you don't have to pay them anything, and, I'm not entirely sure they need to even eat or drink...

ikki3520 |

Porphyry house could work as a pretty nice wizards tower too.
No need to use girls/boys/goats... go with Nimblewrights.
They can alter self. Loyal and intelligent. And capable of those profession rolls, and have pretty good stats too. Cha 19 average, try beating that competitor brothel! And by assigning duties according to random stats, 24 shouldnt be an impossible average for the "entertainers".
But that would be a gradual replacement operation, and slowly moving towards some ~40 "girls", ~15 guards & ~25 assistants (scribes, guides, servers, cooks..)
All in all 80 nimblewrights. Thats 2 million gp.
Luckily, at 12 hours open (could easily be 24/7) and 30% occupancy that place still rakes in some 1,5 million gp a year. So getting 40 porphyry stone golems shouldn't take too long. Perhaps a good amount of those apocalypse golem windows, obviously slightly different motif ;) (see wormholecrawls)
Ive dreamed up a few changes too.
Little or no need for guard rooms, so a row extra can be given to the girls. 2 Orgy rooms, upper and lower level. Some nice illusion magics to give the impression of a garden upstores while waiting for the "specials" & indulging in random orgies.
Cellar can be general sleeping, cleaning, eating. Storage, crafting.. And none of that is counted into income yet :p

Tinalles |
This is homebrew, and depends on the PF spell diagnose disease, but I thought I'd throw it out anyway.
Diagnostic Lintel
Aura faint abjuration, divination, and evocation; CL 1st
Slot none; Price 500 gp; Weight varies, 50+ lbs.
A diagnostic lintel scans any creature who passes through the opening beneath for disease. If any disease is present, it alerts the building's inhabitants, either by outlining the diseased creature in golden light or by sounding an alarm. Some variants opt for silent alerts instead, to avoid embarrassing patrons.
These unobtrusive devices appear to be -- and in fact are -- the lintel stone above a door or window. They may be load-bearing or decorative, and their appearance and size varies as widely as the buildings they are found in.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, diagnose disease, faerie fire Cost 250 gp
Certainly a boon for any hospital. Or house of ill-repute, which can then make a nice side profit on Potions of Remove Disease.

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Given 20,000lb firewood per acre of light forest your warriors might want to go stake a claim to some forest and have the villagers harvest it for you. At 1sp per lb, that acre of firewood is worth 2000gp. It should be harvested in a day by ten woodsmen. Your pcs can share a thousand gold pieces. A days work killing angry elves and wildlife.