Solmyr of the Azure Flame |

:::Uncle Solmyr, anyone, someone, make that snake go away!:::
"It's alright. Even though it is a Yugoloth, it's best to hear what he has to say. Though I don't trust mercenaries of their kind."
Syt looks angry for a moment, then changes his face into an even more unpleasant smile. "Kid, right now I'm on your side. That could change."
"Solmyr nods his head and Syt's remark."
He turns to stare at the others. "Don't say I didn't try to warn you. The Servants just got something that could tip the scales, and we just lost a few allies we could need. Beware of the deep and shadow, for they are no longer your friends." His simpering look changes into a malicious smirk. "I'll be watching." He vanishes.
"Anyone else suddenly want a snake-skin belt? What did him mean by 'Beware the deep and shadows'?"the Deep = reference to deep ocean?
I'm sure he meant something completely different from what we're thinking, so we'd best just stay focused on the problem at hand."
"Do we need anything else before we march off toward our next venture? Weapons, potions, scrolls, enchantments?"

Arielle |

Solmyr of the Azure Flame wrote:"Do we need anything else before we march off toward our next venture? Weapons, potions, scrolls, enchantments?""My axe is really for defense more than anything, so I never thought to have it made magical."
He stares at his axe for a moment.
"Oh well."
Arielle just gives him a look.
"Since when do we need enchanted stuff to help us fight?"

Sytt, Lesser Yugoloth |

Little Kiba wrote:Solmyr of the Azure Flame wrote:"Do we need anything else before we march off toward our next venture? Weapons, potions, scrolls, enchantments?""My axe is really for defense more than anything, so I never thought to have it made magical."
He stares at his axe for a moment.
"Oh well."
Arielle just gives him a look.
"Since when do we need enchanted stuff to help us fight?"
"That's the trouble with humans." Sytt suddenly says from a pipe. "They always assume that they need our magic to be competent. The truth is, they never were competent in the first place and no magic can change that."
He falls silent. "Oh, um, right. I'm gone." And he vanishes.Kind of imitating the way I'm always itching to take part, even when I shouldn't for the continuity. Sytt is like me, but even more annoying. :P

Tristan the Waif |

For Little Kiba and Arielle only. No peaking.
:::I think there's something wrong with Uncle Solmyr. It's not him, I can no malice or evil in him. But he's hiding something, or something is hiding in him.:::
Okay everybody, see you at the House at the Edge of Eternity

Sytt, Lesser Yugoloth |

Sytt prowls through the streets moodily. Saeroth had not been pleased with his failure. He remembers the conversation vividly.
"You failed."
"Eh, they were on some other quest. Does it matter?"
Saeroth had glared. "It does. We were hired to help them however we could, not just send them a message. You were assigned as their protector."
Explained a lot. Raised a lot of questions, too, but that was a yugoloth's way.
Sytt cared little for their ways.
"Pathetic mortals. Conscription's over. I am a daemon. And I'm going to make sure they know it."
His form shifts. He grows, warping and blurring. When the transformation ends, he is a near-transparent dog. Or hyena. He cackles, and vanishes.

Corona |

"Ah, just what I was looking for!" Corona says as she buys one of the few items she still need for her plan. She doesn't kill the merchant though, that would call too much attention to herself, and she couldn't afford that now. She lets her shadow wings carry her away as she busily scribes runes into her new purchase.
Those last two items though.. she was going to need some help getting those.

Muulsh the Merchant |

Muulsh pores over his disheveled tent
"Hmm Hmm! Time to get things in order!"
He directs several urchins in the sweeping up and general tidying of the large merchant tent.
"Careful with that vase Waleed! It is Imperial Azlanti! Gemal! Lazier than a donkey in clover! Put some effort into sweeping that entrance!"

Little Kiba |

"Oh yeah.." LK says as he shifts on arm and heads into the alley, not telling her that the trash golem was actually made up of "spring cleanings" from his room when he was younger. He walks out a minute or two later.
"Broke up tree muggings and what appeared to be a cultic summonning that really is better suited for a solstice. The alley's clear now."

Arielle |

She shook her head.
"When will these cults learn that these things are better done in basements. Of course, I guess that only works for the fancier cults who have access to that sort of thing." ;)
She stepped into the alley and free from jostling and interruptions for a moment whispered something in auran. A tiny breeze zoomed out of the alley.
"It'll be back in a minute to let us know if anyone's home."
"Oh, for crying out loud..." A lightning bolt sizzled after a very surprised thief who had been trying to sneak up on them. A yelp of pain can be heard followed by a crash as the hapless thief tripped over a pile of crates.
"They never learn."

Little Kiba |

"And here they were thinking they had gotten all of her lockpicks too..."
He picks Arielle up and, after judging the distance, jumps up to the rooftops.
"It's much less crowded up here, and we can take our time since we don't have to fight our way through that mob down there." He says, pointing down at the Bazaar's bustling streets. "Let's go see if the winery is unlocked. No one would expect us to be hiding away in there."

Arielle |

"Oh, they keep the spare key hidden under one of the cobblestones....what? You learn things hanging out with Danae." ;)
"It is nice up here. The bazaar....it's not as bad as the place of the wind, but I always feel weird when I come back here. I shouldn't. And I do visit pretty regularly." She shrugged. "Probably overthinking things again. Just a lot of weird stuff happened here, you know? Then again, some good stuff too. This is where I first met you," she added smiling.
"So, let's get going. Before we end up with yet more unexpected company," she added with a laugh.

Arielle |

She caught up to him and kissed him.
"And I'll never be able to thank you enough for that, you know that? I would never have been able to get my mom back without your help. Even as a kid you were pretty darn extraordinary."
"Now let's get going. That net isn't going to hold the brats forever," she added, laughing as she ran on ahead over the rooftops.

Anvaris - Blade of the Pit |

Another flash of the Omniportal coming to life heralds the arrival of a bunch of drunken party goers returning from a raucous night at Club Calistria. At the back of the group, Anvaris quickly looks around to get his bearings, then hops off the platform into the river of bodies that flows through the Bazaar at all hours.
After following the flow of the crowd for a few minutes, he ducks down a side street to swallow another potion.
"Right then...let's see what we've got to work with here," he mutters to himself as the pain finally subsides from his (now not so) battered body. He pushes off of the wall and continues on...

Arielle |

Not paying attention to her surroundings she tripped over a crate and had to apply some serious acrobatics to prevent severe damage to the contents of the wine cellar. She cursed under her breath.
"I'm sorry. I was just...I wasn't paying attention to where I was stepping...." She sighed, frustrated. "I swear I'm not this clumsy around other people."

Arielle |

She stepped away from the shelf warily, and headed towards the back where it was mostly barrels, and then thought better of that, and ended up in the little nook where records were kept.
"I'm pretty sure this is the only part of the room where I am in no immediate danger of causing mass destruction," she said with a wry smile.

Allura |

meanwhile, outside the wine cellar.....
"Oh, goodness, I'm absolutely worn out. But in a good way." She yawned. "I think the account books will have to wait, love. Is there anything else that needs tending to before we head upstairs? I'm fairly certain I have a pressing appointment with a feather mattress," she added, grinning.

Devlyn, the Dalesman |

meanwhile, outside the wine cellar.....
"Oh, goodness, I'm absolutely worn out. But in a good way." She yawned. "I think the account books will have to wait, love. Is there anything else that needs tending to before we head upstairs? I'm fairly certain I have a pressing appointment with a feather mattress," she added, grinning.
"Other than the books, just a bit of restocking," he says with a chuckle as he puts an arm around her, then spies an open wine crate by the stairs. "Fortunately for us, one of the boys brought that up before retiring for the evening."
"I'll have this knocked out in a few minutes, if you want to go on up...unless you need a little nightcap first," he says with a wink as he brings the case over to the display racks and starts to fill in the holes from yesterday's business. ;)