Nameless Narrator |
A shadowed marketplace in a dimly-lit city greets your eyes as you flash in through the omniportal. Swarms of different beings from all over the Interthereal Sea congregate to dicker and haggle over the products of a hundred worlds.
Raucous eating establishments, taverns, bordellos and dancehalls line the periphery of the souk, with barkers in front on the busy sidewalks singing the praises of a dozen dark pleasures.
Down the side alleys, small dimly-lit shops stand, displays of esoteric and arcnae goods piled high for buyers' approval.
The Bazaar of the Bizarre awaits you.....

Allura |

Allura takes Devlyn's arm as they head into the Bazaar, looking around at the vast array of goods for sale. She laughs as a street performer follows behind a stuffy looking gentleman mimicking his every move. She glances all around, taking it all in, but especially looking for somewhere that sold clothing.
"Well, we need another outfit or two for you, and I could really use some new dresses myself. As much as I'd like to say otherwise, I should get something practical, but who says practical can't be pretty too?" she adds with a smile.

The Dalesman |

Allura takes Devlyn's arm as they head into the Bazaar, looking around at the vast array of goods for sale. She laughs as a street performer follows behind a stuffy looking gentleman mimicking his every move. She glances all around, taking it all in, but especially looking for somewhere that sold clothing.
"Well, we need another outfit or two for you, and I could really use some new dresses myself. As much as I'd like to say otherwise, I should get something practical, but who says practical can't be pretty too?" she adds with a smile.
They stop briefly as a troupe of stilt-walkers cross the avenue, juggling all manner of things between them as they maneuver through the crowds below them.
"But I thought black was always in fashion" he says with mock concern as he fingers his Mantle.
"And yes, practical can still be pretty. I don't see that being a problem at all. Besides, we can always get you some of both, if you want. That way you don't have to worry about that choice."

Allura |

"Oh, look, over there," she points to a shop with gauzy dresses on display. "I want to look at that one."
They head inside where a large fat woman frowns at them from behind the counter. "No touching the merchandise," the woman says coldly.
Allura smiles charmingly. "But how am I supposed to choose something to buy if I'm not allowed to touch anything?"
"Hmph." the fat woman snorts.
Allura'a smile becomes very wooden. "Come on. I guess this place doesn't have what I was looking for after all. There's plenty more places here to spend my gold."

The Dalesman |

"Oh, look, over there," she points to a shop with gauzy dresses on display. "I want to look at that one."
They head inside where a large fat woman frowns at them from behind the counter. "No touching the merchandise," the woman says coldly.Allura smiles charmingly. "But how am I supposed to choose something to buy if I'm not allowed to touch anything?"
"Hmph." the fat woman snorts.
Allura'a smile becomes very wooden. "Come on. I guess this place doesn't have what I was looking for after all. There's plenty more places here to spend my gold."
"Agreed," he says as they move on.

Allura |

Allura and Devlyn move on, stopping to eat some roasted nuts purchased from a street vendor, and to watch a fire-eater perform.
Eventually they find another clothing shop that appeals to Allura, and she begins to look through the garments with delight. Pulling out first one thing, then another, in a whirlwind of color that leaves Devlyn slightly bemused. Eventually she settles on a few outfits that suit her tastes and they leave with a large bundle to look for some new clothes for Devlyn and a net for Nimora.

The Dalesman |

And back for an hour. Time to shop :)
Devlyn tries to keep an eye out for anything else that she shows an interest in, but doesn't get. If the opportunity presents itself to get it while she is not paying attention, he'll do so.
They'll take a tour down the more exotic (read: magic) shops to find something for Nimora.

The Dalesman |

Allura spots a shop full of black clothing. The people shopping there seem to have an unusually large number of tattoos and piercings.
"Looks like we found the right place to shop for you," she says with a teasing smile.
He grins at her.
"Something tells me if I went in there, somebody would try to pick a fight with me. Besides, I do have more than just black. Not much these days, but that's beside the point..." :P
Allura |

Allura wrote:Allura spots a shop full of black clothing. The people shopping there seem to have an unusually large number of tattoos and piercings.
"Looks like we found the right place to shop for you," she says with a teasing smile.He grins at her.
"Something tells me if I went in there, somebody would try to pick a fight with me. Besides, I do have more than just black. Not much these days, but that's beside the point..." :P
She laughs.
"All right, then, how about that place over there?"She points out a shop that looks to be selling sturdy adventurer's clothing, stepping out of the way of a cart pulled by a centaur that was hurrying down the center of the street.

The Dalesman |

She laughs.
"All right, then, how about that place over there?"
She points out a shop that looks to be selling sturdy adventurer's clothing, stepping out of the way of a cart pulled by a centaur that was hurrying down the center of the street.
Still grinning, he says:
"Fine, but then we'll go over to that elven seamstress over there" as he points to another shop down the street. "I think she's carrying something there that will tickle your fancy quite nicely...and we still get something appropriate for the next time we find Alaina naked and unconscious on the ground."
Allura |

Still grinning, he says:
"Fine, but then we'll go over to that elven seamstress over there" as he points to another shop down the street. "I think she's carrying something there that will tickle your fancy quite nicely...and we still get something appropriate for the next time we find Alaina naked and unconscious on the ground."
She glances at the shop that he pointed out, intrigued. But first things first. They went into the shop she'd pointed out and she hesitated. She really wasn't sure what Devlyn was looking for, so she just watched while he picked out some clothes that suited him.

The Dalesman |

They head into the adventure outfitter's and get some good, sturdy clothing for all occasions, as well as some other gear that he think might be useful. He notes that they have some dweomered gear here, and quickly snatches up a Handy Haversack for Allura. "You can carry more clothes with this without the bulk," he says with a wink as he hands it to her. "Besides, no adventurer should be without one of these."

Allura |

They head into the adventure outfitter's and get some good, sturdy clothing for all occasions, as well as some other gear that he think might be useful. He notes that they have some dweomered gear here, and quickly snatches up a Handy Haversack for Allura. "You can carry more clothes with this without the bulk, he says with a wink as he hands it to her. "Besides, no adventurer should be without one of these."
"Spoken like someone who's tired of carrying my purchases for me," she says with a wink. "Thank you," she adds. "It's very thoughtful of you."
She packs the clothes she's already bought into the Handy Haversack and waits for him to finish here before they head over to the seamstress's shop he'd been pointing out before.
The Dalesman |

"Spoken like someone who's tired of carrying my purchases for me," she says with a wink. "Thank you," she adds. "It's very thoughtful of you."
She packs the clothes she's already bought into the Handy Haversack and waits for him to finish here before they head over to the seamstress's shop he'd been pointing out before.
"Hardly. I enjoyed watching you go through that dress shop - even if fabric was flying everywhere," he says as he tickles her lightly. "And you're welcome - but I'm not done spoiling you just yet!"
They head to the seamstress next. He speaks with her in elven, looking at various outfits before settling on two cut for a human build, one in green and the other in blue. Then he asks her something in a whispered tone, and she nods and goes to the back of the store...

Allura |

"Hardly. I enjoyed watching you go through that dress shop - even if fabric was flying everywhere," he says as he tickles her lightly. "And you're welcome - but I'm not done spoiling you just yet!"
They head to the seamstress next. He speaks with her in elven, looking at various outfits before settling on two cut for a human build, one in green and the other in blue. Then he asks her something in a whispered tone, and she nods and goes to the back of the store...
"Just what are you up to?" she asks, obviously dying of curiosity..

Jail House Rock |

Haily wanders among this her father's shop. She has grown up inside this place. The rows of goods, the tables of stuff, and the shelves of things are all her friends (well, mostly.) They come when her father buys a passing merchants substance, and leave when a patron charms them to leave with gold.
Haily spots two customers wandering around, enchanted with this enchanted place. She decides to follow them, and watch them from a distance.

The Dalesman |

Devlyn just grins like a boy up to no good at her obvious curiosity. ;)
The seamstress comes out with a bundle of fabric, which she unfolds to reveal a simple set of nondescript clothes. As she holds them, she concentrates for a moment, and they change into a formal ballgown in her arms.
"It's called shiftweave," Devlyn says. "I've seen it in a few places I've travelled to. It's like having five different outfits in one, and it can change into one of them with just a thought. And I think it would look great on you," he says with a gentle smile.

Jail House Rock |

Haily spies Jennifer, the seamstress her father has employeed for some time now, emerge from the backrooms. She is presenting the patrons with the queer roll of cloth her father bought from the small man from the east last spring.
"Oh, how wonderful," she says to herself, careful to stay out of sight.

Allura |

Devlyn just grins at her obvious curiosity. ;)
The seamstress comes out with a bundle of fabric, which she unfolds to reveal a simple set of nondescript clothes. As she holds them, she concentrates for a moment, and they change into a formal ballgown in her arms.
"It's called shiftweave," Devlyn says. "I've seen it in a few places I've travelled to. It's like having five different outfits in one, and it can change into one of them with just a thought. And I think it would look great on you," he says with a gentle smile.
"Oh!" she gasps, "It's perfect! Thank you!" She gives him a quick kiss before turning back to the seamstress.
"May I try it on?"
The Dalesman |

"Oh!" she gasps, "It's perfect! Thank you!" She gives him a quick kiss before turning back to the seamstress.
"May I try it on?"
The seamstress takes her to a changing stall so she can try it on, as Devlyn pays her for it. The magic of the material guarantees a perfect fit. The five outfits are yours to decide... :)

The Dalesman |

Haily spies Jennifer, the seamstress her father has employeed for some time now, emerge from the backrooms. She is presenting the patrons with the queer roll of cloth her father bought from the small man from the east last spring.
"Oh, how wonderful," she says to herself, careful to stay out of sight.
Haily isn't sure, but she thought the human with the white hair and the easy smile turned ever so slightly at her words. Probably just her imagination... :)

The Dalesman |

Haily watches Jennifer guide the pretty lady to the fitting rooms. She walks slowly behind another shelf, and peaks out at the man still standing there.He is dressed in foreign garb. She studies his face.
His face is young and handsome, despite the fact that his hair is snow-white. Blue eyes that look like they've seen a lot. All in all, a friendly face...

The Dalesman |

And my time is up for the night, I fear. I just found out we have company coming over, and I must be present for them ;)
Lynora, Allura should have enough of an idea of what Devlyn likes now, should she want to get anything for him (He likes the simple things, but also likes understated fancy things, as evidenced by his purchases. And he obviously likes elven wares, since there are elves in his family...)
I don't know if I'll have any chance to check in over the weekend or not, so I'll leave the rest of the shopping trip to your creativity... :)
Have a good weekend everybody! :)

Azhagal |

Vaduz, tumbles into the bazaar
whoa, this place astonishes me.....what is this?...an egg of some sort
a sign under it says "crumb of chaos"
hmm...intriguing...15,000PP...a little steep for me but I don't care. I'd like to buy a crumb of chaos please. In what manner do I use this
I do not know
ok thank you...time to find something else.....

Allura |

Allura tries out the new outfit, changing it from a dress for dancing to a practical outfit meant for fighting and so on. She comes out of the dressing room wearing a long emroidered tunic in a lovely lavender color and loose fitting pants in violet silk. She twirls around for Devlyn to see, reveling in his smile of approval.

Mililani Deccubus |

As shoppers and customers pass by, they see a modest tiled shop staffed by a half-elven woman with long full hair and bright sapphire blue eyes. Outside, there is a hanging wood banner it reads:
Mililani Deccubus - Herbalist, Alchemist, Potion Brewer
This sign's background displays the butterfly, the holy symbol of Desna.

MacGardun the Brewer |

Barrels and kegs, like the pyramids of Osirion, are stacked neatly around his large warehouse and before it is stands a stout dwarven merchant. Smaller crates and displays show jams, jellies, spiced honeys. The scent of fresh cheeses wafers from his shop. Robust and red of cheeks, the black-beard dwarf eagerly awaits customers to sample his brews, lagers, and ales.
He eagerly awaits his first customer.

Spirit of Vengeance |

A necromancer, possibly an evoker with a flaming skull paces across his large shop. Inside, on display are the arms and armors from countless worlds and their undocumented wars.
Armaments and Armor
New and Used
Repairs and refurbishing,
No questions asked.
I deal in vehicles and siege engines too.
The shop sign reads: Fires of Vengeance
licensed trans-planar arms dealer and war-wizard

Muulsh the Merchant |

Barrels and kegs, like the pyramids of Osirion, are stacked neatly around his large warehouse and before it is stands a stout dwarven merchant. Smaller crates and displays show jams, jellies, spiced honeys. The scent of fresh cheeses wafers from his shop. Robust and red of cheeks, the black-beard dwarf eagerly awaits customers to sample his brews, lagers, and ales.
He eagerly awaits his first customer.
The rotund man waddles up to MacGardun
I say good brewer, your product looks excellent today! Let me have a long pint of your best brew!
Peers over a wheel of cheese
Is that cheese Double Rostland? A slice of that with some biscuits as well my good fellow!
The porty merchant licks his lips in anticipation

Shovastika |
The nondescript woman that nobody really paid much attention to at the Sanctum slips out to the Bazaar for a few hours. One of her first ports of call is the 'Fires of Vengeance' shop, where she makes detailed inquiries as to who has recently been buying or selling what? At the end, a small bag of gemstones changes hands as payment for the information.

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves |

Travelling with his entourage of retainers direct from the Sanctum via the omniportal, rather than weary himself with travel across the sands, Berholm pays the toll-keeper of the portal at the bazaar with a platinum coin, then proceeds across the bazaar to the store of the dwarf MacGardun. He enters, leaving four of his retainers outside, to watch for trouble, and bringing the other couple in with them. It is obvious to MacGurdan that Berholm is either an illusionist of some skill and trickery, or a dwarf of great importance and means.
I have heard you to be a dwarf able to supply victuals on an impressive scale, Berholm strokes his beard thoughtfully.
What references as to your character and the efficiency of your service can you provide?

MacGardun the Brewer |

MacGardun the Brewer wrote:Barrels and kegs, like the pyramids of Osirion, are stacked neatly around his large warehouse and before it is stands a stout dwarven merchant. Smaller crates and displays show jams, jellies, spiced honeys. The scent of fresh cheeses wafers from his shop. Robust and red of cheeks, the black-beard dwarf eagerly awaits customers to sample his brews, lagers, and ales.
He eagerly awaits his first customer.
The rotund man waddles up to MacGardun
I say good brewer, your product looks excellent today! Let me have a long pint of your best brew!
Peers over a wheel of cheese
Is that cheese Double Rostland? A slice of that with some biscuits as well my good fellow!
The porty merchant licks his lips in anticipation
"Brew, aye, I have a wide selection and variety. Name your brand. And, that be Double Rostland with buscuits, both fresh within the day. Is this a personal order or do ye wish to purchase in bulk for a tavern or feasthall?"
He turns his attention towards two young dwarven lads, assistants or employees judging by the short lengths of their whiskers. They jump to attention, ready to his bidding.

MacGardun the Brewer |

Travelling with his entourage of retainers direct from the Sanctum via the omniportal, rather than weary himself with travel across the sands, Berholm pays the toll-keeper of the portal at the bazaar with a platinum coin, then proceeds across the bazaar to the store of the dwarf MacGardun. He enters, leaving four of his retainers outside, to watch for trouble, and bringing the other couple in with them. It is obvious to MacGurdan that Berholm is either an illusionist of some skill and trickery, or a dwarf of great importance and means.
I have heard you to be a dwarf able to supply victuals on an impressive scale, Berholm strokes his beard thoughtfully.
What references as to your character and the efficiency of your service can you provide?
Turning his attention towards the Dwarven lord, MacGardun replies in a respectful and very candid voice. "I've been recommended by none other than the Blue Pigeon himself. And as for efficiency I can gate any barrel sized products with a sizeable labor pool. And again with pact animals. I can supply up ten taverns in a month and deliver good with a day's time. Given the write directions and motivation. I, however, only supplies cities and communities with two days riding time."

Spirit of Vengeance |

The nondescript woman that nobody really paid much attention to at the Sanctum slips out to the Bazaar for a few hours. One of her first ports of call is the 'Fires of Vengeance' shop, where she makes detailed inquiries as to who has recently been buying or selling what? At the end, a small bag of gemstones changes hands as payment for the information.
Behind shaded curtains, the war-wizard gleefully counts the facets and the day's profits.