Bypassing spell recovery requirements

General Discussion (Prerelease)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber


Is there a way to simply regain spells used up without the necessity to rest? I seem to remember there being a spell or something like that that would do the trick, just cannot seem to find it.


Liberty's Edge

You might have been thinking of the pearl of power, which is in the DMG. There is one for each level of spell and can be used to recover a cast spell of that level once per day.


Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer (and later Mordenkainen's Penultimate Cogitation) can do what you are asking for, in limited ways. Rary's spell is still around, I believe. Mordenkainen's spell existed in 1E but might have slid into some 2E book.

Currently in 'core' there is:

Memonic Enhancer


Mage's Lucubration

Which are both wizard only spells. There was also a magic item in the DMG2 that could get you by on 2 hours of rest.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Currently in 'core' there is:

Memonic Enhancer


Mage's Lucubration

Which are both wizard only spells. There was also a magic item in the DMG2 that could get you by on 2 hours of rest.

Doesn't that state explicitly that you still need 8 hours of rest before you can regain your spells?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Thanks for the head's up.

A spell that allows you to sleep the equivalent of 8 hours in 1 hour would be cool. Enter a pocket dimension or alter time/space. Make it at least a 3rd level spell whose slot isn't recovered when you finish your rest.

Didn't the Ring of Sustenance give you a fully rested state with only 2 hours sleep?

Nope it let's you get a full night's sleep in 2 hours instead of 8. Not quite the same as the 8 hours of rest from my understanding.

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