Defender_of_Earth's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


David Fryer wrote:
Out of curiosity, do you think I should roll up their characters, or allow them to do it? My sons are 11, 8, and 6.

DnD is recommended for ages 12 and up, isn't it?

I'd recommend using pre-generated characters for anyone under 12 if only because of greater lack of attention focus and disdain for paperwork at earlier ages.

Make 1 of each class and let them choose what they want to play. If all the bonuses are pre-calculated, that makes it easier for them to get into the mechanics of the game.

It also depends on how good these kids are at math and reading. One can be an absolute genius at playing a musical instrument at those ages but suck when it comes to frying an egg in a pan.

Selgard wrote:

Being a wizard/fighter is a specialty. It's not the normal, its a special thing. Its not something every John Dick and Harry can accomplish very easily. It requires dedication and special training to pull off sucessfully.

Sure, any schmo can go 10/10 F/W but that's why we call him a schmo. He doesn't know what he's doing, and he sucks at it.

Some prestige classes are over the top. The principle ones that combine the classes though, generally aren't. They aren't particularly powerful- but they do get the job done.

Fighter/wizards would have much less complaints with more spells added that support the build. Adding energy damage to a melee attack for example. SR? Pshah! Here comes a hellfire enhanced blade in your face.

A spell that allows you to sleep the equivalent of 8 hours in 1 hour would be cool. Enter a pocket dimension or alter time/space. Make it at least a 3rd level spell whose slot isn't recovered when you finish your rest.

A feat or spell that enhances the aura of good would do the trick.

With Bluff, you're using common aspects of the behavior of your favored enemy against them. This is reinforced through habitat or culture for races and species.

With Intimidate, you're attempting to overcome the courage of your enemy, which can vary wildly on an individual basis.

In the PHB II, rules for having dual-school spells were touched on. It's not OGL so a slight alteration might have to be made just in case.

I think spells in Pathfinder should have up to 3 schools attached. The cure and inflict spells should be conjuration/necromancy. inflict spells should have the death descriptor.

Has this already been discussed?

Matthew Morris wrote:

Though I agree, Aasimar is an easily mocked word.

I like to refer to Aasimar as "hallowborn" and Tieflings as "fellborn".

Maxxx wrote:

Gauntlets of Wrath
If you possess the rage class feature you gain 2 more rounds of rage per day and a +2 morale bonus to your Strength while raging.

Perhaps it would be easier to treat it as having a limited number of charges per day. How many times will you really use it before resting anyway?

The rakshasa have DR against good and piercing. A feat for non-good rakshasa bloodline sorcerors might be to include "good" in their DR.

When you're not attacking with a double weapon, you can hold onto it with one hand. This can be extremely useful in the right situations such as when you're hanging from a ledge or rope and being attacked by rabid mutant vampire bat zombies.