Best Character Name Ever?

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Had a gnome named Imartsap Chidnas W.

Had a dwarf named Anhob with a pet rock for a familiar named Calv. Only Anhob could hear Calv speak.

Curaigh wrote:

Had a gnome named Imartsap Chidnas W.

Had a dwarf named Anhob with a pet rock for a familiar named Calv. Only Anhob could hear Calv speak.

Okay, that first one's Pastrami Sandwich but I can only presume the 2nd is Calvin and Hobbes... how is that worked out, exactly?

The Exchange

wow I must print off that wine list.

I have had several people like the name enough to jump into our PbP and comment on the name Priapus

Of course I tend to gank good names when I hear them since I cant seem to think of good ones myself.

I used one name with a pc that I found from a previous job. I talked to a man named Romulus Frost. Loved the name and just had to use it.

I did also have a monk named Miri. Miri Kell.

Reelow Tuground - Boar Animal Companion to a Kobold Druid/Wizard

Root Redthorn - Wood elf Ranger/Barbarian (Been around since D&D 2E, many many incarnations) Dual Blades/Regen Scrapper :City of Heroes

Hardaz Aroc - Dwarf Cleric (D&D 3E & D&D Online)

Radish Redthorn - Wood elf Ranger/Scout(Root's Sister) (D&D Online)

Basil Buckthorn - Satyr(Faun) (Plant/Kinetic Controller :City of Heroes)

Ozora Nightdreamer - Dark elf Shieldmaiden (Broadsword/Shield Scrapper :City of Heroes)

Best ever? Probably not, but a few of MY past favorites.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Ugg the Cave Wookie (he had an Int of 3), prone to getting himself locked in the fresher or attempting to intimidate foes by licking the blood off of his vibro-axe while it was still on...buzzzz...

I forget now whose this was, but many years ago there was a Paladin called Sir Anadin. As the advert said at the time, "nothing...acts faster...than Anadin!"

Aesuan (alias for a 2e mage with a stinking cloud spell. Background of military engineer with riot control sideline).

Dark Archive

Fred the Mind Flayer from DDO who changed his name because he got tired of everyone mispronouncing it at the House Ghollanda station in Stormreach where he works. Fred will always make me laugh histerically.

Kozaka! Human Barbarian/Psychic Warrior. Liked to Bite things by using a psy war power to change his head into the likeness of a tiger. Would always comment on how his enemies tasted.

Sharka Kendarek.
Lots of 'k' sure, but very good name for a BBEG in a campaign of mine. 10 years after, my players still refer to warlocks as 'sharka-kendarek likes'.



ericthecleric wrote:



eric the half a bee ?

Kilgore Bloodaxe - Half-fiend Half-dragon Ogre Fighter
Hax Manly - Space detective
Beezle Bubwaller - Halfling Rogue
Kilty McKiltsonson - Halfling Bard (played the bagpipes)
Lipto Slapdyback (aka Lipto the Shiv :) - Halfling Assassin
Shiny Silverman - Warforged Artificer w/mithral body

This one was a friend of mine: Turk 'The Ottoman' Footholder
Same friend: Rock Hardigan
Different friend: Biggy McLargehuge

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I currently have an Azerblood Fighter in our Pen & Paper game called Jock McStrap.

Silver Crusade

Chubbs McGee!

MyFirst DD2ed caracter was a fighter named Latsirhc Sipep.

My 3 favorite are: Salamor Blackrose Pal9 of Tyr in a rolemaster game

and in d&d 3.xed Draken Sliverscale rog5/ran3 and

Celebrith Silvermist wiz2.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Darthok Who Removes Eyeballs

Crimson Jester wrote:
wow I must print off that wine list.

Wikipedia is where I got my inspiration from. Well... there and the wine aisle at Asda/Tesco/Sainsbury's. Don't forget the white varieties...

Grand Lodge

Dwarven fighter, named Krunsh...

Ah yes, my first edition AD&D Gnome Illusionist/Fighter, Melvin Toecutter!

Brings back good memories...

Cpt. Caboodle wrote:

Ah yes, my first edition AD&D Gnome Illusionist/Fighter, Melvin Toecutter!

Brings back good memories...

I have a player who is pretty new to the game, only ever having played video-game rpgs, notably everything Final Fantasy (She attempted to pick pocket a ghost in her first encounter :P) But of the two characters she's made she has shown a habit of naming them something backwards, her rogue was named Ycats (pronounced Yea-cats) and Recnad Wodahs the ranger (Shadow Dancer backwards from the mini she chose). The most amusing part is the rogue recently hit level 5 and the group made friends with a council member who was almost assassinated and they were given a special ceremony and her response was "Man I wish I had actually thought of a better name, Ycats is stupid, what was I thinking?" I find this amusing and cool, due to the fact she is developing an actual concerm for her character enough that her name matters :P

ericthecleric wrote:



My first Warhammer FRP character was Bob the Hobbit.

Riding Tony the Pony.

Liberty's Edge

My 1 HP magic-user Bane Bladecleaver (Fans of the Dungeon Master games will recognize the name). My first character and I loved every minute of it!

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I played in a game 25 years ago with a fellow character named Ralph Ivan Snatcher Titzov. I remember almost nothing else from that game.

my one gnome character was named Zook Bandersnatch
also had a halfling dragon-slayer named Hobb Warwick
and even tho the hero's builder guide specifically says its a bad idea, i'm waiting for the chance to use Fonkin Hoddypeaks!

Liberty's Edge

NecroticBanana wrote:
...even tho the hero's builder guide specifically says its a bad idea, i'm waiting for the chance to use Fonkin Hoddypeaks!

I think you can only use it if another player names their character "Gleep Werp the Eyebiter."

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Nimble the Elf. ;) (Lettin' my ol' skewl show)

Porkins - gomorean (sp?) scout SW:SAGA
Bobert Badgerback - werebadger gnome druid NPC

One of these days I want to have an elf called Orion Hatch. :D

I liked the paladin, Sir Justin the Just, Justicar of Justice.

Catseye Yellow, a character from the book "Cats Have No Lord".

Names I've come up with for my characters that I remember fondly? Well, there's:

Ahem...Mempter--my longest running, oldest surviving character.

"Grimshod", a nickname for a fighter I ran for awhile.

"The Smiling Viper", another nickname I gave to another character that someone else ran for a time.

Daniel Moyer wrote:

Reelow Tuground - Boar Animal Companion to a Kobold Druid/Wizard

Root Redthorn - Wood elf Ranger/Barbarian (Been around since D&D 2E, many many incarnations) Dual Blades/Regen Scrapper :City of Heroes

Hardaz Aroc - Dwarf Cleric (D&D 3E & D&D Online)

Radish Redthorn - Wood elf Ranger/Scout(Root's Sister) (D&D Online)

Basil Buckthorn - Satyr(Faun) (Plant/Kinetic Controller :City of Heroes)

Ozora Nightdreamer - Dark elf Shieldmaiden (Broadsword/Shield Scrapper :City of Heroes)

Best ever? Probably not, but a few of MY past favorites.

I would just like to point out that the first one on this list....yeah that one is a pig with a first AND last name.

How can you not love that.

A friend who was GMing once created an NPC, Liba of Clan Reche. He had a thing for bright red sequin cloaks.

My personal favorites are in no particular order....

Hawkstone - I use this for a barbarian or dwarf every couple or years and is often an online handle, last names vary dependent on race.

Gabriel De'Wynter - Rogue Swashbuckler types.

Screaming Pheonix - Another Barbarian ...usually more tribal often Native American is RP style.

Ahrune - Sometimes shortened to just Rune, again last names vary, usually this is a more Fighter bent character, but not always.

Altair Anton Alucard- my current rogue, who has to use all three names when he introduces himself.

Desmond LaGato - Havent used it in a while but was a favorite Bard/Cleric of Rougish bent in the college years.

Artemis Dragonetti - Another I havent used in a while was a Sorcerer with many pecular quirks and habits, like never sitting in chairs, making all his spells effects blue in color etc...

oh.. and one that isn't mine but always made me laugh.

I good friend once played a halfling named : T. Baggins

In 2E I had a player with a half ogre barbarian called Gonad the Barbarian.

Sovereign Court

Valterra Deathwalk, LG cleric of Kelemvor (death and travel domains).

Cythe the rogue, nicknamed 'Twitch' after botching every attempt to disarm electrical traps he encountered.

Killum Ded, dwarf fighter name randomly generated from a dwarven race guidebook.

Along the lines of characters named after wines, I was in a WoW guild where pretty much all the founders names were of alcohols:
Zinfandel, Ketelone, Merlot, Riesling, Chardonnay, Bordeaux
I think the guildleader being a professional wine-taster had something to do with it.

Vendle wrote:

Along the lines of characters named after wines, I was in a WoW guild where pretty much all the founders names were of alcohols:

Zinfandel, Ketelone, Merlot, Riesling, Chardonnay, Bordeaux
I think the guildleader being a professional wine-taster had something to do with it.

Heh. In 2e my wizard character was "Merlot the Magician." He wore a red cape and a red hat with a cardinal feather in it.

Continuing the alcohol theme, I've also played a bard named Talisker, who was apprenticed to the Great Druid Lagavulin. And I once rolled up a dwarf fighter named Oban MacGarioch.

Scarab Sages

Heinrich Von Wifflebat - Alchemist
Jonathan "Jack of Shadows" Shade - Thief/Mage
Stephan Nicolas Amber - illegitimate child of "D'Ambervilles"
Nerik "IronHead" Timlos - so ugly he wore an iron mask to hide himself.

A few that have cropped up in games I've run:

Xkvarkius the Crazed - 1st Ed MU who refused to warn the party of impending fireballs. Achieved lichdom in long term campaign play.

Burnum Burnum - 2nd Ed Wiz with a penchant for fire-based spells.

Amatheon Constantine DeBeurr - 2nd Ed Wiz who seemed to be able to put foes to sleep at will, often without the aid of magic.

Arfa Kupful, of Kofee - yet another MU, from a one-shot 1st Ed session.

For some reason fighters don't seem to come up with interesting names in my campaigns.


NPC Charles Lightsark, AKA "Chuck the Duck." Don't ask.

Goofier: In grade school my friend had a cleric named Bud the Wiser; his steed's name was Charley the Horse.

A friend of mine once played a charming halfling rogue who called himself Pizzywinkle because "it sounds vaguely naughty in a cute but still lecherous way"

We've had a few, but the best I can recall was one of my friends.
He had a Halfling 1E/2E thief character named "Nigel the Nosebreaker, Laughing Lady Killer"

Apparently named after some of the character's more memorable adventures!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

My first character was a young CN half-orc barbarian named "Hectot". He ended up braining the wizard for getting lippy at one point. I miss him.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I had a National Geographic map of the moon and another of constellations. I used close my eyes and point to the map, and choose whatever crater or star my finger was under.

The moon map also the moons of other my 1e fighter's name was Triton Japetus (should have been Iapetus, but I misread it as a J), after two moons of Saturn and Neptune.

My last character in Jason's Eberron game was Visoka Despaxia. These are two genera of stoneflies in North America.....did I mention I am an aquatic entomologist?

I had a character named: Ralph La Mao ("Rof l mao"), the next PC I came up with got nixed right off the bat becuase the name was: Mali Cious ("Mali Cuuz").

Ochan Cheddarwood (Druid) - Ochan backwards is nacho, a former player ripped the name from a bag of Doritos.

Enitocin The Ranger - Player was a smoker, read it backwards.

Boogaloo Gobbledygook - Short lived halfling.

Myrtul The Mighty (NPC) - Feminine male burly Orc fighter with an intelligence of 4 and a pet Osquip, named after the FR month of May.

Hot Sauce Guy - my Fire/Fire Blaster, City of Heroes mmorpg (I loved this toon).

Spellvira - one of my alts in WoW, Mage.

Sunderstone wrote:
Spellvira - one of my alts in WoW, Mage.

LOL... I don't know why, but this reminds me of the character Batmanuel from the show The Tick.

Silver Crusade

mempter wrote:

Catseye Yellow, a character from the book "Cats Have No Lord".

Names I've come up with for my characters that I remember fondly? Well, there's:

Ahem...Mempter--my longest running, oldest surviving character.

"Grimshod", a nickname for a fighter I ran for awhile.

"The Smiling Viper", another nickname I gave to another character that someone else ran for a time.

What is "Cats Have No Lord" about?

Balfic-graa wrote:

Angelica Maria Theresa Padfoot Cooper

Halfling character from my friends game. Always thought the name was great.

I *have to* use this for my halfling campaign... my husband's college specialization was Latin American Politics... he'll LOVE it.

veector wrote:
Saern wrote:
Paz wrote:
The best one I heard was a wizard called 'Zinfandel the White'.
I like that a lot!

And *this* is my new favorite name.

From Wikipedia: In places such as Germany, beer was banned and considered pagan and barbaric, while wine consumption was viewed as civilised and a sign of conversion to Christianity.

I want a dwarf named after a beer.

I once had a ranger called 'Dubious Rendezvous'. He was in a party with a druid/bard (yes, a druid/bard) who made up a tune (sung to the tune of Rudolph the Reindeer). It went something like...

"Rudolph the Shot-Dead Reindeer,
Had a Dubious Rendezvous"

Ah, those were the days...


Scarab Sages

Algor: My brothers human druid who hates all other humans for destroying nature, and made it his personal mission to ruin humanity. I still have Manbearpig stats on my computer somewhere.

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