The Oasis of Still Water

Forum Games

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The Dalesman wrote:
[splish splash]"Out of idle curiosity, Allura, what is behind that waterfall you came out from behind of yesterday?"[/splish splash]

*In Aquaan* Weird land-dweller mating rituals...Might as well ask her to see her oysters...Whoops, she is showing her oysters already...OK, oyster bed.

Mirathan wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
[splish splash]"Out of idle curiosity, Allura, what is behind that waterfall you came out from behind of yesterday?"[/splish splash]
*In Aquaan* Weird land-dweller mating rituals...Might as well ask her to see her oysters...Whoops, she is showing her oysters already...OK, oyster bed.


*In Aquaan* That landwalker does seem to be lacking in polish, but his heart is in the right place. I think. Although he could use a few pointers on finesse during courtship. shakes head Well, at least he hasn't got his face slapped yet, so she must not mind too much.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
[splish splash]"Out of idle curiosity, Allura, what is behind that waterfall you came out from behind of yesterday?"[/splish splash]
*In Aquaan* Weird land-dweller mating rituals...Might as well ask her to see her oysters...Whoops, she is showing her oysters already...OK, oyster bed.


*In Aquaan* That landwalker does seem to be lacking in polish, but his heart is in the right place. I think. Although he could use a few pointers on finesse during courtship. shakes head Well, at least he hasn't got his face slapped yet, so she must not mind too much.

Notes that those two are having a good laugh about something. Why are his ears burning...? :P

The Seductress wrote:
"It's where I go to commune with my deity. You could call it a temple if you wish," she says.

He nods as he gets splashed in the face.

"Gotcha. Since I need to get familiar with the place, best to know where I should and should not go without permission first. Wouldn't be proper to disturb a lady's privacy..."

The Dalesman wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

*In Aquaan* Weird land-dweller mating rituals...Might as well ask her to see her oysters...Whoops, she is showing her oysters already...OK, oyster bed.


*In Aquaan* That landwalker does seem to be lacking in polish, but his heart is in the right place. I think. Although he could use a few pointers on finesse during courtship. shakes head Well, at least he hasn't got his face slapped yet, so she must not mind too much.

Notes that those two are having a good laugh about something. Why are his ears burning...? :P

The Seductress wrote:
"It's where I go to commune with my deity. You could call it a temple if you wish," she says.

He nods as he gets splashed in the face.

"Gotcha. Since I need to get familiar with the place, best to know where I should and should not go without permission first. Wouldn't be proper to disturb a lady's privacy..."

Ouch - rough crowd today. He's a bit out of practice, aye, but the reason for asking should save him...maybe :)

The Dalesman wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
[splish splash]"Out of idle curiosity, Allura, what is behind that waterfall you came out from behind of yesterday?"[/splish splash]
*In Aquaan* Weird land-dweller mating rituals...Might as well ask her to see her oysters...Whoops, she is showing her oysters already...OK, oyster bed.


*In Aquaan* That landwalker does seem to be lacking in polish, but his heart is in the right place. I think. Although he could use a few pointers on finesse during courtship. shakes head Well, at least he hasn't got his face slapped yet, so she must not mind too much.

Notes that those two are having a good laugh about something. Why are his ears burning...? :P

The Seductress wrote:
"It's where I go to commune with my deity. You could call it a temple if you wish," she says.

He nods as he gets splashed in the face.

"Gotcha. Since I need to get familiar with the place, best to know where I should and should not go without permission first. Wouldn't be proper to disturb a lady's privacy..."

"It's okay. The temple is open to anyone who needs it," Allura says.

The Dalesman wrote:
Hmmm - I thought I saw a post here. David, I see it in her recent posts, but not here. Did you delete it, or are the boards starting to act up again?

Most likely the board being wonky again.

The Seductress wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Hmmm - I thought I saw a post here. David, I see it in her recent posts, but not here. Did you delete it, or are the boards starting to act up again?
Most likely the board being wonky again.

It's the boards. Now I can't see any of the posts after I asked that question. Grrr...

EDIT: Oh, there they are... :P

Alright, I'm on my way home now. See you guys tomorrow.

The Seductress wrote:
Alright, I'm on my way home now. See you guys tomorrow.

See you tomorrow! :)


Devlyn, Allura and the elves (and Sirone, if she wishes) have a restful and entertaining rest of their day. Devlyn will spin amusing stories about some of his own misadventures, and try to coax some out of the others as well. A night of laughter and fun is his goal for the Oasis regulars. :D

Heading home now myself. There seem to be some wireless connection problems awaiting me when I get home, so I may not be able to check back in until the morning. Later folks! :)


Try some of my cooking. It's to die for.

The Seductress wrote:
Try some of my cooking. It's to die for.

Ugh - morning all. Back in the land of the posting, if not the totally conscious - things went from wireless connectivity failure to a very sick Significant Other, and we were up half the night...

In brighter news, that Crab Macaroni Salad looks intriguing. Yum... :)

Anywhoo, back to our story:

Our Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman has made a long night of storytelling and comraderie. As the morning light filters through the trees and the waters, Devlyn wakes up somewhere in the Oasis...

The Dalesman wrote:

In brighter news, that Crab Macaroni Salad looks intriguing. Yum... :)

Awww......poor wittle crabbies. Killed and pulled apart to make a salad. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Peace LVR wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

In brighter news, that Crab Macaroni Salad looks intriguing. Yum... :)

Awww......poor wittle crabbies. Killed and pulled apart to make a salad. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

You haven't seen what Ethelbert does when he gets his tentacles on a lobster, have you? :P

Devlyn sits up with a stretch, then quietly pads off to practice and get a few laps in. He'll then wait by the pool for the others to rouse themselves, munching on an apple as a quick snack.

Peace LVR wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

In brighter news, that Crab Macaroni Salad looks intriguing. Yum... :)

Awww......poor wittle crabbies. Killed and pulled apart to make a salad. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Pelts hippie with a dismembered lobster shell

The Dalesman wrote:
Devlyn sits up with a stretch, then quietly pads off to practice and get a few laps in. He'll then wait by the pool for the others to rouse themselves, munching on an apple as a quick snack.

Allura wakes and realizes that Devlyn is no longer there. Following the sound of splashing, she arrives at the water's edge just in time to see Peace LVR get hit with a lobster shell. With a chuckle, she continues to look for Devlyn.

The Seductress wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Devlyn sits up with a stretch, then quietly pads off to practice and get a few laps in. He'll then wait by the pool for the others to rouse themselves, munching on an apple as a quick snack.
Allura wakes and realizes that Devlyn is no longer there. Following the sound of splashing, she arrives at the water's edge just in time to see Peace LVR get hit with a lobster shell. With a chuckle, she continues to look for Devlyn.


Whoopsy - I dinae realize she was there when he woke up (wherever he woke up). He would have let her sleep in though, as he wasn't doing anything terribly exciting, and she looked too perfect to disturb :)

As Allura rounds a bend along the pool's edge, she spies Devlyn sitting on a rock. It looks like he's just finished swimming, as he is still a bit damp. He's currently eating an apple as he sees her and smiles warmly.

"Good morning! Hungry?" as he offers her an apple and makes room for her.

"Starving," Allura says. "So what do you want to do today?"

I assumed they would have fallen asleep at least in the same general area since they spent the night together at the big storytelling bash Devlyn arrainged.

The Seductress wrote:

"Starving," Allura says. "So what do you want to do today?"

** spoiler omitted **

Makes sense to me. I just wanted to be sure, as that could be taken a few different ways. Considering what Allura revealed about her past history and Devlyn's response to that, he's walking a tightrope of trying to get closer without being 'too fast' about it. Especially with the memory of what happened at the Club still fresh in his mind, and her own concerns of course. The bottom line is that he is going to be the gentleman, but he is not going to be distant, if that makes any sense...:)

Having read the info on Lastia last night, I realized that Devlyn hasn't really asked about her religion (but he didn't really know she was a 'cleric' until yesterday). I guess I'd better take care of that and let the hilarity ensue :D

"We probably should check in with LJ at some point to see how her divinations are going. But we can wait until after breakfast for that," as he hands her the apple. "Why don't you tell me about your deity, while we have some time? We haven't had much time over the last few days to just sit and talk - I've missed that."

Allura sits down, takes a bite of the apple and begins to explain about the teachings and doctrine of Lastia. Anyone who wants to know can read about in the Book of Exalted Deeds. It's too long to include here. "So basicly Lastia teaches that physical pleasure, when mutually and consentually enjoyed, is the highest form of worship." Then she says, "I agree that we should check in with Lynora. Strange things seem to be happening."

The Seductress wrote:
Allura sits down, takes a bite of the apple and begins to explain about the teachings and doctrine of Lastia. Anyone who wants to know can read about in the Book of Exalted Deeds. It's too long to include here.Then she says, "I agree that we should check in with Lynora. Strange things seem to be happening."

After listening to Allura's description of Lastia's faith, he gets a slightly confused and bemused look on his face, and is probably blushing a bit. "Me not knowing any of this wouldn't be the reason why the elves were having a great laugh at my expense yesterday, would it? I really need to learn Aquaan," he says with a chuckle.

"Do you know how to get to the Jacks' Clubhouse? I think LJ went there instead of the Club, though we could check there first just to be sure. Alaina should know how to get there."

"I don't know how to get to the Jack's clubhouse. They have to have a link to it at the club though. Lets go," Allura says.

The Seductress wrote:
"I don't know how to get to the Jack's clubhouse. They have to have a link to it at the club though. Lets go," Allura says.

Devlyn nods, then they go get their things and head over to Club Calistria.

Just got a post entered over there :)

Ethelbert the Octopus wrote:
Peace LVR wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

In brighter news, that Crab Macaroni Salad looks intriguing. Yum... :)

Awww......poor wittle crabbies. Killed and pulled apart to make a salad. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Pelts hippie with a dismembered lobster shell

Poor wittle octopus, why are you sooo angry. Don't you have any friends to share your feelings with? You need to put a little luv in your heart.

"Something is wrong," Sirone says. "The balance of power has tipped."

Leaving the shattered altar on the windswept mountainside, the group come to the Oasis to heal body, mind and soul for a bit.

EDIT: Whoops - make that some of the group. Methinks everyone is scattering whether we intended to or not :P

Devlyn retrieves a wand from his quiver, and uses it to cleanse the blood and grime of battle (and worse) off of him before entering.

"I'm glad that's over," Allura says as she plucks a mango from a tree. "Now we just have Candle Lighter to worry about. Without GDK to help him, he'll be a lot easier to destroy."

The Seductress wrote:
"I'm glad that's over," Allura says as she plucks a mango from a tree. "Now we just have Candle Lighter to worry about. Without GDK to help him, he'll be a lot easier to destroy."

Devlyn nods as he pulls down one of his own."Agreed. And with the goddess out of the way, Jack Hammer and Lynora-Jill don't have that spectre lurking over their shoulder anymore. I think that's the big win here, in my humble opinion..." his voice trails off, as if something distracted him for a moment. He shakes his head slightly and starts eating.

Seeing Devlyn's distraction, Allura frowns. "What's wrong," she asks.

The Seductress wrote:
Seeing Devlyn's distraction, Allura frowns. "What's wrong," she asks.

"I've never been one to buy into the traditional concept of the 'greater good' - it doesn't make much sense to me to think in abstract terms like that. You need to be able to put a face or a name to the good you do. Then you can realize what you're striving to accomplish all of this for."

Devlyn pauses, puts his back against the mango tree, then says after a few seconds:
"I guess the simpler way of putting it is that I don't help towns or countries, or even worlds. I try to help one person at a time. Yeah, this goddess needed to be stopped, but LJ and JH needed help too. I wasn't going to let them lose each other. I know what that personal hell is like, and I won't let anybody I know go through that if I have anything to say about it. Not on my watch..."

He makes a funny face after that. "Gods, that was just a tad too serious, wasn't it? Sorry. Let's just not lose track of the 'little goods' that we can do. Sometimes those make all the difference in the world."

Alaina flashes into the portal

Gods I need a drink ..

Alaina, priestess of Calistria wrote:

Alaina flashes into the portal

Gods I need a drink ..

sighs under his breath as he pushes off of the tree, then smiles at Alaina

I think Nimora can accomodate that request. I think she replenished the sake...did Jack and LJ decide to get away from everything for a while?"

The Dalesman wrote:

I think Nimora can accomodate that request. I think she replenished the sake...did Jack and LJ decide to get away from everything for a while?"

Alaina smiles tiredly at Devlyn

Some Sake would be nice. I can't rest too long, the club's been without me and Acme for a long time. I hope the girls are OK. U think LJ and JH need some time to relax and sort through everything.

Looks about

Has anyone heard from Acme since we left him in the Records Room?

Nimora swims up to the surface with a net full of bottles of fine sake.
I convincing octopus guarding portal for a little while. He be very much liking someone else to catching his lobsters. Here is being refreshing drinks for you.

Alaina smiles at Nimora

That looks wonderful, thank you so much!

She pours a shot and downs it quick.

I have to get in contact with everyone ..

Opens her cell and starts dialing

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

Nimora swims up to the surface with a net full of bottles of fine sake.

I convincing octopus guarding portal for a little while. He be very much liking someone else to catching his lobsters. Here is being refreshing drinks for you.

Devlyn chuckles, then passes out the sake.

"Ethelbert the Ever-Vigilant, it has a nice ring to it!"

Alaina frowns

That's odd. The clubhouse line is going straight to voicemail and Acme's is just flatlined. He ALWAYS picks up, he's his own cell phone!

The Dalesman wrote:

Devlyn chuckles, then passes out the sake.
"Ethelbert the Ever-Vigilant, it has a nice ring to it!"

flexes his tentacles, now each equipped with a dagger

Alaina, priestess of Calistria wrote:

Alaina frowns

That's odd. The clubhouse line is going straight to voicemail and Acme's is just flatlined. He ALWAYS picks up, he's his own cell phone!

Hands his sake back to Nimora, shaking his head, concerned.

"I'll go check the Club and see if he's there real quick, if you'd like. Unless you think we need to go back to the Records Room."

Any attempt to go to either place will fail

Ethelbert the Octopus wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

Devlyn chuckles, then passes out the sake.
"Ethelbert the Ever-Vigilant, it has a nice ring to it!"

flexes his tentacles, now each equipped with a dagger

Now that is scary... :D

... wrote:
Any attempt to go to either place will fail

"Um...who to the what, now?"

The Dalesman wrote:
... wrote:
Any attempt to go to either place will fail
"Um...who to the what, now?"

The portals to Club Calistria and the Records Room don't function

... wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
... wrote:
Any attempt to go to either place will fail
"Um...who to the what, now?"
The portals to Club Calistria and the Records Room don't function

"The portal isn't working, Alaina. That doesn't make sense..."


Alaina tries the portal

Something is very wrong ..

Alaina, priestess of Calistria wrote:


Alaina tries the portal

Something is very wrong ..

"Okay - can you open your own gate with your magic? Can we contact somebody elsewhere to try the same?"

Alaina suddenly collapses, falling into a coma

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