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Those few who are staying at the Eyrie are near the portal so that they can retreat if necessary. There is a smaller temple somewhere farther from the fighting where they can go. I would think that the Eyrie itself can be repaired later on, but just in case they have a back-up plan.

All right, I have removed the Army of the Damned from the Place of Winds to an undisclosed place for now. Innocent Blood will not face the Board Warden until she has figured out how to contain his draining powers.

At present as a further experiment/trial, a small army of the bone-servants is deploying into the (about to be ex) swamps around the Palace of Skulls. These are not undead; they are constructs infused with necromantic energies.

And at the moment it seems likely that Berholm II will turn up to try to arrest Lynora-Jill on Tuesday. (Bringing an army in case she tries to resist arrest.)

This plot is getting epic.
This battle really is a skirmish. The Kittens (or most of them)are strong enough to reappear even after destruction. The dwarves have only sent a small force, which will be most efficient against undead. This is only about 300 dwarves of the 600 sent.

Kobold Cleaver:
Is there a dwarven king your dwarves are working for, are they 'summoned' creatures (or constructs), or are they merceneries hired by Kobold Cleaver/Frogskin/PlantJack?

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

At present as a further experiment/trial, a small army of the bone-servants is deploying into the (about to be ex) swamps around the Palace of Skulls. These are not undead; they are constructs infused with necromantic energies.

And at the moment it seems likely that Berholm II will turn up to try to arrest Lynora-Jill on Tuesday. (Bringing an army in case she tries to resist arrest.)

If she's still at the Grove, an army would be a bad idea. But soil needs nutrients. ;)

Shadow Lodge

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

And at the moment it seems likely that Berholm II will turn up to try to arrest Lynora-Jill on Tuesday. (Bringing an army in case she tries to resist arrest.)

And the Eyrie and Oasis will be bad places to try for her too.

Lynora-Jill, as you know her, is strongly suspected of being an incredibly dangerous criminal - a mass murderess who kills for pleasure and who has thousands of dwarven deaths on her blood-stained hands.
That is why she urgently needs to be apprehended and tried for her suspected crimes.

Anyway, just a heads up for Tuesday.

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:

Lynora-Jill, as you know her, is strongly suspected of being an incredibly dangerous criminal - a mass murderess who kills for pleasure and who has thousands of dwarven deaths on her blood-stained hands.

That is why she urgently needs to be apprehended and tried for her suspected crimes.

Looks like she'll need a character witness...

I'm off to work, I'll be back in eight hours.

Ahhhh, a heads up for all you fine folk. I am Prince Azran, and along with my consort, the beautiful Aritha...

Hello there...
<demure yet sinister smile>

...we may be showing up in the next few days with a small army.
Not that we need an army, but the fashion these days seems to be everyone to have one, so we may as well bring one to the party. Still, mustn't grumble.

Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:

her suspected crimes.

Only suspected? Move along foo-, noble dwarf. She is innocent. Or do you think this something for a paladin, or even a church inquisiter, to handle? Otherwise, you'll need a much bigger army...

Shadow Lodge

If you haven't guessed Aidan's secret by now, all I can say is: o.0
To those who have figured it out, I did give the chance for some one else to control him.

The Bard wrote:
Berholm II, Lord of the Dwarves wrote:

her suspected crimes.

Only suspected? Move along foo-, noble dwarf. She is innocent. Or do you think this something for a paladin, or even a church inquisiter, to handle? Otherwise, you'll need a much bigger army...

I don't know what you more chaotic races get upto, but dwarven law usually requires a trial and conviction (or acquittal) before a suspect ceases to be a suspect.

And we have eye-witnesses who can make positive identifications - plus more arcane evidence to back them up. (Yes we do know that dopplegangers exist, thank-you).

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Kobold Cleaver:

Is there a dwarven king your dwarves are working for, are they 'summoned' creatures (or constructs), or are they merceneries hired by Kobold Cleaver/Frogskin/PlantJack?

They're from a different world, sent by their leader to help out his friend Meepo. They're just dwarves who like exploding things.

Well that was fun, if rather alarming for Smagnavast at the end there - Smagnavast is now seriously concerned that the Board Warden (whom he thought he could rely on to keep the Place of Winds intact) will be turned into sushi by Innocent Blood the next time the vampire shows up.


Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Well that was fun, if rather alarming for Smagnavast at the end there - Smagnavast is now seriously concerned that the Board Warden (whom he thought he could rely on to keep the Place of Winds intact) will be turned into sushi by Innocent Blood the next time the vampire shows up.


he he

Trying to comprend the primordial?

How am I supposed to fight something that feeds off my own power?

Scarab Sages

Innocent Blood wrote:
How am I supposed to fight something that feeds off my own power?

Take a bath in hot sauce and hope it gets heartburn?

Aberzombie wrote:
Innocent Blood wrote:
How am I supposed to fight something that feeds off my own power?
Take a bath in hot sauce and hope it gets heartburn?

Bwah hah hah!

Scarab Sages

Evil Monkey wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Innocent Blood wrote:
How am I supposed to fight something that feeds off my own power?
Take a bath in hot sauce and hope it gets heartburn?
Bwah hah hah!

Go ahead and laugh Monkey! But I swear it works. I saw something like it on TV, and we all know that TV doesn't lie.....

Innocent Blood wrote:
How am I supposed to fight something that feeds off my own power?

check your e-mail for addt'l clues

Shadow Lodge

I've put possible names for the hatchlings in Sky's profile. If you have any to suggest, and if possible the meaning of said names, I'd happily consider them.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
I've put possible names for the hatchlings in Sky's profile. If you have any to suggest, and if possible the meaning of said names, I'd happily consider them.

You could always use wind names like Zephyr or Sirocco. Also, doesn't Mariah mean wind, or am I misremembering?

Okay, off early for the night here.
Goodnight all.

Signing off from the boards for the night. Goodnight all, and good luck with the battle tomorrow.

SO we are doing the big battle tonight?

Patrick Curtin wrote:
SO we are doing the big battle tonight?

As far as I know.

[Monty Burns]Excellent[/Monty Burns]

I'll be logging off soon to attend to some chores, but I'll keep an eye on the boards here and there today :)

I'm ready for large scale slaughter. Can I be a bad guy?

Emperor7 wrote:
I'm ready for large scale slaughter. Can I be a bad guy?

Why not both? I've got fingers in both pies ATM

got to go offline for a few hours. Be checking in 12 pm in EST


Check yer email :)

Would you object to Lynora-Jill being called to show up again in the Realm of Dreams?

Really good session folks. I really thought it came together well. I hope I didn't step on any toes with the Giggler, but it seemed like the thing to do.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:


Would you object to Lynora-Jill being called to show up again in the Realm of Dreams?

It would probably make sense since she is sort of between worlds at the moment, not sure whether to return to the material plane or head onwards to Elysium. Go right ahead.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Really good session folks. I really thought it came together well. I hope I didn't step on any toes with the Giggler, but it seemed like the thing to do.

No toe-stepping :) I made it pretty clear that LJ had seen a prophecy of her own death in this battle. Way to make that happen in a surprising fashion :)

Reincarnation as a native of Dream just carried out, Lynora.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Reincarnation as a native of Dream just carried out, Lynora.

Errr. Summons I was expecting. Reincarnation? On a goddess? Does that even work?

lynora wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Reincarnation as a native of Dream just carried out, Lynora.

Errr. Summons I was expecting. Reincarnation? On a goddess? Does that even work?

Is Lynora a goddess anymore? I thought that part of what was going on was she sacrificed her power and status to blast the army of undeath away?

I'll edit and rework the posts a bit if you still want her as a goddess.

Please wait whilst I review the situation if she's still a goddess.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
lynora wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Reincarnation as a native of Dream just carried out, Lynora.

Errr. Summons I was expecting. Reincarnation? On a goddess? Does that even work?

Is Lynora a goddes anymore? I thought that part of what was ging on was she sacrificed her power and status to blast the army of undeath away?

Not exactly. Remember how she blew up GDK and it made a really big boom, but GDK was still a goddess just in a lot of pieces. Well, she just did the same thing to herself. She is woefully vulnerable until she collects all the bits of herself and builds a new body. And it's not beyond reason to think that she might sacrifice her divine power under the right circumstances and return as a mortal. It's entirely possible to summon a spirit version of her, but I don't think reincarnation would work without all of her.

Good fun, everyone. Just what I needed after these last weeks.

Emperor7 wrote:
Good fun, everyone. Just what I needed after these last weeks.

Glad to hear it :)

*YAWN* QFT to what the tree said. But I'm logging out, time to wrap it up. Great session folks, class A RPing ..

Sigh. It won't work with a goddess - it's not within where the character would go.
I have deleted the posts, preserving a copy of the text (okay I'm biased, but I thought some of it was good) for later wistful reading....

No call to the heart of the Realm of Dreams.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Sigh. It won't work with a goddess - it's not within where the character would go.

I have deleted the posts, preserving a copy of the text (okay I'm biased, but I thought some of it was good) for later wistful reading....

No call to the heart of the Realm of Dreams.

Sorry. Didn't mean to mess up your plot. :(

Okay, signing off for the night. I may be absent for the next few days whilst I recover from an accomodation report I'm currently assembling for PaizoCon UK (B&Bs/hostels along Digbeth) but there doesn't seem to be anything much left for any of my characters to do at the moment anyway.


And I'm back on line for the day.

Accomodation report now in.
Do the feathers which Lynora-Jill handed out to various people turn into stars?
If so, that leaves dwarves (currently convinced she was the worst thing since the fall of Lucifer) in possession of one of the parts which Jack-Hammer (or anyone else) needs.

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