Nylanfs |

As noted here in this thread
PCGen v5.15.10 (Beta) Released! PCGen is now shipping with a almost complete dataset and gamemode for Pathfinder.
I'm creating this thread here so that people can post if they have any bugs or feedback if they didn't have a yahoo account to be able to log onto our main PCGen mailing list
So beat on it and help us improve!. :)

Mhagus |
PCGen v5.15.10 (Beta) Released! PCGen is now shipping with a almost complete dataset and gamemode for Pathfinder.I'm creating this thread here so that people can post if they have any bugs or feedback if they didn't have a yahoo account to be able to log onto our main PCGen mailing list
So beat on it and help us improve!. :)
No druids in Pathfinder dataset?

Nylanfs |

The druid and paladin were the two base classes that Stefan didn't have time to copy and test from the RSRD dataset. They are in the SVN repository nown and will be in the next beta, which is supposed to release this weekend.
You can download the latest data directly from SVN if you would like to from the following address.
http://pcgen.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pcgen/Trunk/pcgen/data/alpha/paizo/ pathfinder_rpg/pathfinder_rpg_beta_playtest_edition/
Also a note it was brought to our attention that the windows installer package didn't grab a copy of the PF dataset (which is fixed now) so use the full build till the next beta if you are using Windows.

Tir Gwaith |

No druids in Pathfinder dataset?
In progress. Since the first Beta, I've entered most of the Druid. I'm working on the Nature's Bond functions, and I still have the Wild Shape stuff to go.
Other in-completes (from our open trackers):
Conditional skills
Specific Weapons
Web Enhancement
Wondrous Items
Barbarian rage abilities
Implement Wizard class
Implement Druid class
Implement Monk Class
Implement Ranger, Rogue classes
Implement Sorcerer bloodline powers
Starting hit points options
convert ability SAB to VISIBLE:YES/DESC
Tir Gwaith
PCGen LST Chimp

Tholas |
Fooled around a bit with the latest autobuild(12 Feb 2009 01:19)
- In Racial Abilites, when you select the 10th bonus it shows Ability (1E+1) instead of Ability (10) on top of the table on the right side.
- The fighter weapon training doesn't work correctly. Seems you're starting at a +0 bonus instead of +1
- The fighter armor training doesn't raise the max dex bonus of equipped armor.

Tholas |
- The fighter weapon training doesn't work correctly. Seems you're starting at a +0 bonus instead of +1
I discussed this with Zaister and the +0 was due to a typo in the heavy blades part.
But I discovered something else. Weapon training for a weapon group you already selected does not go up when you're able to select a new group.I made a level 15 fighter and gave him weapon training axe, bows and close. All three of them show at a +1 bonus in the special qualities and weapon statistics blocks.
Edit: Weapon training (Close) seems not work for unarmed attacks. Also tried adding the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and Monk levels.

Doug Greer |

I generated my first level cleric that I am playing in a pbp, and the only thing that I see at this point is the number of 1st level spells avaliable each day. It says that I have 2+1, when the cleric table in the PRPG beta says that I should have one 1st level spell plus one for my 15 Wisdom.
I'm just not sure where the extra first level spell came from.

Nylanfs |

Nylanfs wrote:Did you pick your domain spell? That's generally how PCGen indicates them.I thought Domains now grant you automatic extra spells for every domain in PF Beta, instead of the player choosing between two choices?
Note I haven't had a chance to play PF yet, and I haven't really touched the dataset other than making sure it meets our permissions.
Okay looking at p176, the cleric must be prepared along with the rest of the spells for the day. The cleric gains the listed spells from both domains. It implies that they can cast both in the same day, but I see some vagueness going either way. Unless the abilities listed aren't the domain spells only the domain abilities. In which case the domain spells aren't listed anywhere that I can see.

Tir Gwaith |

I discussed this with Zaister and the +0 was due to a typo in the heavy blades part.
This has been fixed for today/tonight's Beta.
But I discovered something else. Weapon training for a weapon group you already selected does not go up when you're able to select a new group.
I made a level 15 fighter and gave him weapon training axe, bows and close. All three of them show at a +1 bonus in the special qualities and weapon statistics blocks.
It looks like Zaister has this set up for something similar to 3.5 Ranger Favored Enemy, as opposed to 3.0 Ranger Favored Enemy... Something I think I mentioned in the Playtest discussions a while back (I prefer the latter.)
Right now, the "Weapon Training Bonus" pool is adjusted for that method, but no choices show up. I'll fix that, and then have a discussion with Zaister about the method, since I don't want to code this up, and then have to re-code it later if the final version changes it....
Edit: Weapon training (Close) seems not work for unarmed attacks. Also tried adding the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and Monk levels.
Ok, I think I've fixed this, but I'm a bit worried about overlap, so I'd like some testing on tonight's beta, please. :)
And I wish I could figure out how to edit my post above, so I could remove some of the now-closed trackers... Druid is now complete for the next Beta, with some minor issues around Animal Companions, related to the fact that there aren't Animal entries in the PF Beta....
-- Tir Gwaith

Tir Gwaith |

I generated my first level cleric that I am playing in a pbp, and the only thing that I see at this point is the number of 1st level spells avaliable each day. It says that I have 2+1, when the cleric table in the PRPG beta says that I should have one 1st level spell plus one for my 15 Wisdom.
I'm just not sure where the extra first level spell came from.
Code for Domains.. I'm going to investigate and see if we can get rid of that. Might actually need a Code bit, so that may not happen until after 5.16. The Domains are actually NOT coded as domains. The Deity/Domain feature is just there to tie into the Deity granted lists....
For now, ignore the +1 bit. :) -- Tir Gwaith

Doug Greer |

Code for Domains.. I'm going to investigate and see if we can get rid of that. Might actually need a Code bit, so that may not happen until after 5.16. The Domains are actually NOT coded as domains. The Deity/Domain feature is just there to tie into the Deity granted lists....
For now, ignore the +1 bit. :) -- Tir Gwaith
Thanks, I'll just ignore the extra first level spell for now. Otherwise everything looks good so far.

Tir Gwaith |

Thanks, I'll just ignore the extra first level spell for now. Otherwise everything looks good so far.
Glad to hear it. Please abuse it. If ANYTHING doesn't match what you expect, no matter how small, please let us know. I've managed to squash like 20+ very minor bugs in the last day, but I know there are more out there...
@Tholas: Hopefully the Weapon Training stuff is fixed. It looks good to me (albiet, still allow choices instead of regimental to order of selection.) Let me know if I missed anything.

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Asgetrion wrote:Nylanfs wrote:Did you pick your domain spell? That's generally how PCGen indicates them.I thought Domains now grant you automatic extra spells for every domain in PF Beta, instead of the player choosing between two choices?Note I haven't had a chance to play PF yet, and I haven't really touched the dataset other than making sure it meets our permissions.
Okay looking at p176, the cleric must be prepared along with the rest of the spells for the day. The cleric gains the listed spells from both domains. It implies that they can cast both in the same day, but I see some vagueness going either way. Unless the abilities listed aren't the domain spells only the domain abilities. In which case the domain spells aren't listed anywhere that I can see.
I think you get the spells from both of your domains as domain abilities. On some levels, the bonus spells are replaced by an ability, or spell-like ability. Domain spells as per 3E do not exist in PF anymore.

Tholas |
@Tholas: Hopefully the Weapon Training stuff is fixed. It looks good to me (albiet, still allow choices instead of regimental to order of selection.) Let me know if I missed anything.
I'll try to give it a whirl tomorrow.
Regarding the domain stuff. There are so many unanswered questions regarding this that I wouldn't give it much thought. Way back, after Alpha 3 ended Jason announced some changes to wizards schools and cleric domains . The later didn't materialize and, despite numerous questions and issues, there wasn't any clarification or update in the meantime. So chances are good that you'd have to rip out the whole stuff pretty soon anyway. (At least I hope so that we get some update before Gen Con. Sorry for ranting, that issue is my favorite pet peeve.)

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Hi Folks!
As noted here in this thread PCGen mailing list
So beat on it and help us improve!. :)
PCGen v5.15.12 (Beta) has been released! See the Press Release.

Doug Greer |

Downloaded version 5.15.12 yesterday, and tried entering in a couple of characters and ran into a problem pretty quickly. PCGen says that I need to select a bonus language(s) because the character I am creating has an intelligence bonus, but when I click on the other button in the Lang, Weap Prof & SA window, I don't get the dialog to select another language.
I check the debug console and among all the detail there it said that there was an array out of bounds error. Unfortunately I don't have the complete error message at the moment, I just wanted to get a quick note off and let you know.
I was testing in the Pathfinder game mode, and didn't try another game mode, so I don't know if it is specific to Pathfinder or occurring in any game mode.
I will try another game mode tonight and reproduce the error and post it if you need me to. Thanks.

Zaister |
With PRPG being backwards compatible, is there a way to use other datasets when operating in PRPG mode? I'd like to use feats, equipment and spells from Pathfinder Adventure Paths but can't seem to import them into the session I'm doing.
Unfortunately that is not easily possible. Early on I though about creating some kind of mechanism to be able to convert these files to PFRPG, but the differences in skills and the way prerequisites are handled made that too complex to actually implement. Other changes like, turning rules or changed feats make it even more difficult.
Most of the datasets can be converted with a little work, by replacing the skills as necessary and fitting out skill prerequisites as described in the skills chapter of the PFRPG rulebook. Finally the GAMEMODE tag in the PCC file must be changed from "35e" to "Pathfinder". Depending on the dataset, however, some other things might need to be changed.

Tir Gwaith |

With PRPG being backwards compatible, is there a way to use other datasets when operating in PRPG mode? I'd like to use feats, equipment and spells from Pathfinder Adventure Paths but can't seem to import them into the session I'm doing.
PF isn't really backwards compatible from a dataset perspective because of the change of Skill names, PreReq changes, and such. User beware.
However, I'll look at what we are doing in the GameMode, and see if we can't link in some of the other sets.
Again: User Beware. The PF data set is in our "alpha" stage, so getting an error when loading multiple sets might be incompatibility of the sets, or might be a bug in the original, and is harder to track down.

Tir Gwaith |

Downloaded version 5.15.12 yesterday, and tried entering in a couple of characters and ran into a problem pretty quickly. PCGen says that I need to select a bonus language(s) because the character I am creating has an intelligence bonus, but when I click on the other button in the Lang, Weap Prof & SA window, I don't get the dialog to select another language.
I check the debug console and among all the detail there it said that there was an array out of bounds error. Unfortunately I don't have the complete error message at the moment, I just wanted to get a quick note off and let you know.
I was testing in the Pathfinder game mode, and didn't try another game mode, so I don't know if it is specific to Pathfinder or occurring in any game mode.
I will try another game mode tonight and reproduce the error and post it if you need me to. Thanks.
What races you were using that allowed to you see this error would be great. Even better if you can give me steps to replicate the error. I haven't encountered this issue.

Doug Greer |

Well I got a chance to sit down and test some more, and the results are the same. As far as the races that I have tried, they are: Halfling, dwarf, and human. I also tried to create a human character in 3.5 Player mode and had the same problem, when click the other button to select additional languages, I don't get the dialog box to select the languages from.
As far as the steps to reproduce the error, I am following the order of the steps in the "Things to be Done" box on the Summary tab.
I have the error in a text file, and if you would like I can send it to you, just let me know how to get it to you.

Doug Greer |

Just another piece of information if it is helpful. I downloaded 5.15.11 and loaded it onto the same computer as the one I'm currently working with 5.15.12, and I am able to select languages okay under 11, but not under 12.
The computer I have previously been testing 5.15.11 was a different computer. I will try 5.15.12 on the other computer and see if I get the same results.

Zaister |
Well I got a chance to sit down and test some more, and the results are the same. As far as the races that I have tried, they are: Halfling, dwarf, and human. I also tried to create a human character in 3.5 Player mode and had the same problem, when click the other button to select additional languages, I don't get the dialog box to select the languages from.
Is it possible that you tried this on characters that have been advanced higher than 1st level? By defaukt, you can only select bonus languages for high Intelligence on level 1, but not after. You can change this behavior on the House Rule page of the preferences dialog.

Doug Greer |

Is it possible that you tried this on characters that have been advanced higher than 1st level? By defaukt, you can only select bonus languages for high Intelligence on level 1, but not after. You can change this behavior on the House Rule page of the preferences dialog.
No these were all brand new 1st level characters that I was creating from scratch. As I said in my last post I downloaded 5.15.11 to the same PC that was having the problem with 5.15.12, and it allows me to select a bonus language for these first level characters, but 5.15.12 doesn't display the dialog box for the language selection.

MoSaT |

Well I got a chance to sit down and test some more, and the results are the same. As far as the races that I have tried, they are: Halfling, dwarf, and human. I also tried to create a human character in 3.5 Player mode and had the same problem, when click the other button to select additional languages, I don't get the dialog box to select the languages from.
This bug is present in the latest release but has since been fixed, you can try it out in the next release or test our latest autobuild here:

Doug Greer |

Doug Greer wrote:Well I got a chance to sit down and test some more, and the results are the same. As far as the races that I have tried, they are: Halfling, dwarf, and human. I also tried to create a human character in 3.5 Player mode and had the same problem, when click the other button to select additional languages, I don't get the dialog box to select the languages from.This bug is present in the latest release but has since been fixed, you can try it out in the next release or test our latest autobuild here:
Thank you, I will give it a try if I get a chance.

ruemere |
Created Human Barbarian, level 1.
Rage does not seem to be included in the list of special abilities, class abilities and character sheet:
- Summary. Lang, Weap Prof & SA: empty
- Feats & Abilities, Class Abilities: empty
Current version of Rage rules included in Pathfinder RPG data files seem to be outdated (check file:
data\alpha\paizo\pathfinder_rpg\pathfinder_rpg_beta_playtest_edition\pathfi nder_beta_abilities_class.lst) seem to use Rage Points, whereas latest update).
Later version of Rage system is superior (IMHO).
Error messages noted on console (XXX - root folder of PcGen):
12:00:14.844 SEVERE main Globals:333 Could not find campaign by filename: file:/
12:00:14.859 SEVERE main Globals:333 Could not find campaign by filename: file:/
12:00:14.861 SEVERE main Globals:333 Could not find campaign by filename: file:/
12:00:14.864 SEVERE main Globals:333 Could not find campaign by filename: file:/

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Thanks for the report!
Created Human Barbarian, level 1.
Rage does not seem to be included in the list of special abilities, class abilities and character sheet:
Your bug report has been posted to PCGen_Exp!@Yahoo!.
Eric Smith

Zaister |
Current version of Rage rules included in Pathfinder RPG data files seem to be outdated ... seem to use Rage Points, whereas latest update).
Later version of Rage system is superior (IMHO).
Currently, the goal is to implement the Pathfinder system as presented in the Beta book. Later developments and web enhancements will be added as add-on datasets later on.

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Just downloaded the latest beta of PCGen and input my RotRL party. Found 2 issues:
1. Half-Elf didn't get a free Skill Focus feat. I could get round this by just upping the number of feats available and adding Skill Focus.
2. Fighter armour training didn't increase the max dex of the armour. I had a fighter with 14 dex wearing +1 full plate but after 2 bumps of armour training, it showed an armour bonus of +11 (correctly) but even though the fighter has 14 dex, it still only factored a +1 dex bonus into his AC.
Apart from the above issues, I was able to add in a 7-PC party (plus 1 familiar, 1 animal companion and 1 cohort) and didn't hit any other problems. Looking great!

Zaister |
Just downloaded the latest beta of PCGen and input my RotRL party. Found 2 issues:
1. Half-Elf didn't get a free Skill Focus feat. I could get round this by just upping the number of feats available and adding Skill Focus.
2. Fighter armour training didn't increase the max dex of the armour. I had a fighter with 14 dex wearing +1 full plate but after 2 bumps of armour training, it showed an armour bonus of +11 (correctly) but even though the fighter has 14 dex, it still only factored a +1 dex bonus into his AC.
Apart from the above issues, I was able to add in a 7-PC party (plus 1 familiar, 1 animal companion and 1 cohort) and didn't hit any other problems. Looking great!
Thanks for the bug report, we will fix those issues in the coming days!

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Thanks for the bug report, we will fix those issues in the coming days!
Cheers. Just spotted another couple when I examined the characters a bit closer.
The half-elf bard (10th level) took skill focus in Perform(Act). He's got 10 ranks in Perform(Act) but is only getting +3 from Skill Focus instead of the +6 that he should get.
The human ranger (10th level) has favoured enemies of Giant (+6), Dragons (+2) and Fey (+2). The text that appears on the output sheet for the favoured enemies has the correct titles, but the accompanying text for Fey refers to Humans and the text for Giants refers to Fey. Probably just cut'n'paste errors in the list file.

Doug Greer |

Just put together a cleric and it seems to only give him two skill points at 1st level, even though he has a 14 Intelligence. Any ideas?
I just entered in a dwarven cleric with a Intelligence of 12 and it gave me three skill points. Cleric is his favored class and I took the bonus skill point for a total of 4 skill points.
I'm not sure why it only came up with two on your cleric build. Hopefully someone else might have an idea.

Doug Greer |

I just entered in four characters using the new alpha version (5.15.13), and everything went smoothly as far as I can tell with two exceptions:
1. I also ran into the problem with a half-elf not getting the Skill Focus bonus feat as has already been reported.
2. It looks like for the cleric, the program is still adding in the old 3.5 bonus domain spells for the total 1st level spells per day count. It is giving me a 2+1, instead of just 2 spells. One 1st level spell for 1st level cleric, and a bonus 1st level spell for character's 17 wisdom.

MoSaT |

Hi everyone, the latest and probably last 5.15.x Beta is now available, you can
download PCGen 5.15.14 here.
We have addressed many of the issues posted here but there are a few still left to fix:
* Fighter armor training didn't increase the max dex of the armor. This turned out to be a code bug, hopefully it will be fixed for 5.16 but if not I have a workaround so either way it will be fixed.
* Domain bonus spells, as Tir says this will require some code work. Right now it's slated to go in 5.16.1.
* Tir's working on Weapon training.
Other than these items it looks like there's just a little polishing left to do... and whatever you guys can uncover, so thanks and keep the posts coming.
~ Eddy Anthony (MoSaT)
~ PCGen Board of Directors
~ Content Silverback, Chair Second

Doug Greer |

I just want to say thanks to everyone on the PCGen team for all their hard work.
I just downloaded the 5.15.14 version and as far as I've been able to test this morning, one of the issues I was having has been fixed, and the other bug is in your cross hairs.
Thank you for producing such a useful program.

Tir Gwaith |

Weapon Training is fixed (to the published PDFs). We're experiencing a little display bug where it shows on the character sheet ALL the different choices and the bonus associated, instead of just those above 0. Trying to figure out if it is a code or data issue. Since I'm on the Data team and can't find a problem, and I'm assuming it is Code problem, of course. :p

Michael Johnston |

PCGen v5.15.10 (Beta) Released! PCGen is now shipping with a almost complete dataset and gamemode for Pathfinder.I'm creating this thread here so that people can post if they have any bugs or feedback if they didn't have a yahoo account to be able to log onto our main PCGen mailing list
So beat on it and help us improve!. :)
I just downloaded 5.16, and I've found something I *think* is a problem. When creating a Sorcerer, the bloodline bonus spells take up regular sorcerer spell slots. Unless I'm misreading the rules, those spells should be above and beyond the spells a Sorcerer usually knows.

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I love PCGen and am really glad to see Pathfinder support. Any chance of getting the Pathfinder Society point buy and faction feats added to a future data set?