Necromancer is Going to Support Pathfinder RPG

Product Discussion

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Jon Brazer Enterprises

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Orcus wrote:
As for Pathfinder, that is not a "backup plan" at all. We have a great relationship with Paizo and fully intend to support Pathfinder once it is actually a supportable system. It is not, yet. Not until its release later this year. We are already working with Paizo on a number of titles for use with Pathfinder.
Orcus wrote:
Right now, I know I am going to support Pathfinder.

Quite possibly the best news I've heard this week. Necromancer is definitely supporting Pathfinder. Yeah! Confirmation!!! He also says he'll support 4E is the GSl is revised, but Pathfinder is for sure.

The Exchange

DMcCoy1693 wrote:

link and link

Orcus wrote:
As for Pathfinder, that is not a "backup plan" at all. We have a great relationship with Paizo and fully intend to support Pathfinder once it is actually a supportable system. It is not, yet. Not until its release later this year. We are already working with Paizo on a number of titles for use with Pathfinder.
Orcus wrote:
Right now, I know I am going to support Pathfinder.
Quite possibly the best news I've heard this week. Necromancer is definitely supporting Pathfinder. Yeah! Confirmation!!! He also says he'll support 4E is the GSl is revised, but Pathfinder is for sure.

Wow! That is some excellent news. Now if only we could get Green Ronin and a couple others to toss in their lots we will have the momentum needed to begin building the product name.

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
if the GSl is revised

That sounds like "when pigs fly", "when hell freezes over", or "when Orv sees daylight"

Liberty's Edge

this is good to know

Dark Archive

this is bad news, since i buy for BOTH game systems (i.e., NG will be getting a lot of $$$ from me) :)

GREAT NEWS! I think in the long run it was the best thing to do. The people for the most part, that bought Necromancer stuff are also the ones that will be playing Pathfinder.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

KaeYoss wrote:
DMcCoy1693 wrote:
if the GSl is revised
That sounds like "when pigs fly", "when hell freezes over", or "when Orv sees daylight"

....wait, does Orv actually have flying pigs?

Oh, and it's awesome news!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Fake Healer wrote:
Now if only we could get Green Ronin and a couple others to toss in their lots we will have the momentum needed to begin building the product name.

I wouldn't expect many companies to come forward with support until after they see our license. Clark was one of the few people outside of the company whom we asked to provide feedback on our last draft before we sent it to our lawyers. So, Necromancer is unique in knowing what that license looks like.

We're now going back-and-forth on a couple of details with the lawyers, but I'd be very surprised if we aren't able to release the license in February.

Liberty's Edge

Best news i've had all day!

Fake Healer wrote:

Wow! That is some excellent news. Now if only we could get Green Ronin and a couple others to toss in their lots we will have the momentum needed to begin building the product name.

My opinion exactly, Fakey. Adding Green Ronin to Necromancer would be having my two favorite 3PPs supporting my favorite RPG. I'm happy with Paizo on their own, but the support of Necromancer sweetens the pie.

Liberty's Edge

Off-Topic: How would a necromancer sweeten a pie?

On-Topic: There is word that Necromancer was going to create suppliments for PFRPG. Any idea on what they could be?

Tome of horror for one i would guess

Studpuffin wrote:
Off-Topic: How would a necromancer sweeten a pie?


It does not bear inquiring too closely. It'd spoil our appetite.
Jon Brazer Enterprises

Studpuffin wrote:
On-Topic: There is word that Necromancer was going to create suppliments for PFRPG. Any idea on what they could be?

Adventures, Monster Books, Updating Eldritch Sorcery, Pathfinder crunch/supplements for City of Brass.

City of Brass....mmm...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Erik Mona wrote:

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

An author credit on one of their titles :)

(well, you DID ask!)

More seriously, I'd most like to see a PF Tome of Horrors.

Dark Archive

I think it is obvious, we need to see Orcus' place defined in the Pathfinder setting.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

ToH is on my list but not the top of my immediate list, not with the Pathfinder Bestiary coming out a month before the license goes live. My favorite of all of Necro material is their sourcebooks:

Eldritch Sorcery
Wurst of Grimtooth Traps

More of stuff like that would be excellent. Other stuff:

City of Brass Pathfinder Edition with follow up source material
Maybe Necro detailing some place in Golarion and giving it major map/detail investment.

Erik Mona wrote:

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

What he said.

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Adventures, Monster Books, Updating Eldritch Sorcery, Pathfinder crunch/supplements for City of Brass.

Liberty's Edge

This is potentially great news! I have been awaiting a loooong time to hear about a joint Necro-Paizo-Pathfinder product.

As to Erik's question:

1. A Pathfinder version of ToH, taking the best of the 3 previous versions.

2. Hardcover mini-campaigns (similar to Vault of Larin Karr, Barakus, Durbenford, Necropolis) in Golarion

3. Clark keeps talking about wanting to do an adventure path, so I would like to see his version.

4. City of Brass expansion with tie ins to AP4 LoF

5. I would love to see Clark and Bill (along with his supporting Necro team) write up one (or more) chapter (s) of an upcoming Pathfinder AP.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Pathfinder versions of Tome of Horror and Eldritch Sorcery would be great!

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

The Golarion version of:

- Tome of Horrors.
- City of Brass (boxed set FTW!).
- Hardcover "sandbox/freeform" campaigns (I'm thinking of Trouble at Durbenford and The Vault of Larin Karr).

Not necessarily in this order.

Update Vaughan's Adventure Trifecta for PF. :)

Mr Baron wrote:

2. Hardcover mini-campaigns (similar to Vault of Larin Karr, Barakus, Durbenford, Necropolis) in Golarion

3. Clark keeps talking about wanting to do an adventure path, so I would like to see his version.

James has said a bunch of times that a high level or epic AP is not really in the cards right now. I'd love to see Necromancer do one of these in their style while Paizo continues with the APs they do so well right now.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Lilith wrote:
Update Vaughan's Adventure Trifecta for PF. :)

Which ones are those?

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

Slumbering Tsar

The Eamonvale Incursion
Iron Tower AP
The Best of the Tomes of Horror I, II, III
Any adventure that Bill and Clark actually write!

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zaister wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Update Vaughan's Adventure Trifecta for PF. :)
Which ones are those?

Slumbering Tsar

Check out this thread.

DitheringFool wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

Slumbering Tsar

The Eamonvale Incursion
Iron Tower AP
The Best of the Tomes of Horror I, II, III
Any adventure that Bill and Clark actually write!

I'm down with all those and the City of Brass as well. :)

What do I want to see Pathfinderized?
1. City of Brass boxed set.
2. A Tome of Horrors book that takes the best of the volumes, but weighs the choices against what is in the Pathfinder Bestiary.
3. The Slumbering Tsar.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

First, great news!


DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Maybe Necro detailing some place in Golarion and giving it major map/detail investment.

This gets to one of my continuing concerns with the upcoming Pathfinder RPG, and that is an over-blending of the PRPG concept and the Golarion concept. See, to me, PRPG is/should be a generic rule set that replaces 3.5/OGL. Golarion is/should be one world crated by Paizo that uses the PRPG rule-set, but I don't really want to see other companies detailing Golarion. I want to see Necromancer producing generic stuff that I can stick into Golarion if I want to, or creating other Pathfinder rule-set worlds. I'm worried that the Pathfinder brand name is overly identified with all things Golarion, which, in the short term, means easy cross-marketing, but in the long term might limit the attractiveness of the Pathfinder rule-set to third-party publishers. If Necromancer creates a new adventure series using the Pathfinder rules, is everyone going to assume it's set in Golarion, and will this limit it's appeal to folks who aren't running Golarion campaigns?

Liberty's Edge

I would kill, and then cast animate dead on someone for a Necromancer Games AP. I can't get enough APs.

Mosaic wrote:
See, to me, PRPG is/should be a generic rule set that replaces 3.5/OGL. Golarion is/should be one world crated by Paizo that uses the PRPG rule-set, but I don't really want to see other companies detailing Golarion. I want to see Necromancer producing generic stuff that I can stick into Golarion if I want to, or creating other Pathfinder rule-set worlds.

You have a good point here, but in all honesty I think Golarion is one of the most interesting parts of PF. The core book is more of 3.5 tweak than a new ruleset, and I was under the impression that it was around mostly to extend the shelf life of the hundreds of books already out for 3.5.

Most of us buy an interesting city guide even if it's technically in another setting, right?

Erik Mona wrote:

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

Eamonvale! Eamonvale! Eamonvale! And the Slumbering Tsar trilogy.

Studpuffin wrote:
Off-Topic: How would a necromancer sweeten a pie?

With extracted glucose, of course.

Studpuffin wrote:
On-Topic: There is word that Necromancer was going to create suppliments for PFRPG. Any idea on what they could be?

Some modules would make me happy.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8


Crucible of Desna would be nice :-)

Tome of Horror's Pathfinder of course.

Book of Eldrich Magic, Pathfinder.

Some high level adventures for the RPG.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I'd really like to see Gygax's Necropolis redone Pathfinder Style-
which of course means having Mike Kortes rework it a bit and set in Osirion.

Zaister wrote:
Pathfinder versions of Tome of Horror and Eldritch Sorcery would be great!

Is eldritch sorcery any good? I only ask because my FLGS has a copy. I didn't get it because it didn't have an OGL tag on it and at the momment i am trying to grab open stuff before anything else. But it did look really cool from the cover.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Zombieneighbours wrote:
Is eldritch sorcery any good?

Yes. Highly recommended. Its similar in function to the spell compendium.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mosaic wrote:
This gets to one of my continuing concerns with the upcoming Pathfinder RPG, and that is an over-blending of the PRPG concept and the Golarion concept. See, to me, PRPG is/should be a generic rule set that replaces 3.5/OGL. Golarion is/should be one world crated by Paizo that uses the PRPG rule-set, but I don't really want to see other companies detailing Golarion. I want to see Necromancer producing generic stuff that I can stick into Golarion if I want to, or creating other Pathfinder rule-set worlds. I'm worried that the Pathfinder brand name is overly identified with all things Golarion, which, in the short term, means easy cross-marketing, but in the long term might limit the attractiveness of the Pathfinder rule-set to third-party publishers. If Necromancer creates a new adventure series using the Pathfinder rules, is everyone going to assume it's set in Golarion, and will this limit it's appeal to folks who aren't running Golarion campaigns?

This is a legitimate concern, and it's something that we're keeping in mind. Our intention is to maintain a separation between the PF RPG and Golarion. The PF RPG, in fact, will have the names of the core 20 deities in it and perhaps a couple of weapons like the starknife, but beyond that there'll be VERY little Golarion-specific content in the PF RPG itself. The same will go for the Pathfinder Bestiary, I suspect. We want folk to use the PF RPG books to run any number of games, be they set in Golarion or elsewhere.

As a result, I suspect that we'll probably not be mixing Necromancer Games' world directly into Golarion. They're both cool, but I'm not sure that attaching one to the other is the best plan. Attaching Necromancer Games to the PF RPG though.. that's another story, and one that I'm really excited by (for obvious reasons!).

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:
Update Vaughan's Adventure Trifecta for PF. :)


James Jacobs wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
This gets to one of my continuing concerns with the upcoming Pathfinder RPG, and that is an over-blending of the PRPG concept and the Golarion concept. See, to me, PRPG is/should be a generic rule set that replaces 3.5/OGL. Golarion is/should be one world crated by Paizo that uses the PRPG rule-set, but I don't really want to see other companies detailing Golarion. I want to see Necromancer producing generic stuff that I can stick into Golarion if I want to, or creating other Pathfinder rule-set worlds. I'm worried that the Pathfinder brand name is overly identified with all things Golarion, which, in the short term, means easy cross-marketing, but in the long term might limit the attractiveness of the Pathfinder rule-set to third-party publishers. If Necromancer creates a new adventure series using the Pathfinder rules, is everyone going to assume it's set in Golarion, and will this limit it's appeal to folks who aren't running Golarion campaigns?

This is a legitimate concern, and it's something that we're keeping in mind. Our intention is to maintain a separation between the PF RPG and Golarion. The PF RPG, in fact, will have the names of the core 20 deities in it and perhaps a couple of weapons like the starknife, but beyond that there'll be VERY little Golarion-specific content in the PF RPG itself. The same will go for the Pathfinder Bestiary, I suspect. We want folk to use the PF RPG books to run any number of games, be they set in Golarion or elsewhere.

As a result, I suspect that we'll probably not be mixing Necromancer Games' world directly into Golarion. They're both cool, but I'm not sure that attaching one to the other is the best plan. Attaching Necromancer Games to the PF RPG though.. that's another story, and one that I'm really excited by (for obvious reasons!).

I've been waiting for someone to confirm for me this point. Specifically I plan to use the final version PFRPG with my long running Greyhawk campaign and while I have purchased the Golarion setting and Rise of the Runelords, I am not likely to use Golarion itself for a very long time. I began to wonder if I was only one thinking this.


Good news! I've always enjoyed NG, and I hope to see them do some good stuff for the Pathfinder RPG.

I also agree that it's a bad idea to cross the streams by merging campaign worlds. It's easy enough to adapt adventures and other material to fit other worlds, but there are some obvious questions about what happens to the world when a 3PP has free reign with it. How does your adventure affect the larger setting? Does this mean Paizo has to go through and approve everything before NG can kick it out the door? Does something NG has overwrite part of Golarion, or make it so that existing components don't make sense? Definitely keeping them separate is the best way to do it and then let the players mix and match materials as needed.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
This gets to one of my continuing concerns with the upcoming Pathfinder RPG, and that is an over-blending of the PRPG concept and the Golarion concept. See, to me, PRPG is/should be a generic rule set that replaces 3.5/OGL. Golarion is/should be one world crated by Paizo that uses the PRPG rule-set, but I don't really want to see other companies detailing Golarion. I want to see Necromancer producing generic stuff that I can stick into Golarion if I want to, or creating other Pathfinder rule-set worlds. I'm worried that the Pathfinder brand name is overly identified with all things Golarion, which, in the short term, means easy cross-marketing, but in the long term might limit the attractiveness of the Pathfinder rule-set to third-party publishers. If Necromancer creates a new adventure series using the Pathfinder rules, is everyone going to assume it's set in Golarion, and will this limit it's appeal to folks who aren't running Golarion campaigns?

This is a legitimate concern, and it's something that we're keeping in mind. Our intention is to maintain a separation between the PF RPG and Golarion. The PF RPG, in fact, will have the names of the core 20 deities in it and perhaps a couple of weapons like the starknife, but beyond that there'll be VERY little Golarion-specific content in the PF RPG itself. The same will go for the Pathfinder Bestiary, I suspect. We want folk to use the PF RPG books to run any number of games, be they set in Golarion or elsewhere.

As a result, I suspect that we'll probably not be mixing Necromancer Games' world directly into Golarion. They're both cool, but I'm not sure that attaching one to the other is the best plan. Attaching Necromancer Games to the PF RPG though.. that's another story, and one that I'm really excited by (for obvious reasons!).


I would like to see Necro do a bit of both. They do some great generic modules, and I would definitely like to see them continue to do this. I would also like to see them do some Golarion adventures as well. As I listed in my above post, to see Clark/Bill (and team) write one of your AP's, whether is is a single book or an entire 6 book run, as I think that would be great. You are leveraging the Werecabbages quite a bit, so to leverage Necro is really no different (at least in my mind). They have some very creative folks, and to see a jointly marketed product that is specifically written in Golarion, would be something that I would be very excited to see.

Now I realize that we do not want every publisher to do this, and I would not want to see Necro do 100% Golarion stuff, but an occassional product would be very cool to see.

As a final thought, when the announcement came out that Necro and Paizo were going to team up, I was very excited about the possibilites that could be created out of this. I will argue that Paizo has access to some of the most creative talent in our gaming hobby, and they are actively trying to discover more. I think that thus far, we have not seen the fruits of the Necro-Paizo partnership, but I am very hopefully that we will see something soon (maybe Gencon?). I am still very excited about the possibilities, and I hope that the teams can start to get some joint products on the roadmap soon.

Tim Hitchcock wrote:

I'd really like to see Gygax's Necropolis redone Pathfinder Style-
which of course means having Mike Kortes rework it a bit and set in Osirion.

Hey, that's an idea I like. I renumber my list and make this #3.

A compulation of ToH 1 though 3

a high level adventure path

James Jacobs wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
This gets to one of my continuing concerns with the upcoming Pathfinder RPG, and that is an over-blending of the PRPG concept and the Golarion concept. See, to me, PRPG is/should be a generic rule set that replaces 3.5/OGL. Golarion is/should be one world crated by Paizo that uses the PRPG rule-set, but I don't really want to see other companies detailing Golarion. I want to see Necromancer producing generic stuff that I can stick into Golarion if I want to, or creating other Pathfinder rule-set worlds. I'm worried that the Pathfinder brand name is overly identified with all things Golarion, which, in the short term, means easy cross-marketing, but in the long term might limit the attractiveness of the Pathfinder rule-set to third-party publishers. If Necromancer creates a new adventure series using the Pathfinder rules, is everyone going to assume it's set in Golarion, and will this limit it's appeal to folks who aren't running Golarion campaigns?

This is a legitimate concern, and it's something that we're keeping in mind. Our intention is to maintain a separation between the PF RPG and Golarion. The PF RPG, in fact, will have the names of the core 20 deities in it and perhaps a couple of weapons like the starknife, but beyond that there'll be VERY little Golarion-specific content in the PF RPG itself. The same will go for the Pathfinder Bestiary, I suspect. We want folk to use the PF RPG books to run any number of games, be they set in Golarion or elsewhere.

As a result, I suspect that we'll probably not be mixing Necromancer Games' world directly into Golarion. They're both cool, but I'm not sure that attaching one to the other is the best plan. Attaching Necromancer Games to the PF RPG though.. that's another story, and one that I'm really excited by (for obvious reasons!).

This is excellent news.

Pathfinder is a game system

Golarion is a campaign world (currently using 3.5 but will use Pathfinder)

Dont cross the beams.

--BTW I had never heard of the Slumbering Tsar stuff- but I understand it is an AP for levels 7-20. Presumably in a different campaign world but written by Vaughn.

It kinda answers the request for high level AP's beautifully.

Bring it.

Erik Mona wrote:

What, praytell, would you most like to see?

Tegel Manor.

Every October for the last 4 years I've looked at the copy I have on my bookshelf and thought - "I REALLY want to run this for my group. But do I really want to put in all the work to convert it to 3.x? Well, Necromancer is working on it (or finished it and hopefully will publish it soon) and all their stuff is awesome, so I'll buy it from them and run it next October."

Scarab Sages

I wouldn't mind seeing a Rappan Athuk Reloaded sort of thing done for PFRPG.

Wicht wrote:

I wouldn't mind seeing a Rappan Athuk Reloaded sort of thing done for PFRPG.

I would love to see Rappan Athuk Reloaded done w/ the PFRPG rules just to get it back into print! Too few people had access to this rare product, and it's a fortune to buy on eBay. Bring it to the adoring masses!

I would also hope to see The Slumbering Tsar trilogy by Greg Vaughan finally see the light of day. It'd be very easy to have it pretty much as is; it doesn't need to be specifically set in Golarion. Especially if you want something to highlight the new system rules (other than the APs, of course).

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