quest-master |
There was plenty to be said about improving the monk in the Class threads.
Here's a thread focusing on improving the high level playability of the monk.
To start with, I'd like to add the following to the monk's timeless body feature:
-The monk can no longer be magically slowed or hasted unless the monk allows the effect to occur on himself.
-The monk takes no damage from teleportation effects. Damage taken indirectly as the result of a teleportation effect is still taken as normal.
I'd also like to change quivering palm to something like treat the damage from a single unarmed attack as if having dealt double the amount of damage for the purpose of forcing the target to make a massive damage saving throw.
Or perhaps transfer ki points into the target on contact to give the target a penalty to rolls and ongoing damage, removing a ki point of harmful vibration each round until the target's body no longer contains the harmful ki or has died (similar to negative levels).
I'd also like to give a bonus number of ki points to the monk as part of the level 20 capstone since the monk has "ascended" at that point.

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The monk is already immune to so many magic spells/deseases/poisons. now movement is beyond reproach? i can see getting the rangers ability to move through rough terrain. But if that is so, why give him massive amounts of movement?
Other then that, i don't see anything that would realy improve the class.

magnuskn |

The monk at high levels skews much too much into the territory of the "mystic on a mountain" for my tastes.
I´d love to see some alternate class features, so that a player can take a path of more pro-active combat abilities, instead of the tons of immunities and supernatural gadgets the current high-level monk gets.

hogarth |

I discussed the same thing during the Monk playtest, but it's worth saying again: between levels 14-19, the monk gets two neat abilities (adamantine ki strike, Empty Body at level 19) and a bunch of junk (slow fall, some bonus feats from a short list, +1 AC, talking to animals, once a week save-or-die, etc.).
My design recommendation: don't be afraid to give high level characters high level abilities.
Case in point: Tongue of the Sun and Moon. Speak with Animals is a level 1 or 2 spell, and Tongues is a level 3 spell; getting those at level 17(!) is nice, but pointless. Something like telepathy would be more interesting (and no more or less monkish than the ability to talk to cats).
Likewise, why not let the monk use his Quivering Palm more often? Make it could cost 4 ki points (or something like that).
Additionally, I'd like to see the list of monk bonus feats expanded a lot, maybe with some of the new Critical feats.

Ughbash |
I woudl say a monk is better off taking 4 levels of fighter form 16 to 20 rather then 4 levels of monk. This gives him a Base to hit of 16 (magic number for extra attack) and lets him qualify for Improved vital strike.
Since part of the new pathfinder rules is making every class be worth taking to 20, I would respectfully suggest giving the monk something worth while after 16. Arguably after 11.

The Wraith |

I would like to see:
- an increment in ki points
- an Elemental Fist ability (like the Elemental Rage power of Barbarians) activated by ki points;
- a 'Greater Magic Weapon' ability activated by ki points;
- some kind of 'energy bolt' ability activated by ki points (I know, it's an idea that sounds like 'Kamehameha' or 'Hadouken', but the ki-projection is something that a fantasy martial arts master should have IMHO, perhaps as a capstone); PHBII made this a Feat that any character with Stunning Fist could use (a lousy damage, but still...)
And it would be nice a feature along the way to add the Wisdom modifier to the hit roll and/or the damage roll of unarmed strikes...
Just my 2c.

Majuba |

I'd also like to give a bonus number of ki points to the monk as part of the level 20 capstone since the monk has "ascended" at that point.
This makes sense - a change to 1 Ki point/level at 20 would make an admirable addition to the capstone.
They don't need most of the rest mentioned, imho. One of the key reasons to my mind to taking Monk levels is Diamond Soul (Spell Resistance 10 + *Monk* Level).

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yeah, diamond souls is great. But the buck kinda stops ther as it were. Three are alot of levels with no real improvement imo. who cares if the monk can fall 2000 feet. Who, honestly, has ever had a monk fall more than 30-50ft? ok so cap it, and give the monk something useful for the rest of the levels. And if the monk class is a grappling class, throw in some more feats along the way to make him a grappler. IMp Grab, grapple, trip, disarm, etc. This would give him the ability to spend feats on things that actually make the class interesting.

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Levels 15 and 18 seem to be a total waste to me. Quivering palm, in its current form, does not really make a difference. Timeless body and tounges, no thanks.Slowfall 70,80,90. im not impressed by that either. Empty body, perfect self, slowfall forever; ok those are nice.
However, perfect self is not really helpful, how many CR 20 creatures are running around without magic weapons of some kind?
Slowfall forever, neat if you want to make a bet with your local merchant that you can survive jumping off a cliff, but may never be used.
Ehteral body, now i can kick butt with impunity.
The bonus feats are nice, but not enough to keep me in the class, i can go over to fighter and get more feats.
All in all, after Diamond soul, i have no interest to continue with the class. My flurry of blows is dependent on BAB, so i would actaully get an extra atack by switching to fighter.
Ki pool is the last thing that is a real mouth wetter. bypassing DR. now that is nice. of course i can use adamantine kama to do that also... so i guess levels 14-20 do nothng to make me want to continue.

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enhancement to fists? i don't think that is possible...
I just had a thought. a monk has the WORST AC in the game. no armor= no enhancements= the monk is a minimum of 6 AC less than others. Mages can wear armor if they don't mind tha spell failure, until they can just cast magic armor. The monk either has to depend on the party mage, or spend massive amounts on potions or rods.
I was thinking of giving him access specifically to padded armor, and alow him to keep all his monk abilities.Not fancy, but it gives him access to enough protection to justify putting him on the front line.
This combined with adding gontlets to his monk weapons list would go a long way toards playability.... IDEA, give him this ability at say 10-13th level. that is a heck of alot beter than any other monk ability above 12th.
Does this sound rasonable all you monks out there? Equal rights. that is what we want. We've had the women's movement, how about the monks movement. :-D

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enhancement to fists? i don't think that is possible...
I just had a thought. a monk has the WORST AC in the game. no armor= no enhancements= the monk is a minimum of 6 AC less than others. Mages can wear armor if they don't mind tha spell failure, until they can just cast magic armor. The monk either has to depend on the party mage, or spend massive amounts on potions or rods.
I was thinking of giving him access specifically to padded armor, and alow him to keep all his monk abilities.Not fancy, but it gives him access to enough protection to justify putting him on the front line.
This combined with adding gontlets to his monk weapons list would go a long way toards playability.... IDEA, give him this ability at say 10-13th level. that is a heck of alot beter than any other monk ability above 12th.
Does this sound rasonable all you monks out there? Equal rights. that is what we want. We've had the women's movement, how about the monks movement. :-D
The Amulet of Mighty Fists provides enhancement to unarmed attacks (fists), and provides a mechanism to add weapon properties as well (i.e. holy, flaming, etc.).
I'm testing out a level 15 monk on this thread and I've gotten Sleepy Monk's base AC up to 32. With a ki point spent on a +4 dodge bonus, Dodge, and a potion of +5 barkskin, he's up to AC 42 - not too shabby for a monk. In comparison, the 15th level fighter has a base AC 41 before miscellaneous add-ons - so I'd say he is in the same ballpark as the fighter.

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These can help with the AC situation and since they provide an armour bonus to AC it keeps the armour wearers from using these and allows the non-armour wearing characters to keep up in AC and if you use the bracers with enhancements rule sidebar from arms and equipment that can undercut some of the problems.

Tholas |
OK, thanks for the tid bits, i guess that nulls my complaints... besides the whole nothiing good after 12th level, or was it 13th?
Imho level 11. Ok, level 12 gives Abundant Step which is nice but imho not absolutely needed. And while the Diamond Soul ability at level 13 seems really nice it can be more of a liability than a benefit because, like any other spell resistance, he has to use his standard action to suppress it. Otherwise he has a 50/50 chance that beneficial spells from friendly casters won't affect him. This is B A D!
So, as long as a Monk has access to a Monk's Robe he would be stupid not to cross class into fighter.
hogarth |

So, as long as a Monk has access to a Monk's Robe he would be stupid not to cross class into fighter.
Or ranger, or paladin, or a prestige class like duelist, etc...

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Daniel Simonson wrote:enhancement to fists? i don't think that is possible...
I just had a thought. a monk has the WORST AC in the game. no armor= no enhancements= the monk is a minimum of 6 AC less than others. Mages can wear armor if they don't mind tha spell failure, until they can just cast magic armor. The monk either has to depend on the party mage, or spend massive amounts on potions or rods.
I was thinking of giving him access specifically to padded armor, and alow him to keep all his monk abilities.Not fancy, but it gives him access to enough protection to justify putting him on the front line.
This combined with adding gontlets to his monk weapons list would go a long way toards playability.... IDEA, give him this ability at say 10-13th level. that is a heck of alot beter than any other monk ability above 12th.
Does this sound rasonable all you monks out there? Equal rights. that is what we want. We've had the women's movement, how about the monks movement. :-DThe Amulet of Mighty Fists provides enhancement to unarmed attacks (fists), and provides a mechanism to add weapon properties as well (i.e. holy, flaming, etc.).
I'm testing out a level 15 monk on this thread and I've gotten Sleepy Monk's base AC up to 32. With a ki point spent on a +4 dodge bonus, Dodge, and a potion of +5 barkskin, he's up to AC 42 - not too shabby for a monk. In comparison, the 15th level fighter has a base AC 41 before miscellaneous add-ons - so I'd say he is in the same ballpark as the fighter.
What are Sleepy Monk's attacks though? (+18 correct?) Grumble has a +28 attack with both his dwarven axe plus he's a shield specialist. Monks need a LOT more work. They are far behind the fighter now. Grumble has mobility +4 dodge, could drink a +5 barkskin be at almost a 50AC.
Xaaon's Monk addresses some of the problems with the monk. It needed a lot of work to smooth it out, since there's a lot to it. Notably, a built-in unarmed increase of +1/4 levels. Adamantine weapons are affordable at 4th level. There needs to be a BIG change. Everyone except Jason seems to agree. I wonder if Jason hates monks.

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What are Sleepy Monk's attacks though? (+18 correct?) Grumble has a +28 attack with both his dwarven axe plus he's a shield specialist. Monks need a LOT more work. They are far behind the fighter now. Grumble has mobility +4 dodge, could drink a +5 barkskin be at almost a 50AC....
Yes, the monk attacks are nowhere near the fighters - that is a big weakness. I was only referring to the AC dilemma. There are problems, and Jason has mentioned a couple times on various threads that the monk has received some special attention. I'm hoping this is one aspect that is brought more in line with front-line fighters.

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The changes have to be Monk specific. not an item anyone can get. i like the mighty fists, that helps, but it is still not a +1 BAB for a front line fighter, all in all that is a +5 difference. which isn't bad, just annoying. The armor... needs help. if a monk, with all the possible buffs, is 10 AC behind other armor carrying types, at their base. and if jason honestly thinks there is nothing wrong, then ask him how many levels of monk he would be willing to take. not more then 12 if i guess right. which wouldn't bother me, except the fighters armor training doesn't include unarmored combat.

Traxium |
Something that has been plaguing me since 3.5 and now even more with the Beta:
Perfect Self
The 20th level monk ability grants a completely useless form of DR. DR/magic is functionless at 20th level. What could you possibly be fighting that wouldn't have magic weaponry or similar DR to bypass it? This is made even more exasperating by the 20th level abilities of other classes (all excellent, granted) being very powerful.
My suggestion is this: Change the DR granted to 10/chaotic.
Similar to the way that the 20th level Paladin gets 10/evil for being the pinnacle of good, a 20th level monk is so devoted to law that the ability should reflect this.
The rest of Perfect Self is fine. The monk is a very solid class and doesn't really need to have Perfect Self expanded at all, but the DR/magic is totally useless and therefore makes the ability not at all comparable to what other 20th level characters get. At least to match the paladin, it should be 10/chaotic.
Personally, nothing is more frustrating than going into every fight saying "oh hey, I've got this nifty ability--...wait, nevermind, it's worthless..."
This same problem arises with Bards far too often as well, but that's a different thread.
Monks are a combat class at the core (*any* class can be used to roleplay, don't use that excuse on me), and at 20th level they deserve an ability that stacks up against the other 20th level combat classes. As I said, the closest parallel is the Paladin, hence my insistence on DR/chaotic.
That being said, there is another way to look at it: The 20th level monk has effectively "transcended" his normal form, 'leaving the world behind', if you will. At that point, DR/- makes a great deal of sense. Obviously it shouldn't be as much as the Barbarian...perhaps DR 3/- or maybe 4/- at the outside (the Barbarian can double that with some Rage Points).
So, super-long post aside, bottom line:
DR/magic for Perfect Self is worthless, it needs to be upgraded.

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exactly, good simily. i don't care if some 3rd level character can' hurt me, i could crush half a city with impunity at that point. what we need is a list of possible powers to give high level monks. i think low to mid level powers are decent, no poisons or deaseases or what not, but we need some good crunchy stuff. stuff that matters at that level, that gives monks an edge. ideas;
. use armors and maintain abilities or
. Nautral armor that escalates
. more ki powers
That is all i got off the top of my head.

hogarth |

Something that has been plaguing me since 3.5 and now even more with the Beta:
Perfect Self
The 20th level monk ability grants a completely useless form of DR. DR/magic is functionless at 20th level. What could you possibly be fighting that wouldn't have magic weaponry or similar DR to bypass it? This is made even more exasperating by the 20th level abilities of other classes (all excellent, granted) being very powerful.
I wouldn't say DR X/magic is "functionless" at level 20. If you take a look at a sampling of high CR creatures, you'll notice that creatures with DR X/magic are in the minority (DR X/alignment or DR X/metal is more popular for high CR creatures) except for dragons. Of course, it's useless against weapon-using creatures, but not all creatures use weapons.

Traxium |
Traxium wrote:I wouldn't say DR X/magic is "functionless" at level 20. If you take a look at a sampling of high CR creatures, you'll notice that creatures with DR X/magic are in the minority (DR X/alignment or DR X/metal is more popular for high CR creatures) except for dragons. Of course, it's useless against weapon-using creatures, but not all creatures use weapons.Something that has been plaguing me since 3.5 and now even more with the Beta:
Perfect Self
The 20th level monk ability grants a completely useless form of DR. DR/magic is functionless at 20th level. What could you possibly be fighting that wouldn't have magic weaponry or similar DR to bypass it? This is made even more exasperating by the 20th level abilities of other classes (all excellent, granted) being very powerful.
Okay, how about those times when you fight other humanoids or <gasp!> other adventurers? That would never happen, right? Doesn't it seem a tad wrong that a 4th level monk could damage a 20th level one right through their so-called "20th level ability"?
Look, you raise a good point about the monsters with weapons, but the bottom line is that you are very wrong when you say that DR/magic isn't useless at 20th level. What self-respecting humanoid would fight with non-magical weaponry at 20th level?
I'm not saying it has to be super-powered, but just look at the Paladin. DR 10/evil. Very respectable, not overpowering, but still quite useful, thematically appropriate (being of ultimate good and such) and worthy of a 20th level ability. I'm just saying bring the monk (being of ultimate law and such) in line with that.

hogarth |

Look, you raise a good point about the monsters with weapons, but the bottom line is that you are very wrong when you say that DR/magic isn't useless at 20th level. What self-respecting humanoid would fight with non-magical weaponry at 20th level?
I'm just saying there's a difference between "completely useless" (as you put it) and "useless against some enemies" (as I would put it).

quest-master |
At 20th level, depending on your DM or campaign, your monk may end up being caught up in all sorts of intrigues that powerful high level characters tend to get caught up in.
If your DM is a good one, then you will face more common low level threats in addition to the high level ones. Realistically, and I use the term loosely, appropriate level enemies should be rare while appropriate level challenges are more common. By challenges I mean non-combat as well as combat.
With DR/magic, the sudden attack by a couple of assassins goes awry when they realize their non-magical swords are not slicing into your monk. As a full round action, your monk grabs their swords by the blades (grapple) and pulls the assassins closer for a quick 1-2 unarmed attack (1 attack each at full BAB), gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack rolls. Not exactly RAW but no DM should deny allowing this since it's cool and cinematic.
The nation you support goes to war, so they have the party you're in lead the charge. Most of the soldiers beating on you get horrified as they realize you're practically invulnerable and start running away, reducing enemy morale and saving ally soldiers' lives.
Also, the DR is not the only advantage gained. One needs to evaluate the capstone as a whole to determine whether any of it needs to be changed.
I think that too much emphasis is given on combat capabilities over story-driving capabilities. People often lose focus on the fact that this is a role-playing game with wargaming aspects, not a wargame with role-playing flavor.

The Wraith |

At 20th level, depending on your DM or campaign, your monk may end up being caught up in all sorts of intrigues that powerful high level characters tend to get caught up in.
If your DM is a good one, then you will face more common low level threats in addition to the high level ones. Realistically, and I use the term loosely, appropriate level enemies should be rare while appropriate level challenges are more common. By challenges I mean non-combat as well as combat.
With DR/magic, the sudden attack by a couple of assassins goes awry when they realize their non-magical swords are not slicing into your monk. As a full round action, your monk grabs their swords by the blades (grapple) and pulls the assassins closer for a quick 1-2 unarmed attack (1 attack each at full BAB), gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack rolls. Not exactly RAW but no DM should deny allowing this since it's cool and cinematic.
The nation you support goes to war, so they have the party you're in lead the charge. Most of the soldiers beating on you get horrified as they realize you're practically invulnerable and start running away, reducing enemy morale and saving ally soldiers' lives.
Also, the DR is not the only advantage gained. One needs to evaluate the capstone as a whole to determine whether any of it needs to be changed.
I think that too much emphasis is given on combat capabilities over story-driving capabilities. People often lose focus on the fact that this is a role-playing game with wargaming aspects, not a wargame with role-playing flavor.
Well, I completely agree, but this cool things can be done even with a DR 10/Chaos (or better yet, DR 10/Law... in order to allow a high-level Monk to duel in a realistic way against this capstone Monk). And the Monk would not feel useless against a 7th-level NPC Warrior with a +1 Longsword.
I mean, a Paladin is cool with his DR 10/Evil (again, I prefer DR 10/Good... a Paladin SHOULD be resistant against his enemies...but I'm digressing), but the Monk not ?
Traxium |
Very well, quest-master...I really don't want this ending up in a flame-war, so please don't take any of the following in the wrong way, but I feel the urgent need to pull a Spock on you.
Your logic is flawed.
And here's why:
At 20th level, depending on your DM or campaign, your monk may end up being caught up in all sorts of intrigues that powerful high level characters tend to get caught up in.
Okay, fine, intrigue, whatever. In what way could that possibly be relevant to a *combat* ability like DR? You want the monk to have capabilities like investigating a murder scene or sniffing out the king's political enemies? Give him more skill points.
If your DM is a good one, then you will face more common low level threats in addition to the high level ones. Realistically, and I use the term loosely, appropriate level enemies should be rare while appropriate level challenges are more common. By challenges I mean non-combat as well as combat.
To which I say again: How does that have anything to do with a *combat* ability like DR? I would agree with you that a competent DM should provide challenges to players that don't involve combat. I do...and I think it's great when they sit there talking amongst themselves for over an hour on how they're going to solve this puzzle that holds a clue that the killer left behind to taunt them with! Totally agree.
But again, and for emphasis this time, DR is a *combat* ability. Appropriate-level non-combat challenges are oranges to the DR's apples. Don't compare them, it makes the tangerines feel bad.With DR/magic, the sudden attack by a couple of assassins goes awry when they realize their non-magical swords are not slicing into your monk. As a full round action, your monk grabs their swords by the blades (grapple) and pulls the assassins closer for a quick 1-2 unarmed attack (1 attack each at full BAB), gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack rolls. Not exactly RAW but no DM should deny allowing this since it's cool and cinematic.
This is a good one, so my response comes in two parts.
1) What the frak are you talking about?!?! Assassins suddenly attack a 20th level monk without even +1 daggers? Are these the assassins that failed out of "pouring water out of a bucket with instructions on the bottom" class? Cinematic? Hardly. Try closer to comical.2) DR/chaotic achieves the exact same result, with the added bonus of being useful when it's actually *needed*. Your 'example' provides the perfect illustration of a situation where DR is unnecessary. That's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing DR that *is* necessary, b/c your 20th level monk happens to be helping to repel an infernal invasion with Pit Fiends in the lead.
The nation you support goes to war, so they have the party you're in lead the charge. Most of the soldiers beating on you get horrified as they realize you're practically invulnerable and start running away, reducing enemy morale and saving ally soldiers' lives.
I can't help but reference my response in the previous paragraph.
1) The nation you're supporting puts your 20th level characters in the front lines to slaughter enemy conscripts with your world-shaking powers? Very heroic. I've got an idea: Use your 20th level abilities to knock out the enemy's command structure, shrugging off the blows from their guards' magic weapons with your DR/chaotic, and stop the war before it even starts, thus saving even more lives on both sides.2) Okay, fine, you've provided a combat example for the usefulness of DR in general. Even so, great, hooray, your awesome 20th level ability protected you from 0-level conscripts with pitchforks. Very heroic...very much worth 20 levels. Yeah, that was sarcasm.
Also, the DR is not the only advantage gained. One needs to evaluate the capstone as a whole to determine whether any of it needs to be changed.
Okay, yes, I will agree this is true.
The other half of the ability turns you into an outsider from your native plane (doesn't make much sense, but we'll roll with it).So what does being an outsider mean? Well, let's check the rules:
1) Can't be raised from the dead.
That's taken care of in the ability text itself, so disregard.
2) Has darkvision
Well, the text doesn't actually say that, so it's hard to be sure if you actually get it. I think you don't.
3) Not subject to spells that specify humanoids.
Okay, spell immunity, that's good, right? Well, it would be if it granted spell immunity to some dangerous spells.
-Immune to any spell with "Person" in the title. Charm, Dominate, Reduce, Hold, etc. And Daze. All low level, except Dominate at 5th. No self-respecting or player-respecting DM is going to try to hit you with Charm Person just so you can say "HA! HA! I'm immune!"
-*NOT* immune to those *same* spells with "Monster" in the title. Yeah. Charm Monster, Dominate Monster, Hold Monster, etc....Make a Will save.
-You actually *lose* access to the usually-beneficial spell Enlarge Person.
-Here's a fun fact: Your 20th level monk is actually *MORE* vulnerable to Chaos Hammer or Holy Smite (if he's LE). More vulnerable. Those spells actually *increase* their damage because of Perfect Self. Does that seem right to you?
Yeah, I'd say that part of Perfect Self needs some revision.
I think that too much emphasis is given on combat capabilities over story-driving capabilities. People often lose focus on the fact that this is a role-playing game with wargaming aspects, not a wargame with role-playing flavor.
Okay, again, I disagree. I think *you're* putting too much emphasis on the combat aspect here. But I will agree with you on one thing, this game is a blend (or should be a blend, with a good DM and good players) between role-playing and combat. Yes, definitely, 100%.
However, you are making a mistake that I see many many people make over and over. You're thinking that the class abilities of a character are somehow driving the role-playing of the player.Not so.
Any good player, and most decent players, should understand that the role-playing of your character is 80% from the player, and maybe 10% each from the DM and the class abilities themselves.
Nothing should ever stop a good role-player from doing exactly what he wants to do with his character (aside from decency and the other people playing the game, of course).
But here's the thing...we're not talking about role-playing here. We're talking about the purely game-mechanical aspects of a combat-oriented special ability for what is effectively a combat class!
Nothing will ever stop you from playing a fighter who happens to be a bookworm and a history buff. But skill points spent on Knowledge(History) and game time spent in the city library should not have any bearing on his BAB at the end of the day.
Same deal here.
Perfect Self is a combat ability, plain and simple. If you want to play a monk who wears a hooded robe and whispers in the king's ear from the shadows, that's cool. But that shouldn't stop me from playing a monk who's ready to go toe-to-toe with a enemy warlord and his vanilla +5 longsword.
And last but not least, let's put Perfect Self to the ultimate test of 20th level abilities:
Would you take 20 levels of Monk to get this?
No, no I would not. And I love the Monk beyond all other classes. Look above this post, neither would Pendagast, Daniel Simonson, and Ughbash and a host of others on the other three boards with this topic.
So ask yourself, what would you have Perfect Self be that would make it really *worth* 20 levels of Monk?

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Well wraith. I think you nailed it.... Still leaves the problem "If you can't fix it, don't mention it." So i think i am going to go through and come up with a list of replacement abilities for the monk. An i know that there are alot of people who would be better at it than me, so i would like to hear other ideas as well. My GM actually ruled in a set of Monk Brass knuckles, so i could have a weapon. Very Cool of him, but it doesn't fix high level monks.

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What can make the Monk class Better?
Things that need a change/ Replaced
Quivering Palm 15th Level
Timeless Body 17th Level
Tounge of the sun and moon 17th Level
Ethralness 19th level (Truly awesome, but at way to high a level maybe 15th.)
Perfect Self 20th Level (see Stone Skin, or any cheap potion a 1st level PC can get)
Ki Points= Monk Level + Wis. Modifier
Monk can choose which ability (Str/Dex) to use on CMB rolls (4th level)
Bonus feets
Persuasive/ Self Sufficient
Possible Ki Powers (KPs) From spells
Stone skin (DR 10/-) 2 KPs/ 1 Round (Swift Action)
Blink 1 KPs/ 1 Round (Swift Action)
Enlarge Self 4KPs/ 2 Round (Swift Action)
Bigby’s Forceful Hand 1KP
Mislead 2KPs/ 2 Round (Swift Action)
Energy Restistance +5 2 KPs/ 1 Round (Swift Action) Choose one Type
Brilliant Energy 4 KPs/ 1 Round (Swift Action) (As part of a full attack/FoB; Subtract 2 attack, and bypass armor and shield bonus to AC)
Disruption 2 KPs/ 1 Attack (Swift Action)(DC= 10+ ½ Monk Level)
Energy Attack 2 KPs/ 1 Round (Swift Action) (Add 1d6 damage of any one type to attacks until the beginning of your next turn)
Yeah, I know it is mostly combat related.
OK, so, as far as KPs go, I think they should be added in as the monk progresses through the levels. Most are pretty monkish IMO. I don’t expect all of these to be added on, they are simply a list of things that would improve the class. One thing that is for sure. The monk needs more Ki Powers and points to accomplish them.
Does anyone have any improvements to this list, or non combat ideas?

magnuskn |

Yes, *please* some alternative class features which go less into the mystic monk and more into the wuxia monk.
Actually, I´d love to see a non-monk martial artist class, but I guess that´d be something for a future supplement.