Kutho Axefist |

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The following is pending Fragos' action.
Giorge lies trapped under not only pew and debris from the wall, but the clawing and biting of the manes. He tries in vain to move, but makes no way.
Out of desperation he taps into the dark powers deep within.
Giorge is having terrible luck with the strength check to move the pew off himself. How many fumbles can I possibly roll!
The groups eyes watch as manes being flying from the center of the mob. Still laying prone but easily seen is a large gray skinned beast. A large hand bats the debris away freeing it.
Might have failed the strength check, but with his large size Giorge is to big to be trapped by it. Though he automatically takes 5d6 points of damage from being in the mob, and provokes an AoO from trying to free himself.
Top of the round, would everyone please make a Reflex save
You won't take the additional poison damage. Two rounds of fighting it off is bad enough, not to mention that it was Con Drain, not Con Damage. So you're at 18 Con unless you fail a save againt Molydeus again.

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Fragos' sword manages to stike the invisible foe.
Attack = 19, possible crit. Confirmation = 35, no crit; Damage = 22. Reflex = 22.
Tarlan, Kelgan reflex saves save please.
A large boom brings everyones attention to the ceiling of the temple. Large chunks or mortar and stone being to fall as something falls through and lands in the blue glowing pool. A second golden form crashes throught bulding landing in the mob of manes and Giorge.
The falling stones crash into the the statue holding Rhiann. She tries to grab on to anything, but falls hard to the ground. For as large and resticted as Molydeus seems he dodges the falling stones.
A fine layer of dust hovers in room. While causing some to cough and sneeze the dust gives an outline of invisible fiend (miss chance is lowered to 20%).
73 points of damage, half on a DC 28 Reflex save.

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Reflex: This better fail.
So, can someone repost the init.?
Yikes, times not to see a 1 on the die.

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The dancing axe returns to Molydeus' invisible hand. As it does Kutho (prior to his move) feels a force pulling at his kama.
Quicken Telekinesis, DC 28 Will save or Molydeus will fling them across the room.
Once again the axe begins dancing and attempts to swing at Tarlan. The blade swings back and forth, but on it final swing the blade goes snicker-snack
Nat 20 on the final swing; Confirmation did not confirm... The dice favor the changling. Damage = 22
Tarlan barely manages to get get out of the way of the axe. Though still hurt he knows if he hadn't dodged when he did his head would be on the floor.
The snake head lashes out once more, but again tastes nothing but air.
With the fiends attention on Tarlan, Kutho tumble through the rubble and next to Rhiann.

Kutho Axefist |

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Moving on.
Kutho leaps and rolls through debris finally coming a stop near the destroyed statue.
Kelgan seeing Rhiann is now within striking distance launches an attack. Either it's the heavy dust circulating through the room or maybe the chunks of stone covering her body, but his attacks fall short.
Horrible time to roll 1's
Tarlan, Kelgan to go
Raizen, Jahangir
You're both good to go. You've got 3 rounds to warn the others, even the fiends of the impending threat coming.
Remember while battling your way through the warriors outside the walls, you came across their leader a powerful being called Ruyn, an Infernal. After playing with you he finally threw you through the ceiling, and is currently hovering a 100 ft over the destroyed temple.

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Sorry about that Tarlan. You and Fragos are still within striking distance of Molydeus. Kutho has moved to the west side of the room by the statue and is 15ft from Molydeus, but right next to Rhiann.
Kelgan is 20ft to the south recoverring his axe. Giorge is 20ft to the east fighting off the manes. As for the two froms that crashed through the ceiling; One is in the glowing pool to you SE (10ft). The other crashed into the mob.

Jahangir |


Kutho Axefist |

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** spoiler omitted **
As for your new friend who's up above.
After the shadowalking incident Raizen and yourself thought it better to get back on foot. Though outnumbered your strenth combined was more than enough to cut a bloody path back the others. That was until you met him. At first everything was okay. Your blade and Raizen magic seemed to be doing trick, until he revealed he was just having fun with you.
His blinding speed, strength, and magic quickly over whelmed the two of you. Within the first seconds of his attacks he quickly and almost unnoticibly disarmed the Raizen of the crystal. Swollowing the thing. Soon after he took to "playing" with you. Which ended with him hurling you through the temple ceiling.

Tarlan |

Tarlan make a 5' step closer and makes a full attack.
Attack rolls (1d20+33=37, 1d20+33=48, 1d20+28=43, 1d20+28=29, 1d20+33=36)
damage: 6d8 +1d6 fire + 1d6 electricity +1d6 cold + 23 + 2d6 bane (6d8+23=44, 1d6=1, 1d6=2, 1d6=5, 2d6=7, 6d8+23=46, 1d6=5, 1d6=3, 1d6=6, 2d6=7, 6d8+23=51, 1d6=2, 1d6=6, 1d6=6, 2d6=9, 6d8+23=59, 1d6=1, 1d6=2, 1d6=5, 2d6=6)
Snap Kick damage: 6d8 +1d6 fire + 1d6 electricity +1d6 cold + 19 + 2d6 bane (2d8+19=30, 1d6=3, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 2d6=8)

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Raizen, Jahangir

Jahangir |

Lazaro, could we have a description of the leader? Also after observing him in battle thus far has Jahangir discerned anything of his nature? Know(religion) 21

Laz |

Two loud voices ring out. With a splash a glowing, wet Raizen emerges form the pool. From the mob the warm, but tired voice Jahangir. They warn the room that danger approaches from above.
Everyones attention moves the large hole in the ceiling.
Perception checks due the fire and smoke from outside
You've heard and read about Infernals in obsure religious texts, but this your first encounter with one. He was highly resistant to damage and any damage that was inflicted was quickly healed.
Unfortunaly the Religion check was too low for dealing with this epic beast

Kelgan the Strong |

Kelgan glowers up at the hole.
Perception: 1d20+25=34
Also, before I post my action for the round, how many HP did I lose from the Con drain again?

Laz |

Kelgan glowers up at the hole.
Perception: 1d20+25=34
Also, before I post my action for the round, how many HP did I lose from the Con drain again?
The Con loss puts your hp at 122, you were at 248

Kelgan the Strong |

His breath coming in ragged gasps and blood dripping onto the ground, Kelgan buries his axe in the demon's chest.
Moving back to melee range, then using Devestating Blow. 1d20+31=43, 1d12+21=23, 2d6=7, 1d10=4 80 damage, 4 Cold, assuming the Antimagic Zone is not still in effect.

Laz |

Sorry to lose you Kutho. It was a privilage getting to play with you, and all you guys.
I'm wondering if this game should continue as is. I think what killed this most was lack of DMing skill, and maps. I know from where I'm sitting they seem important.
Normally the this should go in the Discussion thread, but here goes. Between the remaining players (Raizen, Jahangir, Tarlan and Kelgan) do you feel like continuing as is?

Jahangir |

If we can find others to come onboard I'd be willing to continue. For now perhaps just a narration of this situation and its resolution so as to start fresh.
I've had fun so far my only thought is not re maps and such but rather that often I felt we didn't have enough background, context of situation (eg our arrival back on the material plane, goal, background re Forsworn etc.) As we started this adventure sort of in media res it would be really helpful to have that info. That said Laz, DMing epic level adventures is tough so I wouldn't worry about it too much. But I'm up for going on.

Laz |

"Gehehehehe" the sound echoes through the destroyed church.
The group looks up into the heaven and see it. Web like wings, skeletal body and what looks like red plate armor covering it head to toe.
"TITLE", it brings it's hand together forming a frame, "'Fallen Lambs Come to Slaughter"
A massive ball of energy forms in front of the creature, and in the blink of an eye the ball decends upon them.
Raizen puts out his hands hoping that the arcene energy in him well be enough to devert it...
"Raizen... hey wake up" The voice sounds panicked.
"Come... on... would ya", What was just talking is now pulling pushing, "Wisara's gonna tan our hides if she finds you sleepin' again!"
His eyes finally open, and he looks to meet the voice. It takes a minute for the name to come to Raizen. The voice somewhat familiar, not the face though. "Geez, Tarlan can't I have five more minutes. I was in the middle of an awesome dream. And what's with that ugly face? Take it off would ya"
"But this is my face? He are you calling me ugly!?!" The changelings voice cracks as yell at his friend
A smirk on his face Raizen closes his eyes again "Anyway that old hag will never find us here. Even if she did, being as fat as she is I don't think her little legs could handle walking all the way here."
He laughs and waits for Tarlan to answer him "Tarlan... Hey Tarlan where'd ya go?"
Hey sits up and looks around the barn. In the corner sits Tarlan, white as a sheet and looking toward him... pointing
"What's the matter with you? What are you..." Raizen follows the finger and looks up. As he does a dark shadow decends upon him "TWACK!"
Moment later Raizen wakes up. He finds himself, and Tarlan being dragged from the barn. "HAG!!! FAT am I! Well just see how you feel about that once we get back!" He looks up to see a stout halfling woman.
Tarlan begins to wimper at the thought "But, but it wasn't my fault!" The changeling cries as the Wisara drags the two, truely a woman of superhuman strength, of them home.
Raizen sighs... "Just another day in Fallcrest", the boy things to himself as he's dragged.

Laz |

Is that all I am to you, Lazaro? A simple figment of a boy's imagination?
I actually spent a lot of time thinking this up. No matter what the ending just... SUCKED. Then I thought this up. I rolled to see who the dreamer would wind up being. Personally I was pulling for Kelgan or Tarlan, but the die favored Raizen.
In the end I don't know it just fell apart. Blame goes to the DM. Maybe it was the rules, lack of story behind the game or lack of useful maps. 55% story, 42% rules, 2% maps, 1% other factors... heh
I will say this the 4e game I'm running now is going great. Hell they're going places I hadn't planned on them going and it's been a breeze. Again maybe it was just the rules that bogged us down so much.
But thanks to all of you who stuck around. I'm thinking up another game as I type this and hope you'll think about joining. Especially since your old characters may be involved! 4e rules though