Are there enough tentacles?

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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*as she receives her cup, her nose twitches at the unfamiliar scent mixed with the wine, placing the cup aside* Uhm... sir, I don't want to soud rude, but there might be somethnig wrong with the wine. Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass.

The Exchange

Joanne Gottlieb wrote:
*as she receives her cup, her nose twitches at the unfamiliar scent mixed with the wine, placing the cup aside* Uhm... sir, I don't want to soud rude, but there might be somethnig wrong with the wine. Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass.

*eyes narrowing slightly* Is everything alright Miss Gottlieb?

Moorluck wrote:
*eyes narrowing slightly* Is everything alright Miss Gottlieb?

Oh, it's okay, just something wrong with the wine.

You really should be more tolerant towards foreign food and drink. So it doesn't smell exactly like Chelaxion Snob Wine. Is that bad?

Dark Archive

<hums to himself, in the audience>

"Why are we waaaaiiiting?
We are m**turbating..."

*blinks his eyes open, fully awake*

Hey, I'm alive again!

*looks over at the two ladies, the drow, the clown, and the old guy*

So, is there going to be, like, a fivesome? And if so, could I, like, watch?

KaeYoss wrote:
You really should be more tolerant towards foreign food and drink. So it doesn't smell exactly like Chelaxion Snob Wine. Is that bad?

Oh, don't misunderstand, I'm well aware the kind of wine it is (A very fine one too), the aroma is unmistakeable, but there's also something wrong with it.

Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
So, is there going to be, like, a fivesome? And if so, could I, like, watch?

No you can't *she blushes furiously after just realising* N-no! This is no fivesome! Are you out of your mind!?

Liberty's Edge

*gets her armor ina bag of holding* i need to wait till the end of the spell so I can use it.. sight and Goatlieb... its quite durable, and when not... well that is why the goddess gives us "Make Whole"

and well my grandmother helped wih the esign, shesaid the silks would be enoug.. and actually its too tight so I don't use underwear because it is uncomfortable... I can'r understand why the grandmother would design such an armor... ahh yes... cleric of Calistria.. *sigh*

*she sits, thanking the drow, and thirsty as she is, she just pass a finger along the cup's boder and takes a deep sip*

+19 to sense motive... there is something fishy in hero... so I use "purify food & water" :D

well it taste good enough *not showing any side effects beyond a light blush due to the alcohol*

Jordan Fenix wrote:
*gets her armor ina bag of holding* i need to wait till the end of the spell so I can use it..

Tut tut tut. Not spell. Power. There really is a difference between mere magic and the art of psionics.

For one thing, I don't produce magical effects. I just rearrange reality. If you do it right, things will that way.

So I think you'll have to wait until I agree to change it back. I might do that if you... ask nicely.

Hey, 'leth, you couldn't have formed the chairs and benches out of something else? Now I have to remain standing. Well, let's make the best of it.

Say, could you ephemeralise the benches on my mark? I'll first turn the ground all over into mud. Or, better, jelly.

I see the ladies already have their wrestling costumes on!

Liberty's Edge

KaeYoss wrote:

Tut tut tut. Not spell. Power. There really is a difference between mere magic and the art of psionics.

For one thing, I don't produce magical effects. I just rearrange reality. If you do it right, things will that way.

So I think you'll have to wait until I agree to change it back. I might do that if you... ask nicely.

that... or i just need to leave range :P

and Is till know you are thinking on something naughy evil clown, so be calm

Jordan Fenix wrote:

and Is till know you are thinking on something naughy evil clown, so be calm

First, I'm not evil. I'm just chaotic. Apples and oranges, honey, apples and oranges.

Plus, Of course I'm thinking about something naughty. I always do. I have one - no, wait, I tell a lie, TWO - personalities just thinking about naughty things all the time.

Liberty's Edge

KaeYoss wrote:
Jordan Fenix wrote:

and Is till know you are thinking on something naughy evil clown, so be calm

First, I'm not evil. I'm just chaotic. Apples and oranges, honey, apples and oranges.

Plus, Of course I'm thinking about something naughty. I always do. I have one - no, wait, I tell a lie, TWO - personalities just thinking about naughty things all the time.

ohh my mistake, still very contrary to what I am, since I am both Lawful and Good, so tell your personalities to stop thinking naughty things about me

Jordan Fenix wrote:

ohh my mistake, still very contrary to what I am, since I am both Lawful and Good,

Opposites attract. Plus, I don't hold your rigid adherence to the rules of others against you.

Jordan Fenix wrote:

so tell your personalities to stop thinking naughty things about me

Die Gedanken sind frei!

The Exchange

Now one can hardly be held accoutable for their thoughts Miss Fenix, and naughty dosn't mean evil... it could mean really fun.*pulls a bottle of amber colored garnet wine out of the folds of his cloak* how about this vintage ladies?

Liberty's Edge

err what did you said creepy clown?
and if I were a paladin I would be held accpuntable for relating to you and your ethos... which is not far from what I am accountable, we have some rigid rules we should follow.

but Moorluck from the though comes the insentive to act, so we should better be creful with what we though else our desires take power from us until we are nothing but puppets of desire that should be better be controled

*offers the now empty cup to the drow* but just a tad, I have never been good with alcohol.

The Exchange

*Fills the glass 1/4 way then smiles, raises his eyebrow and fills it the rest of the way* much?

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
*Fills the glass 1/4 way then smiles, raises his eyebrow and fills it the rest of the way* much?

*sigh and smiles* a bit... but it would serve for a while, so no need to worry *sips just a bit* delicious, elven wine is always the best... or says my father

The Exchange

Jordan Fenix wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
*Fills the glass 1/4 way then smiles, raises his eyebrow and fills it the rest of the way* much?
*sigh and smiles* a bit... but it would serve for a while, so no need to worry *sips just a bit* delicious, elven wine is always the best... or says my father

It comes from being able to take as much time as needed to make everything perfect... what a human would do in hour, we would spend days doing to ensure a superior... product. But humans do so much in such short time that they must be admired.*turns offering a glass to both the bard and the jester.*

Moorluck wrote:
*turns offering a glass to both the bard and the jester.*

*takes the glass with a smile* Thanks!

*Slamms back the contents of the glass* Not bad. Or, as we say around here: Garnet so schlecht.

Jordan Fenix wrote:
err what did you said creepy clown?

I was showing off my gift of tongues.

It translates into "Thoughts are free"

Jordan Fenix wrote:

and if I were a paladin I would be held accpuntable for relating to you and your ethos...

They're only forbidden to associate with evil beings. And even that's not an universal part of the codex.

Jordan Fenix wrote:

but Moorluck from the though comes the insentive to act, so we should better be creful with what we though else our desires take power from us until we are nothing but puppets of desire that should be better be controled

Life's not worth living if you can't have what you want. If you can't do what you want. If I have to choose between slavery to my desires and slavery to someone else's idea of right or wrong, I go with desires every day, including caturday.

Because I'm the master of my desires, so we get a nice Ouroboros circle of power.

And in the end, reality itself must follow my whims. For from this fundamental truth stems my power.

Jordan Fenix wrote:

*offers the now empty cup to the drow* but just a tad, I have never been good with alcohol.

We'll see about that. Elven wine, you said? That stuff is usually quite potent, since elves for some reason process alcohol differently from humans. I think that glass alone might have been enough for us to see you dance on the table, making out with the redhead.

(On the other hand, I once encountered a spacefaring race with a bone on its head. They also processed alcohol differently from humans: A slight amount was enough to trigger psychotic episodes and homicidal rages. Good times! Good times.)

The Exchange

Joanne Gottlieb wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
*turns offering a glass to both the bard and the jester.*
*takes the glass with a smile* Thanks!

*Bows in reply* perhaps I should have offered our comical friend something less refined? Or at least less expensive.

Scarab Sages

I wonder when the two ladies are going to notice that it was the stem of the glasses they touched that was lightly dabbed with slime, not the wine itself.

See previous post. Touch is all thats required. Fort DC 29...

The Exchange

Please ladies enjoy the wine, it is a very special vintage given to me by a Calistran preistess that I.... well it was a gift.

Scarab Sages

While smiling in a fatherly fashion...

"Hmm...I don't see what might be wrong with the wine, but it has been some time since I've seen any guests. It may have turned..."

Then noticing the drow producing his own bottle.

"Ah, thank you good drow. I prefer to be an adaptable host, so as to see to the disposition of my guests. Your gallantry is appreciated."

A mental tendril insinuates itself at Jordan (take 10 on Psicraft, power manifested without any Displays) and uses the power 'Attraction' on her, with Moorluck as the subject of that attraction...just to see what happens. (WDC 24, Moorluck will gain a +8 modifier on all social rolls with Jordan if failed)

Ashal Muneharan wrote:

I wonder when the two ladies are going to notice that it was the stem of the glasses they touched that was lightly dabbed with slime, not the wine itself.

I guess when their skin turns to slime?

Scarab Sages

"No doubt the Calistrian Priestess benefited from your magnanimity as well."

On a psychic thread to KaeYoss..."This drow is dampening the fun...but lets see if the Jordan is affected by my emotional manipulations...that should prove entertaining! Slime Wrestling may prove far more amusing that mud however!"

The Exchange

Ashal Muneharan wrote:

"No doubt the Calistrian Priestess benefited from your magnanimity as well"

She benifited in great many ways, as did I, from our time together.

Ashal Muneharan wrote:

A mental tendril insinuates itself at Jordan (take 10 on Psicraft, power manifested without any Displays) and uses the power 'Attraction' on her, with Moorluck as the subject of that attraction...just to see what happens. (WDC 24, Moorluck will gain a +8 modifier on all social rolls with Jordan if failed)

You're working against me now, 'Leth? Not cool.

Manifests aversion to cancel out the attraction effect

Follows up with a dessication pulse that makes the environment really dry

The Exchange

You seem upset "friend" KaeYoss, is something the matter?
*eyes flash silver as he turns to gaze upon our host* Your hospitality is most gracious, however I am not sure how long we should burden you with our intrusion.

Moorluck wrote:
Please ladies enjoy the wine, it is a very special vintage given to me by a Calistran preistess that I....

*her cheeks color slightly* Uhm there's no need to elaborate, really.

KaeYoss wrote:
Follows up with a dessication pulse that makes the environment really dry

Is it just me or the place starts feeling, you know...

Scarab Sages

Returns KaeYoss stare..

Mentally " fancy that one for yourself then? Forgive my lack of understanding such...desires. I do not seek any prize here other than my own amusement or perhaps a thrall, and yet I do not count on such outcomes. The process is part of my enjoyment you see. If the short-maned one is your fancy then...ah, but wait! You wish her to come to you without coercion, yes?"

"Well...this certainly is an eclectic group to be traveling about...what brings you all here? And good, the repast has arrived."

Regnald brings out dishes of bread, cheese, butter and sweet meats, and then retreats quickly.

"Ah thank you Regnald."

Turning to Moorluck

"Do not be troubled, friend. Come sit and eat, I shall have to see if there is enough space for you all to take rest. Please, I insist."

Note: This whole little 'phantom theater' has been much inspired due to listening to the song "Hotel California".

The Exchange

*still standing near the two women he nods towards Reginald as he adresses Ashal*

I am simply here to offer my services...and the ladies, the esteemed chaotic one has his own reasons I'm sure.

Scarab Sages

"Ah...but don't we all." while smiling.

The Exchange

(Great song Ashal, I was thinking about it as I was going thru this)

The Exchange

Ashal Muneharan wrote:

"Ah...but don't we all." while smiling.

Of that I am certian.*smiles broadly showing his sparkling white teeth*

Moorluck wrote:
*smiles broadly showing his sparkling white teeth*

How considerate, thanks. But the place still feels rather dry somehow.

Liberty's Edge

doesn't seem the wiser to neither power trying to affect her psyque, not that she did not notice... she jus ignored both of them

ohh she has a great will roll... decent fortitude... with abyssmal reflex :P

well, destiny maybe was the one that brough us here... and I am not human... just half, from my father's side, his mother is elven, and a cleric... i hope she didn't gave you that wine... well there are a lot of priestess of Calistria so I won't worry... much *sigh and says between teeth to herself* "besides i am ok without having to remind her parlor"

and yes Moorluck, elven wine has always been kind with me *winks* that is why its my prefered option

*th the host* and no thanks, i am on a diet, so I would pass this time kind sir *still feeling something odd about the place* and yes Goatlieb.. the place feels... funny

The Exchange

Perhaps it is time we made our departure then *nods brusqely to the host*... and Jordan what was your grandmothers name? *smiles as if he knows the answer to his question*

Moorluck wrote:
Perhaps it is time we made our departure then *nods brusqely to the host*

Perhaps you're right... besides, this theater isn't ventilated enough, am I the only one who finds it hard to breathe in here?

The Exchange

Joanne Gottlieb wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Perhaps it is time we made our departure then *nods brusqely to the host*
Perhaps you're right... besides, this theater isn't ventilated enough, am I the only one who finds it hard to breathe in here?'s not just you. Allow me to escort the both of you to wherever you may wish to go? *offers his hand to help Joanne rise*

Moorluck wrote:'s not just you. Allow me to escort the both of you to wherever you may wish to go? *offers his hand to help Joanne rise*

*she takes the hand with a smile, taking deeper breaths* Thanks... I really need some fresh air.

Those ladies don't look like they need protection, you know. But whatever helps your messiah complex. :)

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
Perhaps it is time we made our departure then *nods brusqely to the host*... and Jordan what was your grandmothers name? *smiles as if he knows the answer to his question*

well, i suppose its for the better, i am getting a chill here... and maybe you have heard of the elven priestess Nedylene Xyltin... she has been quite devoted this last 100 years to kill drow... she still blame them on my grandfathers death and a daughter, she is quite resentful, you know?

The Exchange

Jordan Fenix wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Perhaps it is time we made our departure then *nods brusqely to the host*... and Jordan what was your grandmothers name? *smiles as if he knows the answer to his question*
well, i suppose its for the better, i am getting a chill here... and maybe you have heard of the elven priestess Nedylene Xyltin... she has been quite devoted this last 100 years to kill drow... she still blame them on my grandfathers death and a daughter, she is quite resentful, you know?

Let us just say that I am familier with her activities to an extent.*gives her an assureing wink*

KaeYoss just because they don't NEED protection doesn't mean that I can't offer it, and it does help my messiah complex thank you ;)

Moorluck wrote:

KaeYoss just because they don't NEED protection doesn't mean that I can't offer it

I just think it's condescending.

Watch and learn, 'Leth. I know that traditional warfare - with weapons and such - has been around forever, the elves invented magical warfare (and maybe guerilla warfare), and you guys psychical warfare.

But it was the humans who invented social warfare. By manipulating their little insecurities and "tender areas" - trivial things they for some reason take exceptional offense at - you can get them to go for each others' throats with a few well-placed words. No magic or psionics or other supernatural abilities needed.

If I play this right, we'll see a drow being openly gelded.

Jordan Fenix wrote:

and maybe you have heard of the elven priestess Nedylene Xyltin... she has been quite devoted this last 100 years to kill drow.

Which explains why she's not so well-known: The elves made the drow a big secret. Only recently has their existence been made known to the general population (and with general population I mean "a small portion of that GP, but still a lot more than back when the elves killed people for that knowledge").

To be honest, I had the occasional run-in with them before, but not that often - they hang out in Sekamina, which isn't deep-down enough for my taste. The Vaults are so much more interesting. Great vacation spot if you are fed up with countries slavishly adhering to stupid ideas like "laws of physics".

Liberty's Edge

well i don't my grandmother prohibited me to go there, I think she has still one eye them aftr the fiasco in Myerani Forest... i think she even have a couple there for research

never let me see them

KaeYoss wrote:
Those ladies don't look like they need protection, you know. But whatever helps your messiah complex. :)

*is breathing with much difficulty by now on her way out*

I wouldn't know, I think you've proved well enough she may need the drow's protection from you. Now if you excuse me I'm going to get some medicine. Oh goddess, I think this may be astma.

Joanne Gottlieb wrote:

*is breathing with much difficulty by now on her way out*

I do like heavy breathing in women, but not that kind. You sound dried out. Here, drink this, it should moisten you up.

*Hands Joanne a cup of pure spring water And reverses the desiccation mentally*

Joanne Gottlieb wrote:

I wouldn't know, I think you've proved well enough she may need the drow's protection from you.

And who would protect her form him?

Plus, I have only the best intentions with her. I'm not trying to force her or anything. That's for those lawful types to do. I prefer to persuade others of my viewpoints over argumentum ad baculum.

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