Hand of the Apprentice

Classes: Sorcerer and Wizard

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Well we played last night in our Savage Tide Pathfinder campain.
The players still think HotA is too powerful, and even didn't want to use it...

Sovereign Court

Has anyone posted an account of a combat where this happened? I'm particularly interested in the distance moved and why that wasn't a fairly significant element weakening the HotA power (or else exposing the wizard to danger). Is the damage bonus the significant thing?

I think wizards would be better served with a force bolt type spell mentioned earlier. HotA is just too clumsy.

delslow wrote:
I think wizards would be better served with a force bolt type spell mentioned earlier. HotA is just too clumsy.


Sooooo... Does anything come out of these feedback threads? Are rules changed and errata added anywhere? Or do we just wait for the next version of the PDF to be published?

Dark Archive

delslow wrote:
Sooooo... Does anything come out of these feedback threads? Are rules changed and errata added anywhere? Or do we just wait for the next version of the PDF to be published?

Sometimes Jason says, 'Yeah, I'm thinking of changing that, how about this?' Sometimes it's a month or two before he responds again to a topic. Sometimes he doesn't tell us every single thing he thinks about the 250+ separate suggestions (or, in some cases, demands) we give him every single day.

He's whacky like that.

Set wrote:
delslow wrote:
Sooooo... Does anything come out of these feedback threads? Are rules changed and errata added anywhere? Or do we just wait for the next version of the PDF to be published?

Sometimes Jason says, 'Yeah, I'm thinking of changing that, how about this?' Sometimes it's a month or two before he responds again to a topic. Sometimes he doesn't tell us every single thing he thinks about the 250+ separate suggestions (or, in some cases, demands) we give him every single day.

He's whacky like that.

I certainly get that. I'd just like to get a bone and some vague timeline (even "it's going to be a few months before I can touch this one") so I know what to expect and what to play with in my own games. I don't mind playing with a rule, but if Jason's deemed it as extinct for the next edition, I'd like to know and I'll make something else up.

Set wrote:

Sometimes Jason says, 'Yeah, I'm thinking of changing that, how about this?' Sometimes it's a month or two before he responds again to a topic. Sometimes he doesn't tell us every single thing he thinks about the 250+ separate suggestions (or, in some cases, demands) we give him every single day.

He's whacky like that.

I think you made a typo. I think you meant to type "he's ridiculously and hopelessly overworked and has a looming deadline that is nearly impossible for him to meet".

Or maybe you didn't mean that.

Regardless, though I'm a Paizo fanboy I'm still deeply concerned that this particular product isn't getting the manpower resources it deserves, given the future of Paizo's product releases predicate on its wide-scale adoption.

This sort of product should be developed with an iterative model. Paizo proposes changes, we test and feedback. Rinse, repeat. That's happening, but very slowly, and Jason alone can't handle all the simultaneous threads needing attention.

I wish there was a "buy Jason a couple junior developers" subscription.

The Exchange

my cleric with the magic domain owned people with his hand of the acolyte, seriously need a bit of nerf (no bonus to damage would be nice, or bonus more like spiritual weapon)

Sneaksy Dragon wrote:
my cleric with the magic domain owned people with his hand of the acolyte, seriously need a bit of nerf (no bonus to damage would be nice, or bonus more like spiritual weapon)

pft that's a cleric their suppose to own. NEXT! ;D

Abraham spalding wrote:
Sneaksy Dragon wrote:
my cleric with the magic domain owned people with his hand of the acolyte, seriously need a bit of nerf (no bonus to damage would be nice, or bonus more like spiritual weapon)
pft that's a cleric their suppose to own. NEXT! ;D

Personally, I like the HotA it is quite nice for Universal caster,

please, remember, you MUST concentrate on it for it to work, lose
concentration it is gone. The only complaints I have heard comes
for fighters, altho, finding out that clerics with the magic domain
get it is a little distrubing, simply because, clerics have abilities
of their own which wizards do not, and that would have been nice as
a wizard only ability.

Bagpuss wrote:
Has anyone posted an account of a combat where this happened? I'm particularly interested in the distance moved and why that wasn't a fairly significant element weakening the HotA power (or else exposing the wizard to danger). Is the damage bonus the significant thing?

As a Universal wizard, I love it, but, it does put the caster in danger,

because, you are concentrating on the weapon, I have been told by the gamemaster it is useable only up to 30 feet away, and if you are not
in armour, you AC is crap, so---- you can get hit.

selios wrote:
Bagpuss wrote:

Oh, sure, no problem at 8th level. I'm just surprised that 'wizard using HotA to make remote melee attacks with Int bonus' is considered a serious game problem at 8th level (but I may have missed some tricks).

It depends of the spells available at that time, of the enemies and their immunities or energy resistance, and it is a supernatural ability which can't be disrupted.

Of course it will be less useful at very high level, but it is still the best 1st lvl power by far I think.

From a personal taste, I don't like these "at will" powers.
The weakness of wizards was just that: limited uses of their magic.
It was the cost of their powerful spells.

What is the cost to Sorcerers? Just the number of spells they have in

their minds per level but, they can cast normally twice as many per
level, and melee types can attack all day as do as much damage per target
as a wizard, at least in my group. Plus, at higher levels they get more
actions per round and sorcerers now get bloodline abilities without
cost to their spell uses, how, in the name of fuzzy bears, can that compare?

Sovereign Court

Torsin wrote:
Bagpuss wrote:
Has anyone posted an account of a combat where this happened? I'm particularly interested in the distance moved and why that wasn't a fairly significant element weakening the HotA power (or else exposing the wizard to danger). Is the damage bonus the significant thing?

As a Universal wizard, I love it, but, it does put the caster in danger,

because, you are concentrating on the weapon, I have been told by the gamemaster it is useable only up to 30 feet away, and if you are not
in armour, you AC is crap, so---- you can get hit.

Well, the range does extend with level, but it still seems to me that without some protection, you're still open to get hit.

Bagpuss wrote:
Torsin wrote:
Bagpuss wrote:
Has anyone posted an account of a combat where this happened? I'm particularly interested in the distance moved and why that wasn't a fairly significant element weakening the HotA power (or else exposing the wizard to danger). Is the damage bonus the significant thing?

As a Universal wizard, I love it, but, it does put the caster in danger,

because, you are concentrating on the weapon, I have been told by the gamemaster it is useable only up to 30 feet away, and if you are not
in armour, you AC is crap, so---- you can get hit.
Well, the range does extend with level, but it still seems to me that without some protection, you're still open to get hit.

Yes, you are, and the weight limit is 5lbs, it limits itself easily.

I think most people here are missing the main power of this ability, and over rating other powers this ability has. While it grants their casting stat in bonus to hit and damage, this is close but not identical to the power of a two handed weapon user. A combatant of this type gets 1.5 strength damage and probably has a full base attack. Plus people forget, us included, that the weight limit of this ability is 5 lbs. This restricts the damage output to at worst a long sword or scimitar. One can get a weapon made out of mithral, but that is by no means a to-start factor, and by then a wizard probably has a much better selection of spells to spend her actions on.

Now the real power of this ability is its versatility and usefulness. This ability can grab about anything. Your trapped in some sort of cage trap. The release leaver is out of reach, bam! your out and ambushing your captive as he comes to inspect and gloat among his new captives. Personaly I think there needs to be a feat specific for this ability that lows a wizard to use half their int modifer +4 in pounds that the ability can hold to keep it being more useful in later levels, but that aside if a wizard is tricky enough it can do all sort of things, like have invisibility, stand next to a target and have the hand draw an opponent's or friend's weapon from them to help or hinder them, and then run away in the surprise round if the target was an opponent's item. I don't see why an unexpecting target would be any different that a willing target to drawing an item from them.

Sovereign Court

But every mage is surely going to otherwise have mage hand prepared as an at-will cantrip anyhow, with the new rules, right? So, as someone pointed out, HotA saves them a cantrip, but the real power of this is what it does that mage hand just can't, which is to say, hold a weapon to attack. However, as I've said, I don't think that that ability is, in itself, too good. As for unexpected removal of a weapon from an unwilling target, I just don't think that's the same as expected removal from a willing target.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I am considering ditching the Int bonus on damage.. it is a bit too good.

Please NO! Trust me, while it seems overpowered at first it is alright.

Sovereign Court

First playtest of it tonight, first level; didn't seem too powerful at all (I kept Int bonus to hit, discarded it for damage; elven wizard using a longsword), although in restricted spaces it would appear to have a large tactical advantage if it occupies the square it's in. Maybe Jason already mentioned this, but as it doesn't AoO it seems that somehow it shouldn't be able to block a square for movement through it (although what if someone tries to end the move in its square?).

It may have been covered, but can you use Arcane strike with the weapon?

Eric Stipe wrote:
It may have been covered, but can you use Arcane strike with the weapon?

Don't know, Jason said he'd get back to us but, sadly, he never did. :(

Liberty's Edge

We just started a 1st level campaign using PF rules.

The wizard (universalist) in my game is using this ability to attack with his bonded item (a quarterstaff) and is expecting to get 1.5 INT damage since it's a two-handed weapon.

He wound up being one of the most effective combatants doing 1d6+7 points of damage each round (started with a 20 INT) with a +5 bonus to attacks. As a bonded item it will continue to get better, too.



Robert Brambley wrote:

We just started a 1st level campaign using PF rules.

The wizard (universalist) in my game is using this ability to attack with his bonded item (a quarterstaff) and is expecting to get 1.5 INT damage since it's a two-handed weapon.

He wound up being one of the most effective combatants doing 1d6+7 points of damage each round (started with a 20 INT) with a +5 bonus to attacks. As a bonded item it will continue to get better, too.



I'm not a big fan of the INT bonus to damage. Jason has said he's thinking of eliminating it altogether. In the game I run, I took it down to half INT bonus to damage. It's still very effective. As for 1.5xINT to damage, I think that's right out, no way I allow that. I'm not even sure HotA should be used for a Qstaff - that's a 2h weapon and it's HAND of the Apprentice, not HANDS. I think that's a long stretch of the ability.

Liberty's Edge

cephyn wrote:
that's a 2h weapon and it's HAND of the Apprentice, not HANDS. I think that's a long stretch of the ability.

Thats funny that's the exact quote I used with the player. "Hand, not Hands!"


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