Hopeless's Legends are Made, not Born


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Herve Esterel wrote:
Perception 15 Knowledge Arcana 10

Herve only:

You don't recognise what was thrown but after it clears up you glance around making sure that was all that was thrown, its then you notice this menacing figure gazing at Tenna's back with a really evil grin on his face.

The Imp
Let me know if you can't see this



Front entrance
Let me know if you can't see this.

Perception 2 Hopeless, have you thought of using something like Photobucket for your image hosting?

Brallin is keeping up the rear with Tenna, like before. Is the cave large enough to bring his horse in?

Brallin the North Wind Warrior wrote:

Perception 2 Hopeless, have you thought of using something like Photobucket for your image hosting?

Brallin is keeping up the rear with Tenna, like before. Is the cave large enough to bring his horse in?

Its big enough for an Ogre so it can fit but it would find it difficult given the scent of the creatures within

Okay here goes
Front Entrance
Let me know if this works better for everyone than what I have been using so I can switch over.

Herve only:


Hope this works better for Herve
The Very Smelly Visitor

Bogorin punches Willy on the arm, not lightly, as he roars "Whiskey! Ye 'ad whiskey on board an' ye dinnae tell me! And now ye've gone n' forgat it! Now I'm sober and aboot tae fight n' Ogre! Why I've a mind tae..." He suddenly runs out of steam however as a thought seems to come to him and a slightly amazed expression comes over his face "...I'm Sober...... I dinnae think I been in this state fer...well, I rightly don know..." He seems to be in slight shock for a few more moments as he tries to decide how he feels about this new state of affairs

Finally he shakes himself and, getting his head back to the important matters at hand, starts to cautiously move forward into the cave, hammer and shield in battle position. He can be still heard to grumble though "...fergittin Whiskey!..."

After a few more moments he suddenly yells out "and fer @#%! %^#$ sake what in the %@$$ ^*&%# is that blasted smell!"

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

For the DM


"I see the pictures ok but I don't understand where eveyone is . Can you give me an idea of where eveyone is with distance included ?
You are talking about an imp , can I assume it's a small creature and a different one on the bluff ? "

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

"Ouch!" says Willy when Bogorin punches him. "Save it for the ogre will ya? Sorry about the whiskey, I kinda forgot about it with all the yellin' and goblin chasin'."

"Come on ya stinky ogre, we're waitin'!"

With the sunrod thrown into the cave can Willy see anything in there?

Herve Esterel wrote:

For the DM

** spoiler omitted **

Herve only so far:


Hopefully this should be better let me know if there's any problems

Roughly the group at the entrance

The creature is roughly about the size of a halfling except this creature is no cherub the best description is quite literally a devilish imp, so far Herve is the only one to notice it and that was because of the conversation he was having with whoever is at the top of the hill, you can't see who it is up there but you assume he isn't on the side of the Imp given he's just revealed its presence...

Willard Barnable wrote:

"Ouch!" says Willy when Bogorin punches him. "Save it for the ogre will ya? Sorry about the whiskey, I kinda forgot about it with all the yellin' and goblin chasin'."

"Come on ya stinky ogre, we're waitin'!"

With the sunrod thrown into the cave can Willy see anything in there?

The sunrod reveals that the corridor that turns left opens into a cavern that has been sealed by what looks like a rusted and very crude portcullis, on the right however where he can hear scampering of movement it seems to head on out of sight around the corner.

The stink however is coming from somewhere behind you

Bogorin checks out the portcullis. He also tries to identify where the horrid smell is coming from feel free to roll for me

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Willy stays with Bogorin. He picks up the sunrod, and looks around the corner where the scampering sound is coming from.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Tenna peered past the others, trying to catch a glimpse of what they were looking for, but the smell and feeling of being watched kept her swinging her head back and forth, desperately trying to keep her bow trained on whatever incoming danger showed its face first.

Perception: 17

"Gods! What's that smell?" she whispered.

Is this Imp that's a few feet away from us Invisible or something? Why can't we see it?

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

With a sigh , Herve sheathes his sword and unstraps his shield .
'Sorry guys , my mistake, I really '
He suddendly stop talking and charges Tenna !

For the DM


He doesn't charge Tenna but the imp in an attempts to surprise and grapple it . This does provoke an attack of opportunity since he is trying to do something he is not trained for . He has his chances !
Grapple 21
Sorry for making you wait , I wanted to check how the new grapple is working

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Bogorin checks out the portcullis. He also tries to identify where the horrid smell is coming from feel free to roll for me

The scent fades somewhat as you move in looking at the portcullis you see movement within and recognise the scent thats overcoming the horrible smell from outside... within the cavern thats closed off by the portcullis is a herd of sheep!

Evidently they keep their livestock near the entrance so they can take them outside to graze unwilling to store them any further inside.
However looking towards the right where the scampering noise is coming from you see first the hobgoblin who now has a comrade with him and between them and you are three fire beetles whom the hobgoblin handler is directing them to charge at both you and Willy!

You can make Initiative rolls or keep it passive (ie: +10 to your base initative score) if you wish

Willard Barnable wrote:
Willy stays with Bogorin. He picks up the sunrod, and looks around the corner where the scampering sound is coming from.

Standing near the end of this corridor is a pair of hobgoblin soldiers and between them and you are a trio of fire beetles being herded towards you by their Hobgoblin handler.

Please make an Initiative roll or you can take it as passive (ie Take 10 on this roll, sorry keep getting this mixed up with 4e!)

Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna peered past the others, trying to catch a glimpse of what they were looking for, but the smell and feeling of being watched kept her swinging her head back and forth, desperately trying to keep her bow trained on whatever incoming danger showed its face first.

Perception: 17

"Gods! What's that smell?" she whispered.

Please make a Will save any bonuses you have versus fear apply and you can make a free Knowledge/Local check in that if you don't have ranks in that skill just roll a d20 and add any Intelligence modifier bonus to it

Turning around you straight at a small figure floating in mid air looking at you with a remarkably evil grin on its face.

Pretty much looks like this

Brallin the North Wind Warrior wrote:
Is this Imp that's a few feet away from us Invisible or something? Why can't we see it?

It was behind you and you couldn't see it until after the cloud from the vial disappeared

Noticing Tenna looking behind you do the same and notice the same creature looking at her with an evil grin on its face...

See the message just before this for the link to see what it looks like, its about the size of a halfing but absolutely not cherubic in looks!

Herve Esterel wrote:

With a sigh , Herve sheathes his sword and unstraps his shield .

'Sorry guys , my mistake, I really '
He suddendly stop talking and charges Tenna !

No problem as I understand it if you try to grapple the target they get an AOO on you to prevent this from happening HOWEVER it has just now realised it can be seen (or will once Tenna's next post arrives) so it has been caught by surprise so I'll double check the rules but with a roll of 21 I believe you're currently grappling the small sized devil!

As both Brallin and Tenna look at the floating devil it looks back its evil grin changes to one of outrage as Herve leaps across and grabs it and the pair start wrestling as the aristocrat tries to secure the very foul smelling devil!

Initiative 7. So we could see the cloud the whole time? Brallin would have been keeping his eye on it throughout this whole affair. He's got a reach weapon, and he's taken rear guard. He wouldn't be a very good rear guard if he wasn't keeping an eye both in front and behind him. And how far away are we from each other. I imagined we weren't more than a few feet away from each other. Do we not all see the imp, and the hobgoblins, and the beetles? Either way, Brallin will ready an action to strike out at the Imp if it breaks free of Herve or makes any attempt to assault the party.

"Keep your wits about you everyone! We're being ambushed from all sides! Herve, watch out for that thing!"

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4
Brallin the North Wind Warrior wrote:

"Keep your wits about you everyone! We're being ambushed from all sides! Herve, watch out for that thing!"

"What the hell do you think I'm doing !"

"Well, I mean watch out for it's claws, and tail! They look nasty. Hold it still, and I'll smack it!"

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Initiative: 1d20+1=19

"Here they come Bogey!" Willy yells. He drops the sunrod grabs his axe with both hands and awaits the charge, a cold fury building inside.

Readying an attack for as soon as an enemy enters a threatened square. Raging. Overhand Chop.

melee attack: 1d20+8=19
damage: 1d12+12=15

AC is now 8.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Will Save: 18

Knowledge(local) : 19

"GODS!" Tenna screamed, stumbling back and barely stopping herself from launching the special arrow. She hurriedly shoved it back into her quiver and brought out a normal one, trying to nock it and bring it to bear on the fiendish creature.

Initiative: 10

If the Will Save passes:

She let the arrow fly, taking a step back away from it. The shock of seeing the imp kept her fear at bay for the moment.

Attack Roll : 11, Damage : 3
I messed up using Invisible Castle. I had never used it for two rolls at the same time before, so you might want to look at it. Sorry about that.

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)

Initiative check 1d20+6=13

"Brallin watch the imp! I'll help Willy and Bogorin!"

Talden charges forward to help Willy and Bogorin against the beetles.

Brallin the North Wind Warrior wrote:

Initiative 7. So we could see the cloud the whole time? Brallin would have been keeping his eye on it throughout this whole affair. He's got a reach weapon, and he's taken rear guard. He wouldn't be a very good rear guard if he wasn't keeping an eye both in front and behind him. And how far away are we from each other. I imagined we weren't more than a few feet away from each other. Do we not all see the imp, and the hobgoblins, and the beetles? Either way, Brallin will ready an action to strike out at the Imp if it breaks free of Herve or makes any attempt to assault the party.

"Keep your wits about you everyone! We're being ambushed from all sides! Herve, watch out for that thing!"

Someone threw a vial from the top of the hill when it broke it released a cloud of smoke that covered all of you briefly but had no discernable effect, however only Herve made a point of looking which is why he noticed the devil first, the scent was an indication something was wrong but its only now you can see it as prior to this as far as you are concerned it wasn't there, only Bogorin and Willy can see the fire beetles and the hobgoblins as they're down the corridor on the right out of sight from the cave mouth.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Initiative 15

Willard Barnable wrote:

Initiative: 1d20+1=19

"Here they come Bogey!" Willy yells. He drops the sunrod grabs his axe with both hands and awaits the charge, a cold fury building inside.
Readying an attack for as soon as an enemy enters a threatened square. Raging. Overhand Chop.
melee attack: 1d20+8=19
damage: 1d12+12=15
AC is now 8.

Okay let me know if you can't see this

The Battle Within and the Grapple Outside Map

Tenna's arrow misses both the Imp and Herve (luckily) however she does remember something important as well as keeping calm during this shocking experience...

Tenna Only:

This isn't an imp, such creatures prefer to take other forms and even though it looks devilish enough being of Chelish ancestry you've heard enough stories to realise this must be something else posing as an imp

Okay Initiative scores:

The Imp 23
Willy 19
Herve 15
Hobgoblin Captain 15
Talden 13
Hobgoblin Handler 11
Bogorin 11
Tenna 10
Giant Fire Beetles 8
Brallin 7

Okay on 23 the Imp tries to break free from Herve (rolled a 7+4 for 11 not enough to break free)
On 19 Willy prepares to attack the fire beetles but they won't act until 8.
Herve is up next.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Herve continues valiantly to grapple the imp .
but doen't succeed to pin it

Herve Esterel wrote:

Herve continues valiantly to grapple the imp .

but doen't succeed to pin it

However it still doesn't manage to break free either.

Meanwhile inside the lair the Hobgoblin Captain pulls forth a javellin from his backpack and gestures it ahead at the waiting pair of adventurers' and hollers.
"ATTACK already!"

He then pulls back out of sight into what looks like another cavern to the north at the top of the corridor.

Talden's go

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)

Charge attack against beetle 1d20 +6 (+2 BA, +2 Str, +2 Charge) (1d20+6=19)

Melee damage against beetle (1d8+2=3)

Talden charges the beetle on the right and swings viciously with his axe intent on splitting its head open.

Talden's AC=15 for the remainder of the round due to his charge attack

Talden Skard wrote:

Charge attack against beetle 1d20 +6 (+2 BA, +2 Str, +2 Charge) (1d20+6=19)

Melee damage against beetle (1d8+2=3)

Talden charges the beetle on the right and swings viciously with his axe intent on splitting its head open.

Talden's AC=15 for the remainder of the round due to his charge attack

Launching past Willy, Talden manages to send one of the incoming fire beetles back towards its handler albeit badly wounding it in the process.

The other two now charging straight towards Talden instead of Bogorin are caught unawares as Willy's axe cuts straight through one of them, unfortunately it means the last of the fire beetles has cut short its charge to concentrate on Talden...

The Hobgoblin handler is somewhat mad with rage at seeing his prized pets all but slain by the oncoming heroes and pulling forth a javellin he turns and throws it at Willy.

Hobgoblin is a 1st level warrior rolls a 19+2 for 21 to hit doing 2pts of damage to Willy.
Bogorin is up next.

"Oh no ye don't!" the mad dwarf roars "ye'll not be hogging all the mashing fer yerselves This time!" and the battle mad Bogorin goes charging (1d20+4=13, 1d8+2=9) at either the remaining beetle or his handler, whichever he can reach fist and bashes him.
(+2 to hit if the charge works)

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

"Oh no ye don't!" the mad dwarf roars "ye'll not be hogging all the mashing fer yerselves This time!" and the battle mad Bogorin goes charging (1d20+4=13, 1d8+2=9) at either the remaining beetle or his handler, whichever he can reach fist and bashes him.

(+2 to hit if the charge works)

Whoops mixed up the hobgoblins!

The handler having already thrown his javellin is busy drawing another as Bogorin slams into him sending him flying backwards...

He bounces off a wall and crashes to the floor dropping his javellin as he remains there and looks reasonably dead enough but you remember what happened the last time that happened...

Tenna's go

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

With the holidays , I'll be far from my computer till monday. Feel free to make the character act if necessary

Herve Esterel wrote:

With the holidays , I'll be far from my computer till monday. Feel free to make the character act if necessary

No worries and more importantly merry christmas to one and all!

So we still got game here?

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
So we still got game here?

Due to the holidays , there has been a big lag . Hopefully , Tenna and the others should be back next week

So far Herve is grappling the imp outside Tenna has her bow out and ready to shoot it once she has a clear shot with Brallin beside her trying to help Herve.

Meanwhile inside Talden is being engaged by a fire beetle whilst one of the two hobgoblins has been felled by Bogorin whilst the other had fled back into a cavern nearby with a wounded fire beetle and the one trying to strike at Talden left between the three adventurers and the interior of the Ogre's Lair.

Will update both maps next chance I get, by the way happy new year!

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Sorry for the delay. Yeah, the holidays got me too.

Tenna's eyes widened with the sudden realization that followed her initial shock. As she fought to steady her aim on the jumbled mess of Herve and....she wasn't sure what...she yelled out, "Be careful! It's not an imp! I don't know what it is, but it isn't an imp!" She loosed her arrow.

Ranged Attack : 17
Damage: 5

Thank goodness for Precise Shot

Tenna Milcress wrote:

Sorry for the delay. Yeah, the holidays got me too.

Tenna's eyes widened with the sudden realization that followed her initial shock. As she fought to steady her aim on the jumbled mess of Herve and....she wasn't sure what...she yelled out, "Be careful! It's not an imp! I don't know what it is, but it isn't an imp!" She loosed her arrow.

Ranged Attack : 17
Damage: 5

Thank goodness for Precise Shot

Updated map

Tenna's arrow neatly passes through where the imp should have been however it seems to fold itself even smaller and evades both the arrow and Herve's grasp as it neatly disappears without so much as a curse.

Everyone outside please make a Will save, any bonuses against fear do apply in this case

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Herve is a tough man : will save 23 (natural 20)

By the stone !

there must be an error in the map , the hob and the beetles should be inside the corridor

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

I think that's the legend to the map. Do the beetles get an attack against Willy and/or Bogorin?

It's been so long I lost my dot.

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
hopeless wrote:

Meanwhile inside Talden is being engaged by a fire beetle whilst one of the two hobgoblins has been felled by Bogorin whilst the other had fled back into a cavern nearby with a wounded fire beetle and the one trying to strike at Talden left between the three adventurers and the interior of the Ogre's Lair.

Talden swings once again aiming for the the beetle standing next to him.

Melee attack against beetle 1d20 + 4 (+2 BA, +2 STR) (1d20+4=16)

Battleax damage 1d8 +2 (+2 str) (1d8+2=6)

Assuming that the beetle dies...
"Lets head back and help the others!" Talden turns and moves back to the entrance to help the others.

Also lost my dot. Will Save 18

Willard Barnable wrote:

I think that's the legend to the map. Do the beetles get an attack against Willy and/or Bogorin?

It's been so long I lost my dot.

No one was wounded the other is the one attacking Talden

Talden Skard wrote:
hopeless wrote:

Meanwhile inside Talden is being engaged by a fire beetle whilst one of the two hobgoblins has been felled by Bogorin whilst the other had fled back into a cavern nearby with a wounded fire beetle and the one trying to strike at Talden left between the three adventurers and the interior of the Ogre's Lair.

Talden swings once again aiming for the the beetle standing next to him.

Melee attack against beetle 1d20 + 4 (+2 BA, +2 STR) (1d20+4=16)

Battleax damage 1d8 +2 (+2 str) (1d8+2=6)

Assuming that the beetle dies...
"Lets head back and help the others!" Talden turns and moves back to the entrance to help the others.

Oh yes thats another beetle down

With a quick swing Talden sends the beetle back in two pieces even as the last of the beetles tries to scuttle away but is having great trouble as it looks like its lost a few of its legs on one side of its body...

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

So the beetle willy hit ran?

Willy yells and charges at the fleeing beetle.

If its possible to charge Willy does.

attack, raging, charging: 1d20+10=30
crit confirm: 1d20+10=21
damage !?: 3d12+36=50

AC is now 6 if charging

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Tenna quickly nocked another arrow, steadying her aim at the creature, whatever it really was, Herve was entangled with.

She didn't notice that her breathing had become more regular as she fell into a sort of routine with her hands and aiming.

Ranged Attack: 16
Damage: 4

Willard Barnable wrote:

So the beetle willy hit ran?

Willy yells and charges at the fleeing beetle.

If its possible to charge Willy does.

attack, raging, charging: 1d20+10=30
crit confirm: 1d20+10=21
damage !?: 3d12+36=50

AC is now 6 if charging

Willy charges past and swinging his great axe manages to reduce the fleeing fire beetles already badly damaged body into a mess that covers most of the corridor wall leading away from the cavern the hobgoblin commander has just fled into fortunately this means the mess is nowhere near the others the bad news is that unless there's another exit from that cavern that leads past that corridor it means its going to be very slippery indeed to maneuver past the corridor and further inside the ogre's lair...

Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna quickly nocked another arrow, steadying her aim at the creature, whatever it really was, Herve was entangled with.

She didn't notice that her breathing had become more regular as she fell into a sort of routine with her hands and aiming.

Ranged Attack: 16
Damage: 4

You hold your aim but the creature has vanished, Herve gets up and dusts himself down taking time to look around as the fear that engulfed them seems to fade almost as rapidly as it manifested, so has the foul smell but that doesn't make you lower your guard.

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