Pathfinder Society Scenario Open Call

Society Scenario Submissions

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It seems the goblins that infest our offices devoured the blog post announcing this important event. It is now posted, though, so be sure to read today's Paizo daily blog and check out the soon-to-be-launched Pathfinder Society scenario open call.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

If my calculations are correct (and I'll be the first to admit that they often aren't) scenarios 17 and 18 should be coming out in March, not January. Has the schedule of two-per-month been changed?

They are March. We caught that error but evidently haven't made the change yet.

Liberty's Edge

If it's not too much to ask for, it'd really help first-time authors to see what a 750 word outline might look like. Maybe an example could go up for one of the previously released scenarios? I don't know about others but I'm always super-paranoid about the format and such and remembering back to High School English and whether or not I'll be blasted for not using Roman Numerals and capital letters properly =p

When I announce the summaries I will post a very basic (VERY basic) outline structure for the scenarios. However, it should be rather easy to get one of the scenarios, read it, and then constrain your outline to 750 words based on that.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I am excited that Paizo once again offers this opportunity for aspiring freelancers.

Very cool, Paizo!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Is there a guideline as to what character level you're looking to challenge? (If a player's adventured through all the published scenarios with the same PC, she could first reach adventures 17 and 18 around 6th level, but Josh could be asking for something higher level (for people who reach them later in their careers) or lower level (for people whose PC's died in February's scenarios).

Silver Crusade

I expect there will be level requirements, and if it's like the current modules there will be two tiers. Since vampires tend to be at least middling CR, I'd guess Tier 7-8 and 10-11.

Pirates and spiders should be an interesting combination.

I have a few idea for scenarios and wonder if there was a email I could submit them to.
also. who or what determines boons for conventions. can I make suggestion for those as well.
please email mail me at

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
vangard wrote:

I have a few idea for scenarios and wonder if there was a email I could submit them to.

also. who or what determines boons for conventions. can I make suggestion for those as well.
please email mail me at

Hi vangard,

At this time the Pathfinder Society Open Call is the main way to put oneself forward as an author. As I have advised many recent applicants, the current convention season makes it unlikely I'll make much progress on that inbox for a few months. Note that nobody at Paizo can accept or open any unsolicited pitches sent by email for legal reasons; those get deleted immediately.

I am the principle author of the convention boons, though Linda and Tonya help write and brainstorm many. If there is a mechanic you would like to see in a boon, you're welcome to post it in the Pathfinder Society general discussion. That also helps me see if that boon idea might be popular with others, too. You can also use that space to talk about scenario locations, styles, and organizations you would like to see more often in the campaign.

Just keep in mind that while I keep an eye out for what our players would like to see, I very rarely draw authors directly from the messageboards. Most are through the Open Call, RPG Superstar, recommendation by my colleagues (including 3rd party publishers), and sometimes from the campaign's volunteer corps. When I do offer an assignment to a community member, it's because I am consistently impressed by that person's contributions to the community and feel for the campaign. Perhaps discussing some boon ideas publicly could be your first step down that path.

(Writing boons was basically the start of my career here, after all.)

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

With the recent change to many Pathfinder Society pages, the text for the Pathfinder Society Open Call has disappeared. This is an oversight on our part, as the Open Call's old neighbor (how to become a venture-officer) is now on its own page. I'm taking this as an opportunity to revise the Open Call, its guidelines, and its recommendations.

The current projection is that the Open Call will relaunch quite soon and that it will remain a quest submission of 2,000 words or less. I anticipate posting a blog once it has returned in full force and is accessible on In the meantime, I've been emailing the old guidelines document to a few inquiring writers while cautioning that some of the rules are undergoing revision.

The Exchange

John Compton wrote:

With the recent change to many Pathfinder Society pages, the text for the Pathfinder Society Open Call has disappeared. This is an oversight on our part, as the Open Call's old neighbor (how to become a venture-officer) is now on its own page. I'm taking this as an opportunity to revise the Open Call, its guidelines, and its recommendations.

The current projection is that the Open Call will relaunch quite soon and that it will remain a quest submission of 2,000 words or less. I anticipate posting a blog once it has returned in full force and is accessible on In the meantime, I've been emailing the old guidelines document to a few inquiring writers while cautioning that some of the rules are undergoing revision.

Should quests which were submitted before Gencon expect to be revised to meet the new guidelines?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
John Compton wrote:
At this time the Pathfinder Society Open Call is the main way to put oneself forward as an author.

As an fyi, the link is currently broken, asks you to log in and then tells you you've made too many requests for the page.

Two years ago I sat in on the writing for Paizo session at PaizoCon, not primarily a game mechanics writer - with all the epub published bits that are sold on the website, is there consideration for traditional writers who are fans of the setting to possibly put submissions up as well?

The PFS Open Call is currently inactive, with new guidelines apparently under consideration.

In the meantime, there are plenty of Third-Party Publishers (3PP) with ongoing open calls, and Wayfinder magazine is also open. (Note: Wayfinder #18's theme hasn't been announced yet, but keep an eye open for it!)

Scarab Sages

GM Lamplighter wrote:

The PFS Open Call is currently inactive, with new guidelines apparently under consideration.

In the meantime, there are plenty of Third-Party Publishers (3PP) with ongoing open calls, and Wayfinder magazine is also open. (Note: Wayfinder #18's theme hasn't been announced yet, but keep an eye open for it!)

Wayfinder #18 is tentatively Fey centered.


Have there been any updates on open call? I used to write a few things for Dragon Magazine, and after getting into PFS I've been wanting to pitch some scenarios.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Lead Developer

Michael Haneline wrote:
Have there been any updates on open call? I used to write a few things for Dragon Magazine, and after getting into PFS I've been wanting to pitch some scenarios.

Hi Michael. The latest on the Open Call showed up in a different thread recently.

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