vangard's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 1 post. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 84 Organized Play characters.

Full Name





bard 3 sor2









Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 20

About vangard

Raised on the planet Akiton, the fourth planet from the sun, a cold, harsh, red desert world. Melody was born to a half elf mother and unknown father who abandon them both before melody was born,
Her mother never spoke of her father and even after fifty years not one word was said about him.
However it is very apparent that tiefling blood of some linage runs in her. Having a catlike tail. Much like that of a tiger, Having the same pointed horns and tail where true signs of that. Also have almond shaped emerald green cat like eyes,. It the only clue to what he parentage may have been,
A Man named Adril killed Odrian’s. The current and rightful ruler of Akiton. As Odrian fell, his entire household, save his wife Princess Verrish, was put to the sword, and the city’s council and Odrian’s cabinet were burned alive in the city’s Crimson Forum, it’s dormant past as a bloodsport arena violently reawakened. Her mother spoke out against this. She tried to organize a counter coup but failed. For this was sent to the arena. Melody was hidden away by Ludwig. Her music instructor.
Then Ludwig was dragged off to the arena and slaughtered. It would have been Melody’s fate as well if it were not for some brave pathfinders. One being a female dwarf, Ava Stonehenge took Melody under her wing and sponsored her.