Sceptor Tower of Spellgard - Discussion thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Elmo carries around a lot of ego for a kobold.


He sees himself as the proud bearer of draconic heritage with added style. In his own head, he's a swashbuckling hero. He really doesn't like being stunned. The reality of being small, scaly and not very lovable simply hasn't got through to him.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Gah, where's my beautiful dot?!

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Sorry to interrupt the thread, but I'm working on a new idea for an pbp game. And since I play with pretty much all of you in other games, would like your opinions of what I have so far.

I'm looking for 4-5 players.

Before Character generation all players need to roll 1d4.

Character generation: 25 point buy, as in Pathfinder Beta

Books allowed: Pathfinder Beta

Variants: We will be using the Defense Bonus, and Armor Damage Reduction Values (with a change to DR values) from Unearthed Arcana. Armor now gives it’s full AC total to DR, but no bonus to armor (studded leather DR 3/-, armor bonus 0).

We will also be using Action Points. Every character begins with 5 action points. Action points can be used to take an additional standard, move or swift action. You may also use them to a d20 roll (including attack rolls, saves, checks, or any other d20 roll)

Restrictions: No spellcasting classes are allowed; Humans are the only playable race.

Staring gold: 150 gp

Starting hp: Max hit points, plus Constitution Score

Rolls done on invisblecastle

Ten years ago, an inscrutable and abnormal territory known as Hell's Gate appeared in Absalom and altered the sky and wreaked havoc on the landscape. The heavenly bodies disappeared, replaced by false stars. During this time, people who possess various special abilities emerged. Kept secret from the knowledge of the masses, these individuals, known as Contractors, are able to murder in cold blood. Various nations around the world use Contractors as spies and agents, often resulting in violent battles for information.

This game take place in alternate reality of Golarion. A place where Human are the only race and magic is unheard of. The character for one reason or another are working for The Syndicate, a mysterious underground organization. It’s operatives work with both Contractors and Dolls to achieve their objectives, and even have access to Gate 'technology' in order to erase sightings of their affairs from witness' minds.




First up, this wouldn't be a game for me. I'm finding PFRPG and 3.5 increasingly difficult to get my brain around - but that's my problem and not in any way a criticism of your outline.

The premise sounds interesting and one that would make for good game play. It reads intriguingly and I hope you get the chance to run it. My only tiny proviso is that with a no-caster party, at low levels you're effectively running a meat grinder unless it has a pretty heavy emphasis on social encounters to balance it out.


I'm in the same boat as Rosey. As much as I love Golarion, I've gone to 4E and not looked back. If you wanted to run Scales of War. . .

Dark Archive

For Lazaro

I'm game for anything.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Thanks for opinions, I do plan on running 'Scales' as soon as my Essence of Evil has ended.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Lazaro wrote:
Thanks for opinions, I do plan on running 'Scales' as soon as my Essence of Evil has ended.

Let me know. I would love to play in a Scales campaign.

Male Human Geek 10

I just wanted to hop on and say you guys are great! I have really enjoyed the way both Rosey is running the game and the various players are playing. I am having a lot of fun just reading about your game. (and um, if you need an alternate, I would be glad to hop in and play with you guys any time)That's all. I can't wait to see what happens next.

(I hope I wasn't out of line just posting here. No offense intended)


Thank you!

I'll put you down as an alternate with pleasure.

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Y'all're most welcome. I'd like it t' be known that ma swordplay is generally of a higher calibre than what has most recently been seen.

Male Human Geek 10

Yeah, but it is your acting that has been superb, Fabes. Fairwind is one of the most interesting characters I have come across lately. And its not your fault that the gorram vampire is immune to normal weapons (or has a really high damage reduction).

Thanks Rosey. Should I roll up a char now or should I wait until you need me?? I had a couple of ideas....

Character 1

a ranged specialist, either ranger or possibly a rogue. fairwind is a ranger, so i was thinking maybe a crossbow wielding rogue who quickdraws in melee if the beasties get too close. backstory could be tomb raider who came to spellgard seeking money, not knowledge, but i can come up with a question if needed. something about love or true love. (so far nobody's come up with that, i think)

Character 2

since otto was a warlock and had to drop out, I could play a warlock. fey pact or star pact. star pact could be interesting, like a somewhat crazy astrologer who mutters to himself and talks about signs and omens all the time. he would be a seeker, but just what he would be seeking i have yet to come up with.

let me know if either of those fit with what your doing. Heck, I would be glad to play Harrak or Devlin at this point, just to get in.


Well now. That's an interesting offer.

I'll put it to the players as it's really more their decision than mine at this point. I'm happy to run with seven, but it's their game. I'm just the facilitator. Thoughts folks?

Barthus, by the way has no special resistances to normal weapons, just a high AC and decent defences. He's a solo. I'm enjoying him and will miss him when he's gone.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Cale Noor wrote:

I just wanted to hop on and say you guys are great! I have really enjoyed the way both Rosey is running the game and the various players are playing.

If you think Rev is good as a DM, you should see her playing Elmo the Kobold Swordmage. Checkout DM Dave's Nentir Vale campaign for all the scaley goodness.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Rev Rosey wrote:

Well now. That's an interesting offer.

I'll put it to the players as it's really more their decision than mine at this point. I'm happy to run with seven, but it's their game. I'm just the facilitator. Thoughts folks?

I'm game for another, so long as it doesn't step on anyone elses toes. Perigia wouldn't mind having a little help in the ranged combat department.

No particular opinion, so I guess that's an assent.

Male Human Geek 10
David Fryer wrote:
Cale Noor wrote:

I just wanted to hop on and say you guys are great! I have really enjoyed the way both Rosey is running the game and the various players are playing.

If you think Rev is good as a DM, you should see her playing Elmo the Kobold Swordmage. Checkout DM Dave's Nentir Vale campaign for all the scaley goodness.

If it is as interesting as this one, I will definitely have to do that. I love reading an interesting adventure. It is the next best thing to playing one. I read that bit earlier about Rosey's "lil' Elmo" and sounds like a really great character. I'll check it out.


Cale Noor

Official bad stuff warning

I'm extremely officious about posting for absent characters. Daily posting or notice of absence is a must - if that's a problem then this really isn't the game for you.

As long as you're happy with that, then rustle me up a character and I'll sort out a way of easing you in. That may take a while, so bear with me.


There are a couple of options here. The most obvious to me is for you to take over Snaggletooth. I have him statted up enough to run and that gets you in pretty immediately. Let me know if that's what you want to do and I'll fill you in a bit more on Snaggle's inner workings.

Otherwise, if you want to build your own pc from scratch, the tomb robber sounds good.

Level 4 pc please. You'll have one each of a level 3, 4 and 5 magic item and 680gp to equip yourself with, however... you'll have been stripped of your magic doodads when the party stumble across you, so list them in your equipment in brackets please.

Your reasons for wanting to be at Spellgard are your own, but I'd suggest that you arrived as an opportunistic thief, worked briefly for Cal Klewsoro and got booted from his camp for some kind of "misunderstanding". Wandering the ruins by yourself, you got ambushed by the Bleak's Band kobolds who were themselves captured (with you in tow) by creepers.

Some ideas to play with anyway. Harrak and Devlin, are not out of the picture, but I'd rather keep them as loose cannons at the moment.


Cale Noor


Thinking about it, I'd prefer you to run Snaggle. By all means create a pc in case anything untoward happens to any of the players, but for immediate gratification, Snaggletooth is far, far easier :D

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

*Renews his dot

Male Human Geek 10


I would love to play the kobold! Mixture of cowardice and cunning, with an alien sensibility. ("Why you do that? Big Ones strange.") I will review the posts to get the voice down and relationships unless you want to get me up to speed on that.

I have only one question. Does Snaggletooth have a secret agenda or is he on the up and up? So far, he is developing into a little sidekick character and comedic relief. I have no problem completing the transformation and making him into an adventurer is his own right. But he is still a kobold. So far, he merely cheerleads and makes opportunistic attacks. I just need to know if my character has a secret agenda already. Otherwise, he is a monsterous PC with a poor (economically speaking)background. (I am assuming he'll be a rogue of some kind)

Also, I will create that crossbow rogue (tomb raider) as a backup. you never know and I have him down on paper already. But being a kobold is fun. And I like Snaggletooth. Thank you for letting me in.


Cale Noor


The crunch on Snaggletooth

Snaggletooth, level 4
Kobold, Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Brutal Scoundrel


Str 16, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 11. (including racial bonuses and level 4 stat boost)

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 17 Will: 14
HP: 43 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 10

Stealth, Thievery, Athletics, Dungeoneering, Perception, Acrobatics.

1: Nimble Blade
2: Fast Runner
4: Backstabber

1, At-Will: Sly Flourish
1, At-Will: Riposte Strike
1, Encounter: Dazing Strike
1, Daily: Blinding Barrage
2, Utility: Sneak in the Attack
3, Encounter: Nasty Backswing

Leather Armor, no weapons at the moment, he just ran out of daggers.

More on the inner workings


Inner workings is too grand a term for it. Snaggletooth just happened.

As you'll know, he was one of the two Dragonshields who surrendered way back on about page 9 and he's hung around ever since. Partly because he amused me, partly because he allowed me to cut out a long, potentially dull, section of the adventure. Not dull if played face to face, I hasten to add, but could be a game killer in a pbp.

Since he started out as a Dragonshield, Brutal Scoundrel seemed a better build for him than Artful Dodger and he's a tough little cookie when statted as a pc.

As far as his voice and mannerisms go, in my head he sounds like a Jim Henson goblin from Labyrinth. His only agenda is to rescue his chum Kneebiter, and he reckoned the party were his best chance of doing that. He's a realist and knows very well that his chances of survival are proportionately greater if they see him as a person, rather than an irritating scaley foe to be squished.

Snaggle has a soft spot for Cronin, who was prepared to heal both him and Kneebiter when they were prisoners and along with Fairwind was the first to agree to help him. In a fight, he'll opt for helping those two first. He's under no illusion that Fairwind trusts him. She's far too clear-sighted to be fooled. He admires that. Brujo scares him witless and he's pretty frightened of Caine as well. The Snaggle jury is out on Perigia and Leo. Cautious neutrality.

At the moment, he's on the road to redemption, but it could be a long haul. First and foremost he wants to find his friend. Then he wants to get rid of the creepers in the Tower so things can go back to normal. At the back of his mind is the idea of gaining a lot more status in Bleak's Band (the kobold gang he belongs to). Life's been pretty simple for Snaggletooth up to now, but that's all changing. He's still a kobold and he'll quite happily do the things nobody else will do - rob tombs, coup de grace fallen foes, backstab, lie and cheat, but at the moment, he's doing them for the party good. He owes them big time and he knows that.

He knows roughly about the White Lady (as the kobolds think of Lady Saharel). It's never occurred to him to ask her anything. Oh - and he sings. He's a baritone, Kneebiter is a tenor. When they get the chance, they sing madrigals. Winter days in the tunnels are long when there aren't any Seekers to ambush.

Snaggletooth is unaligned. Obviously his background and habitat have made many of his activities evil up until now, but he's an honest crook. Bleak's Band just see themselves as clever enough to take advantage of other people's stupidity. They have no hidden agenda to change the world. All they need is a steady supply of Seekers to rob and a world full of tunnels to trap.

Get yourself statted and avatared up and take your turn when it comes up later today. There won't be a huge amount he can do as he's just run out of daggers, but you'll think of something, I've no doubt!

I'm grateful. He's become less and less of an NPC recently and it will be extremely helpful to have someone else control him.

Apologies for the extreme length of these spoilers.

Male Kobold Rogue 6

all ready to go!


did you intentionly pick an at-will that really requires a cha bonus to be effective for a character with no cha bonus? No problem, roll with the changes (REO Speedwagon), just checking, deft strike might be better if you were looking for a melee/ranged power, but I can deal. After all, an extra Cha point is merely 4 lvls away. :)





I did consider Deft Strike and took the route of least likelihood instead. Not sure why really, it just seemed a better fit. You can always retrain it at level 5.

Just a note. You're already ahead of the game as the rest of the group aren't quite level 4. Once they level up, you'll all be on the same XP total and will progress on together. I award double XP for everything, so levelling is pretty quick in pbp terms. Everyone gets the same.

Can you add Passive Ins/Passive Perc somewhere near the top for me and (once you get a weapon back), the actual figures you'll use for your powers. Thanks. Oh - and have fun :D

Male Kobold Rogue 6

Passives are done and I was planning on it. The W tis merely a place holder. I thought about putting a dagger there and decided against it.

Have fun? I already am. :)

Shadow Lodge

Male Human



Sorry to beat a dead horse, but...

After we discussed there being no at-will's for the spellplagued I was reading through the Campaign Setting. When I came across these in the Order of the Blue Flame Section.

Changing Ray (standard; at-will) * Force, Polymorph
Ranged 10; a blue ray warps the target momentarily; +16 vs.
Reflex; 1d8+6 force damage, and the target is dazed until the
end of the loremaster’s next turn.

Spellplague Touch (standard; at-will) * Force
+14 vs. Reflex; 1d4+6 force damage, and the target takes
ongoing 5 force damage (save ends).

Spellplague Orb (standard; at-will) * Force
Ranged 20; +14 vs. Reflex; 1d4+6 force damage, and the
target takes ongoing 5 force damage (save ends).

All the powers belong to the spellscarred members of the order (Copied pasted stright from the pdf). Are these, or a variant of them an option or should I just pick up an encounter power? If so I'll be taking

Scar-Carving Blade Spellscarred Attack 3
Blisters rise on your sword hand and burst, spilling forth redblue
burning blood that crawls up your blade as you strike.

Encounter * Arcane, Fire, Necrotic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC, Dexterity vs. AC, or Constitution vs.
Hit: 1[W] + Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution modifier
damage, and the target is smeared with your burning
spellscarred blood. Your next successful attack against
the target before the end of your next turn causes 5 extra
fire and necrotic damage.




A horse that's far from dead. First up, thanks! I've been going mildly nuts as I knew I'd seen AW powers somewhere. Second up, I'm happy for you to take one of them as an AW, but you'll have to take significantly lower stats on it. (Letting you run around with an AW that has a minimum +14 to attack doing 5 ongoing at not quite level 4 sounds like a game-breaker to me).

So, my suggestion for the amended powers is the following:

You may choose which of St/Dex/Con you use as the modifier. As always, once picked, you can't change your mind.

Changing Ray (standard; at-will) * Force, Polymorph
Ranged 10; a blue ray warps the target momentarily; St/Dex/Con vs.
Reflex; 1d8+Str/Dex/Con force damage, and the target is dazed until the
end of the loremaster’s next turn.

Spellplague Touch (standard; at-will) * Force
St/Dex/Con vs. Reflex; 1d4+St/Dex/Con force damage, and the target takes
ongoing 5 force damage (save ends).

Spellplague Orb (standard; at-will) * Force
Ranged 20; St/Dex/Con vs. Reflex; 1d4+St/Dex/Con force damage, and the
target takes ongoing 5 force damage (save ends).

As far as the encounter power goes, you can "retrain" and acquire more control over your spellscar once you've taken the necessary feat at level 4 (not far off at all).

Does this seem fair?

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Gah, tried to edit my post and wound up deleteing it

Rev Rosey wrote:

Lazaro ** spoiler omitted **



You are one awesome DM, you know that!

Sounds totally fair (like I was going o run around with a +14 to hit ate this level). One question though. Can the attack be based off my Int/Cha/Wis instead, with the ongoing damage based off my str/dex/con (like greenflame blade)? Being most swordmage powers are, and half the Spellscarred are aswell?

If not, again not a problem. Now just to choose. Changin ray is awesome, but Spellplague touch/orb have benifits too.




Yes, you can. That seems fair. Get yourself statted up. I'm awaiting Brujo's inevitable self-flagellation with interest, given that he's severely damaged two companions. He and Leo will be able to bond a little as a result at least.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human



I went with Changing Ray as my at-will. Have it all stated and ready to use.

Heh, roleplaying this with Leo, Fairwind and Caine will be interesting

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Um... could Leo do a bit of laying on of hands, please?

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Tomorrow I will be in a class most of the day. I may get a break or two where I can post but I'm not sure. Please feel free to play Perigia if you need to tomorrow.


I also have classes tomorrow for much of the day, but I'll gladly fire icey doom at Barthus if your turn comes up.

Male Human Geek 10


I hope you don't mind but I am making Snaggletooth more aggressive the deeper we go in. He has two goals- stay alive and save Kneebiter. He is an opportunist, so he will still strive to make a difference when it is more convienant for him to do so. Success will embolden him and failure will discourage him to act contrary to his more cowardly nature. Besides, I don't want spend the rest of the game hiding behind Cronin or Perigia. Get in, attack, get out. "The Kobold Way" As another motivation, since he wants to become a leader in his gang, possibily even taking it over, and also since the adventurers are the srongest group he has ever seen so far, he wishes to emulate them. Just wanted you to understand my reasoning behind the shift from DMPC to PC. Oh, and by the way, if Snaggletooth starts making an impact in combat and out, he will be looking for some spoils. If the party doesn't "reward" him for his actions, he will start sneaking stuff, like he did with the daggers. (Note: not from the other adventurers, Snaggle isn't stupid or suicidal, but he will start looking for stuff to take and will not give it up to the party collection (like the luckdagger he found before))


Cale Noor


Go for it. He needs to think like a pc now. Your reasoning matches his behaviour so far. Feel free to let him develop in the way that seems best to you. Snaggletooth has always seemed extremely opportunistic to me, ever since he surrendered back in the ruins.

He has never been inside the Tower by the way, so his knowledge of it is nil.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

This fight is a complete nightmare. I will get Fairwind Second Wind-ed and then have to pull out the Daily.

Male Human Geek 10

I hate vampires. :(


He was doing remarkably well. Now, not so much.

Male Human Geek 10

I really hope we don't have to face this guy again.


thanks for picking Nasty Backswing. that is not one of the powers I would've selected myself and it is so awesome. free action on a miss and it grants CA?? Snaggletooth thanks you.

Male Human Geek 10

Aw, Man. Stupid vampire and his stupid flying cloud trick. Dave, it's up to you and Pat and Lazaro. The rest of us are pretty melee-based.



It is an awesomely useful power though and seemed to fit so well. Barthus is (as you've guessed) a very, very tough cookie. He is doing the work of 5 more normally powered monsters and only has one round per turn in which to do so, so I'm pretty impressed.

Pity his Dominating Gaze hasn't recharged again. Yet.

Male Human Geek 10
Rev Rosey wrote:


It is an awesomely useful power though and seemed to fit so well. Barthus is (as you've guessed) a very, very tough cookie. He is doing the work of 5 more normally powered monsters and only has one round per turn in which to do so, so I'm pretty impressed.

Pity his Dominating Gaze hasn't recharged again. Yet.

I have to admit, next to Devlin, he is the best monster yet. When Barthus responded to Fairwind's "son of a lich" comment, I could almost hear Antonio Benderas in 13th Warrior where he says in the viking language, "My mother was a pure woman, of a noble line." :) I don't know if you were going for that, but that is how it sounded to me. (I am a big movie geek and tend to apply situations to movies I have seen) Yeah, that dominating gaze is vicious. I'm glad he didn't recharge it. He might've wanted to "educate" poor litle Snaggletooth.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Cale Noor wrote:
Aw, Man. Stupid vampire and his stupid flying cloud trick. Dave, it's up to you and Pat and Lazaro. The rest of us are pretty melee-based.

Yeah, but I already used up all my really good tricks.


The deed is done. Barthus is no more.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Rev Rosey wrote:

The deed is done. Barthus is no more.



Sniff. I'll miss him. He was fun to play.

My only general plan for his personality was to keep him urbane and controlled. He seemed much more sinister that way to me. Not based on anything in particular, just an accumulation of random images and turns of phrase.

Male Human Geek 10

Pat, don't forget my question. (about the cof-fin) We should find the vampire lord's coffin and make sure he's not coming back. Besides, there might be treasure there.

Cale Noor wrote:
Pat, don't forget my question. (about the cof-fin) We should find the vampire lord's coffin and make sure he's not coming back. Besides, there might be treasure there.

The way I read the post with the mace and longsword, that was his coffin. Rev?


No. It wasn't. Those are the spawn coffins. Barthus believed in status and had separate quarters.

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