AT-WILL: Deft Strike (melee or ranged, weapon, +11 vs. AC, 1d6+5, can move 2 sq before attack)
Riposte Strike (melee, weapon, +11 vs AC, 1d6+5, if target attacks before my next turn, immediate interupt, +11 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage)
Shifty (racial, minor action, shift 1 square)
*see dreamstone weapon description for details
ENCOUNTER: Guarded Attack (melee, weapon, +11 vs AC, 2d6+5 damage, sets up an interrupt attack, +11 vs Will*, 1d6+5 and target takes a -2 penalty to triggering attack. I call it Advanced Riposte)
Nasty Backswing (free action, melee, weapon, trigger: i miss with an attack, +14 vs AC(he gets CA for this attack), 1d6+8 damage +SA(2d8+3) )
*see dreamstone weapon description for details
DAILY: Blinding Barrage (weapon, close blast3, targets only enemies, +11 vs AC, 2d4+3 damage to each target and they are blinded until the end of my next turn)
Downward Spiral (weapon, melee, close burst 1, +11 vs Ref, 1d6+5, and target is knocked prone)
*see dreamstone weapon description for details
UTILITY: Fleeting Ghost (at-will, move action, can move my speed and make a stealth check with no penalty.) basically, I can sneak my speed now. :)
Ignoble Escape (encounter, move action, end marked condition and shift full speed) No more getting trapped and surrounded for Snaggletooth!