
Snaggletooth's page

479 posts. Alias of Cale Noor.

Full Name





Rogue 6








Spellgard Ruins


Draconic, Common



About Snaggletooth

AC: 20 Init: +8 Fort: 16 Reflex: 18 Will: 15
HP: 53 Bloodied: 26 Surges: 0/9 Surge Value: 13
PassPerception: 20 PassInsight: 15

Current HP: 49

Str 16 +3 (+6)
Con 16 +3 (+6)
Dex 16 +3 (+6)
Int 8 -1 (+2)
Wis 14 +2 (+5)
Cha 11 +0 (+3)
Current XP: 9880

Racial Abilities

Trap Sense: gain +2 bonus to defenses against traps
Shifty: can use Shifty at-will power
Vision: Low-Light
Speed: 6 squares

Class Features

First Strike
Rogue Tactics: Brutual Scoundrel
(add Str to sneak attack damage)
Rogue Weapon Talent (d6 for damage with shuriken, +1 to attack with daggers)
Sneak Attack (+2d8+3)

Base Attack


melee- dreamstone shortsword+2 (+11 vs AC, 1d6+5)
melee- dagger+1 (+11 vs AC, 1d4+4)
ranged- dagger (+10 vs AC, 1d4+3) or dagger+1 (+11 vs AC, 1d4+4)



Stealth +13
Thievery +13
Athletics +12
Dungeoneering +10
Perception +10
Acrobatics +11


1: Nimble Blade ( +1 to attacks w/light blades and CA)
2: Quickdraw ( +2 to initiative and can draw a weapon as part of attack action)
4: Backstabber ( d8s instead of d6s for sneak attack)
6: Sure Climber (+1 to Athletics, can climb my full speed)


AT-WILL: Deft Strike (melee or ranged, weapon, +11 vs. AC, 1d6+5, can move 2 sq before attack)
Riposte Strike (melee, weapon, +11 vs AC, 1d6+5, if target attacks before my next turn, immediate interupt, +11 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage)
Shifty (racial, minor action, shift 1 square)
*see dreamstone weapon description for details

ENCOUNTER: Guarded Attack (melee, weapon, +11 vs AC, 2d6+5 damage, sets up an interrupt attack, +11 vs Will*, 1d6+5 and target takes a -2 penalty to triggering attack. I call it Advanced Riposte)
Nasty Backswing (free action, melee, weapon, trigger: i miss with an attack, +14 vs AC(he gets CA for this attack), 1d6+8 damage +SA(2d8+3) )
*see dreamstone weapon description for details

DAILY: Blinding Barrage (weapon, close blast3, targets only enemies, +11 vs AC, 2d4+3 damage to each target and they are blinded until the end of my next turn)
Downward Spiral (weapon, melee, close burst 1, +11 vs Ref, 1d6+5, and target is knocked prone)
*see dreamstone weapon description for details

UTILITY: Fleeting Ghost (at-will, move action, can move my speed and make a stealth check with no penalty.) basically, I can sneak my speed now. :)
Ignoble Escape (encounter, move action, end marked condition and shift full speed) No more getting trapped and surrounded for Snaggletooth!



Repulsion leather +2, kobold cloak, heward's handy haversack(w/50' of rope, 2 daggers, shortsword, and a small roll of wire, 1 jar of residium worth 720 gp, 6 gems with Shar's symbol worth 100gp each,), beltpouch (2 gems worth 45 gp each, 30gp), 4 regular daggers,(4 tucked in belt), dagger+1(tucked in belt) dreamstone shortsword+2 (armed)

Repulsion Armor


Level: 7
Price: 2600 gp
Armor: Cloth, Leather
Enhancement: +2 AC

Power (Daily): Minor Action. Whenever an enemy moves into an adjacent square, you can push that enemy 1 square as an immediate reaction. This power lasts until the end of the encounter

Handy Haversack


Level: 10
Price: 5000 gp
Wondrous Item
Property: This backpack can hold up to 1,000 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume, but it always weighs only 1 pound. Drawing an item from a handy haversack is a minor action.

Dreamstone Shortsword+2


Level: 7
Enhancement: +2 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +2d6 radiant damage

The dreamstone weapon chooses the form most appropriate to the wielder. It will form itself into any type of melee weapon, but once formed, will not change again.

Property: Anyone who touches a dreamstone weapon hears whispers in Deep Speech that portend the coming of great star entities and the end of the world. When a wielder swings a dreamstone weapon, the weapon audibly gives voice to the wielder’s thoughts, which typically means murderous ideas when the wielder is engaged in battle, in the same susurrant voice but in the speaker’s native tongue.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Use this power when you attack with the weapon. Attack Will instead of the defense the attack normally targets.

Spellscarred characters using this weapon are subject to random penalties. Spellscarred and spellplagued monsters will focus attacks on characters wielding this weapon.

Non-spellscarred characters draw attention from spellscarred and spellplagued monsters which will focus attacks on them.