Barakus bustles (Black Tom's Necro campaign II)


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Brock looks at the dead bodies and his hurt campaions and shakes his head...

"I HATE magic!"

M Dwarf Rogue
Brock Brightmore wrote:
"I HATE magic!"

Thrakhir chimes in. "You said it, brother!"

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Juliare comes back running ...
' F..... wizard ! Sorry , I didn't flee under my free will .
Any of these still alive ? I would like to know if it's Melchior who did arrange this ambush . If not , I think we should track the survivors and ask them some pointed questions . At the least , we need to destroy the dead dwarf , it could attack people less able to defend themselves than ourselves ! '

Juliare wrote:
we need to destroy the dead dwarf , it could attack people less able to defend themselves than ourselves ! '

Clark's head comes up at that, "Petra, how long would the fear you created make that creature run away? Juliare's right -- we should pursue it if not the others and put it down."

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Clark Freeman wrote:
Juliare wrote:

we need to destroy the dead dwarf , it could attack people less able to defend themselves than ourselves ! '

Clark's head comes up at that, "Petra, how long would the fear you created make that creature run away? Juliare's right, we should pursue it if not the others and put it down."

The abomination should actually be back to it's old self by now. Thoughtfully she mutters whatever that is.

Petra seems to snap out of her thoghts and says in a more cheerful tone I agree with Juliare. But first let's see what the hafling has to say and let's see if all of us are allright. Anyone need more healing before we press ahead? Perhaps these scrolls can help us. With a big smile and a happy face Ironic if they do, the first help that church ever given us. Spellcraft check to ID the scrolls 1d20+4=11 just what she needed? isn't is 10 + spell level
To Brock with an innocent smile
You're a strong man with a big axe. Help me cut of the head of this one pointing at the Cleric I'm not sure what he is so I wanna make sure he stays dead. Also a good thing to show the hafling in case he don't want to speak.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Petra Pasmal wrote:
Clark Freeman wrote:
Juliare wrote:

we need to destroy the dead dwarf , it could attack people less able to defend themselves than ourselves ! '

Clark's head comes up at that, "Petra, how long would the fear you created make that creature run away? Juliare's right, we should pursue it if not the others and put it down."

The abomination should actually be back to it's old self by now. Thoughtfully she mutters whatever that is.

Petra seems to snap out of her thoghts and says in a more cheerful tone I agree with Juliare. But first let's see what the hafling has to say and let's see if all of us are allright. Anyone need more healing before we press ahead? Perhaps these scrolls can help us. With a big smile and a happy face Ironic if they do, the first help that church ever given us. Spellcraft check to ID the scrolls 1d20+4=11 just what she needed? isn't is 10 + spell level
To Brock with an innocent smile ** spoiler omitted **

The scrolls are of Cure Light Wounds, CL2

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Second , Petra .
the new custodian of the temple of the moon , one called Melchior, did help with some remove disease yesterday .

Brock looks at Petra with a goofy smile and lumbers over to the cleric drags him two feet before the halfling and raises the large axe over his head...

He'll let it fall if no one stops him

Brock I would guess had missed the little talk between Petra and Clark if anyone wants to step in they can Brock just saw a pretty girl smile at him

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Brock ! Stop ! We have to ask him who paid him to kill us !

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Juliare wrote:
Brock ! Stop ! We have to ask him who paid him to kill us !

You'll have to ask the halfling, then. Unless you want to pay for Speak with Dead.

Clark eventually manages to stop the halfling's bleeding and notes that he has a faint but steady pulse. The cleric is beyond help, though.

Enlarge person wears off after two minutes, which I suspect is less time than it will take to wake up the halfling, so...

Kirwen's form dwindles back to its usual, still-large form.

Thrakhir Flyingaxe wrote:
Brock Brightmore wrote:
"I HATE magic!"
Thrakhir chimes in. "You said it, brother!"

Kirwen chuckles, but doesn't say anything.

Brock turns his head at Juliare Axe still high above his head

"You can speak with the dead?"

Brock will stop if Juliare still has a problem with it, if not the Axe goes down and the Cleric has no head.

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Brock Brightmore wrote:
Brock turns his head at Juliare Axe still high above his head "You can speak with the dead?"

No she can't, but If you give me the head I might try when I get more powerful. Anyway, it might come in handy later on.

At Petra's mention of Juliare being a "She" He goes red and grins almost happy that he was not the only one that had made that very large mistake. Brock then had a very fast change of heart and spoke quicker then he'd shot up that grin.

"He is a man, and a better one then most" Brocks voice is light as it often is, as if he is drunk on something... maybe just tired he thinks the Large Axe still over his head waiting for someone to say something...

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Brock Brightmore wrote:

At Petra's mention of Juliare being a "She" He goes red and grins almost happy that he was not the only one that had made that very large mistake. Brock then had a very fast change of heart and spoke quicker then he'd shot up that grin.

"He is a man, and a better one then most" Brocks voice is light as it often is, as if he is drunk on something... maybe just tired he thinks the Large Axe still over his head waiting for someone to say something...

he he. This was my bad not Petra's. Hm, wonder how I get her out of this one. I must meditate on this one..or something :-)

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

I 'm beginning to understand why in Dragonlance the half elf did let his beard grow :)

M Dwarf Rogue

Thrakhir moves back over to the halfling, shaking him awake.

M Dwarf Rogue

Once the halfling awakens, Thrakhir growls, "Why were you attackin' us, shorty?"

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The halfling is in pretty bad shape. It could take hours for him to wake up, unless you heal him.

Where do you want to go next?

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

I think some of us are hurt , so a round of channeling could be an idea

Juliare wrote:
I think some of us are hurt , so a round of channeling could be an idea

Clark would be happy to receive it, but he can wait if the rest of the party is in decent shape. I'm not sure who got tagged and how hard. After I was almost disabled in one shot, I lost track of everyone else.

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)

First we tie the hafling then Petra channels energy. Roll: 1d6=5

Kirwen lumbers over to loom at the halfling.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The halfling twitches, then stirs and finally opens one eye, only to close it fast again, shaking his head.

Let's have an Intimidate check or something to get him talking.

Intimidate (Aid Another) (1d20+3=18)

Kirwen gives Thrakhir a +2 bonus.

M Dwarf Rogue

Not sure why you're giving me the intimidate. Have you seen my charisma bonus? I'll take it anyway.

Proteus pulls the halfling to where he can see the fallen cleric lying in a pool of his own blood on the ground. You see that? There is only one reason we didn't let you bleed out. Information. If you can't provide us any, then yer useless to us, so I'd be talkin'."

Intimidate check (1d20+1=11). Maybe someone else should try this.

When the Halfling is up and having the cleric pointed at he drops his axe hard and only looks at the halfling in a "You'll tell us what we need to know, because if not I'm going to cut you up into small chunks look." As the head rolls away Brock walks toward the little guy.


Guess not as good at that as I planned, although any buffs for cuting off his friends head and then trying to scare him?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The halfling sighs, and then an unpleasant smile spreads across his face. "Well, whatever you do to me, I at least have the satisfaction that the Laughing man will do worse by you. Nothing I can say will help you there. You got lucky this once, but it will just be worse for you in the end."

"Will you let me go if I talk? And why should I believe you?"

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

I won't lie to you . we won't let you go but we'll go back to town in order to have you judged by the guatd as an highway robber .

"As for believing us... well, guess you can't know that, really. But here's the deal, buddy: you probably can believe us when we tell you we'll kill you if you don't help us. So why don't you do the math on that one, eh?" Kirwen grins in a decidedly unfriendly manner.

"You heard him, he's got no information of any use to us. Let's just thank him for his kit, kill him and be on our way." Clark reaches for the newly-acquired sword and looks around for confirmation. Seeing none and hoping for none, he will just shrug his shoulders and step back.

Bluff check 1d20+7=25

Sorry, I don't have Intimidate. I do, however, have Sense Motive and would like to use that against the bandit as the others talk to him.

Sense Motive 1d20+5=12 Oh, well.

M Dwarf Rogue

"Aye let me be finishin' what I started. If he'll only be threatenin' us while he's alive, then killin' him won't matter much and I won't have to be listenin' to him squawk." Thrakhir raises up the bloody masterwork handaxe menacingly glaring at the halfling.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

"Kill me then", the halfling says, without blanching. "I had a good run and you'll get what you deserve eventually. Of course you'll go on being just as clueless, not knowing what hit you. Serves you right, by the way."

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

If it is the way you want it ... you have the time for a short prayer if you want

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Brock Brightmore wrote:

When the Halfling is up and having the cleric pointed at he drops his axe hard and only looks at the halfling in a "You'll tell us what we need to know, because if not I'm going to cut you up into small chunks look." As the head rolls away Brock walks toward the little guy.


Guess not as good at that as I planned, although any buffs for cuting off his friends head and then trying to scare him?

With a big smile Thank you Brock. Now I got my friend just where I want him. to the head Close and at my mercy

To the Hafling. If you tell me the name of my new friend,holding the decapitate head in front of the hafling We will take you to the law. We don't like the law but we will do it if that's what you want.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The halfling winces. "Get that thing off of me!" Composing himself somewhat, he answers. "Very well, if that's all you want to know. That's the head of Gilgar the Gray you're holding. The two who got away and will probably kill you later are the necromancer Dagon Ziss and the big bully Da-Leek Ahats Du. My name is Zero Stranglevine. We're mercenaries and were hired by Drincilla to take you out. Nobody messes up an operation for the Laughing man like you did and gets away with it. So I'd say that you're in at least as much trouble as I am at the moment."

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Black Tom wrote:
The halfling winces. "Get that thing off of me!" Composing himself somewhat, he answers.[..]


To the other in the group If you want to get ahead, get a head.
I may not be a mig fan of the law, but I gave him my my word. We more or less know what we want. I'd say we spare his life and leave him to the authorities.

No the Laughing man I bet would set him free I bet... Strip him of his stuff and leave him on the road with only his waterskin then the world will judge him...

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Which operation would that be exactly and where can we find this Drincilla .
Also , I would be you , I would change my career .
Bounty hunting demand some care and that was a thoughtless ambush there !

"Drincilla was the purchaser we found listed on that letter in the Temple," Kirwen rumbles. "Guess we've made ourselves more interesting than we thought."

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Black Tom wrote:
The halfling winces. "Get that thing off of me!" Composing himself somewhat, he answers. "Very well, if that's all you want to know. That's the head of Gilgar the Gray you're holding. The two who got away and will probably kill you later are the necromancer Dagon Ziss and the big bully Da-Leek Ahats Du. My name is Zero Stranglevine. We're mercenaries and were hired by Drincilla to take you out. Nobody messes up an operation for the Laughing man like you did and gets away with it. So I'd say that you're in at least as much trouble as I am at the moment."

I still say we spare his life and leave him to the authorities. And while we're at it we may inform them, and the rest of the town, that you gave Drincilla...and the Laughing man up. Or do you have any information that might please us, such as more information on Drincilla and how we may find her?

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Let's not be hasty there !
How would you have given proof to this Drincilla you had killed us ?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The halfling sneers. It is not a pretty sight. "Oh, she has her ways of finding out, don't you worry. You don't have the least idea of who you are up against, do you?"

M Dwarf Rogue

"Ha! I'd be sayin' the opposite is true, halfling, based on the rabble she sent for us. It's easy to show confidence when your enemies don't know yer face. Why don't you tell us where we can find her and we'll see how smug she is."

"I'm surprised at you," he says pointing at the halfling. "I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't look kindly at your failure today. Yer likely to see the fate you tried to visit upon us today, if she got her hands on ya. But, maybe we can help you out. If you tell us how we can keep her busy, maybe she won't worry her little head about you when we're the ones causin' her trouble."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The halfling laughs a sputtering, hacking laughter. "You can't find her, you clods. It's she who will find you, and I'm looking forward to that.

I wouldn't tell you where she is even if I knew. You may well kill me, but she's a lot more inventive than that. Besides it was Dagon who made the contact, so he's the only one who knows where she can be found. Good luck finding him."

M Dwarf Rogue
Black Tom wrote:
"I wouldn't tell you where she is even if I knew. You may well kill me, but she's a lot more inventive than that. Besides it was Dagon who made the contact, so he's the only one who knows where she can be found. Good luck finding him."

"Then Dagon will do. Tell us where to find him and we'll be considerin' whether we let ya live, or leave yer bones to bleach in the sun."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

"How would I know? He didn't exactly leave an address, did he? You saw him run off as well as I did, so you tell me where to find him. Left me to rot he did, too, so I wouldn't mind telling you where to find him if I knew. My money is on that he'll try to join the bandits, though."

M Dwarf Rogue

"Then yer no use to us! You haven't told us nothin' we wouldn't have figured out for ourselves." Thrakhir walks back to the rest of the group. "I say we kill him," he says loudly enough for the halfling to hear him. "At least then we won't have to be worryin' about him running back to Druncilla, or whatever her name is."

I'd roll a bluff check, but I'm not sure Thrakhir is bluffing.

"Do it, then, and cut the chatter," Kirwen grumbles. "Or strip him naked and let him try to make it back to town, if the freed-man's not comfortable with the other. Either way, though, if our 'friends' are headed toward the bandits, well, I'd say we'd best be heading that way ourselves."

Kirwen's not willing to kill an unarmed man himself, but won't blink if someone else does so. (Hypocrisy's a lovely thing.)

Away from the captive: "If you want him dead, hand him his sword and let him defend himself. Otherwise, I say we set him free. Let them mistake mercy for weakness -- they will misjudge us when we encounter them again."

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