tergiver |
These would work better with option 1 than the others.
Sound Body (Su) - A barbarian can reroll a failed fortitude save (as per Clear Mind).
I like the idea of using famous barbarians like Conan and Brock Samson as models.
Rip His Arm Off (Ex) - After bringing an opponent to zero hit points, the barbarian can tear off an appropriately sized chunk of the fallen foe and bash another opponent with it as an immediate action. If the melee attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6+strength bludgeoning damage and must make a will save (at some DC) or be dazed for a round. Barbarians must have a free hand or be wielding a two-handed weapon to use this rage ability.
Squirrelloid |
Re: Bloodthirsty - no real reason to give it totally new mechanics, let it duplicate the effects of the false life and death knell spells simultaneously (Its not like the CL increase will help the average barbarian, but the other aspects should be great - actually, let him treat all references to CL as Barbarian Class Level) with a duration of 1 hour - and that might almost be worth a full round action.
Also, bloodthirsty isn't quite... specific enough. How about "Feast of the Fallen" or something equally evocative.
Quandary |
Feast of the Fallen:
Seriously, those were the exact words I was looking for, but couldn't muster from the deeps... :-)
But I agree, a basic Temporary Hit Point thing (while "finishing off" the dying enemy),
and an effect that raises the Barbarian's "CL":
Since you gain Rage Points at each level, that's probably the main one relevant to the Barbarian...
(and counters the cost of staying in Rage longer than necessary after a Battle to "Feed")
As well, all the "+1/2Barbarian Level to X" Powers would be minorly boosted. After devouring several enemies, there'd be a noticeable effect.
Let's hope the Paladin doesn't care :-)
This type of thing fits in best at the end of an encounter, where a Full Round Action isn't as big of a deal.
I mean, you might be a Cannibal, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy your meal :-) (a Full Round is only 6 seconds, right?)
Dennis da Ogre |
Rip His Arm Off (Ex) - After bringing an opponent to zero hit points, the barbarian can tear off an appropriately sized chunk of the fallen foe and bash another opponent with it as an immediate action. If the melee attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6+strength bludgeoning damage and must make a will save (at some DC) or be dazed for a round. Barbarians must have a free hand or be wielding a two-handed weapon to use this rage ability.
I love it... should probably be a move action though.
Squirrelloid |
tergiver wrote:Rip His Arm Off (Ex) - After bringing an opponent to zero hit points, the barbarian can tear off an appropriately sized chunk of the fallen foe and bash another opponent with it as an immediate action. If the melee attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6+strength bludgeoning damage and must make a will save (at some DC) or be dazed for a round. Barbarians must have a free hand or be wielding a two-handed weapon to use this rage ability.I love it... should probably be a move action though.
Then it would never get used. Why use it instead of continuing a full attack action?
Tholas |
Tholas wrote:Whoa Nellie! This one's cool.Deathless Rage(Ex)
As an immediate action you can continue to act when your hitpoints go below zero. If your hitpoints go below your maximum negative hitpoints while under a Deathless Rage you can continue to act as long as your rage points last, after that you are dead. In this state healing spells and effects have no effect on you.
Thank you. Of course this was inspired by the Frenzied Berserker PrC. Thanks to a certain deranged GM our group was forced to take on not one but three of em. I doubt I will ever forget the horror when it dawned to us that we were riding a death train on its way to hell. I wanted something similar but not as over the top and TPK prone. Of course you could add "In this state he keeps attacking his last target, if it dies before his rage ends he will attack a random creature nearby." to make things more interesting. :->
anthony Valente |
Empowered Rage (Ex)
The barbarian may choose two rage powers as a swift action each round. Both powers must normally be able to be used as swift actions. A barbarian must be at least x level to choose this power.
The purpose of this power is to allow more versatility, choice, and strength for the barbarian class at the higher levels, without increasing book-keeping, and cluttering up the class.
Although I listed it as a Rage power, it might be better served if the barbarian gains it as a class feature at some later level... say 9th, 13th, or 15th.
This opens up several new possibilities for the barbarian while raging: Powerful Blow + Knock-back; Powerful Blow + Surprise Accuracy; Guarded Stance + Moment of Clarity...
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
Empowered Rage (Ex)
The barbarian may choose two rage powers as a swift action each round. Both powers must normally be able to be used as swift actions. A barbarian must be at least x level to choose this power.The purpose of this power is to allow more versatility, choice, and strength for the barbarian class at the higher levels, without increasing book-keeping, and cluttering up the class.
Although I listed it as a Rage power, it might be better served if the barbarian gains it as a class feature at some later level... say 9th, 13th, or 15th.
This opens up several new possibilities for the barbarian while raging: Powerful Blow + Knock-back; Powerful Blow + Surprise Accuracy; Guarded Stance + Moment of Clarity...
I like it.
In large part, I like it because it emulates the higher-level casters' ability to double-cast with quickened spells.
Kirth Gersen |
Empowered Rage (Ex)
The barbarian may choose two rage powers as a swift action each round. Both powers must normally be able to be used as swift actions. A barbarian must be at least x level to choose this power.
Good idea. I'd rename it though, to avoid confusion with Emopowered spells (which are totally dissimilar to this)... Quickened rage power? Double rage power? We can come up with something good, but I very much dislike assigning new definitions to existing game terms.
Juton |
Intestinal Fortitude (Ex): When you are affected by an effect that causes you to be come diseased, fatigued, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, or sickened, or when you have suffered a temporary penalty to an ability score (e.g., ray of enfeeblement, touch of idiocy), you may make a new saving throw as an immediate action to remove the effect. If the original effect did not allow a save, make a Constitution check with a bonus equal to your barbarian level, opposed by a DC equal to 10 + caster level + spell level (if applicable). If the check succeeds, the effect is removed.
I was going to post a power almost exactly like this, I approve!
Dennis da Ogre |
Dennis da Ogre wrote:Then it would never get used. Why use it instead of continuing a full attack action?tergiver wrote:Rip His Arm Off (Ex) - After bringing an opponent to zero hit points, the barbarian can tear off an appropriately sized chunk of the fallen foe and bash another opponent with it as an immediate action. If the melee attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6+strength bludgeoning damage and must make a will save (at some DC) or be dazed for a round. Barbarians must have a free hand or be wielding a two-handed weapon to use this rage ability.I love it... should probably be a move action though.
I would suggest a better effect to make it worth while. I just don't care for being able to rip a corpses arm being an immediate action when drawing a sword is a move action.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
Squirrelloid wrote:I would suggest a better effect to make it worth while. I just don't care for being able to rip a corpses arm being an immediate action when drawing a sword is a move action.Dennis da Ogre wrote:Then it would never get used. Why use it instead of continuing a full attack action?tergiver wrote:Rip His Arm Off (Ex) - After bringing an opponent to zero hit points, the barbarian can tear off an appropriately sized chunk of the fallen foe and bash another opponent with it as an immediate action. If the melee attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6+strength bludgeoning damage and must make a will save (at some DC) or be dazed for a round. Barbarians must have a free hand or be wielding a two-handed weapon to use this rage ability.I love it... should probably be a move action though.
I'd bump the secondary effect up to panicking the creature - that should be scary enought that it makes you run away for a round.
S W |
Here's the rage powers for my campaign. I posted this, and how I use rage rounds/rage powers without the "points" system on psychic robot's thread.
Rage Powers: As a barbarian gains experience, he learns to harness his rage in new ways. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian gains one rage power. He gains an additional rage power at 2nd level, for every even level of barbarian attained after 2nd level, and at 19th level. He gets a total of 10 rage powers over the course of his career.
A barbarian can use his rage powers at will an unlimited number of times per day unless otherwise noted, but only while raging. Some powers are usable once per rage. A barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once. Unless otherwise noted, these abilities are swift actions that must be performed on the barbarian’s turn. The barbarian's rage is automatically upgraded as he gains levels. The Rage becomes Greater Rage at 9th level, then Mighty Rage at 13th level, then Tireless Rage at 15th level, then Berserker Rage at 17th level, and then Invincible Rage at 20th level. Different Rage powers become available at the various Rage upgrades, but a Barbarian can always select a lower-level Rage power if he chooses.
Rage Powers: These powers may be selected at any time by the barbarian. Note that some powers are prerequisites for others.
Intimidating Glare (Ex): The barbarian can make an Intimidate check against one adjacent foe as a free action. If the barbarian successfully demoralizes his opponent, the foe is shaken for 2d6 rounds.
Knockback (Ex): Anyone hit by the barbarian’s melee attacks this round is puhed back 5 feet, if possible. This power is used before any attacks are made. If an enemy is knocked into an object or wall, he must make a reflex save (DC = damage dealt) or be knocked prone. If an enemy is knocked into another enemy, they both take an additional 1d6 damage and both enemies must make the save or be knocked prone.
Feral Instincts (Ex): The barbarian gains blindsense 30' and can activate Rage and take a standard action in a surprise round. This power is always on and costs no actions, but the barbarian must enter Rage normally.
Moment of Clarity (Ex): The barbarian does not take any of the penalties from rage for 1 round. This includes the penalty to Armor Class and the restriction on what actions can be performed.
Guarded Stance (Ex): When fighting defensively, the barbarian gains a dodge bonus to his Armor Class equal to 1/2 his barbarian level for against melee attacks. This power activates automatically when fighting defensively and requires no action.
Greater Rage Powers: The barbarian can select these powers if he has the Greater Rage class ability.
Fearsome Rage (Su): Prerequisite: Intimidating Glare.
The barbarian emits a 30 ft. aura of fear. Any opponent inside this radius must make a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ barbarian's level + Str modifier) or become shaken for 1d4+1 rounds. If an opponent successfully resists the Intimidate check, he need not make another save until the Barbarian rages again. For each enemy the Barbarian kills in combat, he gets a +1 morale bonus to his intimidate checks for the rest of the encounter. This power is “always on” during a rage once selected and requires no action.
Powerful Blow (Ex): Prerequisite: Knockback Rage Power.
The barbarian adds his barbarian level on one damage roll. This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit is made. If the barbarian also has the Surprise Accuracy Rage Power, he may combine its effect with Powerful Blow with the same swift action.
Surprise Accuracy (Ex): Prerequisite: Knockback Rage Power.
The barbarian adds his barbarian level on one attack roll. This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit. If the barbarian also has the Powerful Blow Rage Power, he may combine its effect with Surprise Accuracy with the same swift action
Strength Surge (Ex): Prerequisite: Knockback Rage Power.
The barbarian adds his barbarian level on one Strength check or combat maneuver check, or to his combat maneuver bonus when an opponent attempts a maneuver against him. This power is used as an immediate action and may be used in the same round as Powerful Blow and Surprise Accuracy for making Combat Maneuver attacks like trip and disarm.
Clear Mind (Su): Prerequisite: Moment of Clarity.
A barbarian may reroll a failed Will save. This power is used as an immediate action after the save is failed. The barbarian must take the second result, even if it is worse. Any mind-affecting abilities that would affect the barbarian are delayed for a number of rounds equal to his Con modifier. These rounds do not count against the mind-affecting spells' duration.
Rolling Dodge (Ex): Prerequisite: Guarded Stance. The barbarian gains Evasion and a dodge bonus to his Armor Class equal to 1/2 his barbarian level against ranged attacks. The barbarian does not need to be fighting defensively to gain the benefits of Rolling Dodge.
Mighty Rage Powers: The barbarian can select these powers if he has the Mighty Rage class ability.
Terrifying Howl (Su): Prerequisite: Intimidating Glare and Fearsome Rage. The barbarian unleahes a terrifying howl as a standard action. All enemies within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Strength modifier) or be panicked for 1d4+1 rounds. Once an enemy has made a save versus terrifying howl (successful or not) it is immune to this power until the barbarian rages again. The effects of Terrifying Howl stack with those of Intimidating glare and Fearsome Rage. A Mighty Raging Barbarian trying to be frightening can cause quite a few enemies to flee in terror.
Elemental Rage (Su): All of the barbarian’s attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of energy damage for every 2 barbarian levels he has. The energy type must be acid, cold, electricity, or fire. This energy damage stacks with energy damage dealt by special weapon abilities. All damage from the attack is considered to be of the appropriate energy type.
Increased Savage Resilience (Ex): The barbarian gains additional DR 1/- for every 2 barbarian levels he has. This damage reduction stacks with that granted by the Savage Resilience class feature.
Renewed Vigor (Ex): The barbarian can heal himself of any negative status condition by one step. Stunned becomes dazed, nauseated becomes sickened. This is a swift action usable once per round.
Berserker Rage Powers: The barbarian can select these powers if he has the Berserker Rage class ability.
Raging Hurricane (Ex): Prerequisite: Powerful Blow, Surprise Accuracy, Strength Surge: The barbarian can take one additional standard action per round, and may take an attack action as a move-equivalent action. This power is “always on” while raging and does not require any action use to activate.
Feral Spirit (Su): Prerequisite: Feral Instincts, Clear Mind, Moment of Clarity. The barbarian can ignore illusions that grant miss chance and can hit incorporeal enemies as if he were using a Ghost Touch weapon. This power is activated as a swift action and remains active for the entire rage. It must be re-activated for each new rage.
Spirit of the Dire Bear (Su): Prerequisites: Renewed Vigor, Terrifying Howl. With a roar of defiance, the barbarian heals an amount of his own hp equal to his barbarian level times his Constitution modifier. This power is used as a standard action, and can be activated once per day. Any enemies who see him do this must make a Will save or be panicked for 1d6+1 rounds. The DC is the same as for Terrifying Howl. DC = 10 + ½ barbarian levels + his Str modifier.
Elrond |
Focused Rage (Ex): The barbarian concentrates his rage against a single enemy. When in a focused rage, he can only attack the selected enemy, but he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against that opponent. The barbarian suffers a -1 penalty to Armor Class against the remaining opponents. (2 rage points)
Dennis da Ogre |
Still Beating Heart: If the barbarian has a creature his size or smaller in a grapple and pinned he can make an attempt to rip the creatures heart out. This victim can make a Fortitude save to avoid the effect, the DC of this attempt is equal to 5+1/2 the barbarians level plus his rage modified strength bonus. Should the attack succeed the victim is instantly killed.
Commentary: Ok, sounds a bit crazy but it's not that easy to accomplish. The victim needs to be grappled and pinned first. The DC is also fairly low, at 14th level it would be 12+STR Bonus... so probably somewhere between 20-22 at that point. Consider that casters of equivalent level have instant kill (Ok, slightly less than instant kill now but effectively instant kill) it's not that crazy. Plus... how cool would that be?
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Naked Fury (Ex): You can hold your own in combat even with a loincloth as your only armor. You gain an Armor Bonus to your armor class equal to one-half your barbarian level.
Rousing Anger (Ex): The intensity of your anger can inspire and persuade. You gain a +4 bonus to your Charisma score. This bonus increases to +6 if you have the greater rage class feature and +8 if you have the mighty rage class feature.
Superstition (Ex): When it comes to magic, your rage does not reduce your caution. You gain a +2 bonus to AC against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities that require attack rolls.
Alphonse Joly |
Superstition (EX)
You receive a morale bonus equal to half your barbarian level (minimum 1) to saves of a type specified upon use of this power. This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn. The following types of saves may be specified: Poison and Disease, Spells and SLAs or Supernatural Abilities of Monsters.
I like my barbarians superstitious. It's supposed to be a psychosomatic "mind over matter" kinda deal, so it's EX.
Edit: Looks like someone beat me to the name punch, but I don't have a better name. Superstition it stays.
tergiver |
Two more ideas, hopefully one will be as popular as Rip His Arm Off...
No Time To Bleed (Su) - While raging, the barbarian is not subject to damage from bleeding attacks. I mostly suggested this for the name; the power might need some love even as an always-while-raging. Rogues have the bleeding strike rogue talent but barbarians are set up to be tough to sneak attack.
Feral Fury (Ex) - Any critical hits with the barbarian's natural weapons are at x3 damage instead of x2 damage. Depending on balance and which option is selected, this could be always-during-rage, spend rage points as an immediate action, or activate it and hope for a critical. I put this one in to give non-human barbarians something nasty to do.
anthony Valente |
Fatal Blow (Ex)
As a full round action, make one attack roll vs. one opponent at your highest attack bonus. You must use this power as a swift action before the attack roll. If this attack succeeds, the victim must succeed on a Fort save DC=damage dealt. or be killed instantly. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to fatal blow. This power only works on creatures up to two size categories larger than you. (Sorry, anything bigger than that you just have to kill the hard way). A barbarian must be at least X level to choose this power. Using this power requires an additional (resource TBD).
...or alternatively...
Fatal Blow (Ex)
You must successfully hit an opponent at least two times in one round. You may choose any one subsequent hit you make vs. the same target in the same round to become a potentially fatal blow. The target must succeed on a Fort save DC=10 + 1/2 barbarian level, or be slain instantly. This power only works on foes one size category larger than you or smaller. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to a fatal blow. A barbarian must be at least X level to choose this power. The use of this power is a swift action and uses up an additional (resource TBD).
The purpose of this power is to give the barbarian class a chance at high level to down a foe with one hit.
anthony Valente |
Clear a path, Samson! (Ex)
As a free action, the barbarian may choose to take a 5' step after each successful hit on an opponent. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to choose this power.
The purpose of this power is to provide mobility to the barbarian class on full attacks. It essentially gives the barbarian extra 5' steps and is dependent upon hitting your opponent successfully to gain them. It's listed as a free action, enabling the barbarian to use one of their swift action rage powers in conjunction with it... as the title implies, the Knockback rage power comes to mind.
ckafrica |
How do you like them apples?
If you take damage from an opponent, you may make a standard action attack which gets and equal bonus to damage as the damage THAT opponent did to you that round (after DR). (Maybe can do it as part of a charge)
Example: a lvl3 barbarian (ST 24 enraged) gets hit for 15 damage by an ogre and by a goblin for 4. In return the Barb hits the ogre with his greatsword and does 2d6+10+15
Elrond |
Mindless Rage (Ex/Su?): The survival instinct takes complete control of the barbarian, leaving him completely mindless and capable only of furiously defending himself by engaging in melee the nearest attacking opponent. While in a mindless rage, the barbarian has immunity to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects) and automatically fails Intelligence checks. A mindless rage ends only when all of the barbarian’s rage points are depleted. A barbarian must be at least 8th level before selecting this power. (4 rage points)
Aligned Rage (Su): All of the barbarian’s melee attacks are treated as chaotic, good or evil aligned attacks (choose one) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and deal an additional 1d6 points of chaotic, good or evil aligned damage for one round. This aligned damage does not stack with aligned damage dealt by special weapon abilities if it is of the same type. The barbarian must be chaotic, good or evil in order to select the corresponding aligned attack. (8 rage points)
Asgetrion |
Asgetrion wrote:Quick to anger (Ex): The barbarian may enter rage as an immediate action, even if it is not his turn. The barbarian must be at least 6th level before selecting this power.Fixed... it might seem nitpicky but 'quick action' has no in-game definition, it would either be a free action or an immediate action. The only benefit I can see to this would be activating certain defensive rage powers... so you could have DR in the surprise round for example.
Yeah, you're absolutely correct.... thanks for fixing it, Dennis! :)
Asgetrion |
I would personally replace 'Guarded Stance' (which is an odd power for a raging barbarian) with this:
Savage Scars (Ex)
The barbarian's skin is horribly scarred from his many battles, and while he rages, his bulging muscles and toughened skin protect him from blows.
The barbarian receives half his class level as a natural armor bonus to his armor class for one round. The barbarian must be at least 8th level before selecting this power.
(Yeah, the text and the name of this power suck, but I think it would be a better ability thematically and mechanically than 'Guarded Stance' -- feel free to "tweak" this one, if you want to improve upon it :)
Asgetrion |
Focused Rage (Ex): The barbarian concentrates his rage against a single enemy. When in a focused rage, he can only attack the selected enemy, but he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against that opponent. The barbarian suffers a -1 penalty to Armor Class against the remaining opponents. (2 rage points)
Ah, this is a nice one... :)
Asgetrion |
Squirrelloid wrote:I would suggest a better effect to make it worth while. I just don't care for being able to rip a corpses arm being an immediate action when drawing a sword is a move action.Dennis da Ogre wrote:Then it would never get used. Why use it instead of continuing a full attack action?tergiver wrote:Rip His Arm Off (Ex) - After bringing an opponent to zero hit points, the barbarian can tear off an appropriately sized chunk of the fallen foe and bash another opponent with it as an immediate action. If the melee attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6+strength bludgeoning damage and must make a will save (at some DC) or be dazed for a round. Barbarians must have a free hand or be wielding a two-handed weapon to use this rage ability.I love it... should probably be a move action though.
Yeah, I agree... it should probably be something similar to those Vile (?) Feats in FR ('Snatch Trophy' and 'Bloodsoaked Intimidate'), which let you use intimidate as a free action in combat (IIRC).
Asgetrion |
Here are a couple of suggestions:
Brutal Charge (Ex)
If the barbarian uses a charge or partial charge action to attack an enemy, he may add his Constitution Modifier as a bonus to his damage rolls for one round. The barbarian must be at least 6th level before selecting this power.
Terrifying Charge (Ex)
If the barbarian uses a charge or partial charge action to attack an enemy, he may add his Charisma Modifier as a bonus to his attack rolls for one round. The barbarian must be at least 4th level before selecting this power.
Primal Fortitude (Ex)
The barbarian becomes immune to all poisons, magical or otherwise, for one round. In addition to this, he may add his Charisma modifier as a bonus to all his Fortitude Saving Throws for one round. The barbarian must be at least 8th level before selecting this power.
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
Wounding Frenzy (Ex) (Edit, used to be Bloody Frenzy (Ex))
All of a barbarian's weapon and natural weapon attacks gain the wounding property for the duration of the barbarian's current rage. This does not stack with a magical weapon that already possesses the wounding property. Minimum barbarian level 10th.
Asgetrion |
Bloody Frenzy (Ex)
All of a barbarian's weapon and natural weapon attacks gain the wounding property for the duration of the barbarian's current rage. This does not stack with a magical weapon that already possesses the wounding property. Minimum barbarian level 10th.
This is a good one, but how about renaming it 'Wounding Frenzy'?
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
Shattering roar (Su): The barbarian may unleash a single deafening roar equivalent to a shout spell as a swift action while raging. In addition, creatures failing their saving throws against the shattering roar become shaken for 1 minute. Minimum barbarian level 10th.
Titanic rage (Su): The barbarian's rage is such that she literally seems to grow in size and power, fortified by the spirits of nature and her ancestors. For the duration of the rage, treat the barbarian as if using enlarge person. Minimum barbarian level 6th.
Yeah, I know, these are supernatural barbarian rage powers, but these ones I think actually fit the barbarian theme.
anthony Valente |
Nowhere to Hide (Ex)
The barbarian's senses suddenly sharpen and he can sense the location of unseen foes. He may make a DC 10 Wisdom Check to pinpoint the location of one known, but unseen target (including an invisible target) within a X' radius as a swift action. This power does not negate any miss chance to strike the target that may apply. A barbarian must be at least X level to choose this power.
I Can Fight You with My Eyes Closed! (Ex)
The barbarian's senses are so acute that she can even hit unseen foes with unerring accuracy. When the barbarian attacks a foe that has concealment, she may re-roll the miss chance to melee and ranged attack rolls that it would otherwise provide. This is an "always on" power while the barbarian rages. A barbarian must be at least X level and have Keen Senses to choose this power.
The purpose of these powers is to give barbarians flavorful, but non-magical options to combat foes who attack from darkness or use magical means to become invisible.
They are also meant to replace the powers: Low-light Vision & Night Sight.
BTW, I don't mean any of my suggested powers to actually have names like these in the final rendition... it's just if I try to come up with an appropriate name, it sounds rather dull.
KaeYoss |
Bearhug (ex): If you successfully grapple an enemy, you crush him, forcefully expelling the air from his lungs. As long as you can maintain the grapple The victim must start making constitution checks or suffocate (see suffocation).
Crushing blow (ex): make a targeted attack to one of your enemy's limbs as a standard action, at - (whatever would be an appropriate penalty for that sort of attack, if any). If it hits, you deal damage and the target must make a fort save (DC = damage dealt; maybe even 10 + damage) or cannot use that limb for a number of rounds equal to your strength modifier. A mangled arm cannot be used for spellcasting or to effectively use a shield or weapon. With one affected leg, your speed drops down to one half and you get a -2 penalty to AC and reflex saves. With two affected legs your speed drops to 5' and you get -5 to AC and reflex saves.
(Magical healing equal to the damage dealt with the crushing blow will end the effect early)
Fierce clutch (ex): You can treat weapons as one size category smaller than they are, allowing you to use oversized weapons without penalty or change a weapon's category down one step (2h to 1h to light). Rage point cost goes per round.
Feral resilience (ex): as an immediate action, you have a 25/50/100 % chance to turn a critical hit into a regular hit. (Note: This could either come with three different costs, with the last one being very high, or as several different powers you have to take in order, or only one of the options is available)
Tremors (su?): As a standard action, you strike the ground with a two-handed bludgeoning weapon (or a one-handed bludgeoning weapon wielded) in two hands, initiating a trip attempt against everyone within 10 feet of you.
Deafening shout (su): as a standard action, everyone in a 15' cone (originating from you) must make a fort save (dc = 10 + 1/2 brb level + your con) or be deafened.
Quandary |
Bearhug (ex): If you successfully grapple an enemy, you crush him, forcefully expelling the air from his lungs. As long as you can maintain the grapple The victim must start making constitution checks or suffocate (see suffocation).
I like... Although it could almost just be a Feat...
As a Rage Power, I'd like it to be a little stronger, perhaps an opposed roll of their Fort Save vs. your CMB, for example...Fierce clutch (ex): You can treat weapons as one size category smaller than they are, allowing you to use oversized weapons without penalty or change a weapon's category down one step (2h to 1h to light). Rage point cost goes per round.
Well, it's pretty much like the Feat Monkey Grip. I would say I prefer this as a Feat, which you can take advantage all the time, instead of lugging around a Giant War Hammer JUST for when you A) are Raging, B) are using this Power.
For a Rage Power, I would increase it to *2* Size Categories Larger (perhaps not stacking with Monkey Grip), and also give information about using Giant Improvised Weapons (fallen logs, boulders, etc.) Giving an Improvised Weapon Usage makes it more viable than needing to have a Large/Giant Weapon at-hand that you otherwise can't use out of Rage.As for the name... I don't know, why not "Big 'Uns"???
Feral resilience (ex): as an immediate action, you have a 25/50/100 % chance to turn a critical hit into a regular hit. (Note: This could either come with three different costs, with the last one being very high, or as several different powers you have to take in order, or only one of the options is available)
Unless it's 100%, this is WAY to weak for a Power, no matter it's cost (because Powers carry lost-opportunity to use other Powers). 25% reduction (-5 on d20) could be implemented as a Feat.
Tremors (su?): As a standard action, you strike the ground with a two-handed bludgeoning weapon (or a one-handed bludgeoning weapon wielded) in two hands, initiating a trip attempt against everyone within 10 feet of you.
I like! I would even make it 15' or more, perhaps depending on Level/ Rage Points spent. Perhaps some Damage effect if they fall, or at least something that would give a Caster a chance to fail a Concentration check. And you KNOW your friends are going to hate you when you use this, and they're in range too!!! :-)
Deafening shout (su): as a standard action, everyone in a 15' cone (originating from you) must make a fort save (dc = 10 + 1/2 brb level + your con) or be deafened.
Why do I think the most usefull application of this ability would be to prepare your allies for fighting against a creature with sound-based SLAs by deafening them all...? :-)
Asgetrion |
Here are a couple of suggestions inspired by posters from other threads, so I can't take credit for them (PR, sorry for "mangling" your idea ;)
Adrenaline Surge (Ex): The barbarian gains the ability to reroll any saving throw for one round. Alternatively, he may reroll any saving throw he failed during the previous round, or try to shake off any one magical effect (including effects of spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities) on himself as if he had cast Dispel Magic on that effect (the barbarian's class level equals his caster level for this purpose). The barbarian must be at lest 8th level before selecting this power.
Bestial Senses (Ex): The barbarian gains the ability to discern the location of all creatures within 30 ft. as if he had the 'Scent' ability.
Tarren Dei RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
Bestial Senses (Ex): The barbarian gains the ability to discern the location of all creatures within 30 ft. as if he had the 'Scent' ability.
I'd like to see this replace any kind of 'darkvision'. Let the flavour be more along the lines of 'bestial' instincts surfacing not like he mutated and grew bat sonar. This could also leave something for barbarians who already have darkvision. "Yeah, you can see in the dark, but can you smell how many people are behind that door?"
peep_delta |
Count The Dead - If the barbarian deals enough damage to drop a creature (by dropping it below 0 hit points or killing it), he/she gets an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach. The extra attack = same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. No 5-foot step. Minimum 8th level (4 rage points per extra attack). i.e. old Cleave / Great Cleave
New Feat (Barbarians only, one-time only) All rage powers cost -1 (4's become 3's, 8's become 7's, etc).
Just my 0.02. I suck at this.
KaeYoss |
I like... Although it could almost just be a Feat...
As a Rage Power, I'd like it to be a little stronger, perhaps an opposed roll of their Fort Save vs. your CMB, for example...
I think it makes a good rage power because it emphasises the brute strength unleashed by rage.
I think using the grapple mechanic fits, but if it's necessary, the power might grant a bonus on the manoeuvre check equal to 1/2 or even total barbarian level
Well, it's pretty much like the Feat Monkey Grip. I would say I prefer this as a Feat, which you can take advantage all the time, instead of lugging around a Giant War Hammer JUST for when you A) are Raging, B) are using this Power.
For a Rage Power, I would increase it to *2* Size Categories Larger (perhaps not stacking with Monkey Grip), and also give information about using Giant Improvised Weapons (fallen logs, boulders, etc.) Giving an Improvised Weapon Usage makes it more viable than needing to have a Large/Giant Weapon at-hand that you otherwise can't use out of Rage.As for the name... I don't know, why not "Big 'Uns"???
Yes, it's pretty much like monkey grip, which sadly isn't OGC, but without the penalty (I think MG has a penalty).
Your ideas are great, though. I'd say the improvised weapon idea works best.
The idea for the original power came from our iconic barbarian, of course.
KaeYoss wrote:Feral resilienceUnless it's 100%, this is WAY to weak for a Power, no matter its cost (because Powers carry lost-opportunity to use other Powers).
You might be right. I'm just not sure whether that's too strong. Maybe let the barbarian make a fort save to avoid the crit, or an opposed attack roll or something.
KaeYoss wrote:TremorsI like! I would even make it 15' or more, perhaps depending on Level/ Rage Points spent. Perhaps some Damage effect if they fall, or at least something that would give a Caster a chance to fail a Concentration check. And you KNOW your friends are going to hate you when you use this, and they're in range too!!! :-)
I like the variable radius - it would also give you some control over who to knock of their feet. A bit of damage could work, too, but I think that spell failure chances can only work if the caster is casting at that moment.
Why do I think the most usefull application of this ability would be to prepare your allies for fighting against a creature with sound-based SLAs by deafening them all...? :-)
Sure, it has mainly flavour applications - make soldiers unable to hear their leaders' commands and so on - but spellcasters do have a disadvantage when deaf, since that incurs a failure chance.
Another shout:
Stunning shout (su): All enemies in a (15'?) cone make a fort save or be stunned for one round.
Quandary |
Bearhug/ Fierce clutch:
Like I said, I just somewhat see these things working better as Feats, though they're Feats a Barbarian might especially be good at. For instance, if the Bearhug or Fierce Clutch is supposed to represent the "brute Strength" of the Raging Barbarian, why not just make it a Feat, but with a high STR requirement? (and if the Barb's STR is only that high during Rage, they can use it, but only in Rage)
Feral resilience:
Converting a crit to a standard blow 100% of the time, by using a Rage Power, doesn't really seem too much when you take into consideration that there's another Rage Power that guarantess YOUR attack will BE a Crit 100% of the time :-)
Making it interrupt only on the exact initiative (or maybe some range of initiatives, like spell casting duration in 2e) would be reasonable, and melee characters need to know how to delay action if they're going to be effective interrupters anyways...
I mainly just think all the Rage Powers (esp. ones that req. a Standard/ Immediate action to trigger) need to be GOOD. You can't use these at all outside of Rage, and using them tends to SIGNIFIGANTLY increase the amount of time you are Fatigued afterward (especially if you want to try and use one power/ round). Roused Anger can get around this, but it's 'wasting' a Power to do so (especially for multi-class Barbarians who don't have as many Powers). And we haven't heard back from Jason what happens to the first Rage's Fatigue after using Roused Anger, you could become Exhausted after the 2nd Rage, and NOT be able to use Roused Anger until it at least drops to just Fatigue.
I think it also makes sense to look at Feats along with the Powers, such as having high-Strength requirement Feats, or ones which just synergize well with Rage/ Rage Powers... (If you've read my posts about the Rage Bonus HPs, one of the two solutions I suggested [increasing the Death Point instead of any bonus HPs] would synergize extremely well with Die-Hard, for instance.)
Asgetrion |
Asgetrion wrote:Bestial Senses (Ex): The barbarian gains the ability to discern the location of all creatures within 30 ft. as if he had the 'Scent' ability.I'd like to see this replace any kind of 'darkvision'. Let the flavour be more along the lines of 'bestial' instincts surfacing not like he mutated and grew bat sonar. This could also leave something for barbarians who already have darkvision. "Yeah, you can see in the dark, but can you smell how many people are behind that door?"
I think they both can exist as separate rage powers, so it's up to each PC to choose whether to choose one of them (especially if you already have Darkvision or Scent), both, or neither.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
(I think this is supposed to be a brainstorming thread where we throw out as many clever suggestions as possible, not a thread where we spend lots of time debating this or that specific suggestion.)
Contra Machina (Ex): Complex constructs and orderly outsiders offend you. Your attacks ignore the damage reduction and hardness of constructs and lawful outsiders.
Demoniac (Su): You are momentarily possessed by a demon. You gain the chaotic and evil subtypes; your attacks count as chaotic, evil, and magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and dealing lethal damage to creatures with regeneration.
Tavern Brawler (Ex): When angry, you can turn bottles, furniture, and other objects into weapons. You gain proficiency in all improvised weapons.
Laithoron |
Preternatural Hews (Su): The spirit of rage itself transforms your attacks filling them with supernatural might. You can bypass 5 points of supernatural-based damage reduction even if your weapon could not normally do so. Upon receiving the Greater Rage ability, the amount of DR bypassed increases to 10. Upon receiving the Mighty Rage ability, the amount of DR bypassed increases to 20.
-Archangel- |
Tholas wrote:Whoa Nellie! This one's cool.Deathless Rage(Ex)
As an immediate action you can continue to act when your hitpoints go below zero. If your hitpoints go below your maximum negative hitpoints while under a Deathless Rage you can continue to act as long as your rage points last, after that you are dead. In this state healing spells and effects have no effect on you.
No, it is not. It just gives us the whole Frenzied Berserker problem (in a core class).
Imagine two such barbarians attacking your party and tell me if you still feel that is it cool? (those barbarians just like any other NPCs do not care if they die or not, but how many of the players they can take with them)KaeYoss |
No, it is not. It just gives us the whole Frenzied Berserker problem (in a core class).
No, it doesn't. There's also the part where frenzied berserkers have to attack something.
But I think you're right: Running on into negative hit points helps NPCs a lot more than PCs, I think, and a limitless power sucks.
Instead, let them continue to act normaly up until their normal death threshold, or maybe extend that threshold to -2xCon. Some sort of fort save could also be involved.
-Archangel- |
-Archangel- wrote:
No, it is not. It just gives us the whole Frenzied Berserker problem (in a core class).No, it doesn't. There's also the part where frenzied berserkers have to attack something.
But I think you're right: Running on into negative hit points helps NPCs a lot more than PCs, I think, and a limitless power sucks.
Instead, let them continue to act normaly up until their normal death threshold, or maybe extend that threshold to -2xCon. Some sort of fort save could also be involved.
What is the point of also giving barbarians d12 HD, extra hp when raging if they will be able to go into so much negative hp?
I think such a rage power should only let them stay active until -10 hp (but they still lose 1 hp per round).
anthony Valente |
anthony Valente wrote:Tholas wrote:Whoa Nellie! This one's cool.Deathless Rage(Ex)
As an immediate action you can continue to act when your hitpoints go below zero. If your hitpoints go below your maximum negative hitpoints while under a Deathless Rage you can continue to act as long as your rage points last, after that you are dead. In this state healing spells and effects have no effect on you.No, it is not. It just gives us the whole Frenzied Berserker problem (in a core class).
Imagine two such barbarians attacking your party and tell me if you still feel that is it cool? (those barbarians just like any other NPCs do not care if they die or not, but how many of the players they can take with them)
Yes, I'll say it again... it is a cool concept. I will admit that it needs adjustment, and it's not how I would personally have presented it, but the original intent of this thread was to just list our ideas in a brainstorm session and not worry about the minutiae. Having a barbarian be so tough that he can cheat death itself, if only for a short while is a cool idea in my mind.
Please don't bash on me just because I liked the idea and stated my opinion.