Every Campaign Needs a Retired Assassin Posing as a Fishmonger



Just saying.

Check out one of Razor Coast's deadly NPCs named Old Fish, a vicious old fisherman with a dark past who might end up backing your PCs' play or spitting them on dagger point in the dark.

He's got some sinister tricks up his sleeve, and your PCs can buy em for the right price.

Nice NPC Nick! I am eagerly awaiting Razor Coast, and this teaser just affirms my preorder was worth it!

Keep up the good work.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Just saying.

Check out one of Razor Coast's deadly NPCs named Old Fish, a vicious old fisherman with a dark past who might end up backing your PCs' play or spitting them on dagger point in the dark.

He's got some sinister tricks up his sleeve, and your PCs can buy em for the right price.

Your page is still blocked at work...For reason of Games...

Liberty's Edge

Been looking forward to this one since it was announced. Old Fish looks like quite the badass, I don't s'pose you'd be willing to divulge what kind of class levels he possesses?

Sovereign Court

I'm thrilled to know it's coming out in October. That is exciting news indeed. I've been looking forward to this for a long time, Nick!

Liberty's Edge

Dragnmoon wrote:
Your page is still blocked at work...For reason of Games...

Here's a copy/paste of the text:

he ancient bald man with a wispy white beard and hard gray eyes is known only as Old Fish. If Old Fish has a real name, no one remembers it now. He’s been an ornament of Port Shaw’s docks for over thirty years, selling his wares from a rickety pier-side shack perched haphazardly atop an old collapsed warehouse that long ago sloughed into the tide’s embrace. His ramshackle enterprise caters mostly to simple fisherfolk, who flock to the smelly little shop to buy hooks, tackles, nets, bait and knives. The oldest and most experienced fishermen patronize Old Fish exclusively, claiming “his hooks hold a fish firm, ain’t nothing made of scale can escape em” and “Old Fish’s knives, dey’ll gut a hundred halibut as thick your leg, and the edge’ll still open a shark’s side like passing through a babe’s tender flesh. You’ll never need to sharpen her.”
Old Fish’s history is unclear, but one thing is certain to those few in the know - he was once a very talented killer. Retired from the business of death now, he sells his skills as an artisan of specialty weapons and items, arming Port Shaw’s ever growing army of less than reputable rogues and shady cutthroats. The collapsed warehouse wallowing in the waves below his fishing supply establishment is a deadly workshop. There he toils by lamp-light, crafting the most deadly secrets of assassins and murderers. His tricks of the trade are masterfully designed and highly effective. Rogues of Port Shaw rely on his deadly wares to give them an edge. Here’s a taste of the many nasty surprises Old Fish offers.

Spike Launcher: The launcher houses a steel spring-loaded spike, launched via a tiny release button, hurling the sharpened steel spike at a foe. Rogues covet these deadly alterations to their sword hilts or an unassuming item, as it allows a fast unexpected sneak attack against a foe. The rogue may fire the pommel-housed launcher while his sword is sheathed by simply aiming the pommel at a foe, or even offer a dragoon the blade pommel first and launch the spike into their eye.

Needle Trap: Fish can build a pressure release needle trap into the hilt of a weapon, the grip of a pistol or any item other item. This remarkable design includes a hidden safety release, which Fish shows to his clients, allowing them to deactivate or reactivate the trap at will.

Concealed Weapon: Fish is skilled at constructing weapons that can appear to be an ordinary item. A lute that conceals a crossbow, a flute blowgun, a retractable dagger-blade housed in a scrollcase, etc.

Hangnail: This razor-sharp tiny steel crescent fits over a character’s thumb, and is designed to appear as nothing more than their thumbnail. The hangnail grants a +5 on any Sleight of Hand checks involving cutting purse strings or razoring a pocket, sack, pouch or backpack. Some unscrupulous brawlers will also coat it with injury poison to give them an upper hand in a match, and more than one assassin has used it to open a man’s throat.

Dual Compartmental Flask: This metal flask houses two separate compartments which can hold different unmixed fluids (usually one harmless, the other poisonous). The owner of this flask may drink freely from one cavity, and then with a simple subtle twist of the top switch the outlet to the other compartment before handing it to someone else to drink from.

Stealth Chain: Available as a shirt or full suit, black dwimmersilk strands are painstakingly sewn around it, sheathing every link of chain, concealing the metal, and muffling the clinking of the armor. The armor check penalty to Hide and Move Silenty checks for this armor is reduced to 0, though the full penalty still applies to all other skills.


Gene wrote:
Been looking forward to this one since it was announced. Old Fish looks like quite the badass, I don't s'pose you'd be willing to divulge what kind of class levels he possesses?

Ha...let's just say: Lots. ;-)

Edit: Good man Gene! There ya go Dragonmoon. You'll have to wait until you get home to see Fish's ugly mug.

Sovereign Court

So... I guess be careful how you order your fish?

The preview looks good and the thumbnail weapon sounds just plain vicious. Is it still looking like its on for release in October as I'm really looking forward to this.

Out of interest how well do you think The razor coast could be fitted into Golarion. I know there is a lot of guns but they can generally be replaced. How well does it fit theme wise? I'm getting the book anyways I just was wondering how easy it would be to shoehorn into Golarion as it is now my campaign setting of choice.

Liberty's Edge

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Ha...let's just say: Lots. ;-)

That's enough for me! Always nice to have some powerful NPCs floating about to keep the PCs in line if need be. >: )

I also feel it should be mentioned that you have some amazing artists doing work for you. All of the art is simply awesome.


Cheddar Bearer wrote:

The preview looks good and the thumbnail weapon sounds just plain vicious. Is it still looking like its on for release in October as I'm really looking forward to this.

Out of interest how well do you think The razor coast could be fitted into Golarion. I know there is a lot of guns but they can generally be replaced. How well does it fit theme wise? I'm getting the book anyways I just was wondering how easy it would be to shoehorn into Golarion as it is now my campaign setting of choice.

I think putting it among the Shackles would be a fairly easy fit. The guns could be minimized or removed altogether. There is a sidebar about this in Razor Coast actually. For me, the smoke and fire of black powder is all about atmosphere, more than it is unbalancing game mechanics. You'll see what I mean.


Dragnmoon wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Just saying.

Check out one of Razor Coast's deadly NPCs named Old Fish, a vicious old fisherman with a dark past who might end up backing your PCs' play or spitting them on dagger point in the dark.

He's got some sinister tricks up his sleeve, and your PCs can buy em for the right price.

Your page is still blocked at work...For reason of Games...

And here I thought it might be Pele's bodacious rack giving your server trouble. :-)

Scarab Sages

Anyone read the Asterix books, by Goscinny & Uderzo?

Their Gaulish village had a guy like this.
Unhygienix, and his wife Bacteria.
He specialised in poisonous fish, which could also be used as subdual weapons.


Gene wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Ha...let's just say: Lots. ;-)

That's enough for me! Always nice to have some powerful NPCs floating about to keep the PCs in line if need be. >: )

I also feel it should be mentioned that you have some amazing artists doing work for you. All of the art is simply awesome.

Thanks Gene! That piece (and Pele actually) are both by Cynthia Rimmer and she is amazing. You'll see loads of her work in Sinister products.


Patrick Curtin wrote:

Nice NPC Nick! I am eagerly awaiting Razor Coast, and this teaser just affirms my preorder was worth it!

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Patrick! As we get closer to release now, I'll be slapping up more blog posts and teasers for ya!

Dark Archive

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Nice NPC Nick! I am eagerly awaiting Razor Coast, and this teaser just affirms my preorder was worth it!

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Patrick! As we get closer to release now, I'll be slapping up more blog posts and teasers for ya!

I forgot, but Razor Coast print is due to be released around October, correct? Will we be able to order it through our FLGS?


joela wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Nice NPC Nick! I am eagerly awaiting Razor Coast, and this teaser just affirms my preorder was worth it!

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Patrick! As we get closer to release now, I'll be slapping up more blog posts and teasers for ya!
I forgot, but Razor Coast print is due to be released around October, correct? Will we be able to order it through our FLGS?

If your FLGS doesn't carry it, have them email me at sinister@sinisteradventures.com

Aaaargh! stop torturing us with tasty RC goody treats and release the vista already

*sobs hopelessly*...

Sovereign Court

Well, the art that's been posted has sold me :)

Nick you might want to update the order confirmation text that e-junkie sends out. It still says june.

Sinister Adventures wrote:

Thank you for your pre-order of Razor Coast! This book ships in late June. In the meantime should you have any questions or concerns about this transaction please email sales@sinisteradventures.com

For all queries please include your transaction number for speedy service.

When the book ships you will recieve a pdf of this product for free!


Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

Well, the art that's been posted has sold me :)

Nick you might want to update the order confirmation text that e-junkie sends out. It still says june.

Sinister Adventures wrote:

Thank you for your pre-order of Razor Coast! This book ships in late June. In the meantime should you have any questions or concerns about this transaction please email sales@sinisteradventures.com

For all queries please include your transaction number for speedy service.

When the book ships you will recieve a pdf of this product for free!

Ha! Thanks Robert! Will do!

Dark Archive

Nicolas Logue wrote:
joela wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Nice NPC Nick! I am eagerly awaiting Razor Coast, and this teaser just affirms my preorder was worth it!

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Patrick! As we get closer to release now, I'll be slapping up more blog posts and teasers for ya!
I forgot, but Razor Coast print is due to be released around October, correct? Will we be able to order it through our FLGS?
If your FLGS doesn't carry it, have them email me at sinister@sinisteradventures.com

Will do!


Awesome! Thanks joela!

I'm offering deep discount to retailers, so if anyone knows an FLGS near you give em a yalp and have them contact me about ordering books.

Hey Nick, Do the PDF comes with all orders of the book? or it has to be purchased separately or how can I get it along with the book?


Hugo Solis wrote:
Hey Nick, Do the PDF comes with all orders of the book? or it has to be purchased separately or how can I get it along with the book?

Hey Hugo!

Do you mean a PDF of the book itself? If so, you get one for free as soon as the book ships...in fact you also get other PDFs too...you'll get a PDF copy of every version we eventually put out (True 20, Runequest, maybe even Burning Wheel...madness!).

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Do you mean a PDF of the book itself? If so, you get one for free as soon as the book ships...in fact you also get other PDFs too...you'll get a PDF copy of every version we eventually put out (True 20, Runequest, maybe even Burning Wheel...madness!).

Perfect! I'll put all my faith in you and place the preorder this month... Lets see if this puts a bit more preasure for that deadline ;P


Hugo Solis wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
Do you mean a PDF of the book itself? If so, you get one for free as soon as the book ships...in fact you also get other PDFs too...you'll get a PDF copy of every version we eventually put out (True 20, Runequest, maybe even Burning Wheel...madness!).
Perfect! I'll put all my faith in you and place the preorder this month... Lets see if this puts a bit more preasure for that deadline ;P


::Nick gets back to work!::

Dark Archive

This definitely has "classic" written over it.


Radavel wrote:
This definitely has "classic" written over it.

Yep, I wanted to go old school with Old Fish (pun!). He plays an a potentially very interesting role in the adventure though. I won't spoil it!

Liberty's Edge

Cool stuff Nick!

See, those sleepness nights are working.


Mothman wrote:

Cool stuff Nick!

See, those sleepness nights are working.

Oh, its ALL about the no sleep. :-)

Question 4 Nick: How can you manage a regular teacher Job and all the RPG stuff you are commissioned and publish?!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Now that's an NPC I'd like to meet. Preferably not in a dark alley. I like his items. The dual flask is devilishly clever.


Hugo Solis wrote:
Question 4 Nick: How can you manage a regular teacher Job and all the RPG stuff you are commissioned and publish?!

The no sleeping part helps.

Actually, Sinister stuff will be less aggressive next year. Probably a couple o' books and less Indulgences sadly. We'll see though. I do like to Indulge!

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Actually, Sinister stuff will be less aggressive next year. Probably a couple o' books and less Indulgences sadly. We'll see though. I do like to Indulge!

Well, I have high expectation on RC and Ebon Shrouds, so I'll guess that will keep me warm throught the year!

Liberty's Edge

Ok, Nic, have to ask you here, as you didn't respond to eMails 'n' stuff...
Your Werecabbage buddy has preordered RC some time ago, but had some issues with PayPayl and a PC crashdown (the second this year - F$%$ VISTA). Anyway, the money is gone but I have no proof of the transaction. Could you please check, if all went well!


PS and hopefully, all the rest of RC rocks as the "old fishmonger"! ;)


Dryder wrote:

Ok, Nic, have to ask you here, as you didn't respond to eMails 'n' stuff...

Your Werecabbage buddy has preordered RC some time ago, but had some issues with PayPayl and a PC crashdown (the second this year - F$%$ VISTA). Anyway, the money is gone but I have no proof of the transaction. Could you please check, if all went well!


PS and hopefully, all the rest of RC rocks as the "old fishmonger"! ;)

You're good to go Tom! Never fear! I've got your transaction on file! Rock!

Liberty's Edge

Thanx Nic! Finally I can find some sleep now...
And, did I tell you, that I plan to let loose "da Gorgon" in Magnimar, during Rise of the Runelords?! Muahahahaha....

BTW I hope Ebon Shrouds is really released in december...that would be a nice Xmas gift!


Hugo Solis wrote:
BTW I hope Ebon Shrouds is really released in december...that would be a nice Xmas gift!

I hope so too!

I have to really get cranking on it though. I think I might be able to get it out in time for the holidays.

Liberty's Edge

* uff, totally missed preordering that one *
* off I am... *


Dryder wrote:

Thanx Nic! Finally I can find some sleep now...

And, did I tell you, that I plan to let loose "da Gorgon" in Magnimar, during Rise of the Runelords?! Muahahahaha....

Blood of the Gorgon in Magnimar! Genius! It will meld really really well with all the Skinsaw Cult madness. Fun crossover!

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