I get the feeling I missed something.
Bonjour Sumo! Are you ready to surrender to me yet? We can do zees the easy way or the hard way. *three more Frenchies with spiked baseball bats appear*
Darn it, I missed Hump Day!... Anyway...
*Humps the Thursday Monster*
Llamafrog wrote: Darn it, I missed Hump Day!... Anyway...
*Humps the Thursday Monster*
Stupid mutt! *tasers Llamafrog*
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: piddles on ThuMo You will pay for your eensolence!!! *waves his hand and the Frenchies go into action by beating on CDP*
Frenchies? Beating on me? Srsly? It's like asking 5-year olds to swing wet noodles at me.
Now, do your frenchies want to notify their next of kin before, or after, I maul the s+%@ out of them?
*listens to CDP's speech and begins to laugh* *continues the beat down on CDP*
The Thursday Monster wrote: Llamafrog wrote: Darn it, I missed Hump Day!... Anyway...
*Humps the Thursday Monster* Stupid mutt! *tasers Llamafrog* Oh yeah, I'm loving the rough shocking luvin'!
Ooh, tase me! Tase me! Go for the nipples, you dirty Frenchie.
Snarky Poodle wrote: Ooh, tase me! Tase me! Go for the nipples, you dirty Frenchie. Weell ze common bat do? *Hits Snarky over the head with a bat and knocks him out cold*
*Drags the unconscious Snarky under the couch with him and tends to him with a few dog biscuits of healing*
Allrighty then. You frenchies asked for it.
Hulks out
mauls frenchies
*watches in horror as the other Frenchies are mauled* Please don't! I have a wife and keeds.....gurgle *mauled*
*Puts paws over eyes* I can't watch.
*Mauled with a white flag in his hand*
Maybe next time I should yell "SUMO SMASH!".
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Maybe next time I should yell "SUMO SMASH!". Those damn Frenchies will never learn, will they?
*strolls into the thread dressed as a giant toadstool*
There's a fungus among us!
*she is clearly quite pleased with this joke she has been practicing all week*
{begins brainstorming "Yo Vegepygmy So Fat" jokes}
*Skulks in* Is it Thursday yet?
You... don't remember me? Seriously? *skulks out, tail between legs, head down*
Well then, could you at least tell me who I am?
*Looks back* What? Um... You are Fluffy the Raccoon.
So who are all these other raccoons?
Correction. That's Fluffy the Flying Raccoon. *PUNT* *"Fluffy" flies through the air*
You don't look like a raccoon. Who are you? Are we friends? Why do I have this sudden urge to....
humps the not-raccoon
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: You don't look like a raccoon. Who are you? Are we friends? Why do I have this sudden urge to....
humps the not-raccoon
Get off of me, Fluffy! *punts*
Why do you keep kicking me? Do you have anger issues? Maybe you should see a therapist.
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Do you have anger issues? Maybe you should see a therapist. Well, duh! I do have anger issues. I was created from your mind, remember? Here's another punt, Fluffy! *PUNT!!!*
It looks like you might have to go "Frenchie" on him, CDP.
Mr. Monster, how could you have been created from my mind if I can't remember who I am? And who's this CDP people keep referring to?
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Mr. Monster, how could you have been created from my mind if I can't remember who I am? And who's this CDP people keep referring to? *force feeds CDP some medication*
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Mr. Monster, how could you have been created from my mind if I can't remember who I am? And who's this CDP people keep referring to? It doesn't matter, Fluffy. You do remember that we're best friends and that you trust me, right? Now, I have these skinning knives that I want to use on you...., er, I mean show you. *pulls out knives*
So, what are we going to hump this week? Everything that moves? Should we inclcude unmoving objects?
Why this fascination with humping things? I didn't know raccoons did that sort of thing.
Feels good, and we are out of squeaky toys
*Humps CDP*
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote: Why this fascination with humping things? I didn't know raccoons did that sort of thing. Now I remember what I forgot! *Force feeds CDP some medication with whiskey this time*. There! That should snap him back into reality! YAP! YAP!
While we're at it...
*forcefeeds the Monday Monster some pills, whiskey, and a large knife*
You *&^%*$^!!!! *keels over dead*
WTF? Why do I have black rings around my eyes? Did those damned frenchies do something to me again? Grrr....
{looks up from chewing on plastic waterbowl} Mebs! What is wrong with France, Mr. Curly-Furred Quadruped?
Nothing a good mauling and rivers of frenchie blood can't fix.
Mauling and blood rivers? I come from... France... and I've never heard of these festivities? How does one participate?
*humps CDP while he mauls the Frenchie*
Humday, YAY!
*Humps Snarky as he humps CDP*
Llamafrog wrote: Humday, YAY!
*Humps Snarky as he humps CDP*
*humps Llamafrog as he humps Snarky! It's a love train!