Llamafrog |

Fellow Paizonians, come and praise the puffy lords of jack-post-toil and join the ranks of the poodle minios!
As you may notice the poodle ranks and pots are thickening and you either join of bore to death!
Let it be for respect, admiration, comptemt, hate, or plain love to spongy tails, come and speak your mind to the Werepoodles and lets them receive their deserved attention!
I claim my alliance to the perro-puqueque to receive infinite post-wisdoms and endless amusement (the good-nature ammusement) on the boards!
COme and join! there's plenty of wisecracks, squealing toys and poodle-chow for everyone!

Kess of the Cult of Sebastian |

Hmm...yes, gather in one place so that I may serve you up as one to my lord and master! in fact, why don't you all just please come roll around in these conveniant spices and herbs and jump into that pot- i mean hot tub over there. That's a good group of puppies, saving me time and effort. yes you are! yes you are!
*taps fingers together innocently*

Llamafrog |

Hmm...yes, gather in one place so that I may serve you up as one to my lord and master! in fact, why don't you all just please come roll around in these conveniant spices and herbs and jump into that pot- i mean hot tub over there. That's a good group of puppies, saving me time and effort. yes you are! yes you are!
*taps fingers together innocently*
We ate your master last night at a secret PoodleCon when we were discussing how to bring the subject up, sorry!
Your are welcome to join the new Poodlerama, put on the puffy heand and post away!

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Jason Beardsley wrote:Traitor!Well…to be fair…I am cuddlier than Sebastian.
Your attempts to convert me are "full of fail". lol

Beaver Cleaver |

Jason Beardsley wrote:Traitor!Well…to be fair…I am cuddlier than Sebastian.
so is a rabid wolverine immersed in a 50 gal. barrel of turpentine, set on fire and thrown on you in a cold shower, but what else is new?

Undercover Cultist |

So what's the 'haps, fellow poodles? any goings ons I should be made aware of or plots goings down to overthrow certain lords and lawyers, as I am obviously one of your own. Or if possible I know where they are raising a giant statue of that enemy of ours, and by ours I include myself, because I am one of your own as I myself have already stated. we could all go down there and stand in the shadow. why yes, it is rather windy out, why?

Llamafrog |

I have 50 poodles in my belly.
"Gotta catchum...gotta catchum all!!!"
That's it! Spit them you nasty guppie!
If you are not aware of it, the wort thing to do for a swallow-whol monster is to have dangerous bitting creatures eating their way out from your belly. Ask around to T.Rex, purple worms and all those nasty critters.
We gotta get another bouncer...

Llamafrog |

Beware my puffy friends. When I was more public with my poodle practices I was persecuted for my beliefs. Hide your poodleness in public until we have sufficient numbers. Adopt clever aliases so you cannot be identified.
The more poodles the more puffy! Join the Poodlepuffy madness!
When our numbers increase, we shall fear none! (not even lousy-taste guppies). Be proud of your Poodliness! Wear your poodlemantle with pride!...(and secrecy)

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Poodle haters you are welcome to join too! This is not a poodle-lover cult! Express your strong feelings to poodles in the maner that suits you the most and while doing so, do it in poodle-style and don the mantle! Poodleheads are available at the Alias Avatar store, free of charge of course!.
I will only wear a poodle head if it has been severed from the body of an actual poodle.

Llamafrog |

Llamafrog wrote:Poodle haters you are welcome to join too! This is not a poodle-lover cult! Express your strong feelings to poodles in the maner that suits you the most and while doing so, do it in poodle-style and don the mantle! Poodleheads are available at the Alias Avatar store, free of charge of course!.I will only wear a poodle head if it has been severed from the body of an actual poodle.
I'll let you know when the guppie spits one.

Undercover Cultist |

Llamafrog wrote:Poodle haters you are welcome to join too! This is not a poodle-lover cult! Express your strong feelings to poodles in the maner that suits you the most and while doing so, do it in poodle-style and don the mantle! Poodleheads are available at the Alias Avatar store, free of charge of course!.I will only wear a poodle head if it has been severed from the body of an actual poodle.
...mine was. It was the most fun part of my accepting the inner poodle, that is the poodle that i just put inside me. by eating it. and now wearing the head as a mask.

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Poodle haters you are welcome to join too! This is not a poodle-lover cult! Express your strong feelings to poodles in the maner that suits you the most and while doing so, do it in poodle-style and don the mantle! Poodleheads are available at the Alias Avatar store, free of charge of course!.
I hate poodles.
And I'm still not joining...