Michigan Pathfinders?

Local Play

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Scarab Sages 1/5

Anyone from the mitten state out there?

Dark Archive

[sarcasm]I already asked this question!!! I am outraged!!![/sarcasm]


I'm in Grandville. Where are you?

Scarab Sages 1/5

Mac Boyce wrote:

[sarcasm]I already asked this question!!! I am outraged!!![/sarcasm]


I'm in Grandville. Where are you?

lol, scanned the board and didn't see a michigan post, my fault.

I am in Kalamazoo hoping to find a group :)

Dark Archive

Go here:


it's a D&D meetup group in K-Zoo, I don't know if they are going to play Pathfinder, but you could always ask!!

And if you're ever going to Grand Rapids, drop me a line.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Damn what's with all the West side gamers... There's just no love for Downriver Detroit!

Dark Archive 1/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Michigan—Warren

Not downriver, but at least Detroit area. I'm out in Warren and working in Ann Arbor. I'm hoping to be able to continue playing scenarios in our area!

Grand Lodge

As said before ;-) I'm from GR, although I'll likely be working in Portage starting after the upcoming holiday.

Sovereign Court 1/5

So where can we play our new fangled doodads here in MI? Any Cons or anything around, FLGS's with organized play and such? I run my own group but it's hard to play weekly anymore with family obligations and 2nd jobs ruining all the fun! Ya know?

I live in Port Huron, but work in Dearborn . . . hit me up if close.

I'm in Ann Arbor. See there are some of us on the east side of the state, too. :)

Sovereign Court 1/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Yeah we need like some kind of regional PF Society...

SEMPFS. (Southeast Michigan Pathfinder Society)
Hmmm, might be too usmc'ish looks like semper fi! lol.

DPS. (Detroit Pathfinder Society)
Dots more DOTS!


I'm in Warren. I played 1 & 2 at GenCon and I'm looking for chances to play 3 & 4 so I can run them for my group without missing a chance to play them.

Scarab Sages

I live in Highland, but work in Livonia.

I'd love to be in a PFS game.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

My friend Doug and i played all four mods at GenCon. He's in Waterford. He might run some games at the Pandemonium RPGA convention in September in Garden City.


Dark Archive

I'm in Clinton Twp ... wasn't able to make GenCon but would love a chance to play in a local PFS game.

I'm in the Holland area, on the west side.
I don't have a group, but would gladly travel to GR or even KZoo once a month to play this campaign.


Liberty's Edge

I'll be moving to the Detroit area by the end of the year, working out of Farmington Hills. I'll definitely be interested in a group, for PFS or gaming in general. I don't have many details about the move yet, so it will be a couple months out.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

the pathfinder modules at Pandemonium are scheduled at www.warhorn.net

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Another West Michigander here (Kalamazoo area). I mostly GM and have floated the idea of running some of the Pathfinder mods at the Kalamazoo DnD monthly meetup.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Hey there all, I'll add myself to the list. I'm in Niles (SW corner of mitten). I'm happy to DM or play in a game if we have enough interest and a centralish location to meet.

The Exchange 5/5

OK, I'm kicking myself here. I should have thought to post here previously. I'm organizing Pathfinder for the Pandemonium conventions. The last one was in September, the next one is in January/February and then there's one in May. You can spot them on Warhorn (warhorn.net) sometimes referred to as Pan Frost (Jan/Feb), Pan Mayhem (May) and Pan Fury (September). Pandemonium is a game store in Garden City, MI (NW Detroit Metro area).

I'm also trying to organize the local Pathfinder Society players in Southeastern Michigan into a better connected organization so the GMs can share the burden of eating scenarios for their groups. Right now we have a "Judge's Table" where GMs are invited to sit and occasionally eat a scenario for the group. Then they can go back to their home tables and run the same scenario. If you'd like to join our circle, search for Pathfinder Society on Yahoo! Groups or try pasting this link: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pathfinder_Society_Southeast_Michigan

We have 17 members currently.

Lastly, if I find out there are a lot of interested but "tableless" parties localized in Macomb or Wayne County, I may attempt to organize a monthly game day at either Pandemonium (see above) or Blue Dragon Games in Shelby Township. This is subject to the approval of the store and space being available. Also, I likely will not start until after the holidays because people are just too busy right now.

I realize that I'm posting pretty late in this thread, but better late than never.

Dark Archive 1/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Michigan—Warren

Doug Miles wrote:

OK, I'm kicking myself here. I should have thought to post here previously. I'm organizing Pathfinder for the Pandemonium conventions. The last one was in September, the next one is in January/February and then there's one in May. You can spot them on Warhorn (warhorn.net) sometimes referred to as Pan Frost (Jan/Feb), Pan Mayhem (May) and Pan Fury (September). Pandemonium is a game store in Garden City, MI (NW Detroit Metro area).

I'm also trying to organize the local Pathfinder Society players in Southeastern Michigan into a better connected organization so the GMs can share the burden of eating scenarios for their groups. Right now we have a "Judge's Table" where GMs are invited to sit and occasionally eat a scenario for the group. Then they can go back to their home tables and run the same scenario. If you'd like to join our circle, search for Pathfinder Society on Yahoo! Groups or try pasting this link: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Pathfinder_Society_Southeast_Michigan

We have 17 members currently.

Lastly, if I find out there are a lot of interested but "tableless" parties localized in Macomb or Wayne County, I may attempt to organize a monthly game day at either Pandemonium (see above) or Blue Dragon Games in Shelby Township. This is subject to the approval of the store and space being available. Also, I likely will not start until after the holidays because people are just too busy right now.

I realize that I'm posting pretty late in this thread, but better late than never.

Good timing! I was just thinking this morning that things are very quiet in SE Michigan for Pathfinder Society. I thoroughly enjoyed myself at GenCon and have been itching to play more. I'll check out the link above, but am very interested in playing or DM'ing scenarios. Thanks for coordinating!

The Exchange 5/5

If anyone is interested I will be running Pathfinder Society events at Marmalade Dog in Kalamazoo at Western Michigan University on January 30, 31 & Feb 1st. They don't have their schedule posted yet, but you can find the convention website at http://www.marmaladedog.org/index.php

Contact me direct for more details: dmiles@starems.com

Doug Miles wrote:

If anyone is interested I will be running Pathfinder Society events at Marmalade Dog in Kalamazoo at Western Michigan University on January 30, 31 & Feb 1st. They don't have their schedule posted yet, but you can find the convention website at http://www.marmaladedog.org/index.php

Contact me direct for more details: dmiles@starems.com

I am going to be there. SInce LG, I've been looking at PF and LP - haven't played either yet. I might bring a friend from Florida as well.

-I normally am in Kalamazoo or in Florida.

The Exchange 5/5

Marmalade Dog has the game schedule up now, 7 slots of Pathfinder Society are available. I'm running #5 through #11. I recommend if you are going that you register & sign up ASAP since I am the only GM for PFS & the table caps at 6 players.

Doug Miles wrote:
Marmalade Dog has the game schedule up now, 7 slots of Pathfinder Society are available. I'm running #5 through #11. I recommend if you are going that you register & sign up ASAP since I am the only GM for PFS & the table caps at 6 players.

The Marme site says:

"Playing an Event
There will be no pre-registration for events at Marmalade Dog 14. Sign up sheets for the day's events will be made available within the convention at the start of each day.
Any registrations for events at Marmalade Dog 14 accepted by other web sites are not operated, monitored or guaranteed by the WMGG. "

Is there a warhorn site or a place to sign up, because Marme usually doesn't have sign up for games on their own site???

The Exchange 5/5

Whoops! I thought they used a registration system, my mistake LdyPike. That leaves me with no way to predict attendance besides setting up a Warhorn site that offers no guarentees anyways. Well, consider two seats reserved for you and your friend LdyPike.

Yeah, I found this thread pretty late, anyway, I live in Taylor and I am currently running my players through 2nd Darkness. If anyone is interested in joining I have room for one more.

I am also a new member of the pathfinder society and the yahoo group Doug mentioned above and would be interested in getting regular gaming sessions going here around town with the scenarios.

Doug Miles wrote:
Whoops! I thought they used a registration system, my mistake LdyPike. That leaves me with no way to predict attendance besides setting up a Warhorn site that offers no guarentees anyways. Well, consider two seats reserved for you and your friend LdyPike.

Thanks, Doug. I will be there. I teach at WMU so I'm always around.


Jumping in to say hi. I'm a long-time Paizo fan who'd like to start playing (and running) Pathfinder Society scenarios. I live in Farmington Hills and occasionally visit Pandemonium for board games or WoW TCG. Currently I'm running Rise of Runelords (4E) once a week during lunch at work and playing in Curse of Crimson Throne (PFRPG) once a month on Saturday in Holland.

The Exchange 5/5

Derek Poppink wrote:
Jumping in to say hi. I'm a long-time Paizo fan who'd like to start playing (and running) Pathfinder Society scenarios. I live in Farmington Hills and occasionally visit Pandemonium for board games or WoW TCG. Currently I'm running Rise of Runelords (4E) once a week during lunch at work and playing in Curse of Crimson Throne (PFRPG) once a month on Saturday in Holland.

Derek, I got your request to join our Yahoo! Group and you have been approved. Pandemonium Mayhem is this weekend, Saturday & Sunday. I am running four slots on Saturday and two on Sunday. This would be a great opportunity to get started. We'll talk more off-list I'm sure. Welcome!

Sovereign Court 1/5

Hey Doug... My buddy Larry and I thoroughly enjoyed PanMayhem! It was good to play with a different group with different playstyles. We even realized we've been using the poison save rules wrong for years! But Disarms also don't require touch attacks (that's trip) merely an opposed attack roll.

Hopefully we can make another event soon.

The Exchange 5/5

Two-faced Egan wrote:

Hey Doug... My buddy Larry and I thoroughly enjoyed PanMayhem! It was good to play with a different group with different playstyles. We even realized we've been using the poison save rules wrong for years! But Disarms also don't require touch attacks (that's trip) merely an opposed attack roll.

Hopefully we can make another event soon.

Thanks for coming out to Mayhem! My friends were talking about how bold the Taldan faction was, you guys did a great job.

You're absolutely right about the disarm, I was getting it mixed up with trip attacks. It seems like disarm is one of the least-used attacks along with overrun. I've got a Taldan bard too, but she's got a 7 strength so she's not disarming anyone with her whip.

The next convention in the area is supposed to be Pandemonium Fury on September 18-20 but since Living Greyhawk ended attendance has been way down. This weekend we had two LFR tables and one Pathfinder table per slot. Pathfinder Society actually beat LFR in number of tables run but that was because I can run 3.5 faster than 4E. Last year we had 10-12 LG tables a slot. It is in question whether these conventions can sustain themselves if turnout doesn't increase. I'll keep you posted via the local Yahoo group. Thanks!

Sovereign Court 1/5

Doug Doug wrote:

Thanks for coming out to Mayhem! My friends were talking about how bold the Taldan faction was, you guys did a great job.

You're absolutely right about the disarm, I was getting it mixed up with trip attacks. It seems like disarm is one of the least-used attacks along with overrun. I've got a Taldan bard too, but she's got a 7 strength so she's not disarming anyone with her whip.

Ah but with weapon finesse things change! Use your Inspire courage to buff your attack number and the whip grants a +2. Add in anything else like an Oil of Magic Weapon or Haste to boost your attack mod and it's gravy. Just be sure to keep it to 3/4 or 1/2 bab opponents like rogues and wizards.

Dark Archive

I'm in Saline

Sovereign Court 1/5

Two-faced Egan wrote:

Hey Doug... My buddy Larry and I thoroughly enjoyed PanMayhem! It was good to play with a different group with different playstyles. We even realized we've been using the poison save rules wrong for years! But Disarms also don't require touch attacks (that's trip) merely an opposed attack roll.

Hopefully we can make another event soon.

Hey, Egan. It was great gaming with you guys. I'm considering running a few sessions on Pandemonium every other Thursday night. I have a handful of other potential players. Are you guys interested? If so, send me an email (dpoppink at yahoo.com).

Sovereign Court 1/5

Amethyst Tisdale wrote:
Two-faced Egan wrote:

Hey Doug... My buddy Larry and I thoroughly enjoyed PanMayhem! It was good to play with a different group with different playstyles. We even realized we've been using the poison save rules wrong for years! But Disarms also don't require touch attacks (that's trip) merely an opposed attack roll.

Hopefully we can make another event soon.

Hey, Egan. It was great gaming with you guys. I'm considering running a few sessions on Pandemonium every other Thursday night. I have a handful of other potential players. Are you guys interested? If so, send me an email (dpoppink at yahoo.com).

I'd love to do a regular night other than my normal game unfortunately I work afternoons so I'm stuck working...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hey all, I'm jreyst and live in Royal Oak. I'm starting to look around for some other PF players to join into an existing game if possible. Anyone in the vicinity running something and open to one more player? I'm *extremely* experienced (been into D&D since about '81) and looking for a group that is very heavy into the RP side of the game. Anyway, you can email me at jreyst@gmail.com if you are looking for one more dude!

Shadow Lodge 1/5

I'm the organizer of the DnD Meetup in Kalamazoo that's been mentioned above, and I've run Pathfinder Society scenarios as the last two monthly meetups, and will be doing so again this month. That meeting is in a couple days. I'll probably keep doing it, so be sure to check out the group.

The Exchange 5/5

There are some signs of life in Flint, MI if anyone around there is interested. A local player is hoping to get something going at The Gamer's Sanctuary on Miller Rd. Speak up if you're interested :)


Doug Doug wrote:
There are some signs of life in Flint, MI if anyone around there is interested. A local player is hoping to get something going at The Gamer's Sanctuary on Miller Rd. Speak up if you're interested :)

10 years ago there was a quite active gaming society (2e, then 3e) at Kettering University in Flint. If we establish a Flint game day, we should consider hanging fliers at both Kettering and UofM Flint.

I also have a few college gaming buddies that are realatively close to Flint that could be remotely interested.

If we could get the game days to start at 6:30 I could GM. (Maaaaybe 6 if I push it)

Grand Lodge

Wow, about 2 years since I posted in here. Well I'm out of GR and no longer work in Portage (no longer work anywhere actually ... sometimes I have the economy). Anyways, I'm back in Muskegon (my hometown) although I tend to game in Jenison.

The Exchange 5/5

Andrew Betts wrote:
Wow, about 2 years since I posted in here. Well I'm out of GR and no longer work in Portage (no longer work anywhere actually ... sometimes I have the economy). Anyways, I'm back in Muskegon (my hometown) although I tend to game in Jenison.

Dude, you're moving in the wrong direction, come toward Lansing! I haven't heard of anything organized on the west side of the state outside of Kalamazoo. You should move over to Detroit and be unemployed, at least you'd have a thriving gaming community as a consolation prize ;)

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Doug Doug wrote:
Andrew Betts wrote:

Dude, you're moving in the wrong direction, come toward Lansing! I haven't heard of anything organized on the west side of the state outside of Kalamazoo. You should move over to Detroit and be unemployed, at least you'd have a thriving gaming community as a consolation prize ;)

Nah..Not when unemployment is running out and 400K people in Michigan will be screwed in a big way soon by that.


Grand Lodge

Doug Doug wrote:
Andrew Betts wrote:
Wow, about 2 years since I posted in here. Well I'm out of GR and no longer work in Portage (no longer work anywhere actually ... sometimes I have the economy). Anyways, I'm back in Muskegon (my hometown) although I tend to game in Jenison.

Dude, you're moving in the wrong direction, come toward Lansing! I haven't heard of anything organized on the west side of the state outside of Kalamazoo. You should move over to Detroit and be unemployed, at least you'd have a thriving gaming community as a consolation prize ;)

I'm mostly back in Muskegon for family as my parents now have their first grandkid and I think I would be flogged if I moved away

Currently I live in Midland.

I run a Thursday night game (4e Curse of the Crimson Throne).

I'm looking to start a Wed. night Pathfinder game . . . but due to distances I was thinking of doing it online. If you are interested check here.

The Exchange

Another Michigander here. MtClemons/NewBaltimore area. I'll give a shout out to Mikes Comics in New Baltimore! Game Night every third Sat in month. Thats how I got back into RPGs. After 10+years, I still recognized what a bunch of guys with paper and dice with what looked like a DMscreen meant. Whodathunkit?
Still learning PF, mostly by PBP.

The Exchange 5/5

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

Another Michigander here. MtClemons/NewBaltimore area. I'll give a shout out to Mikes Comics in New Baltimore! Game Night every third Sat in month. Thats how I got back into RPGs. After 10+years, I still recognized what a bunch of guys with paper and dice with what looked like a DMscreen meant. Whodathunkit?

Still learning PF, mostly by PBP.

Thanks for the tip, I will have to check out the scene.


Mac Boyce wrote:

Go here:


it's a D&D meetup group in K-Zoo, I don't know if they are going to play Pathfinder, but you could always ask!!

And if you're ever going to Grand Rapids, drop me a line.

I'm just south of you, in Three Rivers. Any interest from anyone from SW Michigan getting a regular PFS game day going?

The Exchange 5/5

Lambien wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:

Go here:


it's a D&D meetup group in K-Zoo, I don't know if they are going to play Pathfinder, but you could always ask!!

And if you're ever going to Grand Rapids, drop me a line.

I'm just south of you, in Three Rivers. Any interest from anyone from SW Michigan getting a regular PFS game day going?

Mac Boyce's post is two years old. If you want to find a regular group contact Kevin (kevin@revolvingdesign.com) or Devon (liair2@yahoo.com). They organize PFS games in Kalamazoo.

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