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Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD


Male Induced Mutant (from Chemical Exposure)

The shadowy ape slips down the stairs as quickly as it can. It is hopefully headed to the basement.

Since Johnny can remote sense through his constructs, does it appear the the electicity is off? (save for generator and battery op lights, of course.)

hopeless wrote:

Skater pondered the benefits of transferring magnetic discharges as he spread out a discharge along the rooftop he was standing upon so that anyone crossing over would allow him to sense them even if they approached behind him since they would interrupt the magnetic charge he has spread across the rooftop.

Meanwhile nothing seemed to be happening anywhere near the Batmobile and Skater wondered how Johnny was coping...

Pausing to look around Skater notes nothing seemed to be going on and then returned to waiting keeping himself alert as at any moment things could change at the drop of a hat or a batarang for that matter...

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD


Valegrim wrote:

Skater blinked.

~Did he just imagine that sound?~ he wondered.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
hopeless wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

Skater blinked.

~Did he just imagine that sound?~ he wondered.

I think it was an imploding plot. :-(

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hehe :)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Skater remembers that there is room for a sub in the basement; hmm; did someone leave the sonar on :)

hopeless wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

Skater blinked.

~Did he just imagine that sound?~ he wondered.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

<whispers> (I have a character ready if I can still join in :)
hope the GM comes back soon; love supers

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I'm actually a little concerned. Does anybody know where Patricio lives? Was he in the path of Gustav or some other disaster?

Dark Archive

I believe Patricio lives in South America. Chile, I think. At least that is what he told me.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hmm; its been a while....

Hope he's ok.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Group Prayer for the GM; hope all is well.

Well, I'm afraid that, if this campaign gets on its feet again, I'll have to bow out. Valegrim, I'll yield my spot to you.

I am grateful for the concern you have showed towards me and my wellfare. I am just OK. I don't know why I am returning here I said myself I'd not come back again just because I did not want to face any of you and tell you that I totally lost interest on PBPs. It just doesn't work for me anymore. I felt a little interest on them that grew till the point to try more games but sorry if I made you waste you time with me, just they are too slow for me I remember coming every morning to my PC eager to find any new post on the three games and find nothing. I just got bored and that is all.
For me now the only option is video games, playing alone against a module or waiting for my girls to grow up and play with them. It is over for me I am not trying this again.
It was my duty to show my face and tell you I am well. Thanks if any of you was concerned to the point of praying for me as someone suggested. God Bless you.

Patricio Calderón wrote:

I am grateful for the concern you have showed towards me and my wellfare. I am just OK. I don't know why I am returning here I said myself I'd not come back again just because I did not want to face any of you and tell you that I totally lost interest on PBPs. It just doesn't work for me anymore. I felt a little interest on them that grew till the point to try more games but sorry if I made you waste you time with me, just they are too slow for me I remember coming every morning to my PC eager to find any new post on the three games and find nothing. I just got bored and that is all.

For me now the only option is video games, playing alone against a module or waiting for my girls to grow up and play with them. It is over for me I am not trying this again.
It was my duty to show my face and tell you I am well. Thanks if any of you was concerned to the point of praying for me as someone suggested. God Bless you.

I hope things are fine with you, but I was wondering if I could run the next part of this until you feel ready to step in?

I would like to know if you'd like to run a character if you feel that might reinspire you to continue this game whilst I try to see if i can keep this going and more importantly see if i can find whats causing it to go so slow for you.

Take care and all the best!

hopeless wrote:
Patricio Calderón wrote:

I am grateful for the concern you have showed towards me and my wellfare. I am just OK. I don't know why I am returning here I said myself I'd not come back again just because I did not want to face any of you and tell you that I totally lost interest on PBPs. It just doesn't work for me anymore. I felt a little interest on them that grew till the point to try more games but sorry if I made you waste you time with me, just they are too slow for me I remember coming every morning to my PC eager to find any new post on the three games and find nothing. I just got bored and that is all.

For me now the only option is video games, playing alone against a module or waiting for my girls to grow up and play with them. It is over for me I am not trying this again.
It was my duty to show my face and tell you I am well. Thanks if any of you was concerned to the point of praying for me as someone suggested. God Bless you.

I hope things are fine with you, but I was wondering if I could run the next part of this until you feel ready to step in?

I would like to know if you'd like to run a character if you feel that might reinspire you to continue this game whilst I try to see if i can keep this going and more importantly see if i can find whats causing it to go so slow for you.

Take care and all the best!

Thanks for everything hopeless, I am not in the mood to continue with a PBP game not even as a player. You have a group here and can continue with this campaign, I am sure more people will join at the future, It is not about you or this group, it is not about RPG, it is about PBP, sorry but my interest is gone I don't know when it happened but it just left. Peace.

Patricio Calderón wrote:

Thanks for everything hopeless, I am not in the mood to continue with a PBP game not even as a player. You have a group here and can continue with this campaign, I am sure more people will join at the future, It is not about you or this group, it is not about RPG, it is about PBP, sorry but my interest is gone I don't know when it happened but it just left. Peace.

Sorry to hear that hope things improve and wish you all the best.

Take care and all the best!


Pong shook himself as the sounds of sirens echoing through the streets brought him to his senses.
Staggering to his feet he looked around and simply stared...

Somewhere in the distance the sirens of fire engines and patrol cars rang and yet he could see only one area illuminated by flame the only thing was he could have sworn the new police building was in the opposite direction...

It took him only a moment to realise where he was standing and what had to be the location of the fire...

Checking himself he swiftly found his comlink and the ear piece still fortunately in one piece.

"Bats can you hear me, Skater are you there?" he asked but only distorted buzzing was the reply.
Breathing came harder as he tensed.
"Johnny if you can hear me you better head towards the fire, I need help I think both Bats and Skater are down..." he mutters as turning he briefly concentrates as his body swells into a ball and he begins to bounce towards the scene he had only moments ago from his memory had been standing alongside the Batman...


************MEANWHILE AT THE POLICE STATION************************
Johnny paused.
His search had been fruitless, he had patrolled most of the lower levels of the new building with no success which only left the floors above some of which his enhanced senses told him was occupied and the light sources within them prevented him from discerning anything else there.
A loud buzzing caught his attention and focusing he heard a broadcast from the radio room of the police station burst into life, fortunately sound echoed well meaning he didn't have to leave himself exposed to the light to listen in.
"There's been an explosion in downtown, the centre of the blast appears to be the home of one of the crime bosses of the area, there's reports of a unusual vehicle buried in the debris, fire engines are being called in additional police units required to support them," the voice seemed strained and somewhat faint but Johnny decided perhaps he'd better check with the others as he used his talents to move out of the building where he could use his comlink and not risk being detected by the police officer inside.

Before he could say a word the comlink burst into life,
"Bats can you hear me, Skater are you there?" a tense voice echoed.
After a pause it then became clearer, "Johnny if you can hear me you better head towards the fire, I need help I think both Bats and Skater are down..." Pong's voice sounding even more shocked than he was as Johnny looked towards the light in the distance as the fire grew larger...

"What is that?" Mechimera wondered as the area around him shifted and turned.
His probes relayed information from throughout the police station even as he also investigated the station computer.
It took but the space of a moment to analyse the dispatch before he sent a few more of his tendrils out to scope out the area.
Somewhere close to the burning debris an unaffected building suddenly sprouted small legs and then a body from where the telephone wires connected it to the rest of the city telecommunication grid, this then developed into several bodies that spread out and began to analyse the situation.
"Hmm what is this?" Mechimera wondered as its various on site drones relayed pictures of the burning debris that seemed to consist of several buildings that comprised a small city block.
Pausing he enhanced an refocused the image as one particular area was magnified and then clarified... revealing a car buried under flaming debris.... the only problem was the car was the batmobile...
"Oh dear..." Mechimera muttered.
(Hope thats a good start wasn't sure if any of you would be interested in continuing but I thought I'd try, take care and all the best!)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

I am :)very cool btw

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Sure is cool of Skater to start this game back up; you guys still out there?

******************WHILST I'M WAITING***************************
Skater almost landed exhausted on the edge of the freeway.
It had felt like hours since he had been watching from the building top, when he had been almost bored to tears and freak luck had saved him from a fiery doom.
The maniac had swooped down upon him he had almost not spotted him but the corona of flames surrounding his attacker had made him step off the building using his power to levitate downwards even as the flash of flames passed harmlessly overhead.
He had been about to let the others know when the building Pong had helped Batman reached exploded...
It had been instinct but after seeing Pong blast past him at high speed his body inflated into a ball bouncing off the surrounding buildings and passing out of sight before he could even react he spotted Bats body heading for the ground and using his power he managed to grab him before accelerating clear of the debris.
Even then he had taken a knock or two fortunately not enough to trigger his other power but enough to leave him reeling.
He had barely reached the ground when his original attacker flew overhead and headed straight for them, he would have used the debris to drive him off but two other figures came into sight from the other end of the street, this wouldn't have ordinarily have worried him even in this neighbourhood, but the first was dressed in what looked like some fancy spandex battlesuit and the second... well the second was hovering...
Moving swiftly away from what he assumed was a group of supervillains he barely avoided the first of their attacks, if the fire wasn't bad enough the focused blasts of what looked like liquid nitrogen that froze various streetlights, cars and even buildings ironic as they were then promptly set on fire by the fiery flyer who seemed a little at odds with his comrades but they were definitely aiding each other as the hovering one kept up a monologue straight out of some sci fi movie claiming to be adapting to the targets' tactics which was right before "he" blew up the road in front forcing him to take the freeway.
He used the cover off the side to drop off Batman whilst they hesitated, when he poked above cover he was almost shot out of the sky by a fourth foe this one seemed to be dressed in rags and using his bare hands to fire blasts of something that seemed like really powerful fireworks...
Ducking again he headed on hoping they hadn't noticed he was now alone and the trenchcoat he had been wearing was now holding what he could use of the debris as a "body".
He hoped the others had more luck as noticing he was being herded into a dead end he ducked down a side road and magnetically launching a manhole cover behind him he took to below the streets...
**********************TO BE CONTINUED*********************************

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

nice bit of posting here; am not in the current scene or I would post.

Valegrim wrote:
nice bit of posting here; am not in the current scene or I would post.

(OOC: Which character are you?)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

well, I made one up on the discussion board; but Patricio never got back to me; or anyone else for that matter. Am a wizard trained by dark elves in the Norse Realm; same place Thor got his Uru hammer though that was from the dwarves, so my magic powers pretty much only work in the dark and have some fey limitations.

Valegrim wrote:
well, I made one up on the discussion board; but Patricio never got back to me; or anyone else for that matter. Am a wizard trained by dark elves in the Norse Realm; same place Thor got his Uru hammer though that was from the dwarves, so my magic powers pretty much only work in the dark and have some fey limitations.

(Do you want to set up an alternate alias and put up your character?

At this point you're the only one interested in continuing this and I'd rather be able to continue this it would also be interesting to see if this gets the others to respond too)

Sorry guys, I did not notice you had started this back up. But I regret to say I have joined another pbp instead and that three total is all I can handle at one time. Use Pong as you will and good luck on recruiting new players. Should I refer anyone interested to this thread and the discussion or will you be posting a new thread on 'Gamer Connection'?

Pong wrote:
Sorry guys, I did not notice you had started this back up. But I regret to say I have joined another pbp instead and that three total is all I can handle at one time. Use Pong as you will and good luck on recruiting new players. Should I refer anyone interested to this thread and the discussion or will you be posting a new thread on 'Gamer Connection'?

(Nice to hear from you, by all means recommend whoever you want sorry to hear that you can't continue all the best with your new game)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

sure; will take me a bit to post him up; but will get it done; I dont know the game system that well; but have the marvel games encyclopedia of most heroes and villians; a thousand or so; used them to make my guy like I said in the discussion thread; will get my guy and post :) thanks

Valegrim wrote:
sure; will take me a bit to post him up; but will get it done; I dont know the game system that well; but have the marvel games encyclopedia of most heroes and villians; a thousand or so; used them to make my guy like I said in the discussion thread; will get my guy and post :) thanks

Try here for details;

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

k; here is my super

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf


Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

(OOC: Interesting character, lets see what develops shall we?)

In a darkened area of the city a pool of darkness seemed to seep out of the alleyways as a tall lean figure steps out and looks around.
It takes a moment for him to realise there's something out of place as the fiery glow on the horizon catches his attention.
The sounds of police and fire engine sirens pass by even as he wonders what has just happened a sudden shriek almost deafens him as a roar of flame passes over the rooftops as a figure grimly holding someone flies straight passed like some airborne missiles shortly followed by a trio of figures flying past on some mechanical contraption remarkably similar to a flying disc followed by the source of the fireball that barely missed the two they are apparently chasing.

The really odd part is that Maelidek could have sworn the figure being held by the one being chased looked alot like Batman...
*********************LETS TRY FROM THERE SHALL WE?*******************

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Hmm; is this the famous Batman; I wonder, I shall endevor to find out; <set off in pursuit to discover if this famous Batman is really the person I saw; or if it is someone else; or if it is some other heroic personae. Perhaps some evil enchanter has summoned a firey elemental to bring harm to this cities leading hero... <I fly in pursuit to investigate> <<flight power looks like moslty my face and a long thread of darkness trailing behind as if it was a basketball with a long 20 or 30 ft scarf.>>

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Hmm; is this the famous Batman; I wonder, I shall endevor to find out; <set off in pursuit to discover if this famous Batman is really the person I saw; or if it is someone else; or if it is some other heroic personae. Perhaps some evil enchanter has summoned a firey elemental to bring harm to this cities leading hero... <I fly in pursuit to investigate> <<flight power looks like moslty my face and a long thread of darkness trailing behind as if it was a basketball with a long 20 or 30 ft scarf.>>

The flying disc seems to be much slower than the fiery flyer who slips ahead even as the fleeing pair dips out of sight from your view they look like they're heading for the freeway.

The dsic hovers for a moment its momentum eased as you approach close enough to realise that the three aboard it one appears dressed in rags possibly due to some explosion the second looks like he/she is wearing a blue battlesuit whilst the third is literally fused to the disc itself...

He raises an arm upwards as a weird looking contraption seems to flow from the disc and up his body coalescing around the arm forming what looks like a missile launcher...

"Targetting fleeing heroes..." you barely hear the figure speak as a weird glow surrounds his arm...

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

<gm, what is the current weather please? Am thinking to change the weather a bit to ionize the air; some lightening; and clouds, rain in a good sized area so it doesnt seem so local; might help hide them; and mess up the intruments a bit; wind to make it harder for them to fly or target; things like that; needs to be large enough to help but not small enough to tell it came from me or to tear up buildings or whatnot. Not sure how much Amazing Weather Control can do; but think this might help the heroes, I think a lot of electrical discharge and and ions in the air would help confuse things.>

Slip behind a building and cast my weather spell centered where I last saw the heroes dip down if I can; but be hidden on a rooftop or something hehe maybe next to some cool gargoyles hehe.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

<gm, what is the current weather please? Am thinking to change the weather a bit to ionize the air; some lightening; and clouds, rain in a good sized area so it doesnt seem so local; might help hide them; and mess up the intruments a bit; wind to make it harder for them to fly or target; things like that; needs to be large enough to help but not small enough to tell it came from me or to tear up buildings or whatnot. Not sure how much Amazing Weather Control can do; but think this might help the heroes, I think a lot of electrical discharge and and ions in the air would help confuse things.>

Slip behind a building and cast my weather spell centered where I last saw the heroes dip down if I can; but be hidden on a rooftop or something hehe maybe next to some cool gargoyles hehe.

A somewhat calm night the darkness is illuminated by the city lights and of course the fire from further within the city now behind you.

A slight wind is about all currently keeping the temperature a somewhat cool 15' however New Proverbial's taste for gothic architecture make it a little eery especially at night.

(OOC: You can alter the current weather conditions so you could for example cause a torrential rain shower or even turn the wind into something like a hurricane think Storm of the X-Men actually she has the same level of power except yours is of course magic meaning it could lead to something far worse than a fierce storm...)

Manuevering into hiding amoung the higher levels of the inductrial district Maelidek reforms himself on a suitable landing adorned by ornaments whose nature is remarkable for mixing gothic art with modern building aesthetics.

The flying disc's operator has fired his arm weapon twice before the sudden change in weather forces him to concentrate on the controls of his vehicle.
The weapon discharges a pair of missiles that shoot off upwards caught in the updraft they seem almost precariously posed to come back down far too early but they seem to check their flight and pass harmlessly out of sight over the rooftops.

The other occupants of the disc, however are having greater trouble staying aboard the hovering vehicle...

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

<well; hopefully this will be thought of as a freak storm; NY once had a microblast a decade or so past that lasted only a few minutes but level trees for miles, if not; things could get interesting>

I leave the spell to dissapate in about 10 minutes; this should give the disk time to try to evade or escape; i will fly close to the ground headed in that direction where I lost sight of it; keeping building between me and the guys shooting; then look about and see if I can find any clues.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

<well; hopefully this will be thought of as a freak storm; NY once had a microblast a decade or so past that lasted only a few minutes but level trees for miles, if not; things could get interesting>

I leave the spell to dissapate in about 10 minutes; this should give the disk time to try to evade or escape; i will fly close to the ground headed in that direction where I lost sight of it; keeping building between me and the guys shooting; then look about and see if I can find any clues.

Fortunately the pair are holding on for dear life as the pilot is more concerned with keeping the disc from crashing however the fiery figure flying ahead of them seems little bothered by the freak weather seemingly blasting at something out of your sight as you are barely able to keep him in sight even as you try to catch up with whoever he's chasing and whether it was actually Batman you saw being carried.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

hmm; intrigue and powerful figures moving about; will certainly attempt candestine flying pursuit.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
hmm; intrigue and powerful figures moving about; will certainly attempt candestine flying pursuit.

A peal of thunder and flash of light echoes through the streets even as further alarms go off somewhere ahead of you in the direction of the freeway a violent explosion has added to the panic and mayhem looming this night.

Somewhere ahead a slim figure barely manages to maneuver his passenger in to the debatable safety beside the debris of a shattered motorway bridge before moving on as the wind and the rain soaked both.

And between them and Maelidek a fiery figure now barely managing to keep from ploughing threw the buildings that were being both engulfed in flame and then extinguished by the violent storm that had brewed right out of nowhere.

More fire engines and police car sirens add to the sound of the streets this night...

(OOC: The fiery flyer is having difficulty keeping airborne but not enough to stop him easing his anger on the buildings that are causing him to swerve and focus on his flying as the storm exasperates his temper)

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Continue to attempt to get close to those that are the target of the firey apparation; do I sense any magic from it; is it summoned or magically controlled? Am thinking perhaps it is an elemental or summoned beast; if so perhaps I can counterspell it and send it back or break its control; if it is just a flying guy like the human torch; well; then doubt i would sense any magic.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Continue to attempt to get close to those that are the target of the firey apparation; do I sense any magic from it; is it summoned or magically controlled? Am thinking perhaps it is an elemental or summoned beast; if so perhaps I can counterspell it and send it back or break its control; if it is just a flying guy like the human torch; well; then doubt i would sense any magic.

You don't sense any magic but if he was like the Human Torch the rain should have extinguished his flame which it hasn't

Maneuvering closer unlike the fiery flyer you find it easier to negotiate the city twists and turns and even though you know whoever this person is, isn't a rival mage he does appear to be constantly combusting as he flies the coroan of flame surrounding him is also steaming making it easier to spot him in the rain but you hesitate closing in before making sure you aren't being followed...

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I would like to get close enough to the crash to ascertain how wounded they are and how much they might be able to take or what defenses they might have, I am leary to get into a scrap with a guy that can outfly me and that I have little knowledge of; I would like to watch what develops so I can determine best course of action to help if these are indeed heroes or in any case, if this firey guy is a villian.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
I would like to get close enough to the crash to ascertain how wounded they are and how much they might be able to take or what defenses they might have, I am leary to get into a scrap with a guy that can outfly me and that I have little knowledge of; I would like to watch what develops so I can determine best course of action to help if these are indeed heroes or in any case, if this firey guy is a villian.

Moving slightly overhead and passing out of the fiery flyer's sight you notice the flying disc has also managed to regain control and is now climbing over the rooftops albeit not in your direction or there would be a risk of being spotted even in this weather.

Now in view is the now shattered freeway a bridge that used to pass across an aquaduct on its way to join the city road with the freeway is now so much debris, there's no sign of whoever these people were chasing but that doesn't hamper the fiery flyer who proceeds to blast away at the debris before flying over and past seemingly intent on making sure he doesn't miss whoever he was chasing.

Skater groaned.
The explosion may have not caught him as badly as Batman but he had been close enough to still feel the effects and the prolonged chase wasn't helping.
Now Bats was safely hidden it was up to him to lead these four... no five pursuers away from his erstwhile leader and hope the others would catch up before these guys overtook him.
The fifth pursuer was seemingly hanging back at least it looked that way but the pyrokinetic who had tried to surprise him on the rooftops was busy combusting as much of the debris as possible obviously trying to flush him out of hiding.
Skater frowned as he began to pick his way clear of the debris and into position so he could lead the villains away.
Calling upon his powers Skater shot out of hiding and followed the aquaduct towards the port hoping to reach cover before his pursuers picked him off...
"Analysing unusual weather phemomenon..." intoned the flying disc's pilot.
"Just concentrate on flying this heap of junk!" one of the passengers cursed.
The other passenger took this moment to leap across to the nearest rooftop before herself taking off using boot jets that however clumsy allowed her to move over the city even in the unexpected foul weather.
"Is it natural or the work of a power?" she intoned to the disc's pilot.
"No metahuman energy registered, possible supernatural origin, suggest activation of secondary backups... proceeding," he replied as the disc glittered as an energy field encompassed the disc but whilst it stabilised its flight the pilot looked noticeably fatigued.
"Can you continue?" Jetborne asked.
"Affirmative, sensors indicate target proceeding towards the port via the aquaduct," it replied shifting course to compensate.
Jetborne simply powered up her boot jets and accelerated along the same course hoping Combustion wasn't immolating too much of the city even in this rain he was going to cause far too much damage to be covered up.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Well, if the firey flying is moving away; I will wait a bit until he does, then proceed to the debris and look to see what the situation is; perhaps there is someone is need of help or some clue that survived so just what is going on.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Well, if the firey flying is moving away; I will wait a bit until he does, then proceed to the debris and look to see what the situation is; perhaps there is someone is need of help or some clue that survived so just what is going on.

Make an Intuition feat check and let me know what colour you rolled

The fiery flyer continues onwards then streaks along the aquaduct as if summoned by someone or perhaps directed by someone he's in contact with.

Meanwhile you pause to check out the debris thats all thats left of the link from the city to the freeway it also looks like some of the freeway was destroyed in the blast not that it helped that the fiery flyer set the debris on fire...

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I made a Remarkable Intuition roll. I dont have my books handy where I am; so I went to marvel rpg and did the roll there; didnt give me the color; sorry.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
I made a Remarkable Intuition roll. I dont have my books handy where I am; so I went to marvel rpg and did the roll there; didnt give me the color; sorry.

Let me know what you rolled but I've put two copies of the Feat table in the pbm discussion thread or try the following

Feat Table

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