Me'mori |

Remember everone, come visit the Chelixian thread. We're having barbeque andd cake...Devil's Food of course
*hands out cake
You may not see us, but we are here. You may not hear us, but our voices still reach your hearts. To strike at us is to cut water, we are as inexorable as the tide.
Your strength is as true as your cake.

Rexbo |

Well, I missed out on the coveted 16XX, and then missed out on any 1XXX. Now the 2XXX have come and gone, but I did get into the 3XXX range!
Trust me, if PFS fulfills the potential I am seeing with only the briefest of glances, the numbers will quickly get into 5 and 6 digits.
Those of us with 4 digits will become the rock stars of the Society. Wannabes throughout Golarion will want to touch our shirt sleeves and buy us free drinks. Lots of free drinks.
Life is looking good.

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Cpt_kirstov wrote:Just made her account - 6456Anyone have a rough idea of what the play numbers were for, say, Living Greyhawk?
Living Greyhawk ran for 8 years, so considering the time span and all those players who played merely one scenario... I think the amount could easily be doubled or even tripled. Who knows!

hogarth |

waynemarkstubbs wrote:Living Greyhawk ran for 8 years, so considering the time span and all those players who played merely one scenario... I think the amount could easily be doubled or even tripled. Who knows!Cpt_kirstov wrote:Just made her account - 6456Anyone have a rough idea of what the play numbers were for, say, Living Greyhawk?
Not to mention that there are players who have registered for a number, but haven't played in a Pathfinder Society game yet (like myself).

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Not to mention that there are players who have registered for a number, but haven't played in a Pathfinder Society game yet (like myself).
Or the "reserved" numbers that you can print out and give to people who play but haven't registered yet. I know I've handed out 10-15 of these in the past six months and while most have actually gone to the site and joined, a couple have not. So those numbers are held but no one is using them.

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I'm not one to give out specifics because, in my mind, as long as you're having fun playing the scenarios and we're still releasing them, what does it matter?
Why I think it's significant is if there's some magic number of active players/GMs that Paizo needs to hit in order to allocate more resources to the Pathfinder Society than they are currently. As far as I understand, Joshua is carrying this load by himself. Aside from assistance from contributors who probably are volunteering their time, it appears to the outsider that the Pathfinder Society is not currently a high staffing priority. Joshua is still wearing the Events Manager hat and probably has other non-titled responsibilities. How big does this have to get before PFS gets a dedicated staff? Has it been discussed? I'm concerned because Pathfinder Society is showing a lot of unrealized potential, in my mind partly because of Paizo's cost-conscious nature. So what happens if we hit 25,000 active & unique players? Will Joshua get an assistant? Should we all write Lisa Stevens a letter? What's former IUZ metaregion rep Jason Bulmahn doing after the Pathfinder RPG comes out? :) Rabble-rabble-rabble!

Joshua J. Frost |

Erik and I have discussed many times a magic number that gets me another employee--likely one who focuses on development of the scenario while I focus more on brand development and expansion. While we're not anywhere near that number yet, I will say that the growth of Pathfinder Society has surprised me more than once and our sales are steady and cover our costs.
What *you* can do as the community is help me help you. The more people that play, GM, and purchase scenarios the sooner I'll have more help. Encourage people to buy the scenarios as one-shot side treks for their home game. Play PFS at all of your local stores. Organize monthly game days at your local mall, school, library, game store, book store, etc. Find out where your local convention is being held and run some tables of Pathfinder Society there. We're small, but we have a lot of potential, as mentioned above, and I for one can't wait to see that potential realized.
But we have to start somewhere and right now that somewhere is small. With the release of PRPG, I think we'll see a huge influx of players, but in order to make that happen I need the community to be out there laying the groundwork right now. Trust me, I know who's working hard for Pathfinder Society and I'm trying my darndest to put a reward system in place for those folks. Until I can get it, all I can offer is my thanks. (Though, if you volunteer at Gen Con, I can offer product rewards as well!)
I love coming to work every day because of the work I and others are doing on the Society. We're not perfect, we may never be perfect, but at least we're fun. I hope we're fun, anyway. A lot of you seem to be having a good time with this and that's really what I wanted to do--bring people together with our products and have fun!

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Josh, as we were having our Sunday game at the FLGS, the owner came up to ask if we wanted to continue the Pathfinder Society Game Day in April. Of course we said yes. So on April 26 there will be another Game Day at Asgard Games in Houston just like the one scheduled for March 29. We are trying to generate interest. We had two people stop during the game to ask about Pathfinder. So it seems to be working.
Just my 2 cp.

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Given the response to the idea of PaizoCon UK I'd say that there's a lot of enthusiasm and support for Pathfinder Society here in the UK. It would be great to get any official support from Paizo for it. I'm currently running a home game of PFS and have run pathfinder games at 2 conventions now, planning to run it at another two before PaizoCon Uk too.